cover of episode Can AI save endangered Indigenous languages?

Can AI save endangered Indigenous languages?

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The Take

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#artificial intelligence and machine learning#language evolution#cultural heritage#social issues#educational#ai privacy concerns#language learning People
Danielle Boyer
@Danielle Boyer : 我是来自苏族尼希纳贝部落的机器人教育家,从小在经济条件不好的环境下长大,这让我对科学和技术教育充满热情。我创立了一个名为STEAM Connection的青年慈善机构,为土著青年提供免费的科学和技术教育。我对使用人工智能来保存土著语言持谨慎态度,因为目前AI模型的训练数据存在不准确性,而且很多AI工具缺乏对语言语境的理解。许多土著语言是基于语境的,例如,在我的语言中,蓝莓派这个词非常长,因为它包含了蓝莓派所有成分的描述。AI难以处理这种语言的复杂性,也无法替代人与人之间的语言交流。此外,很多公司和机构在收集和使用土著语言数据时,缺乏对文化和伦理的尊重,甚至存在盗用数据的情况。我发明了SkoBot机器人,它可以帮助孩子们学习土著语言,但它使用的是一种符合伦理的AI,不会从互联网上提取数据,而是使用我们自己创建的音频记录。SkoBot旨在补充日常语言教育,并鼓励孩子们学习和使用自己的语言。 @Kevin Hurtin : 作为主持人,我引导了与Danielle Boyer的对话,探讨了使用AI技术保存濒危土著语言的可能性和挑战。我首先介绍了乐观主义者的观点,即AI可以填补语言缺失的部分,保存语言的口语元素,并创建能够用土著语言交流的聊天机器人。然后,我与Danielle Boyer深入探讨了她对AI技术的质疑,包括AI训练数据的不准确性、对语言语境理解的不足以及数据盗用的风险。在对话中,我了解到土著语言的保护面临着资金、资源和文化传承等多方面挑战,并且许多土著语言的消失与殖民历史和文化冲击有关。最后,我与Danielle Boyer讨论了她发明的SkoBot机器人,以及该机器人如何通过符合伦理的AI技术,在尊重土著文化和语言的前提下,促进土著语言的学习和传承。

Deep Dive

Exploration of AI's potential in preserving Indigenous languages, discussing both the optimistic possibilities and the challenges involved.
  • By 2050, only about 20 Indigenous languages may remain in the United States.
  • Generative AI and large language models are being considered for language preservation.
  • AI models often lack the cultural context and accuracy needed for Indigenous languages.
  • Current AI training data sets may contain inaccuracies regarding Indigenous languages.
  • Indigenous languages are context-based, making them challenging for AI to replicate.

Shownotes Transcript

AI is being used to save Indigenous languages, but is it the right fix? One new project aims to use tech to help keep these languages alive without replacing human connection.

In this episode:

Episode credits: 

This episode was produced by Chloe K. Li, Marcos Bartolomé, and Tamara Khandaker, with Manny Panaritos, Duha Mosaad, Hagir Saleh, Khaled Soltan, Hanah Shokeir, Melanie Marich, Noor Wazwaz and our guest host Kevin Hirten. It was edited by Alexandra Locke. 

Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Our video editors are Hisham Abu Salah and Mohannad Al-Melhem. Alexandra Locke is the Take’s executive producer. Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera’s head of audio. 

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