cover of episode 110. Write It Well: How to Craft an Email to Capture Busy Readers

110. Write It Well: How to Craft an Email to Capture Busy Readers

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Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques

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Todd Rogers
Todd Rogers: 高效写作的核心在于为忙碌的读者节省时间,并使阅读体验更友好。这需要从读者的角度出发,采用简洁明了的语言,清晰的结构,以及易于导航的设计。 高效写作与传统意义上的优秀写作有所不同。高效写作更注重实际效果,需要适应读者浏览式的阅读习惯。这意味着需要在文章中添加结构,例如标题、关键信息置顶等,方便读者快速获取信息。此外,他还强调了'少即是多'的原则,建议删减不必要的文字和信息,提高读者参与度。 在语言风格上,Rogers 倡导使用简短、常见的词汇,简短的句子和简单的语法,使文章更容易阅读,更易于理解,也更具包容性。他还指出,在进行情感表达或说服之前,首先要确保读者能够关注并深入处理信息。 在写作技巧方面,他建议使用列表和项目符号来组织相关想法,方便读者浏览和理解信息。他还强调了写作中情境的因素,包括规范、地位和身份等,并建议领导者可以通过设定沟通规范来提高沟通效率,并保护地位较低者的利益。 最后,他总结了成功的沟通需要三个要素:明确的目标、了解情境和反复修改。 Matt Abrahams: 作为访谈的主持人,Matt Abrahams 与 Todd Rogers 就高效写作进行了深入探讨,并就写作技巧、读者参与度、以及不同写作情境下的策略交换了意见。他认同并补充了 Todd Rogers 的观点,并就一些具体问题提出了自己的看法和疑问,例如列表和项目符号的使用,以及表情符号在不同语境下的应用。

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Effective writing simplifies communication, saving readers time and making interactions more pleasant and efficient.

Shownotes Transcript

Whatever you’re writing, Todd Rogers says most people are too busy to read it. That’s why, he says, “you want to make it as easy as possible for them."

Rogers) is a professor of public policy at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and the author of the book Writing for Busy Readers: Communicate More Effectively in the Real World. From text messages to fundraising letters to political speeches, Rogers says effective writing makes it “easy for busy readers to navigate what we send them, pull out the key information, and do what they are planning to do anyway, which is move on to the next thing.” This kind of writing, Rogers says, is “more effective for us, and kinder to readers.”

In this episode of Think Fast, Talk Smart, Rogers and host Matt Abrahams explore how to use structure, simplicity, and everyday vocabulary to write in a way that saves readers time and transmits ideas more effectively.

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