cover of episode One Tree Thrill (Part 6)

One Tree Thrill (Part 6)

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Drama Queens

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一位播客主持人:在重温《One Tree Hill》时,她们通常会跳过片头曲,但在重温第一季第三集时,由于错过了跳过按钮,她们完整地观看了片头并哼唱了一部分。如果要选一个角色拍衍生剧,她会选Ellie Harp和Nick Wolf,讲述他们80年代巡演的故事,包括Ellie怀孕、Nick不负责任以及他们吸毒等内容。她们经常在Deluxe和Circa餐厅吃饭,她喜欢Circa的Beef Wellington,另一位喜欢那里的菲力牛排配蟹肉。由于工作繁忙,她们很少自己做饭。她以前会在冰箱里放很多酒,即使不常喝酒。Sophia经常举办派对,准备奶酪拼盘。在威尔明顿拍摄期间,剧组成员会举办牡蛎烤肉,这是一种她们以前从未体验过的南方文化。她们从《One Tree Hill》剧组学到了很多关于职业素养和人际关系的宝贵经验,例如准时到达、尊重他人、不在摄像机后方走动等等。她们在剧组的经历培养了她们成为优秀的制作人和团队成员,并树立了高标准。 另一位播客主持人:她同意选择Ellie Harp和Nick Wolf来拍衍生剧,并对80年代的故事很感兴趣。在剧组工作的经验教会她们要尊重他人,并理解每个人都在努力工作。她们保留了一些剧中穿过的服装,其中一位保留了一件剧中穿过的长袖T恤,现在作为睡衣穿着,另一位保留了两箱《One Tree Hill》相关的物品,包括Brooke在剧中穿过的几件金属条纹毛衣和Haley在最后一集中穿的白衬衫(这件衬衫实际上是她自己带来的)。《One Tree Hill》中的父母角色都给了她们很好的建议,其中她认为Moira给的建议最好,因为Moira关心她而不是工作。她认为Paul给的建议也很棒,因为他总是说实话,即使有时候有点粗鲁。Barbara对她们非常照顾,就像一位大姐姐一样。在真实的场所拍摄有助于演员更好地融入角色。她们很享受这次问答环节,并鼓励听众继续提问。

Deep Dive

The Drama Queens discuss whether they skip or sing along to the opening credits of One Tree Hill, sharing personal anecdotes and reactions to a humorous TikTok remix of the theme song.

Shownotes Transcript


You guys, can we talk about how incredible our skin is? It is our protector while also being a litmus test for how our body is doing physically and emotionally. Join host Nicole Berry as she unravels the mysteries around our skin on the new series Skin Queries, a podcast brought to you by Ruby Studio from iHeartMedia. Nutrition, sun exposure, stress.

She gets to the heart of how to make everybody glow from the inside out. Listen to Skin Queries on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Fashion but you're tough girl You can sit with us girl Drama queens, drama queens, drama queens Drama, drama queens, drama queens

Well, hello, ladies and gentlemen, and all of our friends at home. We are back for another special Q&A episode. Thank you all so much for sending in your questions. These are so fun to open. Yeah. I mean, honestly, it feels like getting past notes in class. Remember we would have to, what was that little thing that you would fold and then, you know, flip back and forth to figure out? Yeah, the little square thingy. You had to answer all the questions. I love notes. Your house. Passing notes. Yeah. You had to pick your house. Do kids even still do this? Oh, MASH. Yep. MASH. That's what it was. MASH.

MASH! God, that was fun. I like these questions because it feels like that. Yeah, it's like we're playing MASH with all you guys. You guys, I actually really love this question because we talked about this today. Loma asks, as you've rewatched, as you've reached season three in your rewatch, have you guys started to skip the opening credits or do you still watch and sing along each time? I don't watch the opening credits of any show.

Y'all, we skip. We skip. We skip. When we watched the first episode of season three, we actually missed the skip intro button and we had to watch the intro. We did sing a little, but... We did. I think for posterity's sake, we did. Yeah. We made some lemonade. Okay, hold on a second. I do love our intro song, but have you guys heard this thing on TikTok? This girl singing...

Our theme song, but with different lyrics? No. Okay. What is it? Please find this. It is so immature, and I freaking love it. And I've had people send it to me so many times. Hold on. I got to just bear with me for a moment. Saw this and thought it was pretty funny. Okay, hold on. I got to make sure my phone volume is up now. I feel like a grandma. Okay. Okay.

I can't hear what they're saying. She's saying, she's saying, I don't want to be crying and puking and pissing and shit. I lost it. Okay. I'm sending this to you.

I'm saying this to the both of you right now, but I just love that people know. They know. They're like, Hillary's going to love this. So now whenever I hear a theme song, this is what I think of. That's what you think of. I love that. From Michaela, if you could choose one character from One Tree Hill to do a spinoff, who would it be and why? There's a lot. My God, we had so many great characters. Who would have had a fun spinoff? I have my answer. I don't know.

Oh, go. Tell me. Prequel. Ellie Harp, Nick Wolf, On Tour, Sexy Time, Mid-80s. Yep. That's it. Done. Cosign. I'm ready for it. That's it.

Yep. That's what I want to see. That would be so fun, actually. I love prequels. I love a good prequel. A great era. Like them out on the road playing music, being sexy. She gets pregnant. He's a. Yeah. He's just a degenerate and he doesn't help her. And she's like, I'm on drugs. You know, it's moody. I would love to see all the parents in that era. Kevin Kilner.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. All right. Okay. Yeah, I would also just love a good 80s drama. I want more of that. Like that episode of Black Mirror, San Junipero, which was like 80s but also futuristic and time jumpy and crazy. I want a whole series of that. Yeah. That was a really good episode.

It's really good. We have a question from Jess. Jess wants to know what cast members had the best dinners after work and what were their go-to dishes? They weren't old enough to cook yet. No. We could order. I know that we were a dinner party age, but we...

I mean, we haunted Deluxe and Circa. Those two places, man. The Beef Wellington at Circa, I was obsessed with. I would get the filet with crab. Remember, that was so fancy, they put crab on it.

It probably came out of a jar. No, I'm sure it didn't. Deluxe had a good steak. They had a good fish. I loved going there. That was what we did, though. We didn't really like throw. I mean, I would attempt to cook sometimes. You worked 18 hours a day. Yeah, that was tough.

It wasn't, we didn't, that's kind of the last thing you want to do after you work a long day is go home and cook something. As much as I would love to be Audrey Hepburn who makes, you know, 50 pounds of spaghetti for an entire crew full of people. I just, I was exhausted. I couldn't do it. You know what I would do? When I lived above Firebelly, when we first started, Joy, I would just stock my fridge with liquor.

And I was not a drinker, so I didn't know what you're supposed to drink at different hours. And so I was drinking Bloody Marys at like 11 o'clock at night. And like, who wants a Bloody Mary? So cute. And everyone was like,

A Bloody Mary is like a meal, sort of. Bloody Mary is like an airplane, that is just an airplane, airport drink. I don't know what else you use that for. I love them. On a brunch day, I guess. Yeah, I can drink them at 11 o'clock at night. No, I feel like Sophia threw a couple parties that were great, and she always had like charcuterie. Like, Soph's real good at like, you know, putting a board together. Yeah.

that takes time and talent. You got to learn how to find the right things. And yeah, she's definitely one of those people knows how to just whip it right. I got to mix the colors up, all that kind of stuff. You know what I love is that quince paste. I discovered that in Wilmington. It's a little, you'll see it in cheese shops and,

It comes usually in a square jar or square thing. And it's like a pink, looks like pink gelatin. But it's quince jam, basically, but it's thicker than jam. It's between a gelatin and a jam, but it's not like Jell-O. It's harder. Yeah.

I don't know. It's quince paste. It's paste, but it's made out of quince. Quince paste. And it's yummy on crackers and cheese. You know what we had in Wilmington that was a first-time experience that I loved is that our crew members would have oyster roasts. And I had never been to one of those before.

And I always felt like a big dummy because I was like, I don't know what to do. But they would have like big fire pits with a big grate and they would put all the oysters on there and then they, you know, pop open when they're ready to go. That was cool. That was a cool cultural thing to get into. So fun. There's so many things about living in the South that I just adored.

Okay. Let's see. Jing asks, what was the best lesson? Were we about to ask the same question? Yeah. You and I are both drawn to the same question. They ask, what was the best lesson you learned from your experience on the set of One Tree Hill? Oh, so many things. Oh my gosh.

I think a lot, I mean, a lot of the lessons that we learned were just set behavior and, you know, hanging up your wardrobe when you're done at the end of the day and your trailer so they don't have to follow you around and look for your socks and, you know, where'd she throw the shirt and where'd, and, you know, being on, you know,

Being there on time, being, you know, how to behave, even the little things like don't stand behind the camera. Don't, if you, if you are behind the camera, don't move around. Don't watch the person who's performing. There's so many technical things that are such an, it's an invaluable lesson to be able to be on a show for that long and learn all these little things so that when you move on to other jobs, they know that you're a pro. They know you can just pick right up where everybody else is.

Yeah. It's a metaphor. All that stuff that you said, Joy, is a metaphor for understanding that there's always someone there earlier than you. And there's always someone there later than you. And if you move through the world understanding that other people are working harder than you, it makes you respect everyone around you, regardless of what profession you work in. Absolutely. Yeah. I think...

It really boils down to courtesy and respect and professionalism set a bar. You know, one of the things I love about all of us is the best of our experiences on this show taught us to be good producers and good team players. And we set a standard of excellence and that is meant to, you know, motivate and challenge us and those around us. It lets everybody know they're going to be respected in a space that

And I love that. Like, I want to set a high bar and then I want to learn stuff I don't know every day when I strive to hit it. Yeah. And showing up curious and humble, I think, is a really big deal as a professional in this industry. Yeah. Agree. What a question. Friends, we all...

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I think it's no secret to listeners of our podcast that we all love Squarespace over here because our lives are pretty chronically online. And I'm going to tell you, I needed a website and had absolutely no idea how to do it. And Squarespace made it really, really easy for me. And I sort of feel like if, you know, my all over the place creative brain can manage to actually

make a real website all by my lonesome, anybody can do it. Wouldn't you say? Listen, I wouldn't sell yourself short, but it is helpful to know that if you could do it starting from scratch, then maybe there's hope for me when I finally decide to build my own website. I can't wait.

Squarespace has the tools you need to create and sell your own online course. Start with a professional layout that fits your brand, upload video lessons to teach techniques and skills, and tailor your course with a powerful fluid engine editor. Create engaging content your audience will love and then simply add a paywall and set the price. You can charge a one-time fee or sell subscriptions. Turn your creativity into income with Squarespace courses. Yeah, and you can easily sell custom merch and create a passive income stream that engages your audience and scales your brand. Does

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Can we talk about how incredible our skin is? It protects us from the outside world while also being a litmus test for how our body's doing physically and emotionally. Our skin sends us important messages about our lifestyle, nutrition, and about how we feel. It plays such an important role in how we see ourselves and how the world sees us.

So let's shine a spotlight on our skin. Let's go deep into skin health, what it means, what it looks like, and how to have it. Join host Nicole Berry as she unravels the mysteries around our skin on the new series Skin Queries, a podcast brought to you by Ruby Studio from iHeartMedia.

With the help from people with real life stories and experts of all sorts, she gets to the heart of what makes us glow from the inside out. Listen to Skin Queries on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Take this as your sign to pencil in a vacay this fall and turn back-to-school season into back-to-beach season. Go to to find your next all-inclusive vacay offer and September 5th. Caitlin asks, do you have any outfits from the show that you kept? I've got some shirts. Oh, you know what I have? Do you know what I sleep in? Remember when we went to Honeygrove?

And we were on the bus. There's a long sleeve t-shirt. What the hell is the band? Is it like a Led Zeppelin shirt or something? I don't know. I sleep in it like once a week. Really? And I forget that it was on the show. But it's got like holes and shit in it now. But yeah, it was really, it was like super soft. I wanted it. Oh, I love that. I kept a lot of stuff, but not like, I don't know if I still have any.

I do. You do, yeah. Sophia has a whole closet. She has a storage unit somewhere. I've got two bins. In San Fernando. I have two bins. Yeah, I've got two bins of One Tree Hill stuff in the Valley. I have my cute little vintage pie-ette dress, also from Honeygrove. Ooh. I have... Oh, you kept that? I don't remember. Oh, yeah. I took stuff at the very end. Cool.

Cool. I've got, like, when Brooke had that crazy storyline, I guess it would have been, like, season six with Creepy Xavier. Yeah, when you got beat up by that dude? Yeah, I was wearing this, like, cool sort of metallic striped sweater in the parking garage, but because I had to get thrown on the ground so many times, they bought a bunch of them. So I have, like, three of them because I think I intended on, like, doing a giveaway at one of our first conventions, but then I couldn't come because I was stuck in Chicago. So I just, like, have these sweaters I've never given anyone.

And I have Brooke's like photo album that she goes through on her birthday. I have just like a bunch of little cute things. I have the, the, the white shirt that,

That I wore in the last episode on the beach. You know, that great outfit of Hayley on the beach. The best outfit ever? Yeah, the best outfit ever. I wish you had that whole outfit. I know. But that white shirt was actually mine. And I remember bringing it in. No way. Because I did a fitting and nothing that they had. I just didn't like any of it. And I was like, I was trying to explain what I wanted. And I think they had brought in a bunch of like white tanks. But they were...

Kind of that thick ribbed material. And I was like, hang on a sec. And I either it was in my car or I went home and got it or something. But I brought that in and we were like, I was like, let's just throw a bra under this and do this. And so we kind of put it all together. But I mean, that was my, my personal best outfit ever. I love this. You were the one that was like, this is how we're going to orchestrate this. Jenny wants to know out of all the tree Hill parents who offered the best advice for

Everybody gave great advice, honestly. Yeah. I mean, Moira, for me, I've already talked about how she was like, run, which got really bad for me. That's right. And I liked that she was giving advice to me. It wasn't Karen giving advice to Peyton Sawyer. It was like, hey, I care about you. I don't care about the job. Yeah. You know.

We were lucky that we had those people. Paul was that way too. Paul was always looking out for us, always, you know, looking to help out. And I do love that about him, that he's, you know, he's rough around the edges. And that's kind of part of the charm too, is that he just will say what he's thinking. He'll say it. And sometimes it, you know, it's a little like, oh God, your bedside manner could use a little, you know, that was like, ow. Yeah.

It doesn't make it untrue. You know, and, you know, you got to earn a tougher skin sometimes. But I could always count on him to say the truth of what the situation was. And...

And there are many times when he knows exactly how to couch things and, you know, wait and kind of pull you aside or whatever. So that was really great. Barbara was also a wonderful person to talk to. I mean, Barbara was there when I had to put my cat down. I called her because I didn't have a mom presence there in Wilmington at all. And so she was, I was like, I called her and she came over and sat with me when the vet came over. And she was always somebody that I could just go and talk.

just snuggle with. And I don't know, I just felt like she was looking out for all of us big time. You know, Barbara is one of the first people that knew I was pregnant with Gus because when she was pregnant with Olivia, she had to go get her amnio done. And she asked me to drive her and to go with her to that appointment. And so I felt so honored. I was like, oh my God, like, okay, yeah. Yeah.

And that was in my last season on the show. And so I went with her to this baby doctor. And I knew it was, like, super high-tech and, like, fancy. But I didn't know anything else outside of that. It was just like, Barbara's going to the best doctor in Wilmington. So when I got pregnant, I sent her an email. And I was like, hey, remember that doctor that we went to when you were having a baby? Like, I had a friend who was having a baby. Yeah.

what was that doctor's name? And she's like, well, you can tell your friend that was, you know, and they gave me the information and was so cool and kind of coy about it. You're right. Like Barb,

To me, Barb was always more like big sister energy than parent energy. Majorly. Yeah, she was a cool girl. Yeah, she's got a lot on her plate all the time, but she's one of those people that I feel like I could always call her no matter what. If I haven't talked to her in two, three years, I could still just pick up the phone and be like, Babs, I need you. And she's right there.

Do you remember when we announced to the cast that we were doing this podcast and she was the first person that wrote back and was like, hooray, I can't wait. Flooded our text box, our Instagrams, everything. Just, I'm so, so excited for you girls. Way to go. So proud of you. Yeah. Oh, I'm going to call her right now. I love her. Thank you, Jenny, for reminding me how much I love Barbara Allen Woods. Clara wants to know what's the shooting locations. If the shooting locations are real locations or on the stage. Yeah.

So many. I mean, so many. Oh, yeah. Like Peyton's Room, Haley and Nathan's Apartment, Karen's Cafe. What's a good question? So Karen's Cafe is a real location. It is a storefront on the corner of Front and Grace Streets in Wilmington. And I mean, God, we rented that for nine years. We just I guess we leased it. How crazy. Yeah.

But then Peyton's room and Hayley and Nathan's apartment, we built those on stages. But Peyton's room was tied into a very real house. Yes. Peyton's house and Hayley's house, the exteriors are right across the street from each other. And everything in Peyton's house had to match the

What was on the stage. So like the stairs had to be the same. The hallway had to be the same. Yeah. Especially when we got into later seasons where I was like, you know, where we were fighting psychoderic. Yeah. You had to be able to go from doing a scene in the house.

To three days later shooting the same exact sequence, but the second half of it on the stage, on the bedroom, which could get super confusing. But what I will say is that the guy who lives in Peyton's house, um,

We just watched an episode where Peyton is like screaming at her dad and they're like flying out of the back, the back door. They had just had a baby and we like this baby needed to nap and we're like slamming doors and stuff. And I'm so apologetic. And his in-laws were over. So every time I would have to be like, God, dad, you're like the worst and slam the doors and run in the house. His whole family was sitting in the kitchen because they were all there to see the new baby. And I'd have to be like,

So the duality of like playing house with people and screaming, that's the best part about shooting on a real location. It's real life. Yeah. Yeah. It feels real. It actually helps. I love the feeling of being in a real space because it helps me connect because it's real. You know, a set is always going to feel like a set and you can find your way into the reality of the moment, but it does help to have a very actual real space around you. For me, it does.

Yeah, me too. It really helps you suspend your disbelief. Yeah. Thank you guys so much for sending these in. Keep them coming because I like doing these. Yeah, what a blast. Bye, guys. Yeah. Hey, thanks for listening. Don't forget to leave us a review. You can also follow us on Instagram at DramaQueensOTH. Or email us at DramaQueens at See you next time. High school drama girl drama about them high school queens.

and our comic girl. Drama queen. Cheering for the right team. Drama queen. You can scream in small fashion, but you're tough, girl. You can sit with us, girl. Drama queen. Drama queen. Drama queen. Drama, drama queens. Drama queen.

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Oh, I love everything about being in my 40s. I feel more successful. I love like my work. I love my family. I like I feel so secure in everything except some of my hormones. And and what I'm learning is that everything is tied to this like gut health and internal health. And so when I can find a company that.

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