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The network, I think, at the beginning, they just didn't think it was going to work without the drama that most shows have because this is not the blueprint of reality TV. And I remember my parents pulling us aside and saying, like, you never have to do something because they ask you to, like, be true to who you are. I'd never given birth before, so I didn't know. Yes, that was me. Again, like, you know labor's hard, so you're like, that was crazy. Wow. I wasn't thinking it was going to be easy. And then the nurse came in and was like, that's the scariest thing that could have happened. I did not know that a conehead was a thing. I was, like, freaking out. I told them to put
We sat down with Sadie Robertson and Christian Huff. You probably already know Sadie from Duck Dynasty or Dancing with the Stars, but you probably didn't know that she met her husband right after she swore off dating. And together, they've been through a lot. From keeping their relationship hidden from social media to their baby getting stuck during childbirth, we talk about all this and so much more all on today's episode.
This episode of Unplanned is brought to you by Huggies Skin Essentials. Baby butts rejoice! New Huggies Skin Essentials are here! A brand new dermatologist line of diapers, wipes, and pull-ups training pants, all designed with baby's sensitive skin in mind. I wanted to open with a confession that I had because... What? I'm scared. When I was in middle school, my family didn't have cable because we couldn't afford it at the time. And so I was like, I'm going to buy a new one.
And so I actually heard about Sadie at the time because I was illegally streaming Duck Dynasty through this like really sketchy website. No way. And then my parents found out that I like had access to this and they were like, hey, we should have like a party with our friends. And I was like, yeah, we could even eat like jambalaya. That's what they do in Louisiana, right? So I...
So I just wanted to confess that to open up because I feel like that's just not cool. So I'm really sorry. Listen, thank you for your confession. I will say, though, good to know Duck Dynasty was reaching lots of places. You didn't even know that. I didn't even know that. Well, and if you're worse confessionist streaming Duck Dynasty, you're doing pretty good. I know, that's almost a family show. Most people stream a lot worse things. This is a better confession than a confession.
than it could have been. Oh, for sure. Wow, Matt getting praised for your pirating. Well, yeah. Hey, I feel a lot better now. So I, I don't know. I probably like owe your family like probably like $15 from all the episodes that I've streamed illegally. Venmo me after this. I'll just like shoot you guys a Venmo. That's hilarious. I'll send you an address for a check. That's so funny. Christian, is that how you also discovered Sadie growing up? It actually is. Yeah. Okay. Not illegally though. You were watching it on Annie. Yeah. My family had cable. Oh, Jesus.
Me and all my friends were huge Duck Dynasty fans. And when I was actually a freshman in high school on the baseball team, I told one of the guys that I was going to marry Sadie, which I do not remember saying that. And it was not until right before we got married that he texted me that. Yeah, he didn't tell me that. He did not tell me that when we were dating like the whole time. Well, because I forgot about it. Which is kind of a good thing because I think it would have been like, oh, okay. You know, that's weird.
That's weird. Okay. But it was so sweet because we were a week away from our wedding and one of his friends texted him who was invited to the wedding and was like, dude, this is so cool. Like I remember freshman year when you told us on the baseball field you were going to marry her one day.
And like, you're literally marrying her. And I really have no recollection of that. And so I was like, okay, that's actually really cool. Like at this point, this is really sweet. So yeah, they were fans of Duck Dynasty. But when we met, the show had already been over for a couple of years. One time, one of the first times she came to my family's house, they had a Duck Dynasty cut. Your mom was so embarrassed. They're not the people that you would think would have a Duck Dynasty cut. What do you think would have a Duck Dynasty cut?
you know, Louise, they're not eating jambalaya. Okay. They're not like eating jambalaya. You would expect to see maybe. My dad's not a hunter. No, they're not hunters or anything. And your mom is always like so put together. So cute, stylish. And like I opened their cabinet and everything in their house is so beautiful. And there it is. Like all the bearded men in my family on a couch. And I was like, and his mom was like, Oh my gosh, it was a gift. Someone gave that to me. Like, I don't think it was a gift. I think she probably bought it. I think she bought it.
Did you bring it up? We were a huge fan. Oh, yeah. I mean, there was no ignoring it. It's like one of those where it's like my dad, my uncle's face is like the beard on this cup. It wasn't one of those like you could be like, oh, it's just like we didn't know it was Doug Dynasty. It was my whole family. It was hilarious. I feel like we were like the normal, you know, we weren't like going to go drive to West Monroe. No, y'all were just like, y'all just watched Doug Dynasty. We kept up with it on TV. And you had a cup.
Yeah, and I had a crush on you. And you had a crush on me, and I didn't know that. Christian, do you have an urge to just grow out a really long beard at some point? I have. Well, so I've really...
I hope not. I can't. Well, first off, I can't. That's kind of like a prerequisite that I thought would be being able to grow out a beard. And I can't. Well, I can kind of grow some scruff, but I can't. There's no volume in it. But I've thought about maybe doing some things to enhance it. But I like that he's clean shaven. I'm like, don't go there. That's not my thing.
Last hunting season, I grew it out a little bit, but it's just kind of scraggly. I feel you, bro. I'm the same way. I wish I could grow something. My father-in-law the other day, I hadn't shaved in two days or three days, and he was like, oh, are you growing it out? And he's like, well, actually, you have all that patchy area over there. I'm like, yeah, I can't really do much. So,
Kind of a bummer. Pat's okay with me, Matt. I wanted to know, though. I want to know, what is the origin story of the show? Because I feel like most people are like, yeah, I watched Duck Dynasty growing up. But they probably don't know how it actually came to be. Yeah, so this is such a good question. And actually, my family just put out a movie last year called The Blondes.
And it's really cool. And this is really cool because we were flying and it was on Delta. It was like one of the movie choices on Delta. So you can watch it on your flight. But it kind of shares a little bit of the backstory of my family that a lot of people don't know. Really, my grandpa's story. So my grandpa was like crazy wild man, like lived in the woods, literally like wild man. And that was whenever my dad was like really young. He ended up...
making a lot of mistakes. They owned a bar at the time, like doing all this crazy stuff. When he came out of his like wild days and,
He had a completely transformation of lifestyle. He came to know Jesus, changed his whole life, and then he was like, hey, what am I going to do? And he actually was listening to my uncle, who was really little at the time, play on his little flute. And he was like... One of those little... It was like a little flute thing. And he was thinking, that sounds like a duck. Kind of sound like the sound of a duck. And he actually invented the first two-reeded duck call.
So he invented the duck call and the movie like alludes to this, but it's really just the backstory of his life.
So he invented the duck call. He tried to sell it, like, all these places. Like, went to Walmart, went to other places, like, look at my invention. And he would, like, blow the duck call and then play the sound of a duck, and it sounded just like it. And so he started a company called Duck Commander, and they sold duck calls, but, like, not everybody's buying a duck call, you know? So they would make, like, VHS tapes of, like, them hunting and, like, using the duck call. It was called Duck Commander. Duckman. Yeah.
Oh, Duckman. It was like, yeah, Duckman. Yeah, Duckman. But the company was Duckman. It was called Duckman, the videos. So my dad, finally, he was the only brother that went to college. My mom and dad, my mom's like very business woman too. So they were like, I think we could grow this company. So they took over Duck Commander and,
my mom loves reality TV and she was like the best thing we could do for the company is have a reality TV show because then it would get people who aren't hunters to know about Duck Commander or are hunters and don't know about the duck call so
So the first thing that they did was pitch it to the Outdoor Channel. And so we had a show on Outdoor Channel called The Duck Commander Family. And it was a hunting show, of course, but it had so much of our family on it. I was like 10, probably. And the interviews of me as a 10-year-old are hilarious. Cute. I like the country as well.
accent ever, which I still do, but I really did then. Really, really, really. I mean, like, really bad. It was pretty, it was kind of embarrassing. And so, anyways, the show started doing so well and breaking all these records on the Outdoor Channel because now, like, moms, like, wives and kids are watching the Outdoor Channel and that's not normally the case. So, a bigger network started seeing it. Which, the Outdoor Channel is a channel on cable and it has, it has hunting on the Outdoor Channel. Oh, great. Okay. Wouldn't have ever known that. Christian,
No, but these are our new friends. I don't know if he was illegally streaming the outdoor channel at some point. He found a way. I'm a convict over here. Another thing we have to confess.
No, but the Outdoor Channel, yeah, it was doing great. And so other networks started noticing. We started getting all these offers from other networks. And A&E actually put in an offer to take over the show. But they wanted to change the name to Duck Dynasty, which we thought was so funny because it wasn't a dynasty. This is like a duck called business, like Duck Commander. And we were like, that seems a little far-fetched.
And it is kind of crazy because of Duck Dynasty. It did kind of become like a dynasty because people were buying duck calls like crazy who would never buy a duck call, who are never going to use a duck call, but just wanted it because of the show. And so my mom was right. It was the best thing for the business. But more than that, it was a godly family on TV with good morals and values and having fun and being silly and blowing things up. And people just loved the show. And it broke all kinds of cable records.
which is just absolutely crazy. It's still the most. It's like the most watched show ever on cable. And actually the most non-scripted. The biggest episode was when my grandparents renewed their vows, which I think is so sweet. Oh my goodness. Yeah, that's so sweet. That's really sweet. And that was like the biggest stream show on TV, non-scripted. How cool. Isn't that cool? That's really cool. I know. It's like a wild story, but that's kind of like overview of it. That's so cool because like you're saying, like it's like,
such a wholesome family whereas i feel like reality tv definitely does not lean towards wholesome at all so yeah that's and it's really one of the few that i can think of okay now that i'm like we're talking about this my memory just got refreshed i feel like my mom like 10 years ago was like i love this show because they wanted to like make it look like they were cussing at one point but then they actually weren't yeah wasn't there some storyline about how your family uh
the network on like, hey, we want to make this clean and the network wanted to act like there were some curse words being said here and there. Oh yeah, the first episode. I'll never forget. We were all watching as a family. We had a big party because the first show was coming out and they bleeped my mom and my mom doesn't cuss and we were like, mom! We were all so shocked and she was like, I didn't say that. That was not, I did not cuss and we were like,
what the heck? Like, that was so crazy. Cause she was like running up bleachers in the first episode. And she was like, it was like beep, but like, she didn't say anything. Yeah. And like, I know that my mom, like she did not say anything. And so, cause you know, my mom, she's so funny. And like the sweetest, like chillest lady that just wasn't out of her character. She wouldn't have done that. And so anyways, they were like, we, we kind of like fought the network on it. This is once the episode has already been aired.
Yeah. Oh, it was out. Yeah, it was out. The episode was out. And we were like, hey, like, don't do that. I don't even know that story. It's crazy. And also, like, I mean, we're human, you know? It's not like we're all not capable of dropping a word. But she was like, I actually didn't say that. So I don't want to be represented in that way if that's not even true. And they would always, at the beginning, they just didn't think it was going to work.
Like it's not going to work. A show on cable, a TV show, a reality TV show without the drama that most shows have without the fighting, the fighting, the this. So they would always try to like stoke a fight between like the couples or they would tell us to be, I remember one time in the episode, we were like picking up sticks for my grandpa and they were like, Hey, when he asked you say no. And I was like,
no way. There is no way I'm going to tell him no. Like that would have been so disrespectful. And so I was like, they, they did it again. He's like, go pick up six. I was like, yes, sir. And they're like, no, like just this time, just for the scene. And I remember my, our parents pulling us aside and saying like, you never have to do something because they ask you to like be true to who you are in that scene. And so we were true to who we are. And actually people loved it because people were like, wow, respectful kids on,
TV like so cool to see them respect their grandpa which was true and so they thought this is not gonna work but that's the very thing that works you know that people love that and then the drama comes from just the drama of like I said they literally would blow things up they would do crazy things my dad would come in and no one was working and he'd be like get your butts up and work like you know what I'm
- It was like funny drama, but it wasn't like hateful or rude or like too far. But yeah, the network, I think at the beginning, it was just like, how is this gonna work? Because this is not the blueprint of reality TV, but that's what people wanna see. - How cool. - I love that. There was an episode where your family went frog gigging. I think it was like your uncle Si's idea or something.
And I remember like the show influenced me in a way because I remember telling my dad like, Dad, have you ever been frog gigging? Like we should we should definitely do this. And so my dad took me and my little brother and then my cousin who was visiting us from like a small town in Illinois at the time. And he had like a southern accent and everything. And we all went frog gigging.
And sure enough, we ended up getting told, just like in the episode, how they got in trouble for frogging on a golf course. We got in trouble for doing it in a residential area because it was like a pond in the neighborhood. But there were so many frogs. So I mean, why would you not go to this? There were probably 500 frogs at this pond. We were just catching them left and right. I'm so confused. Are you killing them?
So that's the thing. I felt really bad. They die eventually. They die eventually. But no, that's the thing. The frog digging, it's like a little spear, like a mini spear. But I felt really bad about using that. So we would catch them with nets, like little nets to use on the beach. And then put them out of the misery later. And then, yeah, I'm not going to say what we did next. Stop! Stop!
I was like, this is not a car. Now I feel really bad. But they tasted so good. You ate them? If you kill it, you gotta eat it. That's the beauty of it. That's the beauty of it. That's the hunting. If you're gonna kill it, you gotta eat it. That's true. I guess I didn't realize we were
were even killing them. I'm not going to say that you eat it. You eat the frog. Yeah, but the way I'm not going to say how we did it, but it's like it was a very humane way of just like quick, like instantaneous boom. They were out. But I feel like that's so much more ethical than some of the ways that they, I don't know. Have you ever like ran over a frog in the rain? I sure hope not. I'm sure you have. There's not a lot of frogs
Oh, that's true. In Louisiana, it's inevitable. Okay, that's the funny part is I grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, like near the city. And then Abby grew up...
literally a hundred feet from a cornfield. And she's the one who like had never grown up around a farm and done all that. But I had, my grandpa had a farm, so we'd go out there and go like, rural is different than country. Sometimes they're together. Sometimes they're not. That is true. I'll give you that. Yeah. And also like, so people always assume I'm a hunter because I'm in the Robertson family. And I'm like, no, I've actually never been duck hunting with my family. I've only been deer hunting twice. And I was like, cool.
cool, I don't think I'm going to do this again. Like I, that's just not for me. And I love that they do it. I really do appreciate that them in our family do it. I think it's like a really amazing thing. And we have deer meat and the, you know, we always have like the meat of the season of the hunting season. And that's what we eat as a family. And that's what we come around the table. And it's actually like a really beautiful tradition and stuff. I love that about my dad and my family, but I just don't like it. Like I don't want to do it, you know? And so it's funny. Well, you like to sleep in. Exactly. See, everyone's different. Everyone's different.
So I'm like, I want to get up early and go sit in the cold water in the winter and kill ducks. That's just not my thing. Yeah.
Did you have to get initiated into Sadie's family in order to be accepted? I didn't have to. I do really enjoy hunting. You didn't have to, but you just naturally did. I just naturally did. Me and her dad are really close. We enjoy all the same things, sports and evangelism and all the different things, but we really bond over college football and tennis. So hunting was just natural? Hunting was natural. I was not a big hunter growing up, but
Really enjoy it now. I enjoy just the sport element, just the camaraderie and just the community elements of it. It's fun. Yeah, getting out with your guy friends and getting out in the woods. It's really cool. It's special. Thank you to Nutrafol for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. I never experienced hair shedding until I had two babies. Mine is just male pattern baldness. Yeah.
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Was the success of the show at all expected? I mean, what was that like being a kid and then everybody, I'm sure, seeing you in public and being like, Sadie, can I have a picture with you? Yeah, no. That was very, I think, unexpected. I don't think anyone could have expected that because it really was so different than a lot of reality shows. Not a lot of reality shows do hit that level of success. And so...
I don't think we even had... No, we never even thought about that. We ended up... I think... How many seasons did we do? Over 10. 145 episodes, five years of filming. I mean, we did not expect that. You put out one season and you don't really know what's going to come after that. I do remember the first times going out and being like, oh, wow, this is kind of different and crazy. But I was shielded from that for a little bit longer than I feel like what people would have thought because...
we started filming the show when I was in eighth grade and then ninth grade year is when the show took off and my family was traveling and doing other things but I was in high school like you know just living a more normal lifestyle and then the show kept getting crazier and then my junior year of high school is when I was on Dancing with the Stars and that's when my life changed because it was like
oh, like now I'm not just like the kid in the Robertson family. It's like I have my own following and stuff. And that's whenever I feel like, okay, this is weird. Like people are showing up to my basketball games because they know who I am and bringing their duck calls and quacking whenever I dribble. And I was like, this is not fun. Like, I feel like
I feel like I didn't experience the elevation of fame like how it was overnight for my parents. I feel like I was kind of slow into it for me. And then when I was on Dance with Stars, I was like, oh, wow. This is kind of life-changing. And the cool thing for you, you talk about it like getting famous with your whole family. Yeah. Versus like not isolation. I think that was so cool for us. That's what I mean. It was kind of slow because I think when a lot of people get famous, it's just them. And it feels like so isolating. And I'm so grateful. I got...
to, you know, go into fame with my entire family, like my parents, my cousins, my siblings, there's like 40 of us. And like, we're all like, what's happening? This is crazy. And I remember like, we all had dinner. And I remember everyone was like, hey, no one get the big head. Like, this is all this is like, for the glory of God, this is what our family's doing together. This is something that like, if they take it away tomorrow, we're going to be just fine, because we were good without it. It's a blessing to have it. And so having like,
my mentors and my parents and like aunts and uncles and grandparents speak this over me as they're experiencing the same thing I think is what set us up really well because people say like you know how did how did you you know
come out okay because a lot of people especially young kids come out of reality tv or hollywood and it really affects them and like well i can see why like if i was doing that alone it would have been really bad like it would have been really really hard and there are so many things that were really really hard that i went through privately you know and had help to go through but experiencing it with my whole family made it very um very special yes it's cool when you say that because i feel like
especially there's been so much that's come out with reality TV about how it can be really hurtful to a family and how, I don't know, there's things happening behind the scenes that people on television didn't know about. And so just to see your family thrive and come together and not be affected in a negative way. I mean, it really, I feel like it's a cool testament to just how tightly knit your family is and how much you love each other. Yes. I love that when,
people told you to disrespect your grandpa, that you said, no, I'm going to stay true to who I am. And I think that's really cool. Yeah. I think it was key that we were so open with communication during the whole thing. My parents were communicating what was hard for them. I remember, this is kind of crazy, but there's so many beautiful sides to fame and there's really hard things too. I remember there was one time where a magazine put out a fake story of my mom, but it was like
really bad like really really bad and including fake pictures of my mom they were like like people use I guess it wasn't AI at the time but some way made it look like my mom's face on another person's body it was terrible that flew around like all of our schools in town like locally and I remember like
hearing about it from Twitter and like everyone at school was talking about it and we were going home and being like oh my gosh and I remember my mom like immediately was like this is not me this is not what happened and like you just have to know it's true kind of thing and then it ended up coming out like lawyers got involved and busted the story to not be true they had the actual picture of my mom that the person used to like make it look fake and actually print it automatically I mean it's crazy but I just remember like the open communication of like my mom sharing like how that affected her but what is true
I think it helps so much to be like, okay, you know what? Having influence in the world, you're gonna have the opinion of man all day long. And sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, but you gotta know truth. And when you stand on truth and you have a family of people to communicate and speak truth, it is so powerful how you can get through those things together and come out so much stronger.
And I think that is why my family is so close because we went through that together and had to have conversations with each other so openly and so honestly. I don't know that we would have had we not all been experiencing the same thing at the same time. So it was a wild time and mostly great and then some hard. And I think even too, being open about...
like negative comments I actually do you know like being the openness and the vulnerability to be like actually does hurt your feelings it does affect you I'm sure you guys know like when people say mean things that actually like there actually is something deep that like you know does affect you so I think even being open and being like
Yeah, like when people say mean and hurtful things, like it actually does affect it. Yeah, and going through all that together. I remember the first time I got a mean comment on Twitter when Duck Dynasty started. Like I just got like my Twitter account, just got social media, which my mom made us wait a little bit before we did. And someone was like, at legit city Rob, you look like a man. And I was like, I just like this person's
I was like, you know, 14. I was like, what in the world? I remember I went to my mom and I was like, mom, someone just said I look like a man. And then my mom said, it's okay. Someone to me tagged me and said, you look like Squidward from SpongeBob.
It's like so crazy, but we're going through this together. You know what I mean? It's like, okay. And then she got to help me go through like fame. So that's what I say is so unique about the whole thing. Like our family did it together. So she had her own struggle. She had crazy stuff happen to her that affected her. And that was hard. But like she was able to speak with me through the things that I was going through too. And it was cool. That's really neat. Crazy. I appreciate you guys being open about all that too. Cause I feel like, I don't know, people probably get afraid to talk about,
the hard challenges that you face with fame and I don't know just navigating that can be so difficult so that's cool that your whole family just banded together and stuck together and supported one another I love that so much we're a laugh at yourself kind of family I think that's the key to it you gotta laugh at yourself you gotta just be able to like roll with the punches which I have a hard time with Christian does have a hard time with you have to learn how to get made fun of I'm not a laugh at yourself kind of guy you gotta learn
how to get made fun of and roll with the punches. Is your family sarcastic? Yes, very much so. My family? Your family? Really? You think we're sarcastic? You don't think your dad is sarcastic? Oh, I don't know. I feel like he's just straight up. That's true. He means it. I think it's funny.
actually. Yeah, that's probably true. But he's legitimately probably the funniest person I've ever met. He is one of the funniest people in the world. But I don't think he's sarcastic. I think he's just straight up funny because he's a little brutal. He's just witty. Is that intimidating? Who's funnier, your dad or your Uncle Si? Well, that's different humors. That's like ones you're laughing at and one you're laughing with him. Okay.
If we're being honest. But like your dad, he's just so witty. Like if you say something, he has the quickest comeback you've ever seen. It's crazy. Which you can't laugh at yourself, but that's the problem. You can dish it, but you can't take it. I know. Trust me. I'm really aware of that. I can dish it, but like the moment someone says something to me, I just get the laugh. Hold air. Like your pink drink right there. Yeah, yeah. If you're watching this and you're like judging my pink drink, then...
I might make fun of you for drinking it, but don't come at me. Don't come at me. Don't come at me. Both Christian and I are rocking the pink energy drinks today. Thanks, Alani, for sponsoring this podcast. Christian was like, man, are we going to say that these are our wives' drinks? I was like, bro, I think we can just rock it, and the flavor is amazing. It actually is really good. That's funny.
No, my family makes fun of each other a lot and your family doesn't really... Oh, I know. Yeah, so that's... I feel the same way, Christian, because Abby's family is so sarcastic. So I had to learn... Not sarcastic. Well, yes, sarcastic, but also we just like give each other such a hard time. I took everything so literally growing up because my family is not sarcastic at all. So I was like, wait, is your mom like being mean to me? Like, does she like me? And she's like, no, she's being sarcastic. I was like, she's just...
Just show her she cares. Yeah. But it is funny because, like, you rag me all the time, and especially on my podcast. Like, he'll just, like, say stuff to me. And I think it's so funny because that's my family's humor. It reminds me so much of my mom and dad. Like, they just give it to each other. So I think it's funny. And then people are always in the comments like, he's so mean to Sadie. So I'm like, no, I think it's funny. Yeah.
I'm very sarcastic. You are. Me and my family, we're on the more sarcastic side. So you just gotta be able to take it back. I know. Average yourself. I know, I know. I'm getting there. I am the key to life.
You know what to laugh at yourself. Makes life way more fun. That's true. Way less stressful. That's a good point. Okay. Let's talk about your love story a little bit. I know earlier we were talking about how Christian had confessed that he loves Sadie and wanted to marry Sadie back in like high school. But like what can we dive into here? Because I feel like there's, I don't know. I feel like there's so much more to it than that. Have we actually come together and meet?
Yeah, yeah. You want to tell it or do you want me to? You got it. This is a good story. You're way more articulate than I am. It is kind of funny. I can tell the fast version-ish. So I was down at the beach where their family kind of is from. So have you ever been to 30A? Yes.
I went there growing up. I love 38. So I was down there in a girl's trip with my friends. He was down there with his family because that's like where they're from. And we were down there. And the day before I met Christian, I was in another relationship. And I was like, I really feel like it's time to break up with this person. And I had just kind of been on this, this,
Honestly, like, unhealthy pattern of just, like, dating people, breaking up, dating people, breaking up. And I was, like, so desperate to find, like, the one. But I was just in a bad head space. Like, I feel like my desperation for that kind of took away from, like, the beauty of what that actually means. To, like, find the person you're going to spend your life with. It had just honestly become a distraction in my life. And so, I broke up with this guy. And I had this super honest conversation with my friends. Like, I got to be done with dating for a while. Like, I just...
I just am seeing myself being desperate for this thing. I think it's actually distracted me of what that actually is all about and what God has for me. And I just want to recenter myself and trust that God has that person in my life. So this honest conversation with them about how I'm done dating. I really need to slow down. All this stuff. And I make a video with my friends on July 2nd, 2018 saying, I'm done dating. I'm holding myself accountable to y'all and myself. I'm making this video. It's like so dramatic.
Literally, July 3rd, 2018, I'm walking on the beach and, sorry, I keep hitting this mic. I'm walking on the beach and his cousin had messaged me the day before because she knew, they all knew my sister. I met Bella the year prior. They knew my sister from like being down in Seaside. And so anyways, his cousin messaged me and was like, hey, we're all at the beach. Like, we'd love to meet you. We know your sister. I'm thinking,
Yeah, and I actually told her we're going crab hunting, which this was not killing crabs. This was just catching them, putting them back on the beach. And so I said, we're going crab hunting. We have extra nets. Y'all should come. Thinking it's just going to be the girls that were coming. And so they come walking up and Christian's with them. You know I tagged along for them. Yeah. So Christian comes and... I wasn't going to miss out on the crab hunting. Yes. So he knew I was coming. I didn't know he was coming because, again, freshman year, he knew of me and I was like...
Okay, so I see Christian walking up and I turn around to my friends and I said, delete the video. I was like, he's so cute. Like I knew it was like love at first sight. It was like, I know I said this yesterday, but today, like this is a new story. Wait, this video, was it something you had already posted online? No, it wasn't to be posted. I just made a video with my friends saying like, I'm not
going to date. Yeah. I was like, I'm not going to date for a while. And so I made this video and I said, July 2nd, 2018, this is me saying, I'm not going to date for a while. We're holding myself accountable. And then July 3rd, I see Christian and I turn around and say, delete that video. Because I was like, oh shoot. Like he's so cute. And then they were like, no, don't even talk to him. Don't even look at him. They're trying to help you. They're like, stay. This is serious. See, I really did need to stop dating. I really did need a break. And so I
see him though and I'm like oh shoot what am I going to do so the whole night I'm trying to not talk to him because they are like don't don't talk to him blah blah and then he's not talking to me I'm talking to her friends the whole night because I'm like you know my first time meeting you I'm not going to be like that overbearing person so he's talking to my friends so I'm talking to her friends the whole time to kind of seem casual yes I've been here before and my
And my friends are so beautiful. Like literally a model. And I was like, oh crap. Like he's going to date one of them. It's so annoying. Why did I make that stupid video? And so I was like, he's going to date them. And one of them is going to be fine. Whatever. Okay. Hold myself accountable. So I'm like talking to his girl cousins. And then at the end of the night, he comes up to me.
And he's like, hey, you know, which this part embarrasses him so bad, but I love to tell this part. It's tough. Because now that I know you, I'm like, I actually can't believe you did this either because it was so bold for you. You were like, he's like, you know, you're welcome.
He was like, you know, you follow everyone in my family but me on Instagram. And I was like, oh, really? Which actually, that was true. And I don't know why I just never followed Christian. My sister knew all of them. Because you thought I was too cute. You didn't want to put yourself on the line. No, I just was like, I'm not going to follow him because I don't know you. But my sister was friends with all the girl cousins, like his brother. And I had heard so much about them. So I followed all of them but Christian.
I was like, oh, really? Okay, ha ha. And I'm thinking like, okay, sweet. Like, that's interesting. He said that. So then I get home and I follow him back, but I don't even tell my friends I follow him back because I'm like, they're going to be like, don't do this. And so I see a DM pop up and I'm like, oh my gosh, I can't believe he already DM'd me. This is crazy. So I click on it and it was actually from two years before.
And it was like from him and he was like, hey, he saw me at Passion Conference speaking and he said, I saw you at Passion Conference and I just think it's amazing what God's doing in your life. I just think it's so awesome what you're doing, like standing for him. And he was like, just want to send you this encouragement, like keep going. And then he said, and I also think you're the most beautiful girl in the world.
So then I'm sitting on this like sweet DM from two years ago. I'm like, what am I going to do? So anyways, finally... You sat on it for three days? I did sit on it for three days. Do you remember sending that DM? Yes, I do. I don't remember like...
typing it out but I yeah I remember shooting my shot did you actually say though I think you're the most like in quotes I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world he straight up did I actually can't that's why I was like he was so bold and like you're kind of shy in a lot of scenarios so I was so shocked that he said that now it's even more shocking that we're married and I know you so well because I'm like that was really bold and brave of you but when I saw it I was like oh my gosh that's the nicest thing ever thank you to
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it was just such a kind message. And so anyways, I took three days to think about it and I was like, all right, I'm going to do him back. And so we started DMing, started talking. And then he shortly after that asked me to go on a date. And cause we started talking on the phone, like a lot, like every night we'd talk on the phone and,
It was like that classic love story where you're like talking for like three hours and I would tell my friends, no, I promise. Like it's nothing. We're just getting to know each other. Like we're just friends, which we really were. We really were just like talking casually and getting to know each other. Well, and this was my first relationship too that I was like actually, you know, being intentional about like really pursuing it like with from a purity standpoint. Like I'm really going out. I'm going to like, you know, I'll call you at lunchtime.
8 p.m. on Tuesday. He was so intentional. Like, he would say, like, hey, I'm going to call you tomorrow night at 7. Is that work for you? And then, like, it was, like, kind of set up dates, but it was so intentional. He wasn't, like, flirty. He wasn't pushy. I wasn't that. We were just really, truly getting to know each other.
Because Christian, like I said, I mentioned I had a past of dating, dating, dating. But it was like in this search of marriage, but it wasn't actually good relationships. It was just like I so wanted that that I was jumping into every relationship that I could find instead of just resting in the fact that God had someone for me. And he was...
you know, in a different way, dating a bunch of people and like, um, not a very godly way and just like kind of doing it. Um, for like, I don't know. You were college life, very, very typical college life, like getting with a lot of girls and stuff. And so this was the first time he was actually going to pursue a girl like
purely and intentionally. And it was the first time that I was like going to slow things down and actually just like get to know someone. And if we don't date, we don't date. That's fine. But I just want to know your heart. Well, not the time. Yeah. Like leading up to that, I was not super serious about my faith, which is why I was, you know, with women like that. And then when I finally, like a year prior to meeting Sadie, I really got serious about my faith. You know, God did a lot in my life from that. And then, yeah, so I had a year of like really, like,
kind of getting to know God and who he was and what, you know, what his plan for me was. And then by the time I met Sadie, yeah, I was actually, yeah, I had,
you know, binge watched all these, you know, sermons on dating well and how to pursue a woman and all those different things. So then when we actually got the chance to meet, it was like my first, it was like a fresh start of like, okay, here's how I can actually do this. Here's the blueprint of how to, you know, be successful in this and, you know, to pursue it. And it was really funny because there's this book called Single Dating Engaged Married by Ben Stewart. We love Ben Stewart. He's an incredible pastor, wrote this great book. And I ended up reading the book later and I was like, he's following this to a T. Like,
I think he literally like said this to me, but I appreciate it because you were really trying to do things. I heard this before. I was like, I totally, you totally did that. But anyway, so we started talking all the time. He asked me on a date and I was like, Hey, I actually, when I said I need to slow things down, I really meant it and it has nothing to do with you, but it really has everything to do with me. Like I just haven't,
I don't think I'm ready yet. But I gave him the date, like September the 10th, if he wanted to take me on a date, which was like two months from the time he asked me. And he was like, that's two months away. I was like, yeah, but let's just keep getting to know each other. So we did. Then he came to Nashville. Actually, these were our small backgrounds. We came to Franklin. Nice. Because that's where I was living. Nice.
I was in college with a couple thousand followers on Instagram. And you're super well-known with millions of followers. So it was even the early dynamic of stepping into something that's so outside of anything that I have a frame of reference for. Was that intimidating? Very intimidating. I could be the person the internet hates for breaking Sadie Robertson's heart. Oh, for sure.
I would have never dumped her. She was going to dump me, but I talked her out of it. I actually did. Oh, you were? Yeah. No way. Wait. Bro, why did I say that? Yes, you did. Okay, so this is... I can't. It makes me so sad. Well, actually, you didn't even know I tried to break up with him until I was telling the story one time, and he was like... This was like six months later. And I was like...
You didn't know that? Like, I can communicate. That was the end. Yeah, no, that was almost the, well, okay. Again, this was all on me. Like, it was all me. It was just, and to your point too, kind of the same. I kind of thought I needed to date someone who understood like what my life was like, but actually I didn't. Like, I really needed the opposite, you know, of that. I think part of our lives being so different is what attracted me to you that, because that's, I wanted the normal.
You know, I wanted it to just be normal. And I think I love that about you and, like, the season you were in, just being in college. And, like, I love hanging out with all your college friends and just getting to be, like, a normal person that was, you know, 20 years old. Because I felt like I wasn't sometimes like that. So, anyways...
When we went on our date, it was really great. It was really fun. He came up here and we had like three days in Nashville just like hanging out, get to know each other. He got to know my friends and it was awesome. I thought it was fantastic. Then like two weeks later, I was just kind of like, oh man, I don't think I can do this. Like I don't think I can, I don't think I'm ready because I was about to go on tour. My life was so crazy and I just got in my head about like his life is so crazy.
good. Like he's in college. He like has all these great friends. He had this like super just like established normal life in the best way. And I felt like my life being as crazy as it was would be like a burden to him. And so it was kind of like a, what is that called? Like self-deprecating where you like, you're like, take yourself out of the equation because you don't think
Like, I didn't think it was going to be good for him. Like, I was like, this is too crazy. I don't want to do this to you. It was something that you convinced yourself. I convinced myself, like, it was kind of too good to be true and I just need to remove myself from the situation. I'm like, you don't want to date me because this is going to be so crazy. Would you say you're an indecisive person? Indecisive? Yeah. Actually...
Normally not. I'm indecisive. He is. Really? I'm very decisive. I'm normally... And this was the thing with Christian that was different. I unintentionally can take lead in a lot of situations. I think I'll lead a business, a ministry. I speak a lot. Challenging message.
and so really typically I'm very decisive and I take like lead and he was such a good leader and I had never had someone like that that I think I was like wow this is actually what I want and what I need but I was like I don't want you to have this craziness like I'm not ever gonna get to come visit you in college because I can't do that you know like I can't come visit you just casually and all
I would want you to have that. And I'm going to be on tour and it's going to be crazy and you're just going to have to come see me. I don't want that for you. It was more like, you're so great and you're going to find someone that's so awesome. And I just don't want you to have the complications of my lifestyle. So anyways, I call him to break up with him. I thought it was just a routine phone call. I know. I know.
to tell him that like I'm about to go on tour and my life is really crazy and really busy and just like over explaining everything and I'm like so all that to say like I don't I just don't think this is gonna work out and he was like huh I might stop which is so funny that you didn't know this burger with you because you didn't even let me and he was like wait stop and I love that because again like he was leading he was like hey listen and he said never apologize for the things God's doing in your life
And that was so shocking to me. And I, cause I think for a lot of the relationships that I was in, I spent so much time saying like, I'm sorry that I had these opportunities because maybe it made them feel like insecure about it or something. Or I would always try to like play it low, like play it down what God was doing or like the opportunities I was getting. Cause I didn't want anyone else to feel threatened by that or like see me any differently. And he was like, no, like don't apologize for what God's doing. You're like, that's
awesome like you're going on tour and then he said listen if it's a win for you and if it's a win for the kingdom then it's always going to be a win for me and I literally remember being like okay shut up like this guy's amazing and like I'm going to reel that back and so he didn't even know I was breaking up with him because then we just had like a great conversation and he ended up showing up on tour like really supporting me
And he's always lived like that. Like, if it's a win for me, it's a win for him. If it's a win for the kingdom, it's a win for us. And that was actually something I said in our vows on our wedding day. I was like, I remember, like, that's when I knew you were someone I wanted to marry because that's the kind of relationship I want to be in. If it's a win for you, it's a win for the kingdom. It's a win for me. And that's how our dynamic works. And you have lived so true to that. But, yeah, I went from, like, a breakup to, like, hold up, I'm going to marry you. Yeah.
It's so sweet. Why do I hear that story so often though? Like people are like, the time that I was going to end it all is when I decided that we were going to be together forever. I feel like that happens a lot. It's kind of a bad clarity. Matt did almost break up with me one time though. Well, a month in, cause you were my first girlfriend. And I was like, I was also going from the perspective of like, okay, I need to decide if I'm going to marry this girl or not. But it was, it was a month in, I was 18. And then I was like, I don't know what I'm going to do. Like I, I have so much life to live. But then once again, routine phone call, I'm like, what?
That's so funny. When did you find out, though? When did Sadie end up opening up to you and saying, hey, by the way, that phone call that you sent? I didn't. I think it was post-engagement. I was telling someone else. It was post-engagement? Yes. It was like a random conversation. I was like, you were dumping me that night? Someone was like, ask to drop or break up. And I was like, oh, yeah, well, I did go to break out with him. And he was like, what? This is like...
I don't think it was post-marriage, but it was like... I almost want to say it was post-marriage. It might have been post-marriage. We were like well past this when someone asked that question. I was like, oh yeah, I went to break up with him. He was so shocked. I was like, how did you not know that when I literally said, I don't think it's going to work out. But I think it was like... I don't think you said that. I did. Yeah, but you were already in route to say, no, no, no, hold on, wait. I didn't have the ears to hear. Like you were already... Like, you know, whenever you're like, I don't know what I'm going to say, so you missed the last thing. Yeah. Yeah.
But that was so good for me. I needed that. And yeah, I think maybe I'm decisive on the things that are small, but then those big things you're like, hold up. And because again, when you're doing something wrong for so long, like I didn't have confidence in myself, like in my decision making and that like, is this good? Is this not good? And then all of a sudden it was like so good that I was like, I don't know.
know if I can do this. This is crazy. This is actually happening. It's right in front of me. And then I almost lost it, but thankfully you were anchored. Christian, did you feel a lot of pressure at that time dating Sadie, knowing that she's a public figure? You just like this girl, but...
Obviously, I don't you don't like strike me as a guy that's like I love social media and like influencing. So I don't know. I feel like that must have been I'm guessing challenging for you to navigate that while you're, you know, dating this girl with the intentions of marriage because it was cool because like when we started dating, you know, I'm in school at Auburn. I'm taking just business classes driving up to Nashville every weekend.
And something that was cool, because we started dating in August of 2018, but you didn't post on social media until March of 2019, I guess. So we'd had a well-established relationship for those seven or eight months. I felt the intimidation, especially when you posted. I think I went from 7,000 followers to 100,000 followers in a day. Holy crap. It was after you posted that. I remember we were on a ski trip. You were flying in. We were skiing. Left my phone at the house.
came back and you had posted a picture of us together. And yeah, I had like over 100,000 followers. So it was a weird dynamic, but...
I had had so many things, you know. Which we didn't post until we started talking about getting married. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I didn't want to post about another relationship I was in. Because I was just like, it's got to be the one next time. You know what I mean? Because that was the thing with all that dating stuff. It was so public. So I was like, I don't know how Taylor Swift does it with all the past relationships. Because that's actually got to be so hard.
You know, when everyone's always bringing up your ex-boyfriends, you know, because they're public information. And so I was just like, I don't want to do that again publicly. Like, it's got to be the one. And so we had actually just had our first conversation, like, all right, we really are going to get married. And then we started posting because I didn't want to just, like, randomly post and be like, I'm engaged. And then I, like, no context to who he was because it wasn't like I was trying to hide him or you didn't want to. It was just that we needed to make sure, like, together,
It was good. Well, that's the thing too. In hindsight, that was cool. Yes, we're in a relationship and everybody kind of knows who you are. And I'm just in a simple business class with 30 people. But no one knows who I am besides the people in my class. But in hindsight, if you would have posted, then me going to classes, it would have been different because people know who I was. But yeah, I've had moments of insecurity throughout our...
but I've also had to realize like, you know, I can't put that on you. That's nothing that you've done to me. But even, you know, things like, I think for the first two years, like I was addressed in public like two times by like my actual name. Like, hey, are you Christian? Every other time it's like, hey, are you Sadie's husband? Which like doesn't, didn't bother me, but I could, you know, there'd be moments like being insecure in that. But I'm also like, if I let that fester, like,
That's just going to be so unhealthy. And you see, you know, see it all the time with like resentment and those kinds of things. But yeah, I mean, those are those things that I knew early on, which was cool. Cause I'd had like seven, eight months to like build up things to kind of prepare for that. Cause I think early on, if we had posted, then it was like kind of like an initial, like,
you know, didn't really have time to process how my life could really change. It was crazy. Like as soon as we posted, we had all these magazine articles saying like, who is Christian Huff? And I remember, I think it was like people magazine. It was a big one that did this whole article about who is Christian Huff. And almost every fact was wrong. It was like,
I am not surprised. People is terrible. It was bad. Does that not make you question our media though? It does. You cannot judge. When they just blatantly say false information and People Magazine. I know. There's been so many articles that I've seen that just have blatantly incorrect information about us and not to say we have a lot of articles but when I have, I've been like, gosh, okay, what can I actually trust about the media? No, seriously. Doesn't it freak you out? It makes you realize that like, oh, that's actually not true. This article was literally just made up because...
I think I remember it was like Christian Huff. He's like 19 from California, baseball player, actor or something. It was something I was like, nope, nope. And no, actually, like it was all wrong. And it wasn't like bad stuff. It was just not true. Yeah. That was the cool thing was just being like, cause none of my, for like our whole relationship, basically until we got engaged, I had had been in like a relationship with somebody who's well known, but nobody knows it. So it was a cool, like,
I think that made me trust him too. Yeah, dating that way, it just helped us so much. I think social media negatively affected so many of my relationships before Christian, which is why I was like, I have to do this so differently. Like, I got to reset. Sorry, that made me laugh. I was like, do I put my arm around Abby right now? I want to hold her.
I'm like okay you know I guess okay let's just hold hands let's just hold hands your indecisiveness is showing sometimes we get bro it's the comments sometimes we get comments like I love that's so cute how they like hold hands during the episode and then I've seen other ones that are like that is so weird that they're like holding hands during the episode this is an example of Matt just getting stoned on his head and it makes you in your head no I get that because I saw that whole thing happen I totally get that I actually
actually so I just read my audio book out loud this week and it's so funny because I didn't go two sentences without the person correcting me saying actually in the dictionary it says it's pronounced like this the whole time like literally for seven hours there's like correction correction correction for your own
book yes because I cannot pronounce words correctly when I read them out loud that's dyslexia for you it is bad and I somehow was like delusional covenants I can read my audio book took me two days it was hard but anyways this whole week as I'm talking I'm like I didn't say that word right like that was wrong totally wrong dictionary says it a different way and so I get it and I saw the in your head moment I was like that's me that's me so sorry I laughed at
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all those comments, I guess, did shape a little bit how my relationships were. And I think we were feeding into the media, feeding into the people. So I was like, I can't do that. Like, I want real, I want honest, like, I want an actual relationship because I actually do want to get married and, like, have a family. So I want to, like, get to know someone for them and them get to know me for me. And so that was, like, the beauty of having all that time together. We both needed that. Like, we both needed to establish this is who we are without
Who like we know ourselves to be. Who our friends know us to be. Who our family. Like everyone in our actual life feels good about it. And now we'll share it. And that's something I found with social media. Like if I share from a place and needing something from it. You're always going to have...
it's always going to be a toxic response. I feel like in yourself, but if you share from a place of overflow, like I don't need anything from it. I'm actually giving something to it. It's like such a freer way to go about social media. So it's like, I didn't need the affirmation from anyone following me that Christian was like the one for me. Like I knew that was,
true and now I can give y'all that information and y'all can be in this part of my life but like I'm not seeking any validation from it you know what I mean like I know that because that's what my family believes that's what our friends believe that's what we believe and now we'll share it and so I think like using social media in such a way where you're not getting but you're giving is just like a way for your way to live because
It's hard. I feel like that's so smart. It reminds me of if you decide on a baby name that you and your spouse love, you don't want to like go around asking people their opinion. You should just be like, hey, this is the one we like. And that's the name because it creates this weird thing. Just like you're talking about with Christian, where if you invite everybody's opinion into it, it can really confuse you. And then you start to second, you know, guess yourself. We really loved it before.
I actually know somebody that did that. They were like, do you guys like this name? And their family was like, we don't like that name. So they changed the name. When we actually... So everyone was so obsessed with trying to figure out what Honey's name was before we had Honey. It was her first baby. Everyone on social media was super excited. And someone...
Found out because at the ultrasound place we went to, it was like a local ultrasound place. They put, they were like putting all the baby's names that were upcoming and they knew the name and put it on the thing. And some girl went in and posted it on TikTok. Then people knew about the name. But also another thing that was, is my grandma accidentally posted this blanket in the background.
So it was like two things at the same time. My grandma did this thing and it was like so, I don't even know how someone saw it. It was like her fifth slide on my grandma's page, but she does have a bump in Instagram account, but still. And it had like a sewn in honey on it. And you would have had to like literally turn up the contrast to read it. But then everyone's like, honey, it's honey, it's honey. So people's comments, because honey's like a different name. It was crazy.
like the things people say. Most people loved it, but a lot of people felt very strongly that it's not a name. And it's like so funny though because now everyone's like obsessed with Honey and she's like the most Honey baby ever. And like now I see a lot of other people naming their baby Honey. Yes, truthfully. Literally, I knew that was a great name. It was a perfect name for her. So that was very true to your point. My grandma did the same thing. Actually, we just let her leave it up though because she does not have a bump in her skin. That's so funny. I mean,
that much but it was like congratulations Griffin like she has like weight in there no way posted all this stuff on her Facebook page the minute he was born we're like oh right and actually your girl posted Augie's name before he was even born like can't wait to meet August
And we were like, tell your grandma to delete that one. It was a comment on my Instagram post. Oh, that is so funny. We're like, it's not that big of a deal, but maybe we'll just wait until we're ready. My grandma was so embarrassed because she really does pride herself in doing Instagram well. She did reels before I did. No way. Oh, yeah. She's so on trend. Her reels actually get some of the...
have gone viral and gotten way more than me like she does so good on instagram and so she was like no i didn't like she was mortified that she posted the name and i was like no you really actually didn't someone just happened to see it you know right it's funny because the baby name thing i remember even telling a family member i said they said what are you gonna name her and i said honey james and she went seriously and i went yeah yeah that's the name and then she goes
wow okay and like you can read it and it makes you like but if I knew like no that's the name but to to the point to wrap up that whole thing it is true like you got to know and be confident in it before you share with other people on social media baby name whatever it is and I think we had so long to establish what we knew was right and so then it was really fun to share and it wasn't like
It didn't make me feel anxious. It didn't make me go back. It was like, no, this is so different and this is so good. And it was fun. It was really exciting. And I love, like I say all the time, I love that people follow along our lives. I love that people, you know, are involved with our relationship. That's why I said I didn't want to hide him. It wasn't about that. It was just we needed to establish something first. Yeah. Which I'm glad we did. Me too. Christian, what was the name of your idea? No, it was not. It was...
The baby names are actually probably a crazier story than our dating story. Yeah. When we were on our first date in Franklin, we were like eating acai bowls and we started walking. Have y'all been to the factory? Yeah.
Someone was just telling me today I need to go there. You need to go to the factory. This is like not a plug for everything in Franklin, but it just happened to be that we were at the factory. We were in a sidewall. We were walking by a pottery place. I'm like, oh, let's do pottery. That'd be fun. We had just like time to kill. So we were painting little mugs and on the mug, this is our first date, I painted a blue mug and wrote honey on it.
And I wrote honey because we had just been reading Proverbs together as we were getting to know each other, which might sound funny to some, but it was actually really good for our relationship. And in Proverbs 16, it says, gracious words are like a honeycomb sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. And I was like, you are,
Like, you have honey words. Like, he was so kind. And I was like, it's so healing. Like, it's so sweet. And so we started talking about how, like, honey is such a powerful thing because it's like a dessert. Like, it's sweet, but it also has the power to heal. Like, back in the day before medicine, you would put, like, honey on a wound. And I was like, what a cool...
what a cool thought, like how powerful honey is. And the Bible equates like gracious words to the power of honey, sweet and strong. So anyways, when it came time to name, we were like talking about baby names. I was like, Oh, honey is like a cool name. Cause it also reminded me of my great grandma. Cause she calls everyone honey. And like, that's her thing. So I was like, that would be a sweet tribute to her. Cause she's still alive and amazing. And I kind of want to, yeah, she's 93 and she's like the most amazing woman in the
world drives everywhere she's yeah she's literally she's if she she actually does have instagram too but her should be bummed she's active honestly she's amazing okay she says she's a spectator on instagram not a poster have y'all ever i just said y'all because i never say y'all but i just said it okay um have you ever checked out the nutritional information on a bottle of honey it's alarming like the sugar content even though it's all natural like sometimes i'm like making my coffee and putting some honey in there and i'm like
Oh, shoot. Oh, yeah. We eat so much honey, too. It is a lot of sugar. I eat so much honey every day. We eat so much honey. We actually do also love honey. Like, I drink... Like, I actually do drink it. He really does. Like, with the bottle. Legit bear. Okay. I'm a huge honey fan. So, we name her...
honey, and we were like, oh, that's so cute. We have this mug from our first date. So then fast forward to our second daughter, and I was like praying, okay, God, honey was such a good name. It was so sweet and so unique. I want something intentional for our next kid, and this was before I was even pregnant. I don't even know why I was really praying this, but I was like...
God, what should we name our next kid? And it was like so crazy because I've never like thought of this name. I have a name, a baby names that like all girls probably do since like high school. I've never thought of the name Haven. But on the plane, I was praying about it and I literally just felt in my spirit like Haven Bell. Like I just like randomly thought of this name.
And I was like, that is so beautiful because Haven's like a safe place and Bell means beautiful, like this beautiful safe place. And I was like, Christian, I was just praying about this. And I don't know, this random like name came in my head. If we have another daughter, like I think we should name her Haven. I think it's so beautiful. Two months later, we found out we're pregnant. Then we found out we're having a girl. And I was like, Haven Bell, for sure. That's it.
Choose a name. Fast forward to like a couple months later and that trend was going on on Instagram. Post a picture of when you met, your first date, when you got engaged, you got married. So I post all my pictures. Don't even notice it. And one of my friends who knew we were naming our girl Haven swiped up and said, no.
not it saying Haven right behind you in the picture from y'all's first date. And I literally didn't even know that until that day. I went back and looked and Christian and I only have two pictures from our first date. And the first one is us holding our mugs that says honey. And the second one is under a giant banner that says Haven. Isn't that the, isn't that the
not the craziest thing only two pictures and both names were never on my baby name list never thought about those names never even noticed that we were standing under a banner that said haven because it was just a store we just took a picture in downtown franklin and it happened to be under haven i was like okay you talk about god knowing you before the foundation of the world began forming you knitting you together in your mother's womb like god had honey and haven
in our story written into the fabric of our story from our first date and like the coolest thing that we didn't even know and then we got to later just be like okay that's cool you know and like so it was like that's wild moments that just make you go like
What the world? Like, God, you're good. It's crazy. So for baby number three, you're just going to have to study those pictures. I know. Everyone has said that and it's actually kind of funny because we went to Luke Bryan's concert and there's literally a sign that says Luke and everyone's like, oh,
if it's a boy, you have to name him Luke. There you go. I think it stops here. I think it stops here as far as naming goes. The Bay, Huddy and Haven were the only pictures we'll get from because we didn't try to do it. Like we literally didn't try to do it. I think you're onto something though. Like if you're ever stuck on like, what should we name our kid? Like go to your old pictures together on your first date. Yeah, go to your first date
Where's the, like, is there a street sign? Okay. Like, Trego Creek. That's where I should, like, I'll name my kid that. That's a street I grew up on. Like, on the way here, there was a road and it was called, or it was like, get off the exit. June Lake Boulevard. I was like, that's so cute. June Lake. Hey, their name's everywhere. Written everywhere. Everywhere. Do you want to ask a question? I feel like I've been dominating this conversation. I know. I think you're good at it, honestly. No, I think you're really good. I think you're a really good speaker. I don't know. Why do I talk to someone? You're the one who's actually good at talking. So you...
older kids now you have three we have a three-year-old and a one-year-old both in may so they both um just turned three and one full of birthday parties um now i've decided i think from here on out they might just share a birthday party and we're gonna have to share a birthday dinner because they're may 11th and may 22nd and we're june 9th and june 11th so our birthdays are all in one month oh my gosh this month is like that month was nuts it was like a
But it was so fun. They're at such fun stages. Like, the things that Honey is starting to say and do is just, like, the most beautiful, sweetest thing to see her little imagination run wild. And then Haven is, like, the silliest baby. I mean, her face tells the story. Her face is talking before she is. Like, she's so expressive and just so fun. Like, it's a sweet season of life. And we're super close to y'all. Y'all's kids are super close to our kids' age, too. Two boys, two girls. Hey! Is it fate?
That would be... They're going to get married. They should have met.
Oh my gosh. Yeah, we do need to let them meet because they're so fun. They would be so cute. So three and one. I was trying to figure out what I was trying to say there. No, you're good. What I wanted to say though was Abby and I today, we were talking about like, what should we chat? I can't talk. It was like, what should we talk about with Christian and Sadie? And I remembered seeing you guys post about a pretty traumatic birth experience that you went through with your first and then
And transparently, when Abby and I got pregnant, we didn't really know what to expect. But at the time, it was somewhere around there. We were pregnant with Griffin when you posted your birth story. And I watched it. And I was like, wow, that is so scary. But I hope that doesn't happen to me. And that happened to me with our first. Are you serious? We have the exact same thing.
birth experiences basically with our first and second because I had a scheduled C-section with my second. That's crazy. Oh my God. And we were like talking about the day and honestly I went back and looked at your video and I was like was it the same thing and I was like honestly getting anxious hearing it because I was like
personally like I don't look back at my birth as like traumatic or anything but now I'm like maybe I do because when I look whenever I see someone post their birth thing I like scroll right away I'm like no no no like I don't want to or even our own I'm like please do not play that around me like I don't want to know and so yeah but I was watching I was like it was to a tee like the same thing like they pushed Matt out of the way and it was like scary emergency situation and then
Yeah. It was just weird. It's crazy because it really is so rare that I think that happens in like 0.1% of births. Like it's so rare. So that is really crazy. Yeah. The shoulder dystocia thingy. Yeah. For anybody that doesn't know what we're, yeah. And you guys too. I mean, oh my gosh. I wouldn't wish that on anybody. But for anybody that's confused about what we're talking about, it's basically shoulder dystocia happens in like 1% of births and it's where the baby gets caught in the birth canal on their way out.
Like the shoulder, the shoulder, the shoulder stuck and they can't breathe. And so, you know, they have to push people out of the way and essentially like nurses and people run in to start pushing on the mother's belly and trying to get the baby out that way. They don't go too long without oxygen. And yeah, I mean, even Abby was playing the video back. I was like, I'm pretty sure they had the same exact thing that we did. Um, and,
Even just to, I felt, I was like, Abby, are you sure you, are you okay talking about this? Because Abby was like getting pretty stressed, like just hearing you talk about it. Cause it's not, it's not a, a fun experience to go through. No, it's definitely not. And I always say this and I'm so sorry that you feel so anxious because I always tell people like when sharing like your birth story, I would never want people to feel anxious and to be afraid to go into labor because I feel like
We were talking about this. It's so interesting. Like, when you prepare for something, like...
For instance, labor is such a crazy thing because to y'all, labor probably is like the scariest thing in the world. Think about having to go through labor because you can't even imagine it. You know, like, no, that's so scary to like anyone. You're like thinking labor is crazy. But like to the person who is least scared of labor is kind of ironic because it's typically the person who's about 41 weeks pregnant because you're so ready. You know, right now. Yes. And I remember like being 41 weeks pregnant with honey and not being scared of labor. All being like I.
I would do anything to go into labor. I was bouncing the ball. I was crawling around all fours. I was doing everything to be like, please God, help me go into labor. Thank you to Chime for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. You guys, when Abby and I were engaged, I just started a new job and I told myself, hey, I'm not going to splurge and spend $40 on some Bluetooth earbuds.
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I feel like, you know, you're going to be scared of something that you're not prepared for, right? And so, yes, it would sound so scary to hear a story on, like, short or socio when you've never been through it or when, like, and that's so unknown and it literally happens in 1% of births. So I'm like, I don't want it to cause fear for people, but I do want to tell the story because, you know, this is something that happened. But also, like, look at the positive side of it. For a long time, I could not talk about it. Like, I could not talk about the story. I would shake. I would get so afraid. Mm-hmm.
We couldn't listen to the song that was playing. I couldn't even listen to the song that was playing, which is really sad because the song Million Little Miracles was actually playing when Honey was born. But during that time, like, she wasn't breathing. All the, you know, beeps in the hospital are scary when they're not beeping the way they're supposed to. And all the crazy stuff is, like, happening. And they think her shoulder's broken. She's not getting oxygen. Like, it was terrifying. So I couldn't even listen to the song. And now I look back and I'm like, wow, like,
they were like the song million little miracles was playing. Like it was a miracle. Like she's a miracle. And I think that's beautiful. But for a long time I was like, I can't even listen to it. I don't even want to talk about it. And I would shake. Like when people would ask me and I would like try to tell the story, but I would be like so traumatized. And I remember I had the best piece of advice. Do y'all know Dr. Amen?
yeah okay he helps me a lot like he's helped me so much and he actually started helping me back um when we actually got married because i had a lot of anxiety from like different things i had walked through back to the negative sides of fame but um so he started helping me a long time ago well after i had honey a lot of that anxiety sparked back up like really severe like i didn't know like postpartum anxiety like what that was until i was like literally fetal position in the closet like
terrified of everything and shaking and whatnot and he told me he said Sadie like she got stuck for two minutes and 11 seconds and you're stuck in the two minutes and 11 seconds but she got out and she was okay and she started breathing and she is a healthy baby and she was like he was like don't get stuck in the two minutes and 11 seconds he said actually just skip over that part
just tell the good part. Tell about the miracle story. Like tell about the song playing, tell about how her shoulder wasn't broken and she was able to breathe and that she is good. And I think like for so long when people ask to tell the story, I'm like only thinking about like the hard part and not thinking about like, Oh, what's come like the good part at the end of it. And it was such good advice. And so now like, I really want people to know like there's a good side of the story. Like she's a three-year-old girl that's running around today and I
on a dress playing on it also like having a blast and a great time and like yes that happened but like don't get mentally like stuck in that zone and so yes like he told me he first told me don't tell the story for a while and so I didn't tell the story for a while like people would ask me I'd be like oh no I can't like tell that story right now so I get it you know if like people ask you to tell a story and you're like you don't want to well I think you have to like just not
I don't, I've never looked at it as like scary, honestly, because I feel like I just like separated in that time. I was just like, oh, the baby's here. And like, I like, I was able to like jump over it. It wasn't until later when I talked to my doctor about having the next baby. I was like, well, we're doing that whole thing again. And she's like, no, no, no, no, no, no. Like we need to talk about this. Like for the future, you probably want to think about a C-section. I was like,
Yeah. That wasn't normal. That was scary. And then I was scared. That's actually what happened. So my mom always says, she's like, I think what happened to you, why it traumatized you? Because I didn't know either, even though it was so bad. Like, looking back, I'm like, oh, okay, but I never gave birth before. So I didn't know. Yes, that was me. Again, like...
You're prepared for something you don't know. Like, you don't know what you don't know. So I was just like, okay, like that was really hard. And you know, labor is hard. So you're like, yeah, I was like crazy. Wow. I wasn't thinking it was going to be easy. Me either. So I was just like, okay, well, and then the nurse came in and was like, she was so scared. And she, and she was like, they were coming off of how scared they all were, which I didn't know they were all scared. Like to that degree, you know, I just thought that was crazy.
And the nurse said like, no, that's the scariest thing that could have happened. Like, and she said those words. Oh gosh, that would have freaked me. And then I was like, wait, what? And then, and then they were like, we're going to have a couple of my pediatricians come check her and make sure she's really okay. And then I was like, hold on, wait, what's happening? Then when I realized like what happened, then I was like,
so scared. That's for sure what happened. For a whole 24 hours, I was actually fine about it. And then when I heard from them, I was like, oh no, not fine because now I'm freaked out, you know? So yeah, actually very same thing. And then it was like, okay, you're not going to be able to do that again. And like the C-section, all the talks. I didn't know any of that. Everyone was so calm. All the nurses were like, yeah, we're going to check him. I think
think he they broke his clavicle and it was broken but he would they're like he's fine like his bones are like rubber right now like and they were like all very calm and my doctor was like so calm too she didn't really say anything until like I was like third trimester with Augie she's like so what are we gonna schedule like where we need to have a conversation I was like and you're like what yeah weird or different like was that she's like that was serious that was an emergency situation I was like oh
Oh, okay. And of course it was the one appointment that I wasn't at. So Abby was just really freaked out. She was like, she's telling me I have to have a C-section. And you were, yeah, you were really worried, but I'm just thinking they're like, okay, well, I'm not a doctor. I felt disappointed. I was like, yeah, it's disappointing when you have a plan and it doesn't go the route. But like, I feel like for the second time,
I was just like, okay, I'm not going to try to make a plan because the first time I had all these plans in the world and none of it happened because obviously you can't plan for that and then craziness happened. So then the second time, I didn't know that I was going to have a C-section. So I guess I was kind of like, okay, whatever they say, I'm just going to be like, whatever they say, I'm just going to go with it. But I can't imagine not knowing that and then the doctor being like, hey, you're going to have that without any mental prep because that's hard. I rallied. It was okay. Okay.
Man, what was your experience when all this went down? Oh yeah, Matt was freaked. I'm with Sadie. I did not know the severity of anything. The thing that honestly freaked me out the most, which I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, but I'm going to. I did not know that a cone head was a thing. Yeah, he literally did it. I was like freaking out. Dude, Matt told him to
No, I didn't. I was like, do they need a helmet? This happened. And then they're all like, they're all kind of scrambling. And I'm like, have y'all seen her? Have you seen the head? Have you seen that? I literally saw her. And I just saw like Jimmy Neutron. I was like, I was like, what? I was like, it is. I don't know what this is. Obviously it's my child and she's beautiful. But I was like, no one prepared me.
for that i was like why are y'all checking her i was like why are y'all checking her shoulder i was like something is like wrong with her head and uh yeah then they were explaining to me the you know the cone head i didn't know any of that i was so out of it and they but that's how they brought her to me like they have her on the table and they brought her she had a hat they have her on the thing they're checking for john's there then they turn her around she's screaming and i was like what like i
I had no reference point for what I eat. Bro, isn't it like a traffic cone? Yes. I think that's the best way to describe it. It literally looks like that, especially with shoulder dystocia because they're there for so long. I know. Yeah, being stuck in the birth canal, it forms their head into a literal cone. Yeah. For anybody that doesn't understand what we're saying. No, this shoulder dystocia does not have anything to do with that. But it does maybe make it a little bit more prominent because it's stuck long enough.
Exactly. Forms it a little bit more cone-like. And their body, like, their head's so, yeah, flexible, malleable, whatever. That is, you actually did your second come out a little bit more, like, oh, yeah. Well, C-section, they don't have the cone-like. Yeah, the C-section babies come out pretty. Oh, my gosh, she's so frowned. Yeah. Yeah. I just think her head was so round. Which, I know, you asked my experience. Like, that was the thing. When I saw Honey, like, with, you know, the way that her head looked, I was like, I was just. You were like, oh, no. I was just kind of confused. Yeah.
to say too like that was one of those things like you think it's good like it's expectation versus reality maybe like Instagram versus reality is what we should say because you see all these people like for the first time meeting their baby and it's like the most magical moment and like that was not our experience because it was so crazy and so then like put her on me and I was just like
Yeah. Same. I was in a daze. Like, I could not. And I remember Christiane saying, like, it's honey. And that was, like, snapped. Like, I was like, oh, my gosh. Like, this is my baby. Like, she's here. She's okay. This is honey. Like, whew. But it wasn't like a, oh, my God.
I know. It was like a, okay, like my body was just like, what? And I could not stop shaking. Like I had the crazy shake. So people do kind of thing about it. You don't know what you don't know, you know? I was just like, whoa. But then, yeah, kind of like what you said. We rallied and it was okay and it was great and she's amazing. But that was crazy. That was crazy. Yeah. That's insane.
like for both, I feel like Matt was like, I like C-section because it was just so calm, which like they're playing music and we were just chilling. It's so crazy how different that was.
I just felt horrible for Abby because like as a husband, you can't push the baby out for them. Like if you're ever in a situation where your wife needs help, there's usually something that you can do. Like as a man, I want to fix things and help the situation. But other than just like saying words of encouragement and, you know, rubbing Abby's back, playing with her hair, like there wasn't anything I could actually do to take over and like birth the baby for her. You just can't. I didn't look at it as like...
as like crazy though. I was like, let's do it again. So like seeing her, seeing her in so much pain, I was like, there's literally nothing I can do right now to take this burden from her, which sucked, you know? Yeah. Um, cause I don't know. It's, it's rare in life that there's, yeah. Like even, even if you can't do anything. Yeah. Yeah. It's funny because, uh,
I like to be really prepared for things. So I was like sending him all these stuff that he should prepare for. And I was like, here's what it says, like the spouse should do. And it was so funny because it was like, look her in the eye, affirm her, tell her the plan, all this stuff. And like Christian, same thing with him reading the dating book and doing exactly what it says. He would like look me in the eye. He was like, the plan is you are going to have a baby. You are amazing. This was in like a funny tone. I was like, he's doing it. Yeah. And I remember.
I remember. You are Sadie Robertson. He's like, you are Sadie Robertson. You are so beautiful. You are built for this. In my mind, I thought that was so funny. And I was telling someone the story later. I was like, oh, it was cracking me up. He was like, you are Sadie Robertson. You can do this. Like all the stuff. Like, well, it was funny. You were like encouraging me, like saying all the things that I told you to say. This is the plan. And I was saying that I was cracking up. My mom was like, you were not laughing. I was like, really? I thought I was. She's like, no.
No, you were literally in labor. But in my mind, I thought it was really funny. So I'm like, hey. I was laughing on the inside. On the inside, it was helping, okay? You say you didn't – it wasn't helpful, Matt. It was so helpful because I remember just – I was not listening to literally anything anyone else in the room was saying but you. I was like, you just – It is helpful. You were like a football coach responding. I know I wasn't responding because I was like literally checked out. I was going to another planet in my mind, but I could just hear your voice.
Other people told Matt because they like watch our video. They're like, did you not think that was so annoying? Like he wouldn't stop talking. I was like, no, he was keeping
me in reality like he like I was just like locked in on that and I like loved it me too that was so helpful that's what I remember like if you were to leave I would have been like no no no I'm done I can't do this so because I just kept telling Abby you are so strong you were so brave and I just said that over and over again did you repeat the words to say like that yeah it was like for like an hour yeah yeah it was a long time for sure yeah that's
how similar of an experience with how rare that is. I have a friend actually the same way. They broke her shoulder and she's amazing. One of my great friends, worship leader. You know, hey, you go on from it but it's a crazy experience. But also the thing too now is like looking at Honey in Haven,
Honey looks like the one that would get her shoulder stuck. She's just like... What does this mean? What I'm saying is she's just a little unit. She's strong. But she's also tiny. She's like 25th percentile or something.
She was a big baby. But she was a big baby. Oh, yeah, she was big. Was he big? Not really. Not really. He was like 8'4". Yeah, honey was 9'5". Well, thank you guys for coming on the show and just sharing your life with us. Where can people find you, follow you on social media? Yeah, thank y'all for having us. Y'all are so much fun, and we love having y'all on the podcast. Our podcast, so it's fun to get on y'all's and get to meet y'all in person. But yeah, you can follow us on Instagram, Facebook.
All the places, YouTube, legit Sadie Robb.
Christian Hough. Wait, did you take? Yeah. I did. I took his last name, but I just always gone. Well, I feel like Rob is kind of like a middle name for me, even though it's not because my friends will call me Sadie Rob. Yeah. So legit Sadie Rob was able to stay, but I am Sadie Robertson Hough now. Okay. I did. I took your last name. There's that. You have all your podcast stuff. I have a podcast called For Right Men, which is trying to help men train physically and spiritually and women, whoever wants to listen.
train physically and spiritually and then I've put out a couple like workout devotional PDFs that people can buy on my website to yeah try to change the way that we view working out to get out of the
the idolizing of, you know, your physical feature of what you look like to really, how can I train myself spiritually while I'm training myself physically? So that's kind of the main thing that I'm doing. So I have a couple, uh, like workout devotional, but things that are really cool. Yeah. And then you have all your podcasts and well, that's good. Thank you. We appreciate that. That's so nice.
It's been awesome.
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