cover of episode Taylor Lautner x2 on Getting Married, Childhood Fame & Dealing with Paparazzi

Taylor Lautner x2 on Getting Married, Childhood Fame & Dealing with Paparazzi

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The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby

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Taylor Lautner
Taylor Lautner: 我的妻子由我姐姐介绍认识,我们经历了从游戏之夜到恋爱的过程,最终步入婚姻殿堂。童年时期成名给我带来了巨大的压力,要应对狗仔队的骚扰和学校同学的欺凌。在《暮光之城》之前,我经历了一段演艺事业的低谷,差点放弃。我11岁时成名,那时年纪太小,没有勇气纠正别人对我名字的错误发音。我从未预料到《暮光之城》系列电影会如此成功。在《暮光之城》之后,我经历了长时间的演艺事业低谷,差点放弃演艺事业。我主持《周六夜现场》的经历让我终身难忘。在与妻子恋爱期间,我逐渐意识到生活还有更多值得关注的事情,最终决定暂停演艺事业,专注于其他方面。我与妻子在伦敦拍摄期间,决定正式确立恋爱关系。我暂停演艺事业的部分原因是与妻子恋爱,但并非唯一原因。我意识到生活不只有工作,还有其他重要的事情。与妻子恋爱后,我开始过上更正常的生活,远离了名利场。我曾获得过‘美国最性感男人’的称号,但这些荣誉并不能带来真正的快乐。我暂停演艺事业后,重新审视了自己的价值观,不再过分看重名利。我最近回归演艺圈,参与了一部电影的拍摄,感觉非常轻松愉快。我目前对重返演艺圈持开放态度,但不会像以前那样频繁工作。 Taylor Lautner (wife): 我的童年生活非常普通,与演艺圈无关。我小时候是《暮光之城》的粉丝,并且是‘Team Jacob’。我从未预料到会与泰勒·洛特纳结婚。我并不特别关注名人,即使遇到一些我喜欢的名人,我也不会感到紧张或兴奋。泰勒·洛特纳的姐姐促成了我和他的相遇。我们从游戏之夜发展到恋爱,最终结婚。在与泰勒·洛特纳恋爱期间,我从未感到他与其他名人的不同,他非常平易近人。我作为护士的工作经历,让我对生活有了新的认识,也促成了我们共同创办的非营利组织和播客。在与泰勒·洛特纳恋爱期间,我经历了一些与狗仔队相关的令人不安的事件,但这些经历并没有改变我对生活的态度。我与泰勒·洛特纳的婚礼非常私密,只邀请了少数亲朋好友。我们选择在一个我们经常去度假的地方举行婚礼,这对于我们来说非常有意义。我们都非常重视家庭和朋友,这些才是我们生活中最重要的东西。我们努力保持正常的生活方式,不把过多的价值放在名利上。

Deep Dive

Taylor Lautner and his wife met through a game night set up by his sister, who thought they would be a good match.

Shownotes Transcript


- To my sister, she was like, "I recently met a new friend. Ironically enough, her name's Taylor. I think she could be your future wife." So were you team Jacob or team Edward? - I was team Edward. Took a couple hangs, but then I ended up making the move. - You made the first move? - No way. - She likes to say that. It was tough being Sharkboy and being the actor kid.

Usually when people are making fun of you or you're getting bullied in school, there's usually a reason. And it's because you're doing something right. Leaving our first date, there was paparazzi. There's 30 flashes going off and you can't see what you're driving. So it's a very scary thing.

What's up dudes and welcome back to the unplanned podcast. I feel like that was pretty good. That was good. You guys did a really good job. Thank you. Today we are joined by Taylor Lautner and Taylor Lautler. That is crazy that you guys have the same name by the way. It is. Does that get confusing? I feel like that's maybe the most common question but I feel like for us it just doesn't. Yeah. Do you use pet names for each other instead of Taylor?

So for each other... I only call you hun, I feel like. Yeah. Yeah.

Unless I'm mad at him, it's Taylor. Yeah, she only calls me Taylor when she's upset with me. If he's not listening, I'm like, hello. And our friends just kind of have it down. We're either Tay and Taylor or boy Tay and girl Tay. That's cute. But we kind of have just learned to respond to anything and everything. And is it Wattner or Lautner? So...

Because we did our research and we got confused. I heard you guys say Lautner and I was like, is everyone else saying it? Fair enough that you got confused because my sister likes to give me a lot of crap for this. It is my fault that nobody knows how it's actually pronounced because I never corrected it.

No. For decades. No way. It is technically Lautner. What? But I just never in interviews or anything stop somebody and said, it's not Lautner, it's Lautner. And I just, once again, I just go with whatever. You're like, it's fine. I don't care. It's like tomato, tomato. I feel like it's like you say it with a different like accent. Yeah, accent.

Lautner, Lautner, Lautner. It's all the same thing. And was that because like when you started, you were a kid, right? So you were probably maybe a little nervous to like correct some reporter or something. Like actually you're saying my name wrong. Yeah, I think when I was 11, like after Sharkboy and Lavagirl, I wasn't going to tell people they were pronouncing my name wrong. Eleven.

Wow. Oh my gosh. Yeah. That must be crazy to like be in the limelight, to be in movies at such a young age. How did, like, how did that come to be? It originally started, um,

through my martial arts. When I was like six, five or six, I started competing in martial arts and then that became very competitive for me. That was kind of my life. Every month, once a month, I had a tournament in a different state that we were traveling for. And when I was

Seven or eight. I met my karate instructor and he was in the entertainment industry. He was actually the blue Power Ranger for a couple of years. Whoa. Whoa. And he was the one who like brought up the idea and was like, have you ever considered acting? And me and my parents were like, no. It's like, I think you'd be really good at it. And for a while we were just like, appreciate that. But I'm good with school, whatever.

Karate football baseball like we got enough going on we lived in Michigan at the time and he kind of just kept pushing the agenda and Eventually he was like why don't you guys come out to my house in LA for a summer stay with me? I'll get you an agent. You can go on some auditions See how you like it and if it's not for you, it's not for you and that's fine so we eventually took him up on that offer and Came out here for a summer a month

I yeah, that's kind of when I fell in love with it. We went back home to Michigan and my parents were like, so what do you think? And I was like, I want to do this. And they were like, that's cool. Okay. And we did it for a couple of years from Michigan. And then, of course, that became exhausting. And my parents had to be like, all right.

If you really want to do this, we have to move to LA. Whoa. And yeah, parents were in family, crazy supportive at 11. We all packed up and moved to LA for this crazy dream. Wow. Was that when you got, you already had the offer for the movie? No, no. I, so I started like auditioning from Michigan at eight, then moved out here to,

uh just after my 11th no just before my 11th birthday um and i think we're out here for about six months and then i got sharp boy and lava girl wow which was very quick like it's that's extremely fast you hear a lot of no's in this industry before you you know start hearing yeses so i was very lucky to have gotten my first like lead in a feature film six months after making the move

That's crazy. I got a nerd out here for a second. When I was a kid, I thought Sharkboy and Lavagirl was like the coolest movie ever. And so I feel like little Matt would be crapping his pants, like realizing he's with Sharkboy, you know, on the podcast with Sharkboy. Just to clarify, do you no longer think it's the coolest movie ever? I do. No, I actually do still think it's the coolest movie ever. Okay.

It does something to kids. Like it just, it hasn't gone away. Like our friends' kids watch it with like the same. I mean, I was a kid when it came out and you bought the DVDs with like the blue and red glasses. Yes, I was going to ask you, did you watch the movie as a kid? Oh yeah. Yeah, it sucked me in. It just has this ability to just like,

pull kids in and like any still today yeah that was how long ago almost 20 years ago came out in 2005 that's pretty unique for a children's movie too yeah like it has a cult following it really does it really does that's

And that's what was that your first like? It was my first. Yeah. First first thing that anybody I mean, before then, I I did do some like things that were fun that nobody would even know of. Like I like did voiceovers on Scooby Doo and Danny Phantom. And I saw that in your credits. Really? There's some random things in there. A couple television Charlie Brown movies. But yeah, nobody would really.

know that. And then from there you ended up doing Twilight, which was a huge success. Did you think when you were starting in that movie, did you think it was ever going to get to the size or get the publicity that it ended up getting?

No is the short answer. So after, I mean, it's funny in this chapter, not a lot of people know is like I got Sharkboy. And then right after I did Sharkboy, I got Cheaper by the Dozen 2. And I kind of did those like almost back to back. That's like my favorite movie ever. It's a good one. It was fun to film. It looked like a blast. Even at the end credits, I always watch those like blooper parts. I think those look like so much fun. I need to watch. I haven't seen that one.

But anyways, it was off to a hot start and I was like, wow, this is easy. Right? Like I just played a superhero and I'm acting opposite Steve Martin and Eugene Levy. And then after that, I went through a dry spell where for multiple years, let's see, I would have been 13 and cheaper. And then...

Yeah. And then I got Twilight when I was 16 at some point. So at least three years of couldn't book a job. Um, I was, I was going to school. I was in high school. Um,

And I just couldn't book a thing. And I was playing football in high school. And I kind of like came to the conclusion in my mind that if I didn't get anything by the end of the school year, whatever it was, I was going to hang it up and just focus more on football and just, you know, regular kid life things. And then...

I did have these two auditions that came in at the same time. I screen tested for both of them at the same time. They were on the same day. I was screen testing for a huge Disney movie starring opposite The Rock called...

called Journey to the Center of the Earth. What? And I was like, if I get this, my life is made. Career changing. Definitely not giving up on acting. This will save me and this will just propel me to...

And on the same day, I also was screen testing for a movie I never heard of that my agents told me was based off a book series and it's about vampires and it's called Twilight. And I was like, meh, never heard of that. I just want to get the rock job.

So I did the screen test for both movies on the same day. I left, I called my agent. I was like, yeah, I mean, both seem to go well. I really, you know, the Twilight one would be fine, but I really want that rock Disney movie. And a couple weeks later, my agent called me and they were like, we got good news and bad news for you. I was like, what? They're like, you didn't get the rock Disney movie. And I was heartbroken.

Like, but you did get this Twilight thing. And I was like, okay. They're like, I'm telling you. Don't do it. They're like, I'm telling you, Taylor. Like, this thing is going to be big. And I was like, okay, I've never heard of it, but I'll believe you here. So the answer is no. I did not see it ever becoming. Did you do your research before your audition? Like, did you read the books? Not before the audition. Yeah.

Yeah, before filming, yes. And as soon as it was announced that I got the job, I was still in public high school. I couldn't go to school anymore. And I hadn't even filmed a movie yet. It was just announced that I was going to be playing this role. And overnight, I'm in class and people are recording me in the middle of class. Wait, what? And I'm like, what?

what is going on? I don't even... Weird. But there apparently were Twilight book fans before the movies. Wow, crazy. How did that affect your childhood? Like having people recording you in high school and being in movies that I'm sure other kids were like, oh my gosh, it's Sharkboy. Let's go get a picture. How did that affect you as a kid? As a kid, it was cool and all positive and great going through it.

But then during high school, it was tough because I was just known as that kid from Sharkboy and Lava Girl. And the old when I was a freshman or a sophomore, like the older kids would just make fun of me all the time for that, which I mean, we talk about this all the time on our podcast, like.

Usually, and you see this now when you get older and can look back on that, usually when people are making fun of you or you're getting bullied in school, there's usually a reason. And it's because you're doing something right. And people are just jealous of that. And rather than trying to better themselves, it's easier to try and tear you down. So we talk about that a lot on our show. It's just like, if anybody out there is getting bullied...

in school just getting picked on, it probably means you're doing something right. So just know that in the back of your head. And looking back on that, that's what was going on. But it was really tough in high school because it was tough being Sharkboy and being the actor kid in school. Yeah. Yeah, they were totally just jealous. Like you were doing really cool things. I like to think that. Jealous of you. For sure. If they weren't then, they are now. Yeah, totally. Totally.

And Taylor, Girl Tay. Girl Tay, I love that. Girl Tay, that's cute. You guys do Girl Tay and Boy Tay. Yeah, that's the easiest. But did you, I don't know, you didn't grow up in the acting world, did you? You didn't grow up with the limelight. So yeah, what was your childhood like? Very normal. Very, very average. Just grew up with.

Competitive dancer. I mean, yeah, I danced my whole life. But I mean, I also like played every sport under the sun with it. But it was just like pretty, it's just, it was normal. Like there wasn't like the closest thing probably to the industry was like that random person that comes up to you in the mall and is like, you should get an agent. Like, I don't know if you guys have this in the Midwest, but like at the malls here, when I was a kid, there would be people that would like come up to you and be like,

try to like sign people's kids yeah they like would be like agents from like agencies like modeling agencies or whatever is that a scam or is it legit no people actually do it well probably both probably both it probably started off not a scam and then probably people okay figured out that they could get away with it but that's our dog remy the puppy yeah she got scouted so no way it's his proudest moment when we first when we first got her that's so funny you said that when we first got her we were

out somewhere going to eat and Taylor was ordering food and I was outside with her um and this guy came up to me and he was like does your dog have an agent and I was like excuse me this is real does your dog have an agent oh my god yeah talk to our people I was like excuse me he was like your dog does she like does she have an agent does she do work and I was like

no he's like you really need to get her one like she is so pretty like she would do great i know a buddy of mine who has a dog and he just did this commercial and made this much money make so much money off of his dog just some guy chatting to me until it was so random but he was like does your dog have an agent i was like that's the most la thing oh my god that's gonna be your guys's claim to

fame yeah were you were you a fan of the twilight series by chance when you were absolutely young okay yeah i read all the books i was a big twilight fan so were you team jacob or team edward i was team edward but i always say i was too young for the abs like i wasn't like into like hot yet oh yeah yeah i wasn't into muscles i wasn't yeah i wasn't into like a hot bod yet what were you into like the arty i don't know not that i don't know

I don't know. I feel like I was too young to even figure out what I was. The pale white skin. Yeah, I mean, I am pale. I wasn't allowed. My friends could watch the movies, but my parents wouldn't let me. I actually wasn't allowed to watch them either. Really? I think I was only... Well, my... So my mom and her, like, she had a... What's it called? Book club? And they read all the books. And my mom let me read... She let me read all the books besides the last one. Because there's, like... The last one has, like, the whole sex scene or something. There's something that's, like, a little sketchy in the last one. So she, like, didn't let me read that until...

Like until I was in high school? No, until eighth grade? I don't know. I know there was like somewhat of a restriction. Not as big of a restriction as your restriction was, but that was just on the book. But then all the movies. We were very sheltered. I was like one of those people that would go to the movie theater and like

Do the marathon. So like before a new movie would come out, they'd play the other ones like in sequential order. Like when the fourth movie would come out the night before, they would play one, two, three, or one, two, and three. That's so sick. And she would go watch those. Oh, yeah. And then watch the fourth one. That's crazy. That's so unique. You don't hear about that happening. I don't think that happens anymore. Anymore. Like people sitting through four movies. Yeah, back to back. Yeah, nothing has had the...

that kind of chokehold on humanity. Like fandom.

On the drive over here, Abby disclosed to me that she was indeed Team Jacob. Even though I wasn't allowed to watch the movie. Somebody. My gosh. I'm pretty sure I was Team Jacob. I definitely, I thought like, and I still think you're very cool, by the way. I keep saying I thought you were cool. I still think you're very cool. Thank you. I appreciate it. But no, like I was like, that guy is cool. Like he looks so tough. I don't know if I quite put the connection together of like Jacob was Sharkboy. Like I don't know if I put that. Yeah, a lot of people still, I guess, don't.

Like I just got a TikTok. Oh yeah. A couple months ago. And I've only made two TikToks.

I really need to up my game. But when I one of my TikToks was a Sharkboy line in so many people like commented like what the guy from Twilight is Sharkboy. And I guess a lot of people don't don't know that. Oh, wow. Yeah. I'm super impressed, by the way. You've only made two TikToks. You're already at a million followers from two TikToks. Thank you.

So consistency is always my problem with social media. Yeah. Also joining late. Like I got. Yeah, you were late to Instagram. I never got anything before Instagram. And then Instagram I got in like 2016. And then TikTok I got in 2023. Like last week. Yeah. A month ago. Yeah. It.

Oh, you didn't even have it. It's not like you just weren't making them. I didn't even have it. I got one at the beginning of COVID and then my phone was like glitching. And that was when it was like, is China breaking into our phones? And I was like, I don't know what's happening here, but there's a lot of glitching going on on my phone. So I just deleted it. Got to get rid of this. And I was like, I'm not even really on it that much. It's got to go. But then I probably got it like the beginning of the year. Yeah. At the beginning of the year. I was like, okay, we need to. Have you guys seen those? We're both needed to talk.

Have you seen those TikToks of people being like, I love China. China's the best. China's my favorite. And they say that to their phone to try to help them on the algorithm. I don't know. It's so funny. China's the best. I love China.

So we were listening to some of your podcasts. Your podcast is very good, by the way. I feel like it's like therapy. It's therapeutic. You guys are so chill and very emotionally intelligent. So love your podcast, The Squeeze. You guys should go follow, subscribe. I think you guys are on like every podcast platform, right? Yeah.

Um, I hope so. We were listening in and you mentioned, I remember like, I never watched like the VMAs growing up, but I had like, I like knew kind of what it was. I remember hearing about this crazy thing where like Kanye West, Kanye West went up and like made an announcement at the VMAs while like Taylor Swift was getting, was getting an award. I'm like fumbling up on my words right now. And you, uh,

You were the one that presented the award to Taylor Swift and you got you were mentioning that on your podcast I was like, holy crap like you that was something that you literally experienced firsthand. Yeah that whole Catastrophe I lived a lot of life back in the day

Including that. That's so wild. I guess, did you even realize when that whole event happened? Did you even know what was going on? Could you hear what was going on? No, I think that was the main problem is I couldn't hear what was being said. So I just assumed that it was like a pre-planned skit.

I was just watching from 10 feet back. And I'm just watching them from behind them. And I just... Kanye West hopped up on stage. So it must be a plan.

Obviously, they're not going to tackle Kanye on the stage. So, yeah, no, I thought it was something that was planned and assumed everything was fine and dandy until she turned around after and I saw the look on her face and I was like, OK, clearly that wasn't planned. Yeah. Unplanned. Unplanned. Unplanned.

That's hilarious. Yeah. That was our moment. I actually watched your SNL appearance while we were doing our research, and I was really impressed. First of all, I think you were one of the youngest people ever to host SNL. At the time. There's been a lot of time that's passed since then, so I don't know who's passed me, but when I hosted it, I was the third youngest. Wow. Seventeen.

Wow. It was terrifying. I'm sure. That's, I mean, the live aspect is...

I can't even imagine the pressure. You're like, I got one chance at this. I was crapping my pants. And he said no at first too. Because I was so intimidated. Wow. I was very honored, but I was so intimidated. I said, I can't do that. So I declined it. And then the creator of the show ended up getting my number and calling me and just convincing me. He's like, you can do this. I was like, no, I can't.

I was like, I can't sing. I can't dance. I can't do impressions. That's all you do on your show. And somehow he convinced me to do it. And the comedy element is so hard too because comedy is just so difficult. Yeah, it went great. It's one of the things I'm the happiest I did. It was

It was so fun. I think me too. Because like now we get to like show our kids that one day. That's cool. Dad did this show and dressed up in these funny outfits. We show our friends all the time. Oh, yeah. Cute. Friends of ours that haven't seen it will just pull up one of the skits. It's fun. Yeah. Like what I did. Yeah. So you're living this like crazy life at this point with all these like very high level like celebrity status and stuff. And then you're just, what are you doing at this point? Yeah.

nursing you're five years behind me in age yeah yeah so i yeah so when i'm hosting snl you're 12 yep whoa see isn't that weird like now it's totally your age difference doesn't seem like anything yeah that then you're like watching movies of him yeah in my mind still today it doesn't like that's not him like it's just different yeah

It like it's just you're a different person. I'm Junie from Spy Kids. No, but really like in my mind, like some people are like, how like how does it feel like to be dating someone like from like it was like my favorite. Like I had a Twilight theme birthday party before. Like I loved it. Really? And people are like, how does that feel? I'm like, honestly, I don't even like even when I met him, I didn't even feel like that.

Because he's just so, like, down to earth and just, like, chill. She also just doesn't care about celebrities. It's, like, eerie. Dude, either does Abby. So, like, when... She's the chillest. It's crazy. When we were living in Hawaii, the whole entire, like, hype house pulled up to this gas station. And I was, like, crapping my pants, like, oh, my gosh, like, these...

these are the people. This is the freaking hype house. I had been watching their videos when we first started TikTok because it was like the dream for me. I was like, this would be so crazy to do social media and for it to be our job. Yeah, they were the top of your industry. Yeah, and I wanted to go say hi and I was so nervous and Abby was just like, Abby was like, are you seriously going to go say hi to the hype? And I'm like, do you not even care right now? Abby is just like, they're just some people, you know, like, I don't know. So that's funny that you're the same way. There are some celebrities that if I was like in...

Like the same room as them, I would make you go up to them. Who? Actually, a girlfriend of mine was just at a restaurant and Jason Segel was there. I would make you go up to him. Really? Yeah. Okay. Listen how I met your mother. Oh, she's obsessed with that show. I've never seen it. She's made me want to. But I love him as an actor though. Yeah. He's done some really great stuff. That was one I just thought of. I love you, man. Uh-huh. Yeah. He's great. Okay. Noted. If we ever run into Jason Segel, I'll... Yeah. Sometimes I'll make you go up to him.

Mainly it's him being like him being a fan of someone. And I'm like, babe, go, go, go say hi. Go say hi. He's like, they're not going to know who I am. I'm like, they're going to know who you are. Go up to them. Oh my goodness. That's usually how it goes down. They don't know who I am. Like, I think they probably do. I'm going to go with over there.

I'm so curious how you crossed paths though because it seems like you weren't in the same circles at all. So when he moved from Michigan, he moved to the same city that I'm from and we literally lived 15 minutes apart. Parents still live 15 minutes apart. But we didn't know each other but his sister is a year younger than me and we went to opposing high schools and kind of knew of the other because it's a small town. So we knew who the other was but we weren't friends.

She goes to school in Nashville. One of my best friends goes to school in Nashville. They become friends, roommates. And I had gone out there to visit my friend for her birthday and met McKenna there, just like randomly out one day. And then...

They came home for Christmas break and then I met her at my friend's house again for the second time at like a girl's night. And apparently after that she called Taylor and was like, you need to throw a game night. I just met your future wife. Like we need to get her over there. So my sister set this whole thing up. Wow. She knew. Yeah. She's like, you need to throw a game night. I'm famous for throwing game nights. Yeah, games are. Very good game nights. So next time you guys come over. I love games. Wait, which games do you guys like to play? Um.

Our go-to's, especially at game nights, are running charades. Never heard of it. Mafia. I've played that a few times. That's a fun one. But that's kind of like an end of the night, like mellow, like turn all the lights off. Running charades is like a very high energy, fun. You play different types of games than we play. You're like sitting around a table with cards. Well, that's a Midwestern game night.

I feel like cards. Euchre, anyone? Okay, do you guys play euchre? I haven't heard of euchre. Wait. I learned euchre, but I do not remember it at all. It's very complicated, right? Yes, it's tough to grasp. Once you learn it. If you play card games, I feel like it's easier for you to pick it up. Yeah, if you like card games, you'll get it.

We like Catan. Yeah. Settlers of Catan. Have you guys played that? Nope. So much fun. Very nerdy. We'll have to teach you. Very nerdy. It's nerdy. It's like, I'll trade you two sheep for one wheat. Or like, could you trade me a rock for ore? It sounds so nerdy, but I swear it is the funnest game. It is so nerdy, but it is really fun. So it's its own game. You don't just use a regular deck of cards. No, you have to have the board. And you know what? We have the expansion pack too, so we can invite another couple.

couple yeah okay they have several versions too like if you've ever seen game of thrones they have a game of thrones katan okay oh wow like what's the end goal of the game domination to have to get the most settlement actually yeah you need 10 points so you could have the most the longest road plus settlements there's like so many ways you can win which makes it complicated and you have to be strategic to win the game because someone could be under the table building the largest army and you have no idea and they flip their cards over and you're like oh

freaking have the largest army and it's like and they have the longest road oh my gosh wow it's so weird that the goal of the game is to get 10 points when it's like such a complicated game right but like it sounds so simple 10 points yeah 10 points but first to 10 you can it's more about like haggling and bargaining and matt is so shady with those deals i like to bargain and haggle he can't be beat something funny i just thought of you mentioned your sister connecting you guys

And I think I saw one of your sister's TikToks. Because now that I'm thinking about it. No, we definitely did. There is this, I want to say it went viral of like your sister's gender reveal for her baby. And everyone in the comments was like, wait, was that Taylor Lautner? Like in this gender reveal video? Oh, just like randomly in the video? Yeah, you're like, you're just in there like giving your guess. Well, it's one of those videos where it's like, I'm your uncle and I think you're going to be. Do you remember filming that? Oh, I remember filming that. Yeah. I don't know if I ever saw the TikTok, but.

Yeah. Well, all the comments were like, wait a minute. That's so funny. I have to watch this now. Jacob? Like what? It's just like so funny. That's hilarious. But your sister literally called you and said, I just met your future wife. Yeah. She, she was like, I, I recently met a new friend. Ironically enough, her name's Tay Taylor. Uh,

And yeah, I think she could be your future wife and you should throw a game night, invite me and I'll bring, you know, a bunch of my friends over and Tay will just be one of them and you can just see what happens. Did you know you were being set up at this time? No. No, I was just thought I was going over there for like a little game night. And it's funny because when she texted my friend Alexa and I,

Alexa and I, too, ourselves were like, why is McKenna inviting me to go? Because McKenna is very protective of Taylor. Very. Is she an older or younger sister? Six years younger. Oh, wow. Yeah. And so we were a little confused why she...

was inviting me because I'd only met her like twice. And she usually vets people out for like 10 years before she introduces them to me. Yeah. So we were like, that's kind of odd. And we were like, but oh, well, like, I guess she knows that I'm like a normal person and likes to play games. So let's go. Why was she so protective? Was there ever something that happened where that like made her rethink her judgment? Nothing specifically I can think of off the top of my head. Maybe there was an incident or two, but...

Yeah, I think just growing up with your brother in the spotlight like that, she just was a good sister who was like, I don't know. Also, like, wanting to just check people's intentions, too, I bet, because I know she dealt with that. Yeah, also for herself. Yeah. She wants to make sure people are being friends to her. Yeah. Because of her. Yeah. Not just trying to get to her brother. That's good. Yeah. Yeah, and she was very good at that. Yeah. But for Tay...

She let her right in. She did. Has that ever been an issue for you? Have you ever had people that you got close to just to find out, oh, I think they just wanted to be my friend because I was in the Twilight series because I was Jacob, I was Sharkboy. Yeah, I think I've... I feel like it was almost a blessing that...

Twilight happened when it did in your life because you didn't really have that many friends because he was kind of like an outcast in high school. So it wasn't like he had a bunch of these friends and was in the popular crowd and all this stuff. He didn't really have friends. It's true. I wasn't popular at all in high school. Really? And then he dropped out of... Well, he finished high school but left high school to go film these movies. So I feel like there wasn't a lot of...

friendships made and he moved out here too from michigan he was born here so i didn't have like tight close friends before like twilight happened so that kind of was like a start of a new chapter of life for me but yeah i mean i i like to think that i've always kind of had just

a good read on people and their intentions. Which he does. He's very good at reading people. Some people you are fine being friends with, but like friends with. Yeah. And then people you're like, yeah.

People you're like, you know, in tight in your inner circle. Just because somebody's like excited to be around you because you were in a movie they liked or whatever, doesn't mean they're a bad person. Doesn't mean you can't necessarily trust them. It's just like different levels of friendship and how, you know, much you want to give to them or let them in on. But...

Yeah, I like to think I have a decent read on that. Was that hard making friends then moving out here, not having a close circle in high school? Was it hard to find people that were truly genuinely just there for you and cared about you? Yeah. Yeah. I think it was so hard that.

throughout middle school and high school. I never like did. I found, I mean, plenty of great people, but I like to say, do you say this? That I was friends with like a lot of people. Yeah, because that's how I was. But not like really close with anyone. Ooh, yeah. Yeah.

That's totally me. I loved people. Yes. And just found a million ways to like all these different... Like one lunch, I'd hang out with the band kids. The next lunch, I'd hang out with my football guys. The next lunch, like...

the random goths. Like, I didn't have, like, my group that I was always with kind of bounced around. Do you find yourself just, like, talking to people, like, the person you sit next to on an airplane or the person driving your Uber, is that something you find...

Because that's totally me. Like I just love I'm bad at having those really close relationships. But I have like I know so many people and just love to meet people. Well, wait, question. Do you even do that? Like since you are a celebrity, like do you just go on like a commercial flight? Yes, we definitely fly commercial and we definitely take Uber X's. Is it like a do you ever feel like there's like a weird security risk or privacy thing with that?

I mean, yeah. Definitely. Yeah, you definitely have instances. There's just a way I feel like we go about it now. It's just like different. And that was something I had to learn too. Yeah. Because I never had to do that. Yeah, I kind of want to ask you about like your transition. Okay, so game night. We were talking about game night. How did it go from game night to marriage?

There's five years in there we kind of missed. I know you have a whole episode coming out about this. So for all the details, I can tune into that. It'll be up by this point. I want to ask you guys how you met, but I know you're also doing an episode about that on your podcast. So like, maybe just a preview. I mean, that was it. The sister set up game night is how we met. And then, yeah, I mean, it kind of just went from there. It took.

multiple hangs to realize that I was into her. I don't make the boldest of moves. And I will admit that. That's my favorite thing about him. So it's not all her fault.

But it did take her quite some time to realize I wasn't just being super nice to my sister's friend. Yeah. And I was just like very much, I think I was very much just not even thinking it at all. Oh yeah. Well, I mean, multiple reasons. One, I was just out of a relationship. So I was like, I'm going to start nursing school. I'm not going to date, blah, blah, blah. But also because McKenna was like my new friend and I was like, I'm not like, I'm literally like not even going to look at her brother in any type of way because like I want to be her friend. Like I don't want her to think I'm using her for her brother. Yeah.

She also was still Team Edward. I was still Team Edward. She was still. I was. Let's be honest. Yeah. So yeah, it took a couple, it took a couple hangs, but then I ended up making the move. And you were refreshing. You made the first move? No way. She likes to say that. No way. I, I,

I made it to here and then just wanted to be respectful and allow her, you know, I just didn't want to. So I feel like I did 90% of the work and then you closed it off. I did. I did. Okay. Yeah. What do you mean by closing it off? I crossed the finish line for you. How did you cross the finish line? I kissed him.

He did the all living and then he was just like right here and I was like, yeah, are we going to kiss? Oh, yeah. So you you basically allowed it to be her decision on like, do you want to do it? So you're like face to face and then she can initiate the kiss. I think especially because she was like my sister's friend, a decent amount younger than me.

I think that added to my personality. I was like, I don't want to like do anything. She like if she's not feeling the same thing that like that's a nightmare scenario me trying to make a move on my sister's friend and I think about that with my brother. I'm like,

And the brother-sister aspect does make it pretty touchy. And meanwhile, I'm thinking, so our first kiss was on New Year's, but not at the ball drop. It was at like 5 in the morning. But when the ball was dropping, we actually didn't talk about this. It's true.

You guys have the exclusive information. I'm actually just realizing it. Why didn't we talk about that? I guess it's not really mental health. Glossed over. Yeah, we did. So like at like we're watching the ball drop at Taylor's. Unplanned exclusive. And all of our friends are there and he's like standing behind me twirling my hair. That's like what his thing. He like twirls my hair.

That's like his, not your nervous thing, but just, I don't know. You do that. But he was standing behind me twirling my hair. The countdown's going on and I'm like, okay, there's two options here.

I can either just stand here and maybe he'll come around and kiss me or maybe he won't. Maybe he's just twirling my hair because he is affectionate and that's what he does. Maybe he is just affectionate to his sister's friend. I don't have siblings and I was told that Taylor is a lovey person. So I'm like, oh, maybe he's just...

I don't know. I don't have a sibling. I don't know how these things work. I was like, maybe he's just being nice to one of McKenna's friends. I don't know. Who knows? I don't know what I was thinking. Just standing pressed up against behind you, playing with your hair. So that was my option one, was just to stay facing forward. Option two was to turn around and kiss him and then realize that he didn't like me and he was like, what are you doing? And then McKenna hates me and...

Then the night is ruined. So I chose option A to just stay facing forward and didn't move. And Taylor didn't make a move. So we just watched the ball drop. Once again, I thought my move was. You're like, happy new year. Happy new year to me. I thought my pressed up body against the back of you. You weren't pressed up against me. I was right behind you, like hovering. And you were hoping she was going to kiss you. Playing with her hair. I'm like, clearly she knows. Like, I'm ready. All she's got to do is like, look at me and I'll pounce like a panther. God.

but nothing just zoned on the tv very focused i'm not moving i'm not moving if you want to make a move well also because every guy i dated before him like like taylor is nice about that like every other guy was like aggressive with like making a move like that when taylor was like very sweet and like respected me i think that's probably the biggest thing because you're very respectful of me

Was this technically a date? No, this was just, I think I invited a bunch of people over for New Year's through like a little New Year's party. Yeah, I think we'd hung out like four or five times. All in group settings. But I kind of texted a little bit. For sure, yeah. I think there was just something inside of me that knew, but my brain wasn't like,

Going there? Yeah. Like, I felt so comfortable around him and like, it was just like very...

Very natural. Hey, really quick. Sorry to interrupt, but it would be really nice if you would just give us a like, a five stars. It really doesn't take much time and it just means a lot. Yeah, and by five stars, we mean a review. But hey, if you want to give us a four star, that's okay. We want you guys to be honest in the reviews. You can leave us a review on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, wherever you're listening to your podcast. And hey, share with someone who might also enjoy it. Yeah, totally. Thanks, guys. Now back on to the episode. You met as adults.

Right? How old were you? Yeah. I was, yeah, 20. Was there ever a part of you that was, like, still that, like, I don't know, teenager that was, like, I am dating Taylor Lautner? I mean, we definitely had, like, whirlwind things of, like, going out to, like,

events and stuff and we're literally sitting next to Justin Bieber and Taylor's like after I was like why are you so normal like things of me literally sitting next to Justin at an event and like I was like things like that that you would think would be like I would be panicked over but it was just like so normal like it just felt so I don't know I definitely did feel very fair fairy tale-ish when I went to go visit him

in London because we, after New Year's, like two and a half weeks later, he left for three months to go film a show in London. So like this, like we kissed on New Year's and I was like, okay, so this is something, but I leave in two and a half weeks to go film a show in London for three months. Wow. So we had to have that like conversation of what do we want to do when I go and do this? And we decided that we were going to,

try it and be exclusive after I left. And I was like, no pressure. I know you've known me for max a month now, but I would love for you to come visit me in London. I didn't think she would. I think that conversation was the first was like the only time like this celebrity aspect of you came into play because I thought he was asking me if he wanted to be exclusive because he didn't want to be.

Like, I thought he was wanting to, like, go and, like... Because I brought up the conversation. I was like, I'm leaving. You're like, yeah, are we going to see other people? Do you want to be exclusive or no? And in my mind, I'm thinking that he is, like, wanting to be. Like, that's why he's saying it. Because he, like, lives... Like...

I think that I'm wanting. No, no, you're wanting to be. Yeah, correct. You're not wanting to. Yeah. Oh, OK. You're wanting to be like completely single going there. Right. Whatever. And I just like didn't give an answer because I was like, I don't know. What do you want to do? Meanwhile, that you were just wanting to be exclusive and you were wanting me to say that. But I had no clue. You were exclusive from that point then, though. Yeah. And you had been you had just gotten out of a relationship. Taylor, had you been dating at all? Like, what did that look like for you at the time?

I had not had, I had not had a serious girlfriend in a bit. So yeah, I mean, I, I had been trying the dating thing, but had not had a girlfriend in a while at that. Gotcha. So I was ready. And were you thinking of marriage or were you just thinking of, Hey, maybe this, like, we'll get to see where this turns into or what this might be. But like, what was your kind of goal, your end goal with the whole thing?

I definitely, I wasn't thinking marriage, but I think at that point, you know, subconsciously was at the point where I wasn't interested in dating just for the fun of it. Yeah. I would only date somebody if I could actually see a real future with them. And was this, when this all happened, was this right before you took a break from acting? Yeah. Kind of. Yeah. When I went and did,

in London when she visited, that was the last project I did in a few years. So yeah, the beginning of our relationship was the end of acting for that stage. Wow. Yeah. I think it took meeting her for me to realize there's more to life that I haven't been paying enough attention to.

And that's kind of, that was the straw on the camel's back. Wow. To me wanting to take that step back so I could focus on, you know, other things. That's really cool. So was the, was the relationship the main purpose for taking a break or was there more to it as well? I mean, it, it was the final straw. It, my, it wasn't the only thing. Like it wasn't, I need a break from acting to date this girl. Uh, yeah. Um,

But I think it just kind of made me realize it was like the final thing I needed to make me realize that there's more to life than, you know, working back to back, just all focused on, you know, the job. Yeah. And I mean, correct me if I'm wrong here, but like me also being the first like normal.

normal person he's dated I don't have anything to do with the industry so like there's no like I just feel like he saw a different like world of stuff you know like we come like he come home and I just talk about my day as a nurse and like all my friends are normal so like all like you know it was just like there was

He just really was realizing. Would visit your family, you know, in a very modest home and have just a homemade dinner with her parents and it just was all super refreshing. Yeah. And something that I hadn't had in a while. That's a very interesting dynamic. Like, celebrity and then, I mean, normal sounds bad, but like, I don't know why. I love it. I know. I know. I don't mean it. You're not like just normal. I'm like, no, but that Even when I said that earlier, I was like, that sounded

so bad. What I'm trying to say. But like since you guys both have like experience now like in both worlds, like what are the major differences? I'm so curious. Like are all celebrities like a certain way or generally or I don't know. I'm so curious about the celebrity side of things. I mean, there's definitely just like

you just kind of have to like learn to do things different like leaving our first date or like one of our first dates there was paparazzi and they were like flashing and it was all like coming through the front of the car and like we get so weird for you and you're like this is normal i didn't know what's going on i just get in the car and taylor like we get in he like puts both of the sun visors down and i was like it's literally pitch black outside why do you do that and he was like it blocks like blocks your face like it blocks the flash and i was like oh i never would have

Thought about that. It's also in that instance, it's very dangerous because there's, you know, 30 flashes going off and you can't see where you're driving. And if you run over one of their toes, it's not their fault. It's yours and you will be sued. So it's a very scary thing. Yeah. Things like that or like how we travel. Like he always gets the window seat and I have the aisle, which is...

because you need it but also i'm you can have the window but yeah with like driving like with a driver now like he won't speak to the driver because like people will recognize his voice or like the mask thing was the best thing to ever happen i think to celebrities because like they can just hide their face but then they're still like in the middle of covid we went to the grocery store and taylor's like whenever he goes out he's always hat and glasses everywhere he doesn't like not wear a hat out ever uh

And he literally had a hat, sunglasses and a mask on. And we're in line at the grocery store. And these two probably like 30 year old guys were behind us. And they were like, are you the guy from Twilight? I'm like, how do you you don't even see his face. Like there's literally nothing of his that you're seeing right now. But they must have heard you talking. Yeah, it was like that same thing happened at Twilight.

We were snowboarding once. You're like my whole face is covered. I had like a helmet, goggles, like a mask. No way. Snowboarding. And everybody found out. And I was like, what did you see? The only thing you could have saw was my nose. That is the only thing that was showing. They've studied your nose. Yeah. They were like, that nose. I've seen that before. Werewolf. Yeah. Well, I feel like that could be maybe why people get the perception like celebrities are like

I don't know, standoffish, like not wanting. But it's like you just don't want that attention. You just want to like live your life. I can totally understand if you're just trying to go to the grocery store, you know, do something just to get out of the house and someone's in your face trying to get pictures of you or make up some story about you. That must be really frustrating. It all just depends. It depends on your mood for the day. I was just going to say that. Like some days you wake up and you just are in a great mood and you're like –

I'll take all the photos. I'll talk to all the people. Yeah. And then other days it's like, I'm not, I don't feel like speaking to anyone right now. So today, like, I don't feel like,

speaking to strangers when wanting to do something normal but some days you're totally fine with it it really just depends yeah we were talking off camera about you guys going to mexico and there was a slightly sketchy incident where someone was like like hey come follow me to this back room and then you guys are like no and you dodged you dodged the person uh have you had other scary instances like that or just on just situations that make you just kind of uneasy oh yeah plenty yeah can you

I mean, that airplane one for me. Yeah, she had a whole airplane incident that has caused her now to... I think I'm a little better because we have been flying a lot recently. I used to never dislike flying, but then I went through this spurt. I'm still a little bit, but I went through this spurt of being terrified to fly and anxiety every time. We were... Where were we leaving? I see the airport. The one where we have to go up the stairs to...

Anyways. It was a random small airport. So basically like when whenever we're out in public I am just like we I feel like I'm a little bit more heightened because I'm protective of Taylor but I'm always looking at everyone. I can tell you every person in the room what everyone's wearing where everyone's looking like just because it's like if some people are like looking at Taylor like wanting to like

take a photo go up or like film or filming him from afar like we're not gonna walk that way we're gonna go the other way um or like if he's having a bad day and someone's filming him like I know that like how to position myself to like protect him so I'm just very like hyper aware of surroundings so

It's like 5 in the morning. We're leaving somewhere. I don't know what the airport is. It was a very... Like, we had a 6 a.m. flight. So, it legit was like 4.45 at the airport. Yeah. And we had to do, like, another layover. And also, the tickets had gotten messed up on the flight. So, we weren't sitting next to each other. And so, I was, like, a little, like...

a little nervous about that just be also because I didn't want him by himself because then I'm just thinking about him the whole fight but anyways we got through TSA got through like the little scanny thing whatever and this guy I see him like clock Taylor and I'm it's this big guy like

And he's probably like probably like six, five, like just this big guy. He's wearing sunglasses. It's very early in the morning. And I see him like, look at Taylor. And I just watch him like stare. And then he's like, oh, like I literally see the whole process of him. Like, I know him. I know him. Like, oh, that's who it is.

And so I'm like, I tell Taylor that there's like this guy that recognized him, whatever, just to clock it so that we're aware. We like walk past him and he's just like holding his phone, like filming, whatever. A little annoying because it's literally five in the morning. I got lots of bags going on. I'm like, not now. And then he just kind of keeps following us. But then he keeps like, I just, we walked past him and I just did not, I literally felt like,

it wasn't good energy at all and I was just kind of creeped out he was filming us from afar which is fine but then he like kept moving closer and so he's like zooming in and I was like babe I'm gonna wave at him like maybe like he just wants a wave and Taylor's like okay so like I wave he like smirks but then keeps filming and then we boarded the plane get on whatever we're like that was weird he left sitting on the plane again we're separated and then all of a sudden like

I see him walk on the plane and I'm like, you're joking me. And come to find out, he's literally two rows behind me. Directly, I'm like in the middle seat and he's directly two rows behind me. And I'm sitting there, I'm texting Taylor. Apparently he like was yelling Taylor's name when he like walked on the plane. When he came on the plane, he started like heckling me as he was passing me. Like in a negative way?

What was he yelling? Just like an obnoxious way. He's just like, Taylor, what's up, man? Just like screaming at me at 5 a.m. on the airplane. Literally everybody on the plane starts like looking. It's like, who is he screaming at? And I'm just like not looking at him. And then he goes back to his seat, two seats behind her. And then we're sitting there waiting.

for everyone to board. And then I like out of the corner of my eye, I hear him talking to the guy that's in the aisle seat behind me, switches seats with him and he comes up and he gets like behind me, looks over me, over my seat. He's like, Taylor, are you Taylor dome? Taylor? Um, like, like just like starts like saying all this stuff. And he was like, either like filming or asking to take a photo. And I was like, I'm so sorry. Like, not like, not right now. It was like trying to ask me questions. And I was like,

Like this guy is so big he could literally reach over the seat and like strangle me. And I've never been scared of like a fan or anything before. And he was there in the airport. He was very obnoxious and inappropriate just following us absolutely everywhere we went. And we clearly were trying to get away from him. Yeah. And he just kept following us kept filming us being so obnoxious that

comes on the airplanes yelling at me alerting everybody saying who knows what well i guess actually before he moved seats i i saw him come on the plane and i went up to the flight attendant and was like hey this guy on the plane he just came on looks like this he was just heckling my husband and she knew who taylor was and i was like can you just like make sure he's like not

hanging around here like ignoring like or yeah annoying him and like just like yeah keep an eye on that she's like oh yeah of course so she she already knew and then that whole thing happens where he comes up behind me and i'm like texting taylor like i was we were going somewhere for work for him and if we weren't going for work i would have walked off the plane i was like

Like I started crying in my seat. I was so nervous. And I always say I was next to like two really sweet old men. If there was a woman next to me, she would have known like what was going on. Like I just feel like there's like the woman instinctive like being scared of a man. But yeah.

Anyways, I text Taylor. I'm like, you need to get the flight attendant to come over here. They need to move him. I'm like so scared. In the middle of them doing the whole safety instruction. And Taylor's like, I can't ask them. They're literally like doing the whole, the life jacket and this. And then that ends. She finally comes over and actually it's not her. It's another flight attendant. And she's like, sir, like I need you to go back to your seat.

and he was like, really, you want to make me go back to the middle? Like, this guy was nice enough to change seats with me. I'm 6'5", and needed to extend my legs. Like, I have to go back to the middle seat. And the flight attendant looked at me, and she was like,

really like you're gonna make him move it's that much of a deal and she looked at me and this was like the only time i've ever like had to stand up for myself and i was like i'm so sorry but i'm not comfortable with him sitting there like i literally had to say that which i've never had to say in my life it's really inappropriate for her to bring you into it with him right there yeah and then the other flight attendant who i talked to came up and she knew what was going on and she was like sir we need you to move back and like

The whole flight. I just like was so uncomfortable and I could just hear him talking. You can't leave. I went to the bathroom and got up once and as I was walking back to my seat, I like made eye contact with him and he like took a shot or something. He also re-developed.

I was going to leave that part out, but this whole time you reeked. Yeah. So it was just like terrifying. That was like the only like scary. Your fans are lovely. Everyone is so sweet, but that was like. I was not a genuine fan. Yeah. It was just a little, it was a little scary. So that, that was probably the worst.

one of the only times I've actually genuinely like feared for like life. I feel like there's just like a dehumanizing element that comes like once someone is like celebrity status or like married to a celebrity like where like that guy probably just like did not even see you as like a person to like respect that you want privacy. Yeah. And that's something that I feel like is still

an adjustment and still, like, will be. Because, like, even when we were out to dinner for... After our engagement, we, like, went out to dinner. And, like, we're trying to enjoy our dinner. And Taylor probably took, like, four photos. Like, people, like, kept sitting, like, being sat by us. And, like, meanwhile, I'm, like, flipping my ring upside down because I'm not wanting anyone to see my ring because, like, we wanted to announce... Like, it's just like... You didn't want, like, articles to be written. Yeah. We wanted to, like, announce it on our own time. And tell your people first. Yeah. Yeah. So, like, it's definitely, like...

Luckily, hopefully we don't have any more changes. I'll get pregnant at some point, but that'll be easy to hide because I got baggy clothes. At some point. I want to talk about that, but we should probably ask them about their wedding. What the heck is on your nose? What is it? Do you not see it? Ink? Oh, I can't see it. You can't see it? You had it off for me? Was it your mic? Maybe it was my mic. Is there ink on my nose?

I thought you were joking at first. I was about ready to play along with you and go, oh yeah, it's all over. But then I realized you were being serious. I didn't even get part

Really? Okay, then I didn't see it. But I was ready to get you. Thank you. I mean, not thank you. Something I wanted to ask you is I just saw that Tom Holland announced that he was taking a one-year break from acting. I don't know if you guys saw that in the media. Apparently, he had a really tough time with a serious role he played in a recent... I think it's an Amazon Prime. He played...

Frick, we were just talking about this. Yeah, we love our crime murder series. Oh, that's Abby. She listens to like Crime Junkie and all these true crime things. I feel like, yeah. I'm like, are you plotting something? The Crowded Room. The Crowded Room, that's it. Apparently that role took a toll on him and so he's taking a break from acting. And I was curious, Taylor, as someone who's also taking a break, what would your advice be for him? Well...

I respect his decision because he's doing it at a time where he's at an all-time high. Yeah. And I feel like that takes a lot. It's much easier to take a break when, you know, things haven't been going perfectly. Yeah. So I just really respect it and would just encourage him to...

take whatever time he needs. I'm very confident that whenever he chooses to come back, he's gonna have plenty of opportunities waiting for him because he's fantastic. So just take all the time you need and just really respect that decision, especially at this point in his career. Yeah, that's so true. And you guys have been super open about mental health on your podcast, The Squeeze. I'm curious,

Was the break what you needed for mental health when when you took it for sure? Yeah at its core. Yes Yeah, I don't think I knew that like it's not I didn't know you go into it thinking I need a mental health Yeah, it wasn't like I was like, oh man, my mental health is struggling right now. I need to step back It wasn't like that. I think it took the step back and the break to realize that

Oh, yeah. Like I do need to focus a little bit more on myself and more on my mental health than everything else in life. So it kind of taking the step back is what opened my eyes to the world of mental health. Yeah. Is it true that you guys got engaged in your kitchen?

Yeah, that's so sick. Yeah, she always I always, you know, we knew it was going to happen. And I, I always asked her, I'm like, what do you want? How do you want me to do it? Like, what kind of gesture is, you know, your dream scenario?

she every time was like I literally I don't want anything I want I just want to be engaged and I don't it took him a little longer than I expected so yeah I was like four years fair enough yeah four years before engagement

And she always said multiple times, like, I don't care. Do it one night, like when we're having dinner in our kitchen. Like that's all just an intimate moment between you and me. So yeah, I did that. I like to say that I did it big in the kitchen because I got it all dressed up nice and pretty, but it was in our kitchen. Yeah. That's sweet. It was perfect. And you had a pretty intimate wedding. Like it wasn't huge. No, it was just under 100. Yeah, like 90 people.

That's really cool. That also felt perfect. Yeah. Yeah. It did. I'm very happy with how all of that turned out. That's beautiful. Did you guys have your wedding locally? Did you travel for your wedding? Somewhat local. Yeah, it's like our weekend getaway spot. Oh, cool. We got married in a little wine country. Nice. That's about...

three hours about three hours from where we live and it's one of our like go-to getaway reset spots so we already had been going for four years um and we loved loved it and it just felt so right we didn't want to get married like at a venue

In a city that we would never go back to and see again for the rest of our lives. Yeah. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but we are just very, like, sentimental people, especially him. So we were like, we want to go somewhere that, you know, we can visit again and, like, go back and, like, reminisce on everything. Yeah. And keeping it small, was that just for privacy sake and...

Even like privacy aside, I think it was just something that both of us just wanted. Like we had heard so much advice on like, you know, how stressful weddings can be. Yeah. You know. We didn't want to be like...

meeting people for the first time at our wedding. Yeah. So it was everyone, like even some of my friends that had fiance's or boyfriends, they didn't get a plus one because like I or Taylor didn't know them. Yeah. And like,

All of my friends, our friends totally respected that, which we absolutely love. Yeah. But yeah, we just wanted to keep it like people that we knew and like I didn't have to worry about meeting anyone or him meeting anyone. Just like a safe, safe space. Yeah. People that we know very well, trust are a huge, you know, a big part of our lives. People that we know are going to be a part of our lives. Yeah.

Like we just wanted it to feel really special and no regrets. It was truly perfect for us. Yeah. Something I really respect about you guys is even though you, you know, you're very well known, obviously, you know, Taylor, you're a celebrity. Spy kids. Spy kids. We were making that joke earlier. But like you guys have every reason to flex on people. You have every reason to,

I don't know, think of yourself as super, super special. But you guys are humble and you guys are real. Incredibly humble and live very normal lives. Yeah, and you've just treated us so... From the second we walked in your home, you guys treated us with so much respect and love. And I just think that's super cool. I'm curious what...

I mean, your life just seems so normal, honestly. Like, I didn't know what to expect. Meeting Sharkboy, I didn't know what to expect. Yeah, what's like a day-to-day like? Yeah. Probably less busy than yours. You guys probably have a much more crazy life than we do. Definitely. I mean, I also think we're able to like live a life like that because we do keep ourselves removed to an extent, obviously, like...

He still does stuff or will go to things. But I think it's just not putting value in those types of things, which is a large thing we talk about all the time. It's like we find value where we put value. And like we know our value between like us and our friends and our family and putting value in like what carpet you're walking or whatever. Like that's that's not where we find our value. So I think that helps like normalize it in a way, because a lot of the world that Taylor lives in and now I've kind of been

and now isn't normal but when you just when you go about it as like oh like

It's whatever. It kind of helps normalize it, if I'm saying that correctly. Yeah. I think what I learned over the years and including that step back that put everything into perspective for me was I think before living all these incredible experiences, you learn to think and believe that that is success. Yeah.

That is where you find happiness. Like that is validation that you're doing things right. Yeah. And when, you know, when you're being invited on the biggest talk shows, when you're walking the biggest red carpets, when you're starring in the biggest movies. Yeah. That is happiness. That is success. And now, you know, that I've...

Feel like I have my head on straight and yeah looking at things correctly like all those things are amazing and they're fun and enjoy them and soak them up and you know be Appreciative for them, but that's not what is gonna bring you true happiness in life Yeah, because if that's stripped away from you overnight, which it can be it's not yeah in your control Yeah fully

What's left? What's left in your life after that? And are you still going to be happy? And I think I was putting too much value in those things. And the second those things slow down a bit, you start getting down on yourself and feeling like you are a failure.

Yeah. And that's an unhealthy place to be. Did you ever have an identity crisis? Because I know when I was doing my research, I was blown away. You were named as one of America's most sexiest men alive. You were, I believe, the highest paid. You married America's sexiest man alive. You literally married America's sexiest man. Is that so weird for you? You're like,

That's my husband. 2011. That's great. Wait, did you, okay, were you nominated or did you officially get Sexiest Man Alive? I believe for the, there's all different kinds. There's a lot of sexy men. There's a lot of sexy men. It's true. There's a lot of competitions. I believe for the people's, which I think is maybe the most talked about one, I think for the people's Sexiest Man Alive, I was actually runner up. To who again?

Oh. See, I don't remember. I'm not 100% sure. Does that do something mentally to you? Again, felt like a failure. Wait, to that? But we don't have number two, though. Wait, so getting number two, you're like, oh, it wasn't number one. Like, probably. I don't remember in the moment, but I probably would. See, I was thinking it would be the opposite. It was like, I am the second sexiest person alive. Like, I'm like, I'm a king. Today, I would be very thrilled about that.

I've actually heard, I believe I read this somewhere that like in the Olympics, the person that wins bronze is usually the happiest because like a lot of times it's someone who didn't expect to place and then they're just like so grateful. And when you're at that high of a level, if you don't perform, you have like all this to lose and it's scary. Like I don't want to lose this. I don't want to lose this status. I don't want to fail.

And I mean, like back to what I was saying earlier, like, did you have some sort of identity crisis at some point? Because not only that, you I believe you were the highest paid teen actor in the world at one point. I've read those articles. Who knows? Who knows? Yeah. I guess they're just like, you don't you don't know where they're getting those numbers from. Yeah. Yeah. I don't. I mean, but I think it's those types of things like that.

It's almost near impossible to not put value in those things where you see that stuff being written about you and you do have the world's largest target on your back. Yeah. It's almost like you can only fail unless you just crush life out of the park over and over and over, which is never going to happen. Yeah. You're going to make mistakes. You're going to fail. But when you're,

Being held on such a high pedestal, it's tough to hit that. So it's easy to feel like you failed. And that's how I felt. But it's because I was valuing those things. It's because I was like believing what these people were saying about me and that I needed to do those things, live up to it.

was that just a breath of fresh air from all of that? That is a good way to put it in a very accurate way. Yes. I think it's exactly what I needed at that point in my life. And yeah,

Really opened up my new eyes. Yeah. Do you think you'll, are you planning on going back to acting or? Well, actually you did return. You were in a Netflix movie recently. Have you found new joy in coming back? Yeah. That movie felt like the perfect thing for me to do. Um, after the few year break, cause it was in the Adam Sandler family who I've worked with a few times before and, and love them know everyone. Um,

So that just felt like a very comfortable environment. Yeah. So that was super fun and easy and, you know, just had a great time with that. But yeah, I think...

Now I'm I'm starting to feel like I could be ready. I don't I don't know I'm gonna play it by ear Yeah, I don't know how Rhett like I don't want to hop on something for nine months out of the year and yeah leave my wife and yeah life that I you know have spent a lot of time and energy creating over the last few years behind

But yeah, I feel like I'm open if the right project comes around. That's really cool. And then sometime growing a family. Yeah. Are you guys going to be having kids at some point? At some point. What's up? At some point. If I were to tell Taylor I want a child right now, he'd be like, great, sign me up. No way. I'm definitely the holder backer person. Wow. She's the one holding it up for sure. But I'm here whenever she's ready. Yeah.

And how many kids are we thinking? Ready to do my part. Oh, boy. I'm a team player. Good job. I don't know. Maybe two. Maybe two? Maybe more. I don't know. She wasn't only. I was two. Yeah. Three is probably the max. We'd have to move, so...

We're going to run out of space for that. Yeah, earlier downstairs we were trying to figure out which room would be their nursery. Ah. Yeah. Because I want to redo the bathrooms, but then the bathrooms need, the one that baby's going to go in needs to have a tub because that would be easier to like bathe them in. Got it. See, I don't think about these things. I'm a planner. He's not. He fits well in the unplannedness. Yeah.

Abby's more of a planner for us, too. I'm a planner. Yeah, more so than I am. That's the most ridiculous thing. I'm a planner. That's why we named it the Unplanned Podcast. Fits well for both of you. And Tay, you're doing some really cool stuff with your nonprofit, Lemons by Tay. Is the nonprofit or it's the umbrella of- That's like the-

the bloggy umbrella part of it's lemons by tate that's what you started with that was my first mental health blog left the hospital

I worked as a COVID nurse, so I had... That's incredible. Yeah, thank you, by the way, for being a nurse during that tough time. Yeah, I hate saying you're welcome. I don't know what to say when people say that. Take a compliment. But I'm horrible at that. But I ended up having severe PTSD from working that, so I left the hospital, and I was like, I have this platform. I want to be able to do something positive.

good with it. So I started a mental health blog that turned into a nonprofit. Um, and then that turned into our podcast this week. But yeah, the nonprofit is going great. So little baby, you just turned one, but now that we're married and business things are finally like starting to move, I could finally like give it some attention. We've done some fun little community events and walks and sound baths. And there's a lot of fun things we have.

planned for the next year with it a lot of big exciting things yeah yeah next year coming yeah we didn't talk nearly enough about your nursing but like right when you got into that is when covid happened right so i graduated like fall of 2019 and then took my NCLEX in february of 2020

And then, gosh, yeah, I was going to go into surgery. That timing. That closed because of COVID. And then I was like, okay, I really want to work. I just like, I love nursing. It was the first thing I was ever really like passionate about school wise. Never got A's in high school. I was like sort of flying colors in nursing school. And it was like the hardest thing, but I was obsessed with it. And I was like, I got this degree. I'm going to apply to this one hospital that I really love during my clinicals. If I don't get it, I'm not, I won't work in the hospital. I'll just wait till COVID's over and I can work.

at an outpatient somewhere. Ended up getting the job. Taylor was not super excited, but he was very supportive of me. It was a night shift job and it wasn't COVID originally. It was just like on a cardiac floor. And then we turned COVID for like five months.

So that was, yeah, that was a very large adjustment. But I'm like so thankful for all of that because like we wouldn't be sitting here doing this. Like we wouldn't have, there wouldn't be lemons. There wouldn't be the foundation. There wouldn't be the podcast. There'd be none of that without her whole nursing experience. Yeah. So yeah. You don't think you'll return to nursing probably. You found what you wanted.

You know, that's a good question. I definitely couldn't go back to the hospital just because it doesn't like work with our schedule now that everything's back to normal. I was able to do it during COVID because no one was working. Everyone was home and it just like worked. But I'm still keeping up with my license just because it's something that I love to be able to say. And it's definitely a part of me. But I still like nurse in my head. I'm still I'm still the nurse of the friend group. Yeah. And if we ever need a nurse.

It's nice to know. One day. Honestly, it's great for being a mom, I feel like. There's a lot of things I wish that I knew that I'm like... Yeah. Even having babies, like...

I don't know anything about that. Feeding time is so scary. I'm just like so terrified that he's going to choke. Oh, yeah. And so I'm just like always like eyeing him. I'm like, he's choking. And then I'll go to like try to get something out of his mouth. And I realize he's just pooping and he's holding his breath. Like all the injuries that your kids will find themselves with. You're going to be like, yeah. I will be the cleaner-upper.

And Taylor will be the player. That's how it works with our dogs. Deal. He plays with our dogs and I clean up the throw up. Yeah, I do not do well with that. Yeah. And mental health is a very broad topic. Like what specifically, I guess, do you hope to accomplish with Lemons Bites Hay, with the nonprofit? What's kind of the focused area of mental health? Yeah. I mean, luckily for us, it is very broad topic.

Everyone always says like you need to have your niche and whatever it is. And even though mental health can be looked at as a niche, there is still so many topics of it. But that's something that I'm kind of thankful for is we're like on the podcast, we cover so many topics. Yeah, it just depends. Like literally from like depression to ectopic pregnancies to diabetes.

and grief and just like all of the things. It depends who are, we have a guest on almost every episode. We're starting to incorporate episodes that are just us, but so far we've had a different guest on every episode. It just depends what they're going through. Like they, their mental, our guests mental health journey dictates what the conversation is going to be about that day.

day or episode. Yeah. And I think my goal is just to continue. Like it is definitely something that's normalized, but it's kind of like the next step. Like what, what does that next step look like? Like, okay, maybe you are like depressed or struggling with something. Like what's that next step going with it? So just like supporting people and making people feel not alone as cliche as it sounds. It's like so needed even like myself. I need that to know that I'm not alone in something that I'm struggling with. So yeah, that's kind of the goal with it.

Very cool. Very, very cool. I feel like your guys' passion for it, it shows. And it's really cool and exciting what you guys are doing. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Yeah. Well, anything else? Anything you guys want to add? Anything you weren't able to share that you just want people to know? I want you to know that I was Sharkboy, not Junie. Great. That's great.

That's great. We got that now? We got it. That's cleared up. We got it. There we go. I thought it was the only one that made that. Also, I got to say, I totally didn't say earlier, Cheap by the Dozen 2 is like such a good movie. I saw it in theaters. You did? Yes, with my grandma. And I was like, this movie, my favorite. And we watched it on our baby moon with Griffin. Stop.

The second one. We did. It was the second one because I like the second one. We do need to watch it. We've never watched it together. Really? I haven't seen it in at least 10 years. We watched it last year. Wow. Because I love that movie. It's good. It's really good. It's a great movie. I love that movie. The whole like the dog scene where they pack the seat with the meat. We were just talking about

Oh, don't tell me. I don't remember. Okay, I won't. The singing where the Murtaugh's family is singing. Wait, remind me. Can we sing it? What is it? There once was a man named Michael Finnegan who had some whiskers on his chin again. He'll sing that randomly. That's so funny. The Baker family singing that and then we're like. You don't remember what you're singing? No, I don't remember. You remember the other people? It's not nearly as fun as the Baker family. Oh my gosh. You were just singing that the other day. It had to be so fun to film.

With all the kids? It was a dream. Do you keep in touch with any of those people or anybody from Twilight? The closest person I am... Yeah. I was trying to think. Yeah. I...

me and Allison stoner from cheaper. We did an episode with her. Yeah. She, she came on my heart. Oh my, was she your, like, were you guys the couple that was? Yeah. Yeah. She was my love interest and became very good friends after that. And our families became good friends. Wow. Um, we lost touch for a little bit, but we reconnected with her recently and she's just an amazing human. Um,

also from that I'm buddies with uh his name's Jonathan Bennett I don't know what he played in that but he was in that yeah what but he's more famously the hot guy from Mean Girls Mean Girls definitely know that name wait we just met him in New York we were at this event for the New Year's Eve ball drop and he was like he was hosting it yeah and so he was we were doing a paid partnership with Kay Jewelers and so is he yes I think him and his husband hosted something there

Yes. Very, very kind. Yeah. For Kay. Oh my gosh. So yeah, he was in Cheaper Too. He played... He was the boyfriend of... Hillary Duff's boyfriend? No, Piper Parabose. The dad. They were like having a baby. I really need to watch this movie. You said a lot. He was the dad. Like when she... He was like the panicky dad in the hospital.

Yes. They're going into labor. Yes. Okay. He's like the protective fiance, like from the crazy family. It's so funny how small the world is in the entertainment industry. Cause we were just talking earlier about like, I was saying, you know, I went to go see this DJ Griffin in Vegas and you guys like, yeah, we're friends with him. I'm like, what? Like just how, how close. Damn.

How close the industry is. It's kind of cool to see that. Yeah. That is really cool. It seems like a little family. It works both ways, though. Okay. It either works like that or sometimes we have people just assume that because we're a part of that world, we know everyone. Yeah. And they're like,

I also don't know anyone. I'm so bad with knowing people like in the industry. So. Yeah. Someone will bring someone up and I'm like, uh-huh. Like I've never. But a lot of times people just assume like they were talking about nannies or something recently. And they're like, oh, I'm sure you know plenty of nannies from all your super famous friends. I'm like, I don't.

Our closest friends are definitely not very famous. And you guys are so down to earth too. Like, I didn't know what to expect, but like we ate lunch between filming our podcast and you like took my plate for me, which I was just like, you don't need to take my plate for me. Like I can like put it in the dishwasher, but I don't know. You just, it wasn't like you had this whole, you know, team of people at your house. Like here, let me clean this floor and do this for you. Like,

Yeah. I'll give that to Girl Tay. She loves to clean. Yeah. Also a great host. Well, it was an honor to have you guys on the podcast. Definitely go check out Lemons by Tay or The Squeeze, the podcast that...

Taylor Lautner and Tay Lautner have together. Love the podcast. You guys should definitely go check that out. And you can also find them on Instagram. It's very peaceful to listen to. TikTok. TikTok. Yeah, follow me. I promise I'll post more. One of these days he'll post again. If you guys haven't already hit the like button and subscribe, that'd really help us out if you're watching on YouTube. And if you're listening on one of those handy dandy podcast platforms, give us a review. That would really mean a lot to us. A five star, hit it.

five stars like buttons everything right now let's go and as always this is where we get cheesy and say peace out dudes okay yep three two one peace out dudes