John Delury
Sofia Di Martino
Sofia Di Martino: 本期节目讲述了冷战时期,两名CIA特工在中国执行秘密任务时被捕,以及他们被关押和最终获释的故事。该事件涉及到复杂的政治博弈、个人的韧性以及母爱的力量。 John Delury: 详细讲述了事件的来龙去脉,包括CIA的“墨林行动”、特工的训练、任务的失败、被捕后的审判、美国政府的反应以及中国政府的策略。他还强调了Downey母亲在争取儿子释放过程中所扮演的关键角色,以及美国政府在处理此事件上的前后矛盾。 John Delury: 深入分析了冷战时期美国和中国之间的政治关系,以及此事件如何反映出两国之间的不信任和对抗。他指出,CIA对中国局势的低估,以及对中国民众支持新政府的程度缺乏了解,导致了“墨林行动”的失败。他还描述了Downey在狱中经历的心理变化,以及他母亲为争取探望和最终释放儿子所付出的巨大努力。

Deep Dive

Two CIA officers, Dick Fecteau and Jack Downey, are captured in China after their plane is ambushed during a secret mission to extract an undercover agent. Their capture marks the beginning of a long ordeal that spans decades.

Shownotes Transcript

When two CIA officers were captured in an ambush on Chinese territory, it seemed as though their story was over. In fact, their ordeal had only just begun. Two decades later, their fates still hung in the balance between the power-players of Beijing and Washington.

Professor John Delury, a historian of China and US-China affairs, joins Sophia Di Martino to discuss one of the great forgotten stories of the Cold War. A tale of resilience, complex political gamesmanship, and the transforming power of a mother's love.

From SPYSCAPE, the home of secrets. A Cup And Nuzzle production. Series producers: Gemma Newby, Joe Foley. Produced by Frank Palmer. Music by Nick Ryan.

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