cover of episode Another Take: Is a ‘new Nakba’ happening in Gaza?

Another Take: Is a ‘new Nakba’ happening in Gaza?

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The Take

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Maram Hameed
@Maram Hameed : 我讲述了我家在1948年被驱逐的故事,这段历史在我家被以色列轰炸时再次重现。我强调加沙已成为一个苦难之地,200万巴勒斯坦人生活在这个被称为世界上最大的露天监狱的地方。自2007年以来,以色列对加沙的封锁已持续16年,这种封锁正在为新一代巴勒斯坦人制造新的“大灾难”。老一代被剥夺了他们的过去和土地,而新一代在封锁下出生的巴勒斯坦人被剥夺了建设未来的机会。新的“大灾难”正在剥夺巴勒斯坦年轻一代的未来、梦想和信仰。加沙的生活充满不确定性,每隔一两周就会有冲突升级,我们无法规划自己的生活。老一辈在纪念“大灾难”时回忆过去的美好时光,他们仍然坚持回归的权利。一位祖父试图说服他的孙子留在加沙,而孙子则认为自己在加沙像囚犯一样生活,无法建设未来。新的“大灾难”是“大灾难”的延续,它迫使许多加沙的年轻人试图逃离。即使以色列禁止学校教授“大灾难”的历史,我们仍通过家庭传承让年轻一代了解这段历史。世界对加沙的新“大灾难”缺乏关注,作为记者,我努力让外界了解加沙人民的日常苦难。 @联合国报告 : 我指控以色列在加沙和西岸犯下种族灭绝行为,包括系统性摧毁母婴和生殖健康设施,甚至将性虐待作为武器。 @美联社 : 我报道特朗普政府和以色列已与三个东非政府接触,商讨将加沙的巴勒斯坦人迁往那里。

Deep Dive

The episode revisits the history of the Nakba and its lasting impact on Palestinians, particularly in Gaza, where many are descendants of those displaced in 1948. It explores the ongoing challenges Gazans face, likening them to a continuous Nakba.
  • The Nakba refers to the mass displacement of Palestinians in 1948.
  • Many Gazans are descendants of those displaced during the Nakba.
  • Gaza is often described as the world's largest open-air prison.

Shownotes Transcript

Every Saturday, we revisit a story from the archives. This originally aired on May 15, 2023. None of the dates, titles, or other references from that time have been changed.

May 15th is when Palestinians mark ‘the catastrophe’, or their forced expulsion from the land that became the state of Israel. Those living in Gaza say every day is an ongoing catastrophe. About 70% of Gazans are Palestinian refugees. For the last 16 years, Israel and Egypt have imposed a blockade on Gaza. Travel is heavily controlled, jobs are scarce and the threat of escalation of violence is constant. While the older generations still dream of a return to their homeland, the younger generations say their futures have been stolen. 

In this episode:

Episode credits:

This episode was updated by Sarí el-Khalili. The original production team was Miranda Lin, Khaled Soltan, and our host, Malika Bilal. 

Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Our engagement producers are Adam Abou-Gad and Vienna Maglio. Aya Elmileik is lead of audience engagement. Alexandra Locke is The Take’s executive producer, and Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera’s head of audio. 

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