**We’re baaaAAAAAaaaaack!!! Join us for a 🪐transcendent🪐 new season of Sounds Like A Cult, whose opening episode features Chelsea Charles, one of our sparklingly hilarious new co-hosts. An unscripted TV producer by day, Chelsea joins returning host Amanda to unpack this week’s nightmarish topic: Dance Moms. Indeed, we’re exploring every culty corner of the fanatically followed Lifetime reality show, which centers on a group of competitive child dancers, their high-drama mothers, and their veritable cult leader of a teacher, Abby Lee Miller shudders. It mightttt sound dramatic to call this goofy little TV program a cult, but the sky-high exit costs, rampant verbal abuse, lifelong trauma, obsessed fan behaviors, and scandalizing financial crimes say otherwise!!! Tune in as Amanda and Chelsea dissect the show’s cultiest characteristics, and their broader implications, with the help of The Pyramid Podcast). **
Follow us on IG** @soundslikeacultpod**)** @amanda_montell**) @chelseaxcharles) @reesaronii)
Watch the new season of Sounds Like A Cult on YouTube)!
To order Amanda's new book, The Age of Magical Overthinking: Notes on Modern Irrationality,** click here. **)To subscribe to Amanda's new Magical Overthinkers podcast, click here :))
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