cover of episode Gaza ceasefire talks in Doha, Israel continues blocking aid

Gaza ceasefire talks in Doha, Israel continues blocking aid

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#israeli-palestinian conflict#gaza conflict#geopolitical conflict#political and social commentary#freedom and autonomy#historical reconciliation#political campaign dynamics People
David Enders
Hamda Salhout
Mohammad Haji
Rosalind Jordan
@David Enders : 我是戴维·恩德斯,这是《The Take》播客。我们每周日都会为您带来以色列在加沙、黎巴嫩和叙利亚战争的每周总结。目前,多哈正在就加沙停火协议的下一阶段进行谈判,而以色列却持续封锁援助,并对被占领的西岸地区进行袭击。 本期节目报道了加沙战争的第520天,已有超过48453名巴勒斯坦人丧生。我们采访了多位记者,他们报道了这场冲突的最新进展,以及对平民的影响。 我们还讨论了美国在调解停火协议中的作用,以及国际社会对这场冲突的回应。 @Hamda Salhout : 以色列总理办公室发表声明,证实以色列将派遣谈判代表团前往多哈,与调解员会面,讨论停火协议的后续事宜。以色列表示,他们希望延长第一阶段协议,以尽可能多地释放被俘人员,但没有承诺进入第二阶段。哈马斯此前表示,这是他们的底线,他们达成的协议分多个阶段,目的是结束战争。但以色列已经切断了进入加沙地带的所有人道主义援助,以此向哈马斯施压,迫使其屈服于以色列的要求。尽管如此,以色列总理仍然面临着被俘以色列人家庭成员的巨大压力,他们指责总理为了个人和政治利益而延长战争。他们说,第二阶段协议是确保释放加沙剩余被俘人员的唯一途径。 @Tareq Abu Azoum : 我们在加沙南部城市汉尤尼斯可以看到危机的迹象,包括该市六家主要面包厂由于缺乏燃料和生产面包及其他必需品所需的天然气而暂停服务。值得注意的是,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡将此举作为向哈马斯施压的策略。我们的平民正在承受以色列方面为获得更多政治影响力而采取的这一政治措施的沉重打击。 @Rosalind Jordan : 美国中东特使斯蒂芬·威特科夫将在未来几天前往中东。这是因为美国非常希望看到以色列和哈马斯之间的停火协议从第一阶段过渡到第二阶段。美国非常希望,部分地,让剩余的被俘者脱离哈马斯的控制,并确保释放那些在加沙战争500多天里已经死亡的被俘者的遗体。威特科夫预计不仅会在以色列和哈马斯周一在多哈开始更多谈判时参与其中,而且他还可能参与在沙特阿拉伯进行的关于试图结束中东,甚至乌克兰战争的持续会谈。这一切都发生在美国透露它已经与哈马斯直接接触,了解被关押在加沙的剩余被俘者的状况之际。这表明美国愿意无视以色列的立场。 @Mohammad Haji : 尽管以色列军队袭击并部分摧毁了纳布卢斯的阿尔纳斯尔清真寺,但宣礼的呼唤仍然响彻纳布卢斯。这座清真寺是纳布卢斯老城的地标性建筑,最初是一座罗马时代的教堂,但在800多年前改建成了清真寺。纳布卢斯位于被占领的约旦河西岸北部,一直是以色列袭击的频繁目标。房屋被拆毁,道路被破坏,数万名巴勒斯坦人被迫逃离家园。

Deep Dive

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I'm David Enders, and this is The Take. We're coming to you on Sundays with weekly roundups as Israel's war in Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria continues. Negotiations are expected in Doha over the next phase of the ceasefire in Gaza. Israel continues to block aid. Israeli raids continued in the occupied West Bank.

Today is Sunday, March 9. It is day 520 of the war in Gaza, where more than 48,453 Palestinians have been killed. Israeli negotiators are expected in the Qatari capital of Doha on Monday, with the hopes that an agreement can be reached on how to implement the second phase of a ceasefire with Hamas. Here's Al Jazeera's Hamda Salhout.

The Israeli prime minister's office has released a statement confirming that Israel will dispatch a negotiating team to Doha in order to meet with mediators to see what's going to come next as part of the ceasefire deal. Israel says they want to extend phase one of the deal in order to bring about the release of as many captives as possible, but without committing to phase two. Hamas has said previously that this is a red line for

for them that they entered into this deal that's in multiple phases in order to reach an end of the war. But Israel has gone so far as to cut off all humanitarian aid entering the Gaza Strip for around a week now in order to put that pressure on Hamas to cave to Israel's demands. But nonetheless, there's still so much pressure on the Israeli prime minister from family members of Israeli captives who are accusing the premier of prolonging the war for his own personal and political gain. They say that

Phase two of this deal is the only way to ensure the release of the remaining captives in Gaza. Israel is continuing to block aid to Gaza. Al Jazeera's Tarek Abu Azoum reported on Sunday from the southern Gaza city of Han Yunis.

We can absolutely see different signs of a crisis that had started to loom recently in the territory, including that six central bakeries in the city of Hadoudis have suspended their services to thousands of families due to the lack of fuel and essential gas required for the production process of bread and all essential needs for those populations. It's worth noting and reminding ourselves and our viewers that

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has used this step as a clear tactic to pressure Hamas. Our civilians have been bearing the brunt of this political step that has been taken by the Israeli side just only to gain more political leverage. U.S. President Donald Trump's envoy is expected to travel to the Middle East this week. Al Jazeera's Rosalind Jordan reported from Washington on Saturday on what is expected from his trip.

The U.S. Special Envoy to the Middle East, Stephen Witkoff, is going to be in the Middle East in the coming days. And that's because the U.S. is very keen to see the movement from Phase 1 of the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

to phase two. The U.S. is very keen to, in part, get the remaining captives out of Hamas's control, as well as to secure the release of the remains of those captives who have died during the more than 500 days that the war has been going on in Gaza.

Wyckoff is also expected to not only be engaged as the Israelis and Hamas start more negotiations in Doha on Monday, but he may also be taking part in ongoing side conversations in Saudi Arabia about trying to end the war in not the Middle East, but in Ukraine.

It all comes as the U.S. reveals that it has made direct contact with Hamas about the status of the remaining captives being held inside Gaza. That is an indication that the U.S. is willing to ignore

Israeli forces this weekend continued their assault in the occupied West Bank, including setting fire to a mosque in Nablus. Al Jazeera's Mohammad Haji filed this report on efforts to rebuild.

The call to prayer still rings defiantly through Nablus' Al-Nasr Mosque, despite Israeli forces storming and partially destroying the mosque on the first Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The mosque is a landmark in Nablus' old city, originally a Roman-era church, but converted to a mosque more than 800 years ago.

Nablus is in the northern occupied West Bank, which has been the target of an increasing number of Israeli assaults. Homes have been demolished, roads destroyed and tens of thousands of Palestinians forced to flee.

And that's The Take for Sunday, March 9. Please join us again tomorrow. This episode was produced and mixed by me, David Enders. Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Alexandra Locke is The Take's executive producer. And Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera's head of audio.