Ashley Lemieux:在怀孕期间经历了严重的败血症,最终导致流产,这给她带来了巨大的痛苦和悲伤。她描述了在医院里独自一人面对死亡的恐惧,以及失去孩子的悲痛。在康复期间,她经历了漫长的身体和精神恢复过程,并最终再次怀孕,生下了女儿Annie Rae。她分享了在怀孕期间的焦虑和担忧,以及如何通过自我疗愈和寻求专业帮助来克服这些挑战。她认为,与他人分享自己的经历能够帮助那些有类似经历的人,并为他们带来希望和力量。
Mike Lemieux:作为Ashley的丈夫,他亲历了妻子经历的痛苦和挑战。他描述了在妻子住院期间的无助和焦虑,以及在得知妻子流产后的悲伤和绝望。他分享了在妻子康复期间对婚姻的担忧,以及如何通过共同努力来克服这些困难。他强调了在婚姻中持续沟通和相互支持的重要性,并表达了对妻子坚韧和勇气的敬佩。
Ashley Lemieux: The experience of miscarriage was not just the loss of a child, but also the loss of dreams for the future family. She detailed the intense pain and fear of sepsis, the isolation and fear of death in the hospital, and the subsequent grief of losing her son, Jace. Her recovery was long and arduous, both physically and emotionally. She describes the complicated emotions of becoming pregnant again after loss, the constant fear of losing the baby, and the intense work she did to manage her anxiety. She shares her belief in the power of sharing her story to help others and bring hope.
Mike Lemieux: As Ashley's husband, Mike describes his own experience of helplessness and anxiety during her hospitalization, and the profound sadness and despair of losing their son. He shares his concerns about their marriage during Ashley's recovery, and how they worked together to overcome these challenges. He emphasizes the importance of ongoing communication and mutual support in marriage, and expresses his admiration for Ashley's resilience and courage.
Matt: As a host, Matt expresses sympathy and understanding for Ashley and Mike's experiences. He raises questions about the appropriateness of asking people about their desire for children, and discusses how to avoid sensitive topics when communicating with others. He shares the story of their friendship with Ashley and Mike, and how they supported and encouraged each other.
Abby: As the other host, Abby shares her own experiences as a mother and how she and her partner overcame challenges in their marriage. She emphasizes the importance of communication and mutual support in marriage, and expresses her admiration for Ashley and Mike's strength and resilience.
Ashley and Mike discuss their emotional journey after experiencing a miscarriage and dealing with infertility, highlighting the profound impact on their lives and relationship.
We had our friends Mike & Ashley join the show to talk about their experience with miscarriage, infertility and Ashley's hospitalisation from sepsis during pregnancy.
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