cover of episode US bombs Yemen, Israel continues attacks at Gaza hospital

US bombs Yemen, Israel continues attacks at Gaza hospital

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The Take

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#geopolitical conflict#gaza conflict#israeli-palestinian conflict#investigative journalism#international relations#political and social commentary#political commentary#political discourse#political rhetoric#political debate People
David Enders
Lina Abu Akleh
Mohamed Al-Atab
Mohammad Hadji
Rasul Serdar
@David Enders : 本期节目关注以色列持续对加沙、黎巴嫩和叙利亚的军事行动。报道了加沙北部医院遭到袭击,以及持续的人道主义危机,包括大规模人员伤亡和基础设施破坏。同时,也报道了也门冲突和叙利亚新政府的组建。 @Hossam Abu Safiyyah : 卡马尔·阿德万医院,加沙北部最后一所运作的医疗机构,正遭受猛烈袭击。医院的ICU、产科和护理部门都遭到炮火和无人机袭击。医院即将被疏散,这将对当地居民造成灾难性影响。呼吁国际社会立即干预,保护医疗系统。 @Lina Abu Akleh : 加沙地带的局势极其严峻,尸体堆积如山,许多家庭被注销登记。除了持续的轰炸,饥饿也正在夺取生命,联合国估计96%的妇女和儿童营养不良。 @Mohamed Al-Atab : 胡塞武装继续袭击红海船只,导致许多船只改走绕过非洲的更长航线。也门也遭到美英战机的空袭。 @Rasul Serdar : 叙利亚新领导人艾哈迈德·沙拉任命了两位新部长:哈桑·谢巴尼(外交部长)和穆拉夫·阿布·卡斯拉(国防部长)。这两位部长都与艾哈迈德·沙拉关系密切,并且都来自HTS。 @Mohammad Hadji : 伯利恒的圣诞庆祝活动受到加沙战争的严重影响,当地居民无法在亲人遭受苦难时庆祝节日。 @巴勒斯坦民众 : 由于加沙的战争,西岸的巴勒斯坦人无法庆祝圣诞节,他们无法在同胞被屠杀的时候庆祝。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

We are coming to you on Sundays with weekly roundups as Israel's war in Gaza and Lebanon continues. Israel killed dozens in north Gaza. Israel escalated its bombing of Syria. Benjamin Netanyahu's corruption trial continued. It is day 443 of the war in Gaza, where more than 45,097 Palestinians have been killed.

In this episode:

  • Lina Abu Akleh, (@linaabuakleh) Al Jazeera Correspondent 
  • Mohamed al-Attab, Al Jazeera Correspondent 
  • Resul Serdar, (@ResulSerdarAtas) Al Jazeera Correspondent
  • Mohammed Haji, (@hxji99) Al Jazeera Producer


This episode was produced and mixed by David Enders. Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Our lead of audience development and engagement is Aya Elmileik and Adam Abou-Gad is our engagement producer. Alexandra Locke is The Take’s executive producer. Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera's head of audio.

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