cover of episode True Spies: Debriefs - David Tyson on life for Afghans after The Taliban won

True Spies: Debriefs - David Tyson on life for Afghans after The Taliban won

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True Spies: Espionage | Investigation | Crime | Murder | Detective | Politics

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
David Tyson
David Tyson: 本期节目主要讲述了David Tyson在阿富汗战争后,特别是2021年美国撤军后,如何帮助他曾经在阿富汗合作的盟友及其家人。他详细描述了与这些阿富汗人的长期关系,以及在塔利班重新掌权后,他们面临的危险和挑战。他讲述了如何通过各种渠道与他们取得联系,并与其他前中情局官员和Mike Spann的遗孀Shannon Spann一起,成立了一个名为Badger Six的非营利组织,为这些阿富汗人提供帮助。他详细介绍了Badger Six的工作,包括资金筹集、与美国国务院合作办理签证,以及为阿富汗人提供资金和住所等方面的援助。他还谈到了这些阿富汗人在美国的生活,以及他们对美国的态度。他强调,这些阿富汗人对美国没有怨恨,反而对美国在过去20年里提供的帮助表示感激。最后,他还呼吁人们为Badger Six提供资金或志愿者帮助,帮助阿富汗盟友在美国安家。 Morgan Childs: Morgan Childs作为主持人,引导David Tyson讲述了他的经历和Badger Six的工作。她提出了许多问题,帮助观众更好地了解David Tyson的经历和Badger Six的工作。

Deep Dive

David Tyson, a retired CIA officer, discusses how the return of the Taliban in Afghanistan has impacted his work with Badger Six, a charity he runs to help Afghan allies. He reflects on his career with the CIA and the formation of Badger Six to assist those left behind under Taliban rule.

Shownotes Transcript

New from SPYSCAPE Studios - True Spies: Debriefs. In each of these new episodes, we'll dive back behind the scenes with some of our favourite True Spies, from episodes past.

This week, ex-CIA officer David Tyson gives an update on how the return of The Taliban in Afghanistan, and the changing politics of the Middle East more broadly, has affected his work with Badger Six; a charity he runs to help Afghan allies.

From SPYSCAPE, the HQ of secrets. A Cup And Nuzzle production. Series producer: Joe Foley. Produced by Morgan Childs.

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