cover of episode 179. Why can't I cry?

179. Why can't I cry?

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The Psychology of your 20s

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节目主持人探讨了哭泣的生理机制和进化意义,解释了眼泪的三种类型:基础泪液、反射泪液和情绪泪液。情绪泪液的产生需要大脑边缘系统参与,并包含多种蛋白质和激素,如钾、催乳素和皮质醇。哭泣可以缓解生理和心理疼痛,释放内啡肽和催产素等激素,提供情绪宣泄,避免情绪在脑中反复循环。哭泣也是一种依恋行为,可以引起他人的同情和帮助,促进人际亲密关系。 节目主持人分析了人们无法哭泣的几个原因:1. 处于震惊状态,大脑为了保护自身,会延迟情绪反应;2. 服用抗抑郁药,特别是选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂(SSRIs),可能会导致情绪迟钝;3. 抑郁症,特别是忧郁症,会导致情绪麻木,无法感受任何情绪,包括悲伤;4. 情绪压抑,可能是因为童年经历或文化背景,导致哭泣行为在过去受到惩罚,从而形成条件反射。 节目主持人提出了重新与自身情绪建立联系的三种方法:1. 关注身体感受,通过身体扫描来识别和理解情绪;2. 与朋友交流,获得支持和认同,更好地表达和理解情绪;3. 寻找创意出口,例如绘画、陶艺等,将情绪转化为有形的创造物。

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Sometimes all we want to do is a have a big, old fashioned sob and when we can't it leads us feeling emotionally pent up, defective and frustrated. There's an explanation for why we go through periods where we are unable to cry. In today's episode we discuss: 

  • The evolutionary function of crying
  • Crying as an attachment behaviour 
  • The difference between basal, reflex and emotional tears 
  • The 4 major reasons we struggle with crying 
  • How to heal your connection with your emotions 
  • How we process emotions through the body, and more.

Listen now when you're in need of an emotional catharsis or could really do with a few tears. 

Follow Jemma on Instagram: @jemmasbeg

Follow the podcast on Instagram: @thatpsychologypodcast



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