cover of episode 14. Be Better At Work: How to Communicate Better With Coworkers and Employees

14. Be Better At Work: How to Communicate Better With Coworkers and Employees

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Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

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Bob Sutton
Bob Sutton: 在团队合作中,许多组织往往让正确的事情难以做到,而错误的事情却很容易做到,这导致了工作中的摩擦。领导者应该明确指出人们应该关注什么,不应该关注什么,并通过清晰、简洁、重复的沟通方式来减少摩擦。在团队合作中,应关注工作分配不均和任务交接问题,解决工作负担过重和人员边缘化的问题。远程办公使得人们将更完整的自我带入工作中,既带来了挑战也带来了机遇,需要关注小部分决策者快速决策,而忽略其他成员意见的风险。 有效的会议需要关注发言时间、陈述与提问比例以及心理安全感。领导者应该少说话,多提问,营造心理安全感,鼓励成员发言,特别关注那些沉默的成员。远程办公的最佳实践包括:控制节奏、减少视频会议、鼓励沉默者发言,并关注情绪和认知方面的疲劳。高效团队的规则是:找到快乐的人,并让他们发生冲突,在信任的氛围中进行建设性冲突,才能产生最佳方案。成功的领导者应该在自信的同时保持谦逊,并对新的意见持开放态度。 Matt Abrahams: 与Bob Sutton教授的讨论中,我学习到了许多关于高效团队合作和沟通的技巧,包括如何减少工作中的摩擦,如何提高会议效率,以及如何在远程办公环境下保持团队的凝聚力和效率。Bob Sutton教授强调了清晰简洁的沟通、领导者的角色、心理安全感的重要性以及在团队合作中平衡工作分配和任务交接的重要性。他还分享了在远程办公环境下的一些最佳实践,例如控制会议节奏、减少视频会议、鼓励沉默的成员发言等。此外,他还强调了在团队中进行建设性冲突的重要性,以及如何平衡自信和谦逊。

Deep Dive

Bob Sutton discusses the concept of 'friction' in organizations, where the right tasks are made too hard and the wrong ones too easy. He emphasizes the role of leaders in clearly directing attention and simplifying messages through repetition.

Shownotes Transcript

Most of the work we do requires coordinating and collaborating with others. But how can we ensure the benefits of working with others, while avoiding conflict that’s inherent to communicating within groups?

In this podcast episode, Matt Abrahams speaks with Bob Sutton, Professor of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford School of Engineering and GSB Professor of Organizational Behavior (by courtesy) about maximizing productivity while minimizing what he calls “friction.” “So many organizations make the right things too hard to do and the wrong things too easy,” Sutton says. “For communication, to me, a big part of a leader's job is to be clear about where people should focus attention and where they should not focus attention.” 

Think Fast, Talk Smart)* is a podcast produced by Stanford Graduate School of Business and hosted by Lecturer Matt Abrahams. Each episode provides concrete, easy-to-implement tools and techniques to help you hone and enhance your communication.*

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