cover of episode Another Take: What’s Andrew Tate’s appeal?

Another Take: What’s Andrew Tate’s appeal?

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The Take

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Amy Walters
Radu Stochita
@Amy Walters : 本期节目回顾了Andrew Tate的现象,探讨了他对年轻人的影响以及他在罗马尼亚的受欢迎程度。我们采访了罗马尼亚记者@Radu Stochita ,他分析了Tate的魅力以及他所代表的毒性男性气质对社会的影响。 节目中提到Tate因涉嫌人口贩卖、性侵犯等罪名被捕,但他的粉丝仍然众多,这引发了人们对社会问题的思考。 我们还讨论了Tate的社交媒体策略,以及他如何利用平台传播他的观点。 Radu Stochita: 我在罗马尼亚长大,在过去几年中,我多次接触到Andrew Tate及其影响。他的言论和行为在罗马尼亚引起了广泛关注,一部分人认为他是被冤枉的,另一部分人则认为他应该为自己的行为负责。 我采访了两名罗马尼亚青少年,他们都表示Tate对他们产生了积极的影响,尽管他们知道Tate面临的指控。这让我意识到,Tate的言论和行为对年轻人的影响是复杂的,需要进一步研究。 我分析了Tate在罗马尼亚的受欢迎程度,以及他所代表的毒性男性气质对社会的影响。我还讨论了罗马尼亚的社会环境,以及为什么Tate的言论能够在罗马尼亚获得共鸣。 我认为,Tate的现象并非个例,在未来,类似的人物可能会出现。我们需要关注这个问题,并采取措施来应对。

Deep Dive

This chapter explores the widespread popularity of Andrew Tate, a controversial influencer facing serious criminal charges. Despite the accusations of human trafficking and other crimes, Tate maintains a substantial online following, particularly among young men. The chapter delves into Tate's background, his online presence, and the reasons behind his appeal, particularly in Romania where he relocated his business and faced legal challenges.
  • Andrew Tate's popularity among young men despite facing serious criminal charges.
  • His online presence and the type of content he produces.
  • The reasons for his appeal in Romania.

Shownotes Transcript

Every Saturday, we revisit a story from the archives. This originally aired on September 19th, 2023. None of the dates, titles, or other references from that time have been changed.

Andrew Tate is a self-proclaimed sexist and disgraced social media influencer currently facing criminal charges in Romania. He currently has 7.8 million followers on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, and had billions of views on TikTok. Tate and his brother face charges of organized crime, human trafficking, and rape, but his young fans continue to support and buy into his brand of toxic masculinity. So what does Andrew Tate’s appeal in Romania say about where the phenomenon could lead next?

In this episode:

Episode credits:

This episode was updated by Amy Walters and Sarí el-Khalili. The original production team was Sonia Bhagat with Chloe K. Li, Miranda Lin, and our host, Malika Bilal.

Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Our engagement producers are Adam Abou-Gad and Vienna Maglio. Aya Elmileik is lead of audience engagement. Alexandra Locke is The Take’s executive producer, and Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera’s head of audio. 

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