cover of episode 70. Ideas Fuel Innovation: Why Your First Ideas Aren’t Always the Best

70. Ideas Fuel Innovation: Why Your First Ideas Aren’t Always the Best

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Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

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Jeremy Utley
Jeremy Utley:人们普遍认为自己擅长想点子,但实际上,他们只是倾向于停留在第一个想到的点子上,而没有充分挖掘更多可能性。这源于人类大脑固有的思维定势,即所谓的“爱因斯坦效应”的反面。要提升创新能力,关键在于转变思维模式,从寻找‘正确答案’转向尽可能多地产生想法。为此,他提出了‘每日想法配额’的练习方法,鼓励人们每天至少想出十个解决方案,即使这些想法并非完美,也能有效训练大脑克服思维定势,提升创造力。他还强调了输入的重要性,建议人们积极接触新的信息和视角,例如通过‘奇思妙想漫步’来激发灵感,并与不同背景的人合作,从而获得更多元化的想法。此外,他还介绍了Mashup和类比法等创意生成方法,并指出,更具突破性的创意往往来自那些看似毫不相关的类比。最后,他还谈到了在组织中推动创新的策略,以及如何有效地沟通创意想法,强调情感在沟通中的重要性,建议从情感出发,而不是仅仅关注技术细节。 Matt Abrahams: 作为一名沟通技巧专家,Matt Abrahams 与 Jeremy Utley 就如何提升沟通技巧,特别是沟通创意想法的技巧进行了深入探讨。他认同情感在沟通中的重要性,并补充说明了在沟通中考虑时间因素的重要性,强调了‘何时’这一因素在沟通策略中的作用。

Deep Dive

Jeremy Utley discusses the importance of generating as many ideas as possible, emphasizing that very few problems have a single right answer and that all ideas are necessary inputs to the innovation process.

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What’s the secret to coming up with good ideas? For Jeremy Utley, it’s about generating as many as possible. 

The director of executive education at the Stanford, Utley) says, “very few problems we face in business or in life have a single right answer.” All ideas — the good, the bad, and the ugly — are “a necessary input to an innovation process,” and an essential step in getting to solutions that will actually work.

In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Utley and host Matt Abrahams explore how we can focus less on finding the “right” answer and open ourselves up to more innovative ideas.

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