Anna Funder
Rhianna Needs
Rhianna Needs: 本集讲述了艾琳·奥沙格尼西在1937年西班牙内战期间,如何不顾自身安危,保护其丈夫乔治·奥威尔免受斯大林主义者的迫害的故事。艾琳在巴塞罗那的经历充满了危险和挑战,她要面对残酷的警察、斯大林主义间谍以及弥漫的政治恐怖气氛。她不仅要保护自己的安全,还要想方设法警告奥威尔,并将他从敌人的魔爪中解救出来。艾琳的行动体现了她的勇气、智慧和对丈夫的爱。 Anna Funder: 本书《Wifedom》深入探讨了艾琳·奥沙格尼西的生平和她对奥威尔生活的影响。艾琳在西班牙内战期间的经历,以及她所面临的政治恐怖、逮捕和暗杀的险境,都展现了她非凡的勇气和智慧。她不仅在工作中发挥了重要作用,还积极地为前线战士提供物资援助,甚至不惜借钱给上司。艾琳的行动体现了她在逆境中的坚韧和对正义的追求。同时,本书也揭示了当时西班牙的政治局势和斯大林主义的残酷,以及普通人在极权统治下的反抗和生存。 Anna Funder: 奥威尔传记作家对艾琳的关注度不足,也没有解释奥威尔为何故意将她排除在其作品之外。作者认为,从艾琳的角度出发,可以讲述一个不同的故事,展现她对奥威尔生活和创作的巨大影响。

Deep Dive

Eileen O'Shaughnessy, George Orwell's wife, played a crucial role in his life and work, yet her contributions are often overlooked by biographers. Her influence on Orwell's writing and personal life is explored, highlighting her intelligence, writing skills, and the challenges she faced during their time in Spain.

Shownotes Transcript

It's 1937. The Spanish Civil War is raging, and author George Orwell is fighting on the Socialist front. But as Orwell lives out his anti-Fascist adventure, his wife, Eileen O'Shaughnessy, is embroiled in a subtler conflict. At the headquarters of the Workers' Party of Marxist Unification in Barcelona, she's dealing with a brutal police force, Stalinist spies, and an atmosphere of political terror. And on top of all that, it's up to her to stop her husband falling into enemy hands...

From SPYSCAPE, the HQ of secrets. A Cup And Nuzzle production. Series producer: Joe Foley. Produced by Louise Sinnerton. Music by Nick Ryan.

Anna Funder is the author of Stasiland and Wifedom:

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