cover of episode 225. Overcome your fear of being perceived

225. Overcome your fear of being perceived

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The Psychology of your 20s

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Jemma: 害怕被他人评判是一种常见的心理问题,它会占据大量的脑力资源,并阻碍我们成为真实的自我。这种恐惧的根源在于早期经历的社会排斥、欺凌、甚至完美主义,以及我们大脑处理社会和情感信息的方式。它不仅仅是社交焦虑,也可能是特定恐惧症,只在特定环境中出现。这种恐惧可能分为害怕被物理感知和害怕被情感感知两种,但最终我们害怕的是随之而来的评判和未知。我们害怕的是他人的负面评价会损害我们的自尊,并导致我们失去宝贵的人际关系和机会。这种恐惧会导致我们自我封闭、逃避社交,最终适得其反。为了克服这种恐惧,我们可以尝试三种心理转变:第一,玩心理游戏,将负面想法转变为正面想法;第二,运用“yes and”方法,接受负面想法,并添加积极的补充,避免焦虑蔓延;第三,运用“掌握转变”方法,逐步接触令你害怕的情况,逐渐减少焦虑。此外,我们还可以运用“理想自我转变”方法,关注自身需求,而非他人的期望,专注于成为真实的自己。

Deep Dive

Scopophobia, the fear of being perceived, is a common struggle in our 20s, fueled by insecurities and the pressure to fit in. It's more than just social anxiety; it's a specific phobia that can limit our potential and authenticity. This chapter explores the origins and effects of this fear, setting the stage for understanding how to overcome it.
  • Scopophobia is the fear of being observed and scrutinized by others.
  • It's a combination of social and specific phobia.
  • This fear is prevalent in our 20s due to the added pressures and insecurities of young adulthood.

Shownotes Transcript

Our fear of being perceived is more than just social anxiety, its a real phobia around being scrutinised, observed and primarily judged by others. It's also greatly limiting your potential and ability to be your true self. But there is a way through, there is a way to escape the constant fixation on what others are thinking about you. In today's episode, we discuss: 

  • The origins and effects of scopophobia
  • How our fear of being perceived is both a social and specific phobia
  • Why do we worry about what other people think?
  • Perfectionism and our fear of being perceived 
  • The impact of early childhood experiences 
  • Three mental shifts to overcome your fear of being perceived


Listen now for all that and more! 

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