cover of episode 140. Best of: How to Handle a Skeptical Audience

140. Best of: How to Handle a Skeptical Audience

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Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Bert Alper
Matt Abrahams
Bert Alper: 在与高管或斯坦福商学院的听众沟通时,如果遇到直接反对,首先要承认对方的担忧是合理的,这能有效缓和局势。然后,要给对方留出调整的空间,鼓励他们尝试并根据实际情况进行调整。最后,可以适度反驳,指出对方可能没有尝试过该方法,并鼓励他们尝试该方法的一部分,看看效果如何。 Bert Alper: 在准备阶段,要预想可能出现的反对意见,并制定相应的策略。例如,如果要改变公司的费用报告流程,就要预想到那些习惯于旧流程的人可能会提出的反对意见,并提前准备好应对策略。 Bert Alper: 反对意见可以分为情绪化反对和逻辑性反对两种。逻辑性反对关注的是具体的细节问题,而情绪化反对则是一种整体性的、难以言喻的不适感。在准备阶段,要准备好各种数据和方法来应对这些反对意见。 Bert Alper: 重新构建框架是一种在不承认失败的情况下回应反对意见的方法。例如,如果有人质疑产品中缺少某个功能,可以将讨论范围扩大到功能优先级的问题,然后在此基础上再回到核心问题。重新构建框架时,要确保仍然在回答对方的问题,而不是转移话题。 Bert Alper: 释义是处理反对意见的关键技巧。通过释义,可以确保双方在谈论同一个问题,建立共鸣,并为重新构建框架创造机会。释义要准确,但可以在框架上做一些调整。 Bert Alper: 在释义中,承认对方的情绪,但不必明确指出具体情绪。例如,可以说“我听到你有很多激情”,而不是“我听到你的愤怒”。 Bert Alper: 最好的沟通建议是:说出对方想听的内容,而非你想说的内容。 Bert Alper: 我欣赏奥普拉·温弗瑞的沟通技巧,她能够在真诚的基础上,灵活地调整语气和意图,既能温柔可爱,又能强势有力。 Bert Alper: 成功的沟通需要热情、准备和个性。 Matt Abrahams: 在与听众沟通时,要做好充分的准备,预想可能出现的反对意见,并制定应对策略。要区分情绪化反对和逻辑性反对,并准备好相应的应对方法。 Matt Abrahams: 重新构建框架和释义是处理反对意见的有效方法。重新构建框架时,要确保仍然在回答对方的问题,而不是转移话题。释义要准确,但可以在框架上做一些调整。 Matt Abrahams: 在释义中,承认对方的情绪,但不必明确指出具体情绪。 Matt Abrahams: 处理反对意见的能力在工作和生活中都至关重要,它有助于促进对话,而不是制造冲突。

Deep Dive

Bert Alper shares his approach to handling direct objections by acknowledging the concern, offering adjustments, and encouraging trial before dismissal.

Shownotes Transcript

Preparing to speak in front of a skeptical audience is more than thinking about objections beforehand – there are specific techniques you can use to respond to these challenging situations without sounding defensive, evasive, or dismissive. Here, we offer a few key tips for how to handle skepticism with aplomb.

In this podcast, host Matt Abrahams and Stanford GSB lecturer Burt Alper share how to prepare for these challenges from your audience and discuss the importance of tactics like acknowledging audience input, reframing responses, and how to remain cool, collected, and credible.

Episode Reference Links:

  • Burt Alper: Website)
  • Stanford Profile: Website
  • Ep.102 Create a Presence: How to Communicate in a Way Others Can Feel: Website) / YouTube
  • Ep.70 Keep ’Em Coming: Why Your First Ideas Aren’t Always the Best: Website) / YouTube
  • Original Episode - Ep.5 From Monologue to Dialogue: How to Handle a Skeptical Audience: Website) / YouTube)



(00:00:00) Introduction

Host Matt Abrahams introduces the episode and guest Burt Alper, a fellow strategic communication lecturer at Stanford GSB

(00:00:55) Handling Direct Objections

Confronting direct objections during presentations, particularly in professional settings like executive meetings or at the GSB.

(00:02:37) Preparation for Objections

The importance of preparation when anticipating objections and strategies for foreseeing potential pushbacks.

(00:03:50) Emotional vs. Logical Objections

Distinctions between emotional and logical objections and how these types of objections manifest in conversations.

(00:06:09) The Power of Reframing

The technique of reframing in objection handling and altering the context of a conversation to address concerns without conceding.

(00:08:17) The Role of Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing as a critical skill for clarifying and addressing objections, with the benefits of accurately restating concerns to ensure mutual understanding.

(00:12:11) The Final Three Questions

Burt Alper shares the best communication advice he’s received, a communicator he admires, and his ingredients for successful communication.

(00:14:55) Conclusion

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