cover of episode Another Take: A cold and dangerous winter

Another Take: A cold and dangerous winter

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The Take

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
#geopolitical conflict#experiences in conflict zones#resilience amid adversity#investigative journalism#journalism and writing insights#winter experiences People
Halima Hayyadeen
Rory Challands
@Rory Challands : 我到达基辅时,城市大部分地区断电,景象令人不安。俄罗斯对乌克兰的袭击是全国范围的,影响波及周边国家,规模巨大。由于停电,许多乌克兰居民面临着没有电梯、无法取暖做饭等诸多生活不便。停电也严重影响了乌克兰的医疗系统,甚至危及到手术的进行。发电机在乌克兰非常抢手,价格飞涨,人们甚至跨境购买。许多房屋被炸毁,流离失所的人们住在简陋的金属小屋里,一旦停电,小屋就会变成冰冷的“冰箱”。即使在受损严重的建筑物中,仍然有人居住,他们的生活条件极其恶劣,未来更是充满了不确定性。俄罗斯攻击乌克兰能源基础设施是为了制造压力,迫使乌克兰让步,这其中也包含了报复心理。俄罗斯国内的强硬派一直要求打击乌克兰的关键基础设施,克里姆林宫此举也是为了安抚国内的强硬派。乌克兰声称俄罗斯已停止使用伊朗制造的无人机,因为它们在寒冷天气下无法正常工作,但这一说法尚未得到证实。乌克兰民众并没有因为俄罗斯的袭击而屈服,他们宁愿忍受停电也不愿向俄罗斯妥协。许多乌克兰人对俄罗斯的所作所为感到愤怒,认为这是种族灭绝。普京要想赢得这场冲突将面临巨大的挑战,如果他失败,将会产生全球性的影响。 @Halima Hayyadeen : 乌克兰的冬天非常寒冷,气温在零下7到8度之间,甚至可能降至零下20度。

Deep Dive

Russia's strategy involves targeting Ukraine's power grid, leaving Ukrainians in the dark and cold. This tactic aims to pressure Ukraine by creating difficult living conditions.
  • Russia is targeting Ukraine's power grid as a tactic of war.
  • Ukrainians face power outages, lack of heating, and water shortages.
  • The attacks aim to pressure Ukraine by worsening living conditions, especially during winter.

Shownotes Transcript

Every Saturday, we revisit a story from the archives. This originally aired on December 14th, 2022. None of the dates, titles, or other references from that time have been changed.

As winter sets in, Russia is targeting Ukraine’s power grid. Homes are without heat and light, while multi-storey apartment buildings no longer have functioning elevators. Families are relying on camping stoves to do their cooking. What does a weaponized winter mean for Ukrainians now, and what will that mean as the cold continues?

In this episode:

Episode credits:

This episode was updated by Amy Walters. The original production team was Amy Walters with Ruby Zaman, and our host, Halla Mohieddeen. 

Our sound designer is Alex Roldan. Our engagement producers are Adam Abou-Gad and Vienna Maglio. Aya Elmileik is lead of audience engagement. Alexandra Locke is The Take’s executive producer, and Ney Alvarez is Al Jazeera’s head of audio.

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