cover of episode Israel extends ceasefire under US terms, Hamas yet to respond

Israel extends ceasefire under US terms, Hamas yet to respond

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The Take

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#israeli-palestinian conflict#gaza conflict#conflict avoidance and confrontation#jewish-arab tensions#geopolitical conflict#political and social commentary#international relations#terrorism#political violence People
David Enders
Hamdah Salhut
Hani Mahmoud
Hind Khoudary
Laura Khan
@David Enders : 我是David Enders,这是《The Take》。我们每周日都会为您带来以色列在加沙、黎巴嫩和叙利亚战争的每周总结。以色列接受了美国的提议,继续在加沙停火,而哈马斯尚未回应。以色列释放了服刑时间最长的巴勒斯坦囚犯。今天是3月2日,星期日,加沙战争已经持续了513天,超过48388名巴勒斯坦人丧生。 这是对当前局势的一个概述,突出了停火、人道主义危机和囚犯释放等关键事件。我们采访了多位记者,他们提供了来自加沙和约旦的现场报道,以及对局势的分析。 我们还讨论了停火协议的细节,包括释放囚犯和未来谈判的挑战。此外,我们还关注了加沙的人道主义状况,以及巴勒斯坦人民面临的挑战。 @Hind Khoudary : 巴勒斯坦人非常紧张,他们觉得这次停火非常脆弱。今天,巴勒斯坦人应该进入另一个阶段,在这个阶段,拉法过境点将开放,更多的重建工作将在实地展开。但是,我们还需要知道,巴勒斯坦人仍在行动,仍在努力前往他们的家园,重建他们所能重建的一切,修复他们所能修复的一切。现在,有些巴勒斯坦人的家园仍然驻扎着以色列军队,他们无法回家。我们还需要知道的是,以色列F-16战斗机和以色列无人机正在空中盘旋。这也让巴勒斯坦人感到有点紧张,他们担心随时可能遭到以色列军队的袭击。 我的报道主要关注加沙地带巴勒斯坦人的生活状况,以及他们对停火协议的看法。我强调了他们面临的挑战,包括重建家园、获得援助和确保安全等。 @Hamdah Salhut : 以色列总理办公室发表声明说,在接受美国提出的建议后,以色列已同意延长该协议的第一阶段。在这个阶段,战斗将停止,持续整个穆斯林斋月和犹太人的逾越节。斋月在三月底或四月初结束,逾越节在四月中旬开始,在四月二十日结束。在此期间,一半的以色列俘虏将在第一天获释,共有59人。以色列军方表示,大约一半的人已经死亡,还有19人。 在此期间,还将就第二阶段进行谈判。由于双方存在严重的症结,因此出现了相当有趣的僵局。哈马斯表示,他们不希望延长第一阶段,而是希望进入第二阶段,他们准备释放所有剩余的以色列俘虏。以色列人表示,他们随时准备重开战火,并得到美国的保证。但是,以色列人仍然有很多底线,他们不愿同意第二阶段,甚至更不愿开始第三阶段的讨论,因为这意味着战争结束,然后重建加沙和巴勒斯坦地区的治理。 @Hani Mahmoud : 即使在加沙和该地带北部的人们返回家园后,他们回来时几乎一无所有。他们最终会进入其他疏散区或帐篷营地,而不是他们的家园。因此,这加剧了他们永久流离失所的感觉。由于食品短缺和对援助的封锁,许多巴勒斯坦人在斋月的第一天不得不吃他们能找到的任何东西来开斋。由于卡里姆·阿布·萨利姆过境点对援助的阻碍,以及允许进入加沙地带的物资种类,过去一个月以来,许多必需食品都严重短缺。到目前为止,我们注意到的是,更多的是补充物资,而不是人们维持生命真正需要的东西,更不用说现在是斋月了。 我的报道集中在加沙地带的人道主义状况,以及由于持续的冲突和封锁而造成的食品短缺和援助不足。我强调了巴勒斯坦人民面临的挑战,以及他们如何应对这些挑战。 @Laura Khan : 以色列本周将长期服刑的巴勒斯坦囚犯尼尔·巴尔古蒂流放到埃及。我报道了巴尔古蒂的妻子伊曼·纳菲被禁止从被占领的约旦河西岸前往埃及与他会面。 服刑时间最长的巴勒斯坦囚犯,他在以色列监狱服刑45年后,于周四作为与以色列交换囚犯协议的一部分获释并被流放。从被限制在监狱里和他说话,到如今只能通过屏幕告诉他她想念他,因为她被禁止离开被占领的约旦河西岸。他获释后的第一条信息是抵抗的象征。他表示,世界上每一个巴勒斯坦人都必须知道,残酷的以色列占领永远不会持续下去,巴勒斯坦将完全解放。但他最优先考虑的是忠诚的象征,他给妻子寄了一枚结婚戒指,以替代一枚被以色列狱警没收的戒指。巴尔古蒂于1978年被捕,因参与袭击以色列军队而被判处无期徒刑。获释后,他成为97名被以色列流放到埃及的获释囚犯之一。当他的妻子试图加入他的行列时,她被以色列军队拦住了。但她重聚的决心没有改变。她说,她确信她会再次见到他。

Deep Dive

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I'm David Enders, and this is The Take. We're coming to you on Sundays with weekly roundups as Israel's war in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria continues. Israel adopted a U.S. proposal to continue a ceasefire in Gaza, while Hamas has yet to respond. Israel has released its longest-serving Palestinian prisoner. Today is Sunday, March 2.

It is day 513 of the war in Gaza, where more than 48,388 Palestinians have been killed. Israel has endorsed a U.S. proposal for an extension of a ceasefire in Gaza after the first phase of an agreement reached in January expired on Saturday without the completion of negotiations on how the second phase would be implemented. Al Jazeera's Hind Hodri reported from Han Yunis in southern Gaza.

Palestinians are very stressed and they feel that this ceasefire is very fragile. Today, Palestinians were supposed to go to another phase, the phase where the Rafah crossing is going to open and more reconstruction progress is going to...

start being implemented on the ground but what we also need to know the palestinians are still on the move still trying to go to their houses and to rebuild whatever they can rebuild and fix whatever they that they could rebuild now there are palestinians that still have homes where the israeli forces are still stationed and they are unable to reach their homes and what we also need to know is there

are Israeli F-16s and Israeli drones hoovering in the sky. And this is also making Palestinians feel a little bit stressed that in any minute, the Israeli forces can target any place across the Gaza Strip.

Al Jazeera's Hamda Salhoud reported on the ceasefire from Amman, Jordan, as both the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority have banned Al Jazeera from operating in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli Prime Minister's office released a statement saying that Israel has agreed to extend phase one of the deal following a proposal by the Americans. During this phase, the fighting would stop.

throughout the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and the Jewish holiday of Passover. Ramadan ends at the end of March, early April, and Passover begins mid-April, ending on the 20th of that month. During this extension, half of the Israeli captives would be released on the first day of it. There are 59 left. The Israeli military says that around half are deceased and 19

During this time as well, there would be negotiations for phase two. There has been quite an interesting impasse because there are heavy sticking points from both sides. Hamas has said that they do not want an extension of phase one, but rather want to move on to phase two in which they are prepared to release all of the remaining Israeli captives. The Israelis say that they're prepared

prepared to go back to the fighting at any point in time and that they have U.S. guarantees to do so. But nonetheless, there are still a lot of red lines for the Israelis who've been reluctant to agree to a phase two and even more reluctant to start discussions for a phase three because it would mean an end to the war and then rebuilding Gaza and governance in the Palestinian territory. Friday marked the beginning of the second Ramadan since the beginning of the war.

Al Jazeera's Hani Mahmoud reported from Jabalia in northern Gaza. Even with people returning to their homes in Gaza and the northern part of the Strip, they're coming back to pretty much nothing. They end up in other evacuation zones or in tents sites that are not at the site of their homes. So this is something that has been feeding into their permanent sense of permanent displacement. And with the shortage of food and blockade on aid, a lot of Palestinians

first day of Ramadan they were forced to break their fast on whatever they are able to have across the Gaza Strip. There is definitely shortage on many of the essential food supplies. That is something that has been going on for the past month due to the obstruction on the entry of aid from a Karim Abu Salim crossings as well as the kind of supplies that are being allowed into the Gaza Strip. So far what we're noticing is more of the complimentary stuff

over what's really essential and needed for people to sustain their life, let alone now in month of fasting. Israel this week released Palestinian prisoner Nile Barghouti into exile in Egypt. Laura Hahn reported on how Iman Nafe, Barghouti's wife, has been banned from traveling from the occupied West Bank to meet him.

The longest-serving Palestinian prisoner, he was held in Israeli jails for 45 years before being released and exiled as part of a prisoner exchange deal with Israel on Thursday. From being restricted to speaking to him behind bars, a man now relies on a screen to tell him she misses him after she was banned from leaving the occupied West Bank.

His first message on release from jail was one of resistance. Every Palestinian in the world must know that the brutal Israeli occupation will never stay forever and that Palestine will be totally liberated.

But his first priority was a symbol of devotion, sending a man a wedding ring to replace one that had been confiscated by Israeli prison guards. Bar-Guthi was arrested in 1978 and sentenced to life in prison for taking part in attacks against the Israeli military. After his release, he was among 97 released prisoners who had been exiled to Egypt by Israel.

When a man tried to join him, she was turned back by Israeli forces. But her determination to be reunited hasn't changed. She says she's sure she'll see him again. And that's The Take for Sunday, March 2. Please join us again tomorrow. This episode was produced and mixed by me, David Enders. Our sound designer is Alex Roldan.

Alexander Locke is the take's executive producer, and Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera's head of audio.