- Are you 24 weeks pregnant tomorrow? - 24 is the week of viability too. - No. So you could have this baby tomorrow. - Turns out milk glands go all the way up. - Whoa. - So my top one. - You have a pity. - I have a pity. - You stuck a needle up that thing, would milk shoot out? - I do not. - Abby like looks at me dead in the eyes and says, "There's pee running down my leg." - There's a puddle. - There's a puddle on the floor. I didn't know that grown women could pee their pants so much.
Before we get started, if you could leave a review for our podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts, that would mean the world to us. It really, really does help us out. Share the podcast with a friend. We'd love that. And let's get on with the episode. It's a boy!
Surprise! We are very, very stoked. You know what's funny? Yes. I feel like I'm always like on the podcast divulging like comments that I see. I swear I really don't read a lot of comments. It's like a self-preservation thing. Yeah. But I saw a comment that said like,
You can see in his eyes that he is disappointed. He really wanted a girl. I saw that one. I saw that was so funny. That was on the TikTok, I think, of us finding out. And what's funny is like, I really was at a spot where I'd be so excited either way. I was just convinced though that it was a boy. So I think like I wasn't super shocked because I just, I knew somehow. I would have been thrilled to have a girl, but like I,
I knew it was a boy so much, and I really kind of wanted a boy. I feel like that's kind of like, I feel like it's taboo to kind of say your preference, but I kind of wanted another boy just because our babies are so close in age. I was like, it would be so fun if they just had a built-in little best friend. Oh my gosh, two little boys? Not that a boy and a girl couldn't have brother and sister.
or couldn't have a great relationship. But it's just different, right? Like, I think like brothers, like you just bond a certain way with your brothers. And I know that bond because I have brothers. I have an older brother and a younger brother. And so I'm so freaking stoked for Griffin. I know, like we kind of were wanting a boy, truthfully. Yeah, I guess. And so then when someone said that, I was like, that's hilarious. Which is also funny because at the end of the video we shared, I realized I said like, we're going to try for another baby. Yeah.
And it's not because I'm like, I have to have a girl because I could easily see us having all boys. And I'm like, totally thrilled about that. It's just because it's like, I know I'm not done having babies yet. It'd be sweet to have like two or three older brothers and then like a little girl for them to protect. I know. We keep talking about this recently. I'm like, why do I feel like we're going to have three boys and then a girl? But if we adopt though, we can just choose. We can just make sure that we're having a little girl if we adopt. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah.
But I feel like you've been switching up what you want to do. Did you put Vaseline all over your hands? I did. Matthew. We live in Arizona. It's the desert. It's very dry. Can you just use hand lotion? That never rubs in. Vaseline is so much better than hand lotion. Oh, it grosses me out. Like I hold your hand. I put it on my lips too. It's the best stuff. It's seriously the best. It's fine on your lips. Keep doing it on your lips.
But the hands, it's just too much. Really? Sorry. Continue with your thought. It makes my hands feel way better. What were you talking about? You're like, if we adopt a little girl. No, I mean, I think it's funny now that we've had two babies, or we're about to have a second baby. You've kind of been changing your mind, I think, in a way. Because we had discussed...
If we have four kids, we'll just adopt two and make two. And now I think you're wanting to... I think it's my hormones. It definitely is the hormones. Like they just like are like reproduce, Abby. Like they just keep making me want to repopulate this world. I don't know. I don't have those hormones. I don't know why. It's not because I love being pregnant. It's because I love having babies. And I love, I will say something. It's probably in my hormones as a man. I don't know about that.
Oh, really? Oh, it's okay. Because I feel like you're going to... Yeah. It's just the thought of like not...
Having another baby, it makes me so sad. I don't have those hormones, which is kind of funny. I can't relate to you being like, I want to keep making them. To me, I'm like, wow, two boys is going to be so amazing and so much fun. And I truly am content in the idea of just like, yeah, let's just have two boys. Well, don't get me wrong. I am content and I feel so blessed and so thankful to have the family that we do have. I think...
It is the hormones, but then it's also just like, you know, I don't know. I never had like these crazy career aspirations in my life. I think at one point I did want to be an actress and that was like, that was so cool. But then once something switched in me where it was like, I always say it's when I fell in love with you. Like something switched and it was like,
I just want a family. And so then to think that that stage of my life could be done when that was like what I wanted, like that was like my life goal. Totally. Not that it doesn't continue, but it's just like this is like, you know, the part where they need you the most. It's like the thought that that could be done. It just breaks my heart a little bit.
Yeah. And it's not going to be right, Matt. What do you mean? I don't know. We're not we're not you're saying we're not going to be done after two. Yeah. We'll talk about it. Oh, my gosh. You're breaking my heart. OK, here's the deal.
Our life has changed drastically. Like I'm talking drastically over the past like three years. And I would have never in a million years could have like guessed three years ago what our life would look like right now. So me trying to like conjure up some idea of what our life's going to look like three years from now is I think silly. And here's the thing, I'm saying this now. I have literally no idea. Let me have the two kids and have like a newborn and a 13 month old and then get back with me and I'll probably...
say something different. I'm fully content with like moving forward with the thought of like, we'll probably have another, but like, it's not like set. Yeah. Like what if we reconvene in like a year, a year or two, a year and a half, a year and a half, we will reconvene. But I definitely think no matter what, if we do ever try for another one, I think we should, uh,
Wait two years because I think we just need to physically my body needs to recuperate Yeah, I think you need some you just need time for yourself. And then also I think we need time for I will have no time for myself What are you talking about? But with your parents, no, we're gonna get into everything. Oh, I can't get into that Wait, I did want to say one other thing. Okay, what?
It's funny you mentioned the career aspirations because I still have these like dreams of mine. Like I would love to make music. I would love to produce music and try to give it a shot at being an artist. And I think there's nothing wrong with that. And like I have other dreams like that. Like I love creating. I like making videos. Like I don't – I want to keep making videos until I'm 75. Like I love it so much.
Well, I mean, even if it's just like not as extreme right now, because we put out a lot of videos right now. Like we're, we put out a lot of content, but maybe it'll, you know, it'll slow down in the future. But I really enjoy creating. It's really fun for me. And I love, can I say this? I love being a dad and getting to create. Like I think both and being a husband. I think all that is so much fun. But I guess for me, like I know you could be perfectly content, like
only being a mom and like just being like career stuff see it right isn't that kind of like you're 100 i don't think there's anything wrong i think you can fully invest in your career and you can be an amazing parent yeah like i don't think that you have to choose for me it was just like yeah i think i that's what i want to do i mean there was a point where i was like i just want to be a stay-at-home mom yeah do you still want to be just do you want to be a stay-at-home mom
- I don't know because I think I actually don't. Like I do think that I am able to be a better mom when I'm not spread so thin, like always with the kids or kid.
But I want to spend a majority of my days and I want to be the one. Like even when we have people over for help, like I'm my hands so much in it. Like I'm kind of controlling. Yeah. I need to chill. And look like you obviously got to do whatever you whatever is best for you. But at the same time, you're so good at making videos and you're such you're such a naturally talented creator. No, I was thinking I would get a job at like a coffee shop or something. I always tell Matt this. Like I think.
- I think that I would truly enjoy that because- - Just being a barista. - Not just being a barista, I think that's an amazing- - Like you wanna do that though. - No, I wanna do it so bad because I love making coffee. I love being around people. And I love having like busy tasks.
And I was like, I don't want to over glamorize that because I know there are people that do that job and they're like, OK, I'm so burnt out by this. But maybe it's just because of the stage of life I'm in right now. I'm like, it just sounds so nice to get out of my house and be around people and like. But I think it's so funny because like I tell Abby, I'm like, Abby, you could literally start your own coffee shop like you could. You could promote it on your social media and people would love that. Like, it'd be so cool. But Abby is like, no, I just kind of want.
I want to work. I want to be an employee. I want to be an employee at a coffee shop. 100%. And it's just funny how like our interests are so vastly different. But I think that's what almost makes us work because we're such different people. I think we're working all right. Opposites attract.
We're not opposites though. We are a lot like. We have some things that we are opposites on. Well, yeah. Like stark opposites. And I think that being in a partnership, it has made us pull to the opposite side. Yeah. Because it's like we're like subconsciously trying to balance each other out. Yeah.
Anyway, and that's how marriage should be, I think. Yeah, that is how marriage should be. But I don't think we should be pushing against each other. Yeah, we need to work as a team. Yeah, I like working as a team and I think you're hilarious and funny and you fill in like all the gaps that I have. Like you're way funnier than me. You're so freaking hilarious. I don't think so. I think you're hilarious. I think you're hilarious, Matt Howard. Yeah, and I think you're hot and I'm ugly. Oh, shut up. We all know that you think you look good. No.
No, no, I think you're very attractive though. I think you're very, very pretty woman. Well, thank you. So you're very pretty and you're very cute. And also, can I just say this? Abby has the most precious voice in the world. Like her voice is so unique. And sometimes we'll get some a-holes on like comments that'll like say something mean about Abby's voice. And I'm like, I don't understand what's wrong with these people. Like what, how, how could they think?
that her voice isn't the most precious thing, the most precious sound in the world. - People, I mean, people have a point. Like, I mean, I fully can't help it. It does sound, it does make me seem younger. Like it's like a juvenile sounding voice,
What am I to do about that? It's awesome when you're ordering at like the drive-thru. It gets higher. Your voice gets higher. I think it's because I'm talking louder. Yeah. I don't know. Is that why when I yell at you, sometimes you laugh at me? Because it gets so high-pitched. Yeah, that's probably why. And also because I think it's also sometimes like you go – it's like Griffin. Like Griffin will be like crying and then he'll laugh like two seconds later. It's like the emotion change is so severe, so rapid. And so –
quick and so sometimes abby will like go zero to a hundred and then i just i can't stop i can't help myself from laughing because the the change in emotion yesterday morning or that was what even happened yesterday morning i have no idea i started crying oh you did because i didn't go to go to the gym oh i'm sorry is that normal do women cry because they want to go to the gym so bad but then something gets in their way because like that's abby
If Abby can't go to the gym, she will literally cry. It's my me time. It's like if I am robbed of my me time, then I'm upset about that. That is good that you like to go to the gym so much because it reminds me. I'm like, oh, frick, I probably should go work out. Like I would not be as disciplined to work out if it weren't for you. It's kind of annoying though. Like you have the type of body where like I don't work out to look a certain way clearly because I'm also pregnant. So it's like I'm not going to. Yeah.
I what am I really working for you know yeah but um it's I do it purely to feel good and to like mentally feel good but like you can physically look good without doing literally anything thank you I think you look really good like when you there's a compliment okay sorry we need to move on what are we gonna what are we gonna talk about the gender reveal the party what were you about to say finding out I was gonna say that there's been times where you haven't worked out for a while and your body looks freaking awesome thanks man like freaking freaking great
Well, I'll stop it there because we got to keep this podcast PG-13. Okay, moving right along. So let's talk about finding out the gender of baby number two. Oh, okay. So, you know, the day really did. I said this. It felt like a baby number two moment for sure because we were rushing out the door and like almost late for the appointment. Oh, yeah. We vlogged this whole day, by the way. It's on YouTube. It's on our YouTube channel. So you guys can go watch that if you want. Yeah, and it was so fun watching that back.
after it was already posted. - Yeah. - That always gives me grief 'cause I watch our YouTube videos after they're already posted. - I spend all this time making sure the videos are perfect and then my own wife doesn't even watch the videos. - And sometimes I don't even-- - Until I'm like, "Abby, go watch her videos." It's posted on our YouTube channel. - But it was really sweet to go back and look at that day because it was such a precious moment. So, okay, we were running out the door. I'm like doing my makeup in the car. And we're just like, I feel like in that moment we were so sure it was a boy.
I don't know. But then actually, you know what? I knew, but then I was getting, I felt the same way that I felt last year. Because last year, I was getting second thoughts. I feel like I knew for sure it was a boy. And then the day of, I was like, wait, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I've been thinking something that's a lie this whole time. And I kind of thought it was a boy more so just because I, I mean, I think it's mostly an old wives tale. But like symptoms wise, pregnancy wise, no.
My symptoms have been the same as with Griffin. All that stuff is – that's bogus though. All that stuff, none of it's actually based in science. I feel like if that – that could be the one that isn't though. Really? Your symptoms? There's no science based on – If you can base it on a previous pregnancy, I don't know. I don't know. I think if people ran tests and they found a scientific trend in any of those old wives tales, then there would actually be –
metric for measuring those things but it's not like there's a reason it's called an old wife so because it's just it's bogus it's all made up it's kind of fun though it's still fun to do it it is fun yeah it's fun to do and so I think the same thing happened like we had we knew in our hearts it was a boy but then in our heads we were like obviously it's 50 50 so I found myself looking at girl names the night before and like and we had a really sweet girl name that almost made me cry that we had picked out so I guess we'll just have to use it someday but gosh I love that name
Really? Yeah. It's really sweet. I do too. Speaking of the name, we picked out... Sorry, I'm jumping ahead. But we picked out a name and now like yesterday, Abby like came up with a new name after we announced the whole name to her family. And...
Are we going to change the name? Like, is that something you're actually wanting to do? No, I feel emotionally connected with that name of the baby. Don't you think? I think so. See, like, right now I'm, like, freaking out. Yeah. I like the name of our baby. Okay, me too. Yeah. Okay, let's keep it. Okay. So maybe we shouldn't announce it on the podcast because we're still kind of, like, iffy. Yeah. Yeah, I guess. Okay. Let's keep it a little secret. We did tell our family the name, though. Let's make it our little secret. Only our family knows the name and some of our friends. We're getting ahead of us. Anyway. Ourselves. But we are at the appointment. Yes.
The first, it was like a double appointment. So I did the sonogram first and so sweet seeing the baby. This baby's a little bit harder to see than Griffin was because of the placement of the placenta. Oh yeah. This pregnancy, the placenta is anterior. So it's like. On the front, right? It's in the front. So usually the placenta is towards your back and now it's on the front. And Abby's been getting a lot of back pain.
I don't know if that's just a coincidence or if that is why I'm having the back pain. I don't know. I mean, it seems like the placenta was cushioning your back before and now there's no placenta. It's the baby just freaking whacking around. Yeah. Whacking your bones. I will say this baby is in a completely different position than my first pregnancy with Griffin because I was feeling all these kicks in my ribs and baby was so high up. Now I feel them in my hips and mostly my bladder. Okay.
And less kicks because that's the thing about having an anterior placenta is that you don't feel the kicks as much. So the sonographer. Sorry, I'm just stuck on the bladder thing. Can we talk about you peeing your pants? Sure. Let's just dive right in. That's been shocking, actually. Like, I didn't know that grown women could pee their pants so much. You don't hear people talk about it.
talk about that? People don't really, I didn't know people talked about that. I feel like it's kind of taboo. Like people don't really come out and just say like, I'm pissing my pants all the time because I'm pregnant and I can't control my bladder. And especially Abby being on baby number two, so close to the first pregnancy, like your bladder is just uncontrollable. I know. And I had all those people telling me to do pelvic floor therapy. I was like, ma'am, I can't do it while I'm pregnant right now. I mean, I could. Oh, you can? You can, but it's like, why? Didn't you go to like a pelvic floor therapist one time? I already did.
I've been there and I've done that and it was so uncomfortable. It was in their house. Really? And they're just kind of putting their fingers through? No, like for those of you that don't know, pelvic floor therapy, I think it's great. I mean, my personal experience wasn't great.
Like it was in this person's house and they are sticking their fingers. Their fingers just inside of you. Yeah, and feeling around. No. And she was giving me weird feedback. I was like, I don't know. And are they having you like push and squeeze and stuff? And squeeze and like put their fingers in you. That has to be something that I could do. Okay, Matt. No, we're not talking about this. So I was at this person's house. It was kind of uncomfortable. I know you can go to like –
a medical location i'm sure and i'm sure there's probably people that do this that are great for your experience i think my the issue was my fault and the timing i went to the pelvic floor oh because you're too far along no i think i should have gone postpartum rather than earlier in the pregnancy so it does more good going postpartum i think i went early in the third trimester but i
think the real work of pelvic floor therapy has to happen postpartum. That would make more sense. And I didn't do that in between in those four months where I wasn't pregnant. And so then it's like now I'm wrecked down there. Yeah. And you know what's crazy though is that in those four months between the two pregnancies I wasn't peeing my pants.
Really? It was only until I was pregnant. And the baby is not even like huge. Really? Yeah. That is very interesting. I think this baby's fully on my bladder. Dude, you've been peeing your pants, I want to say, like at least like four times a day. Like it's been maybe even more than that. I'm wearing a bladder.
Bladder leak pad. Thank you, Poise bladder leak pads. We did an ad for this company that makes these bladder leak pads. Poise, everyone's heard of Poise. Oh yeah, Poise. Okay, but like we did an ad for them on our YouTube channel. And we just had like all these pads laying around because at the time you weren't really paying your pants. I was using them more for...
Oh, period stuff? No, you didn't get your period. Just like postpartum bleeding. Yeah. But now, like, we luckily have the stockpile of pee pads because Abby's using them now. Yeah, before, the only time I'd pee my pants is if I laughed really hard. Oh. Now it's like... No, it's like every day. It could be a cough, a sneeze, you like...
Tickled me or something. Really? Yeah, if Abby laughs really hard It was just like coming out like everywhere like like you have to change anything. Derry say that one time This is the funniest part. No, I know. Yeah on the cruise Abby like looks at me dead in the eyes and says Matt I am there's pee running down my leg and I'm like no, you're kidding. He looks There's a puddle on the floor
Right then, a sweet person that views our videos comes up and they ask for a picture. Meanwhile, I have pee dripping down my leg and...
I literally felt so vulnerable. I was like, we have to just run away. And you were sick. And then you got me sick. I'm sorry. I keep coughing on the podcast because I'm still like getting over being sick. And now sweet Griffin is sick. Yeah, I think we got Griffin sick, which sucks. But yes, pee pee puddle on the floor. And this girl, I still took a picture with her. We took a picture with this girl.
With this pee-pee puddle. And then we just ran away. I feel so bad, but I wasn't going to tell the person like I'm, maybe that's bad. Hopefully they didn't step in the pee. I didn't, I didn't pay close enough attention to see if they stepped in the pee puddle. It wasn't like a massive one. We're talking about like. It's a tiny puddle. Maybe like a two inch. No, it was probably like solid, like three or four inches. I tried not to look. In diameter. Yeah. Yeah.
diameter yeah and i'm being my pants but abby dude that's been that's been wild and i'm i'm proud of you to not be afraid to talk about it because i'm sure there's other women out there i don't really see why it's that embarrassing yeah what's funny is so many of the embarrassing things in life like everyone goes through and everyone experiences so it's more fun to like laugh at yourself and then just like talk about it because everyone does embarrassing crap all the time i mean i feel like
I feel like it's kind of funny, though. It's also just because, like, I'm a mom. Like, I had babies. I'm pregnant. So it's, like, it's happening. That's right. But I just, like, never thought. Oh, jumping jacks. That's enough. Dude. Workouts in general, I just keep peeing. You keep peeing during the workouts. Depending on the movement. Really? Yeah. Anything jumping is going to make that happen. Freak. Freak.
So back to the doctor's appointment. The sonographer tells us that she was like, have you been feeling very many kicks? And I was like, honestly, I feel like I felt a lot more my first pregnancy at this point. And then she's like, it's because of the placenta. And we kind of learned about that. I don't really think there's any risks that come with that. Yeah. I think it's just like it's either in the front or the back. Yeah. And I think it's more likely to be in the back. But it's not a problem if it's in the front. Mm-hmm.
Anyway, and so then she tells us about that. We see the baby. The baby had... He had his hands by his face. And at this point...
I was like pretty certain it was a boy dude why did I just like looking at the baby couldn't even see like the private parts to know if it was boy or girl but I was like that yeah that's a boy and then like in my head I was like why am I saying that like I literally have no idea I'm looking at a skeleton of a human and I'm just basing a skeleton off of if it's a boy or girl and they're really bony at that point so it really was like a skeleton yeah I don't know
I don't know how those sonographers don't ruin it for people that are, like, wanting to be surprised. Yeah. Because, like, I would have accidentally slipped. Well, I think they ruined it for our brother and sister-in-law. But see... Yeah. We can actually... That kind of sucks. So they told our brother and sister-in-law...
Well, like on the on the screen, it said one gender. And then later on, she used a pronoun that was the opposite gender. And then they said it got really awkward. And she's like, I mean, they wait. So then now they're just having this mind game of like, was it the gender that was on the screen? Or was it the gender to be the gender that she said had to be? Why would they put the fake the wrong gender? It could have been just like auto generated or something. I don't know. That doesn't make any sense.
Maybe hold up. What if the person that was doing the sonogram saw the saw it on the screen and then was like, oh, frick, I need to I need to confuse them so that they don't know the gender of their baby because they don't want to find out until the birth. And so then they said the wrong gender on purpose.
just so they could then say they to throw them off again. That's what happened. That had to be what happened. Well, who knows? Yeah. Who knows? But anyway, yeah. So we... So then I'm like thinking it's a boy. But then I have to wait and do a whole like appointment at that point, which I don't even remember what they did. I think they just measured my belly and checked the heartbeat. Yeah.
All I was thinking about at that point was like, we're about to find out. We're about to find out. Yeah. So we left the regular doctor's appointment. Which, by the way, my nurse practitioner is leaving, which is sad because I love her so much. She's the sweetest. She's the best. Love that lady. Dang. Yeah. And so that was my last appointment with her. Correct. Sad. Sad.
And then we head to the car and I had to go to the bathroom so bad again. But you know what? I held it. Yeah, I went to the bathroom and you held your pee. And that was pretty impressive, given the fact that you've been peeing your pants. Well, I had already peed during the appointment because they have you pee in the middle of the ultrasound before they do that. Because they do the ultrasound on the belly and then they do the internal. But did you notice that when I... So I read the gender off of the card. I found out before Abby. I love doing that. And I told Abby the gender of her baby. And I thought it was funny. Well, I thought it was funny that like...
I try to throw you off.
I like tried to like like react like all shocked like it wasn't actually a boy. We were like a book Matt Howard. You knew that I was acting. Yes, you did 100% Oh, you believed it. No, I don't look back at the video. No, she totally felt. Oh, I said boy Oh my god, I said it's a boy. Yeah, and you're like, yeah. Yeah, and so well what our ultrasound tech did was she put a like a little picture of the private part. Oh my god, then oh
And then a little card that said – it had like muddy shoes on it. And then inside it said – what does it say? Snakes and snails and puppy dog tails. That's what little boys are made of. That's what it said. You did not know. I remember that. As you were saying it, I was remembering it. Yeah. And so they did like something super cute. And not every doctor's office does that. So that was really sweet. And Matt told me – and I'm just – I got –
emotional again just because it just more than anything it just brings you closer to your baby. Yeah. You're like oh like it's kind of like a bonding experience where you feel like you know this unborn little. That was the coolest thing is I felt very bonded to our son right then and there especially
because of the fact that we picked out the name about 15 minutes later for our baby. And yeah, I just, I felt so connected and now I still feel very connected. Like I really see them as the individual that they are. And before it was just kind of like this unknown idea or thing. Like it didn't feel as real, but now that we know the gender and have a name picked out, our baby boy feels extremely real to us. So that's what's cool.
Something we didn't show in the vlog is that we went to brunch afterwards, which that has kind of become like a fun little tradition for us after like OB appointments or like baby appointments is we'll go to brunch. To brunch. Into new brunch place. You got some churro. Dude, churro. Churro. Was it French toast? I think it was the churro French toast. Churro French toast. You guys, unbelievable. If you're ever at a breakfast place and they're offering you churro French toast with ice cream, you just have to say yes.
Or a cinnamon roll pancake. We got that. Both of those. It's our little, it's our little tradition at a brunch. We love getting brunch and we always get a sweet option and a savory option and we split them both. You know what we never do? We never get alcohol, which you, I guess, yeah, you obviously can't have alcohol since you're pregnant. But,
I feel like that's been a good habit because you say you don't spend as much money and then I feel like... What alcohol are you getting for breakfast? I guess mimosa. Mimosas. Yeah, mimosas. But no, then you save money and then you can go out to eat more because like alcohol makes your tab... It'll go way up. It'll go up by like 50%. Yeah, like we went on a date on Saturday night and it was $47 just because we got water. Anyway, so...
flash forward, fast forward. Yeah. Well, first we told a lot of our friends that couldn't make it to the gender reveal. So we told our friends down the Bella, Mike and Ashley, Caleb and Abby, Caleb and Abby, our brother and sister-in-law couldn't make it to the gender reveal, which is funny because like our whole entire families were at the gender reveal, just not the family that lives in Arizona with us. Yeah. Which makes sense because they'd have to travel. We'll have to post some of those reactions. I don't think we ever posted down in Bella and Mike and Ashley's reaction. Which Dallin was a little turd. Did you see on the Instagram feed?
picture he said that paint looks so pink yes he fully knew it was a boy at that point okay we did so many like little things to throw people off it was hilarious but no uh yeah the paint was unintentional though
Oh, yeah, true. Because we did, okay, what Abby's referencing, we did this photo shoot to announce the gender to our Instagram followers. And it was a black and white photo. Yeah, well, we posted initially a black and white photo to like tease everything because we don't want people to know the actual gender yet. We let people know that it was coming. But the photo really did make it look pink. It did. Because it was so light. Yes. I did not do that on purpose. I just picked out a baby blue. Yeah. But...
but the blue just happened to be so light that it just like appeared pink when it was in black and white. It's kind of weird. - Yeah. - So we did tell our friends before we left, I forgot that. - We'll post those. - All those people pretty much guessed right. They knew. They were around us. They got the vibe. - Well, no, no they didn't. Mike and Ashley guessed girl. - Well, they changed their guess last second. - They did. - They were thinking boy the whole time then they changed it. - It's fun to mess with people. It's also really fun when you know the gender but nobody else does. It's just fun to screw around.
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We'd really appreciate your help in pushing the podcast out to more people. And now back to the episode. Or you can even like share it with a friend. Hey, yeah. Could you share this with a friend? Okay. Thanks. Back to the episode. So we did a gender reveal party, which with our first son, Griffin. Yeah. We had help with a party planner. So it was like very extravagant for us. I mean, it wasn't crazy. No, it was extravagant. The balloon arches, like the marquee letters, like...
It was extravagant. It was really sweet. We had a lot of local vendors reach out to us when we moved to Arizona and they knew that we were expecting a baby. They just celebrated us so well. And they were like, we just want to throw your gender reveal party. And we're like, let's go. You had a cotton candy maker. Yeah. So nice of them. Yeah.
It was so fun. And it was great because Matt and I have terrible planners. So they kind of pulled it together for us. And it was incredible. It was, we felt so spoiled. It was so aesthetic. Like it was, it was definitely a party that we would have never thrown on our own. Exactly.
- Exactly. It was extravagant. - Yeah, they did an amazing job. But this year we didn't have some fancy bougie like party. It was just kind of thrown together. But I mean, my parents were so kind to open up their home. They got together some decorations. - Oh, so nice. - Yeah, it was very, very nice of my parents to do that. - So we just ordered food to your parents' house. We ordered Chick-fil-A, chicken minis. We ordered Panera's like pastries and coffee and bagels.
And then your mom made like a bunch of fruit and like had some little desserts. Yeah, I think my grandma, my grandma brought some fruit too. But it was really cool. It was interesting because last year it was mainly like friends at the party, not as many family members. We only had like immediate family. And then my grandma, our parents, brothers and sisters and sister-in-laws and stuff.
But this year, we had like everyone from our family, all of our aunts, uncles, cousins, Griffins, all every single one of Griffin's great grandparents was there, which was really, really precious. Yeah. And so that was really cool. What would you say, Abby, was your favorite Gen Reveal? This this most recent one or the one from last year? Oh, my gosh. I really can't compare the two because the first is so exciting. Yeah.
But then the second was just so precious. Like it was so... Honestly, probably the second just because it was nice to have everyone that we love so much there. No, I agree. I think the first was incredible. It was so much fun. And while I don't want to like pick favorites, I would agree that I think the second was maybe even a little more special just because we had all of our family there. The people make the experience. Exactly. It's like you don't need to have...
this picture perfect gender reveal if you have everyone that you love there and sure i would have loved i would have i wish we would have had more of our like friends there and it would have been cool to have like more people but the fact that we had like pretty much all of our immediate and extended family made it really cool made it so meaningful yeah and yeah that's true because like gender reveal parties in general are pretty silly when you think about it i mean yeah it's
just a fun thing and it's I'm not doing any baby showers with a second baby so it's kind of just a way no no it's just kind of a way to celebrate this second baby and I don't think people normally do it with their second really because you kind of have all the stuff from the first yeah we do have a lot of stuff how greedy are you going to be you know and
So the gender reveal is just kind of a fun way to celebrate this second baby. And honestly, who doesn't love any reason to party and get together with your loved ones? Oh, totally. I mean, look, social media has made gender reveals a thing. I feel like they never existed before. A lot of my family at the party actually said this was their very first gender reveal ever, which is hilarious. But it was fun just to have everyone together and throw a little party. Yeah.
And we did it the day before Easter in the morning because we put it together last minute. So luckily, everyone was already in town for Easter. So having like a gender reveal brunch just made it work out. And let me say, I always think it's so incredible when we have both of our families together. They mesh so well. And interact and they mesh so well. It's such a blessing. So-
If it was just because of a gender reveal party, it's like, well, then I'm happy to throw a silly gender reveal party because it was just so nice to be with everybody and like have everyone intermingle and know each other. Like how crazy is it that like my cousins know your cousins so well and like...
I don't know. It's cool that our cousins know each other. It's random. Yeah. But I love it. Also, can we talk about in the gender reveal video, like all of our cousins are saying, hi, I'm your cousin once removed. Like we had to learn that day. We're like, what the freak is a cousin once removed? We should have just said cousin. I know. I mean, they're essentially just cousins, but I guess technically. You were getting really specific. But they're not technically, you know, our son's cousin. I know. Our son has no cousins. Our cousins aren't our kids' cousins. They're cousins once removed. Yeah.
Right? That's what it is. But now I don't know what a second cousin is. I forget. I thought they were second cousins, but they're not. They're cousins once removed. Well, did you know that the search bar on that TikTok was, what is a cousin once removed? That's hilarious. Because so many people were like, wait, what is it?
oh my gosh yeah so from my understanding a cousin once removed is a cousin but not in the generation like not in the same generation so it's your parents because yes so like all of yeah all of my all of my cousins are going to be our kids cousins once removed because they're yeah my my kids parents cousins like griffin's parents cousins our cousins once removed you're confusing me more now i knew what it
was and then now you said that so you know i'm more if your parent has a cousin wait it's this simple if your parent has a cousin that's your cousin once removed done your parents cousins are your cousins once removed yeah done that's it but now i don't know what a second cousin is i thought that's what a second cousin was yeah that's what i thought i'm so confused now we'll have to google that and this one's easy your parents aunts and uncles are your great aunts and uncles
Yeah. Anyway, but in the video, no, we had everyone give their guesses and it seems so stupid, right? It's like, why the freak do we care that much on like if it's a boy or a girl? It looked so staged though because it was exactly 50-50. Oh my gosh, yes. 13 guesses for girl, 13 guesses for boy.
Yes, we had 26 people there and that was the craziest part. We realized that once we made the video, I was like, holy frick. We literally had the exact same number of guesses for boy and girl. We did not plan that at all. Like people just did the random guesses and it just ended up being 50-50. That was crazy. Yeah. I did look up what his second cousin was and I'm even more confused. You're even more confused now. Yeah. Well, I just, again, remember people that your parents' cousins are your cousins once removed. I
I think it's your first cousins once removes kids that are your second cousins. Oh, that makes sense. Okay. So your little family tree lesson. There we go. Your cousins once removes, if they have kids, those are your second cousins. Yes. Now that makes sense in my head. Before I was so thrown off, but now that just makes sense. Yeah.
I feel like the name should be switched though. I think second cousin. I feel like whoever made up the names and the definitions should be fired because. But second would mean the second generation. They confused me. Yeah. Anyway, so we had the party. It was, it was a raging success. It really was. Everyone was so happy and.
And just having a good time. We ate a lot of chicken minis. Dude, we ordered $150 of Chick-fil-A chicken minis and we wiped them out. We had like 10 chicken minis left. And I think my brother ate them after the party. I know. And I barely ate anything. Which is shocking because they didn't... Okay, Chick-fil-A. This was actually hilarious. The girl dropping off the catering from Chick-fil-A. We opened the door. She's a woman. She was...
She's a woman. She was like, holy crap, you're Matt and Abby. And I'm like, hey, what up? And then my mom's, my mom runs the door because she just like, whenever someone recognizes us, my mom thinks it's cool and she wants to like meet them. It's really sweet. I have the sweetest parents. So my mom was like, yeah, he grew up here. This is his house. I'm like, mom, you probably shouldn't be giving that out, that information out there.
But my mom was just excited. And then my dad, I think, got involved too. And anyway. Which, by the way, you can't tip Chick-fil-A catering people. Yeah, we went to go. Because my parents were like, are you tipping the catering? And I'm like, yes, I am. And I went to go tip this girl. And she was like, sorry, I don't accept tips. It's not allowed in our policy. And she was going to get a great tip because we had $100 bills. We owe her.
throwback from Dalton and Bella's gingerbread house party. If you know our friends, Dalton and Bella, they had a Christmas party. Yeah. They had a competition that we somehow won. Didn't deserve to win. We won $500. We're $500.
We don't have, we never carry cash. I'm like, I don't, I never went to go deposit the $500 a thing. So we just kept giving it away to people. So we gave away, we gave away a hundred bucks one time. I went to Cafe Rio and this girl recognized us from TikTok. And I was like, and she was so nice. And then everyone on their team was really nice. So I was like, you know what? They get a hundred dollars tip today. And then we, um, we gave it to, oh,
The two workers on our cruise. Yeah, well, we tipped people on the cruise ship. And then, yeah, the girl that was dropping off the Chick-fil-A, we almost gave her $100, but then she said she couldn't take it. But we didn't tell her how much money. So I feel like now if she was watching this back, she would have been like, oh, freak. Dang. But now if we say this out loud, though, we no longer have cash and we never carry cash on us. So now I'm like, crap. Like.
Like that was kind of like a fun thing to bless people because I was just like, hey. We should go take out more $100 bills for random. Dude, we're running out of money if we keep giving people $100. What are we going to use it for? I don't know. But it's funny though. Like with cash, I never – I hate cash. Like I just like when I have cash, I'm like I need to get rid of this. I do wish I had it though because when people ask for money, I'm like, oh. Oh, yeah. I don't have anything. But if someone is homeless, like I want to give them like food because –
because I feel like you don't know if they have like a drug addiction and you don't know if they could go take that money and end up using it on something that wouldn't help them. So I like, I wish we would have like, we need to have like little food bags in our car so that we can give them like something. We should just keep like pretzels or something that's not going to melt. Yeah. Cause I like to donate to charities rather than giving money out to people who are asking for money. Cause I think the charities do a lot more good than you can. I think it's fine to give out money every once in a while, but you do not want to like,
Help them hurt themselves if they're dealing with addiction. Well, I think charities do a good job of like helping get people back, getting people back on their feet, getting them job interviews. Rehabilitated. Rehabilitated. Exactly. And so I think donating to those is cool. But anyway. So the gender reveal party was super fun. Very, very fun. And then the next day was just that whole weekend was crazy. We went to my grandpa's 80th birthday party. Yeah. He's a...
He was on the podcast. So if you haven't seen the episode with Terry, go back and reference that. He's 80 now. 80. And he's chipper than ever. Yeah. And that was fun. We got to hang out with his, yeah. Well, we had an Easter celebration that night of the gender reveal with your family. We did? Yeah.
Yes. Oh, wait. Oh, yeah. We had Easter. We celebrated Easter the day before. You had like a long nap in between the two events. It probably felt like a new day for you. You're right. I did take a long nap. I barely slept that night before. And that was a fun Easter gathering. It always is. Matt's family...
get togethers. We go hard. Our marathons. We go hard. Yeah. They are like eight hours usually. Yeah. They're fun. It's sweet. That's why you have such a good relationship with your family. It's sad though because they spend time together. Now that my uncles and aunts and everyone is getting older, I feel like we don't go as hard. Like we used to play so many sports games. We'd have full on football games on like Easter and Christmas and stuff. And now that people are getting older, I feel like my uncles aren't like as down to like tackle each other. Well, because they're
were some major injuries at those events. Oh yeah, I literally knocked one of my uncle's teeth out one time when I was a kid. Sorry, Uncle Bob, about that. Yeah, I'm less eager to play too. We were playing wall ball and I elbowed him in the face on accident. I was literally reaching for the ball, but like my hand went up like this and then I just whacked him in the face and it literally... Didn't you have to get like a root canal or something? Yeah, well, I guess he broke his teeth off getting out of a hot tub when he was in his early 20s. And so I hit those like fake teeth and then I...
mess me up deep in his like. Like pushed it up. Yeah. And so he had to get like a root canal or something. Whatever that is. It was pretty bad. Sorry, Uncle Bob. I hate dental work. I did that when I was 12. Okay. It's been a long time. It's been 12 years. Okay. And then didn't somebody else break something? I think my brother broke my uncle's rib when they were wrestling. Wait, your Uncle Bob
- You want to? - Not Uncle Bob, this is Uncle Brett. - Okay, good. - So if you guys watch our Jen Review video, my Uncle Brett is the one that said he's the greatest uncle. He meant to say great uncle, but he just wanted to do a play on words and say he's the greatest uncle. And Caleb was wrestling him and he literally cracked one of his ribs. So, and Caleb's my older brother. So we get, yeah, it's crazy. One time Caleb was trying to impress
My sister-in-law Abigail Howard and he we were wrestling in front of Abigail for whatever reason we were in high school He's trying to impress his girlfriend and he picked me up and body slammed me onto the living room floor Yeah, the wind knocked out of me so hard that I couldn't even breathe for a couple of seconds. Did it impress her? No, she was very upset. She was like you're a monster. She was like why are you Why are you chucking your brother on the floor of the living room you wacko?
And I was saying the same thing, but I couldn't even breathe. I was just laying there. I couldn't even breathe. Trying to be mad at Kayla, but I couldn't even get a breath in because I had no air in my lungs. Then now I guess we just like- I got off subject. Where the freak are we in this conversation? I guess we can just talk about where we are now, like how we feel about- Well, yeah. Let's talk about you. How do you feel right now? Because you are- Wait. Holy crap. Are you 24 weeks pregnant tomorrow? Yes. Holy crap. Wait. 24 is the week of viability too. What?
No. So you could have this baby tomorrow and our baby would be fine. Has a chance of survival. Yeah. I'm sure... That gets kind of morbid. Let's not think about that. Let's not talk about that. But that just means that the baby is pretty developed at this point. That is crazy. I'm feeling good. The bump is definitely starting to show a lot. And we're fast approaching the third trimester. Well, we still have a while. Is that 27 weeks? Maybe 28. Oh my gosh. We're like less than a month away, essentially. I feel like...
I feel like just recently I've just like been so excited and it feels so real. Like I can totally see, like picture how life is going to be. Obviously I have no idea how I'm going to feel with like having two kids. But I will say yesterday, I don't know if it was yesterday or the day before, I was like opening the drawers in my bathroom and I opened my like, it's like a drawer that's designated to postpartum. Yeah. It's like the diapers, the dermaplast.
The spray bottles, like the squirt bottles. Gosh, Abby. And I cannot lie. Dread did kind of consume me. It's like, okay. Remember when you first mentioned those devices? First time around last year. The peri bottles? It was almost like a recovery kit for torture. Like it's what I could think of. Because like you literally have these diapers for all this blood and goop and liquid and just so much. Like I just don't.
I feel bad for you. I really do. I would be lying if I wasn't like, I'm kind of nervous for round two. Obviously, like the reward that you get of giving birth is the most incredible gift you could ever think of. But... I mean, I feel empowered moving into my second birth. But I also...
feel like now because I know the nerves are a little different. Yeah. Like maybe a little bit more raw in a way. Did you get that euphoric feeling or whatever they describe after having a baby where you just like forget? You literally forget about all the pain and suffering? No, I did. And I think it like kind of came back. Really? Like...
With this second pregnancy, I remembered. I think what freaks me out the most is didn't you feel each and every stitch as it went into you? Every single needle going into you. That pain has nothing compared to contractions with no epidural and the full pitocin. You're kidding. When I experienced that. Contractions are worse than me taking a needle right now and going in and out of my skin.
Like putting needles like in my skin right now. Imagine an open wound in the most sensitive part of your body. Yeah. And a needle going in and out of it. And the contractions were worse. Gosh.
I can't imagine. Shockingly enough, I feel like pushing was like, it was more intense, but not even as bad as the, you know, I would take the pushing more. Will you be getting the epidural? Probably because you know it's coming, like you're almost to the end. Will you be getting the epidural quicker this time? Yes, I will be getting the epidural quicker this time. Probably. I mean, it all depends on if I get induced again, you know? What sucks for you is last time they were going to give you like another round of epidural. It didn't happen. Like they were going to like not do the shot again, but just like...
Hit you with some more juice, you know? Yeah, they didn't hit me with the juice. And we did it. And right before that happened, you gave birth. So you essentially gave birth like without an active epidural in a way. I mean, I know I still had some in my system, but... But you felt a lot. Yeah, I did. Because we see other people's birth videos and we're like, oh, that looks way... That was so peaceful. Way more peaceful than what Abby went through. No, it's all good. I will say, I don't know if I'm...
actually might be a little bit more nervous this time but what i'm the most like oh boy here we go like that's gonna be a mountain to climb is the initial breastfeeding because like remember how freaking engorged i got that's yeah that was so painful and it lasted for like i'll go
I googled like how long engorged breasts normally happen after like your milk comes in. Yeah. It was like maximum two days. I had it for way more than two days. They were like two massive rock hard aliens on me that were just constantly squirting out milk. You took a picture. It hurts.
so mad yeah I know I had a picture and I remember seeing the picture that picture you show your your like girl like I could show my girlfriends that picture I don't want to be like oh my gosh no guy needs to see that photo I that's only for my eyes well Matt even through even through shirts though I felt like I was walking around with like yeah I saw the picture recently and I was
I was so shocked. It's painful. I didn't know that. Remember my armpit boobs? I didn't know boobs could get that big, okay? Do you remember my armpit boobs? Yes. They call them pitties. Yeah, pitties. Pitties. Wait, that's actually the official name. Well, I think it's a nickname, but it's like an armpit. Pitties. So wait, actually, I do have to tell this story. So I don't know where I was in the pregnancy. Two titties and two pitties. I'm sorry. That's disgusting. Anyway. And I know this is actually a very not glamorous part of pregnancy, but...
- I think I was probably about this same stage of pregnancy with Griffin when I noticed my left armpit was swollen and it was kind of weird. The way it felt was weird. And so we went into the doctor and they're like, "I'm pretty sure it's nothing but
You should see like a mammographer. Oh, it's like to get a mammogram. So yeah, mammographer would make sense. I went and got a mammogram. Fact check us on that because I don't even know if that's confirmed. And they just kind of paw at my breast and then they like examined the armpit area and they did like an ultrasound of my armpit. Yeah. To make sure it wasn't anything to be concerned about. Turns out...
Milk glands go all the way up. You know how animals have several udders, like cats and dogs and cows? Yes. Humans have that too, but only one is exposed. Whoa. So my top one, it's happening again. My armpit's all fluffy again. You have a pity in your armpit. I have a pity. But only one pity, not two pitties? This one's a little bit, but it's mostly this one. That's crazy. Remember how bad it got after birth? I have a picture of it. It's like a donut. If you stuck a needle up that thing, would milk shoot out? I don't know. I hope not.
It's kind of painful too, though. That is still the craziest concept to me. It's not ugly. But it's the craziest concept to me that you're able to produce milk and feed our baby and that your body feeds our baby. And you're feeding a baby and growing a baby and also taking care of yourself. You're sustaining three lives right now. Your one life is sustaining three. That's insane.
I still... I'm pretty pooped. That's crazy. That is the thing. I am pretty tired. Yeah. Like always. Like when it gets to nine o'clock... Wait, screw that. When it gets to seven o'clock, I'm like... You're out. That's like the last little stretch before Griffin goes down. I'm like...
Dig deep, Abby. We got to keep going. Yeah. And I have to get through it. But... Yeah. Yeah. It's like a weird thing though because like once you put your baby down, like I should go right to bed. Yeah. But then I'm like, I want my time. Like I want like a little bit of... Yeah. Like, you know? Totally. Adult interaction. Yes. Adult interaction is important. And...
That's why I stay up past. We need to talk to each other more because we've gotten in the habit of like at night we'll just turn on a movie or a show. Just the past week. You were sick. Yeah, I was sick too. And I get it. Sometimes we don't want to talk to each other. We just want to be together. We talk all day but not about fun stuff. Yeah, we should talk about fun stuff more. I want you to ask me how I'm feeling every single day, multiple times a day. I did that the other day. When? I was like...
I was like, how are you feeling? I can be better about that. When was that? I can definitely be better. When did you say? How are you feeling, by the way? You don't want to answer my questions. When was that? I want to say two days ago. Yeah. How are you feeling? Very big. I remember that. Right now, I feel pretty good. I'm really hoping that I can go to the gym after this and get my energy back up. Oh, you're going to the gym today? I was hoping to leave around three. You are a gym addict, which is a good thing. That's a good problem. You kind of are addicted. You love it.
I love it, but does that mean I'm addicted? You're the type of person that would like be in some sort of race and describe it as fun. You did do a Spartan race and you said it was fun. I'm not a runner though. Yeah, but you like the obstacles. I saw something once. It was like, do people that run know that they don't have to? And I was like, I really feel that. Yeah, but apparently there's like this crazy high you get.
If you're like a marathon runner or something, apparently you get this wild high. And my buddy, Derek Beeston, who ran a marathon this past year, told me the same thing. He's like, dude, it's the most insane feeling and you have to do it. And I'm like, I will never. I don't think you're ever going to catch me running a marathon. Maybe a half marathon. No, I couldn't. The most I can do is a five. Would you do it? You would never even do a half? I couldn't.
How many miles is that? I think you could. It's like over 13. Yeah, no. It's like 13 point. There's no way I can do that. Oh, frick. Is it 13.1? Nor do I really want to. 13.1. If I put my mind to it, I probably could, but eh. I think you see those stickers on people's cars that say like 13.1 and that is. No, truly, I don't think I have the aerobic capability. I think if you train for it, you could do it.
my heart rate is like already so high yeah you do have a crazy fast heart rate but um the feelings i feel the top feeling exhaustion yeah second feeling back pain actually no that's the top feeling back pain then exhaustion always hungry yeah very hormonal but i mean that's yeah expected that's true yeah like i probably cry every day nowadays right
Yeah. Is there, is there another, I know you obviously want me to ask you, how are you feeling? Is there another question that I can do a better job of asking? Just to check in on you, make sure you're doing okay. What can I do to help you right now? What can I do to help you right now? Yeah. I could probably be better about asking that of you too. Can I say this though? I think, okay. And this is something that I can do better, but I think sometimes when I ask you, what can I do to like be more helpful right now? I think you're almost just like, you want me to just like
do something without you having to tell me what it is, right? Yeah. Because I did ask you. Sometimes you need me to hold your hand too much. Like if I wish I could just say something and then it happens, but then it's always like, well, where's this? I'm like, have you looked? But I think part of the reason I do that is sometimes you're very specific about the way that you like things done. And so I don't want to do something and then you not like the way that I do it. I'm pretty chill.
For the most part, but there are some things like the way the dishwasher is loaded for instance. I didn't touch anything. I just ran it. Okay. Oh, you did? Yeah. So recently like –
- And I emptied it out. - There was an issue with the dishwasher loading recently. - Well, I just don't think that it was loaded in the most practical way. - Okay, okay, that's fair. - I mean, you can do your way, I can do mine. - I think the big way was there was, I put, well actually it wasn't me, it was I think our sister-in-law who was watching Griffin put a sheet pan in the dishwasher. And usually we don't put the sheet pan in the dishwasher, but we left it in there. And how was that experience for you to leave the sheet pan in there? - It was freeing. - I'm pretty sure the sheet pan got very cleaned. Like that's a very clean sheet pan.
At this point. I don't think they're supposed to. I don't think it's dishwasher safe, though, to be honest. Really? I don't know. I don't know. You can put a lot of crap in the dishwasher that's not dishwasher safe and it turns out okay. It's just those freaking Tupperware containers when they get melted. Like if you put them in, if the water's too hot and then like melt your Tupperware. That's happened. Yeah. That's never fun. That's a bad day. That is a bad day. Well...
How are you feeling, Matt? How am I feeling? How has this pregnancy been for you? I wasn't talking about being sick. I keep coughing on this podcast, by the way. Yeah. It lingers. It's lingering. I can't get rid of the cough. But no, how am I feeling?
I really believe that we have the best years ahead of us. I really do. Recently, I was envisioning like having another physical boy and like in addition to Griffin. And that was just like the cutest thing ever. I was just thinking about like having both of them. I feel like he's going to be a replica of Griffin. I think they're going to look the same. I don't know why. I think so. I think they're going to look the exact same. I think they're going to look like their mom. And I...
I yeah I just think it's gonna be so cool for them to be buddies and get to play together yeah and they're gonna I just think I can picture them like giggling together and tickling each other and just like playing sports and just doing everything together and but then some people were commenting they're like you think they're gonna be best little friends but they probably are gonna be arch enemies that could also happen what if they fight
We need to be aware of that. I'm sure they'll have a phase where they don't like each other. I'm sure. I think a lot of siblings have that. You had it with your brother. You and your brother hated each other for a little bit. We were head to head for a while. But at this point, though, you're adults and you guys get along great. I feel like usually people come around by the time. Like, I feel like there's a silent truce that happens once you move out of the house. Yeah. And you're no longer living under the same roof. It's kind of like. Yeah. Yeah.
We're done here. Totally. We'll now be friends. Yeah. Anyway, thank you guys so much for tuning into this episode. We are so, so, so excited to have two little boys. And you guys are seriously so kind. Like, we're reading through some comments on the gender reveal videos recently. You guys, like...
Are seriously the best we have the best um People on these apps watching the videos, you know a part of this community. It really means a lot you guys. Um, there's just too many Nice comments to even count them all it's insane. It's really really overwhelming but um
It's very kind of you. And it's good to know too, like as creators, something that every creator deals with is like getting negative comments here and there. And so like seeing the good is just like, oh my gosh, like it far outweighs the bad. And I kind of view, I don't know, I view our world that way too. I think if you like focus on the positive, you realize like there's so much good in the world. Mm-hmm.
Because sometimes when you turn on the news, it's just you see so much. Yeah, don't turn on the news. Yeah, don't turn on the freaking news. Anyway, okay, we're getting off topic. Make sure if you subscribe, if you're watching on YouTube, if you're on Apple Podcasts, give us a five-star rating. Yeah, leave a review. You want to do one? Yeah, let's do a review. Let's see. The first one is. We got five stars. Five stars. Hey. In love. I.
Love with the life and fun in this family. Aw. That's from Hazel. I think Hazel left out a word or two, but Hazel, that really means a lot. Well, thank you guys so much, and I hope you have a great rest of your day. And until next time. Three, two, one. Peace out, news.