cover of episode Juicy Questions, Hookup Stories & Meeting on Tinder with Alex and Jon

Juicy Questions, Hookup Stories & Meeting on Tinder with Alex and Jon

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The Unplanned Podcast with Matt & Abby

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Alex: 我们在Tinder上认识,一开始就是为了约会。我刚结束一段长期关系,只想享受单身生活,所以起初并不想和Jon发展长期关系。但是Jon的一些举动,比如在第二次约会时就暗示想结婚,让我改变了想法。我们从约会到结婚经历了大约六个月的时间,期间充满了嫉妒和竞争,最终Jon赢得了我的心。 从婚礼摄像到全职社交媒体创作者的转变:我们最初将TikTok视为兼职,但它迅速发展成为我们的全职工作,导致我们放弃了婚礼摄像的工作。疫情期间,我们的社交媒体事业迅速发展,工作量剧增,我们开始寻求心理咨询。我们从婚礼摄像转向社交媒体创作,是因为后者更赚钱,也更能平衡工作与生活。放弃婚礼摄像工作的原因之一是,在婚礼上不断被认出,分散了我们的注意力,影响了工作质量。转向社交媒体创作后,收入的增加也影响了我对婚礼摄像工作的热情。 婚姻生活中的挑战:成为父母后,我们的生活发生了巨大的变化,这给我们的婚姻带来了挑战。我们经历了从天堂般的幸福到争吵和矛盾的阶段,这很常见。激素变化和分工不均导致我们经常争吵,但我们最终找到了解决问题的方法,比如定期从社交媒体上休息,专注于彼此的关系。 Jon: 我们在Tinder上认识,一开始就是为了约会。我第一次约会后就意识到自己想要和Alex继续发展关系。Alex起初并不想发展长期关系,但她的一些举动让我改变了想法。我们从约会到结婚经历了大约六个月的时间,期间充满了嫉妒和竞争,最终我赢得了她的心。 从婚礼摄像到全职社交媒体创作者的转变:我鼓励Alex创办自己的婚礼摄像公司,我们一起工作,我学习了摄像和剪辑技巧。疫情期间,我们的社交媒体事业迅速发展,工作量剧增,这给我们的生活带来了巨大的压力。我们从婚礼摄像转向社交媒体创作,是因为后者更赚钱,也更灵活自由。 婚姻生活中的挑战:成为父母后,我们的生活发生了巨大的变化,这给我们的婚姻带来了挑战。我们经历了从天堂般的幸福到争吵和矛盾的阶段,这很常见。激素变化和分工不均导致我们经常争吵,但我们最终找到了解决问题的方法,比如定期从社交媒体上休息,专注于彼此的关系。

Deep Dive

Alex and John discuss how they met on Tinder, originally using it as a hookup app, and their initial impressions and dates.

Shownotes Transcript


- Are you down for a threesome? - This is a question for everybody. - Would yours be with a dude or a woman? - Probably a woman, honestly. - What would you do? - But also no. - I'm gonna be honest with you, I am so sheltered, I don't logistically know how this would ever work. - When you guys met on Tinder, it probably wasn't the hookup app. - No, it was. - Oh, it was? - Yeah. - You guys were just trying to hook up? - Yeah. - Have you ever felt not in the mood but did it anyways? How many times a week? Is guys' stuff actually attractive to the girl? - Um, it depends.

This episode does include the discussion of adult topics, so if you're with your children, consider waiting to listen until they're not in the room. What's up, dudes? Come on, you rude.

You ruined it. Guys, Alex and John, welcome to the Unplanned Podcast. Thanks for having us. Alex and John are social media sensations. You guys are hilarious. They're hilarious. They make couples content, which I wouldn't even know if the right word is couples content because it's really these really funny skits and bits. High quality. High quality entertainment. You guys should check out their videos if you haven't seen their stuff. Thanks, guys.

I'm sure you guys have seen them all over your For You page. But we're excited because not only are we going to dig into just a little bit of their story, but we're also going to play a little game with them. We're going to do some juicy questions. Oh, gosh. Ooh.

Prepare yourselves. If we're going to do it with someone, I was like, it has to be Alex and John. We're going to try to keep it PG as much as we can for you. That'll be hard for us. Because if you do know our content, you know it's a little bit out there. But it's fine. We'll do our best. Hey, we want you guys to be comfortable. Hey, we want you guys to be yourself. We will bleep you. I'm sorry.

You are shooting this podcast in our house. We are in your house. Exactly, your house, your rules. Oh wait, our rental. We're going to have you guys when our house is done being renovated in our new studio space and you guys can join our podcast. Yes. And your podcast is Give It To Me Straight, correct? Yes. Where we give everyone not great advice, but we do our best. I love that. We say our mediocre advice.

Yeah, so they also have a podcast. You guys can find them, I'm sure, wherever you find your podcasts. And while you're following their podcast, make sure you're following ours. Make sure you're subbing, hitting the like button, leaving a review, all those good things. We would really appreciate that. I'm sweating right now. You're sweating? I think John's making me nervous. I've been sweating this whole time. I got it down to 69. That's why I'm wearing black because I sweat.

It is. I mean, the sun is beaming through right now. It's also these lights. Guys, we're in LA right now. This is crazy. I feel like all official that we're in LA. This is crazy. And we have good weather. I'm just glad the sun is out. The weather, we've lived in all parts of the country, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, casual. Yeah.

The weather has been the worst here out of everywhere that we've lived. No way. In LA? Since we've been here, yeah. You're kidding. Rainy, cloudy, cold. Mudslides. Today is the nicest day I think that we've had in a really long time. We brought the sun from Phoenix with us. Yes. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We needed it. Something you guys were just telling us before we started the podcast is you met on Tinder. Yeah. We did. That's so unique. I want to hear more about that. I think so.

- It's so funny that you say unique because I feel like most people these days like meet on an app. - Yeah, you're right. - Like Bumble, Hinge, but yeah, we're Tinder though. - Totally. - When we got on it, it was-- - The hookup app. - That's what's funny is because like Tinder is the hookup app. - Oh yeah, like Tinder's the lowest of the low. - But like, I'm sure when you guys met on Tinder, it probably wasn't the hookup app at this time. - No, it was. - Oh, it was? - Yeah. - You guys were just trying to hook up? - Yeah. - You guys? - Yeah.

No. No, Alex was. I was looking for something. John knew. We met. So, like, we matched on Tinder. We met at the Raleigh Beer Garden. We grabbed beers. I ordered some pizza. And, like, I knew we got along so great. But, like, we, I just think, like, I don't know. It wasn't, the timing wasn't right for us to.

to be exclusive with one another. - The timing wasn't right for Alex. The timing was right for me. - Wait, why was the timing not right for Alex? - I just like, I was-- - When was this? - This was okay, we met in 2016. - Okay. - I was out of a long-term relationship. I just wanted to be single, but I like to go on dates and like meet people and have them buy my beers, you know, to me. And so when I met John,

I was like, oh my gosh, he's so nice. But like, I don't want to date him. A few weeks later, after our first date, he was like, we need to hang out again. And I was like, sure. We go on date number two, which is a paint night. So like wine and design, you know? That's so, did you set that up? Of course. Yeah. Romantic. It was cute. So we get to the end of our. It definitely backfired on me though. We,

We get to the end of our date and he goes, sign my last name on there so that when we get married, we can hang these paintings in our house together. I was joking. There were some big moves. Red flag. She threw it right in the trash can. I go, this is a red flag. I was like, he's so obsessed with me already. I yeeted those in the trash can. You threw them away. Threw them out.

In front of you. No, he didn't. He wasn't there. He was not there. But anyway, long story short. John cried himself to sleep that night. Hold your hands right when Alex like red flags and Matt's like, look at us. We're the perfect couple and we never fight. And we definitely didn't meet on Tinder either. Matt and Abby are like, we're winning right now. It's all about winning and losing.

- And sweating. - And he's actually really sweaty. Yeah, it's like, can we not hold hands right now? - Please don't touch me, John. Like even your leg is giving me too much heat. - You know why we're all sweating? It's 'cause Matt took three hours to set up this podcast. So it's just him moving around all the friction. It's just so hot in here. - All right. Anyway, long story short, we do this back and forth.

I'm just waiting for you to spew your LaCroix. Just so everyone knows, even him doing his sound check, the audio wasn't even that bad. It was a light buzz. John, but this is why. He's just like, I can't have it. I can't have it in here. I can't have it in the podcast. This is what sets the podcast apart because it's perfection. You guys, I'm sweating so hard. I'm laughing so hard.

This is great. Okay. I guess that's why your podcast is as amazing as it is. I so appreciate that, you guys. I figured I just had to say something nice after saying something. You're supposed to give five.

Compliments to one. For every critique. Alex is training me like say if you're going to be sour be sweet afterwards. No it's a sandwich like you have to give a compliment and then yeah your critique and then another compliment. Yeah. But we have no critiques. Well John might have a few but. I mean your setup is way better than ours. I'll give you that. And this is

And this is like, we've been living in this house and like, we didn't even know that this was a possibility. This looks great. No, I like want to move into your house right now. Like your house is so beautiful. You have a beautiful view of the valley. Is that the valley? Yeah. And they welcomed us with like croissants and muffins when we walked in this morning. So this was just so nice. Abby didn't eat any of that stuff. Is that not the standard? Do people not greet you with croissants? What? Guys. I was like, Abby's going to be hungry.

Yeah. And Matt was hungry. Matt was hungry. I actually ate already, but I had to eat more because the food was so good. Yeah. Can we... I want to know how...

know how they got married oh right okay how did you go from like tinder hookups yeah to marriage it was a long like so it was like period of time six months ish of like from our first date to when we were like okay this is it and it really went because i wanted to have my cake and eat it too like i liked hanging out with john but i also liked the freedom of just being a single girly twirly yeah in the city of raleigh just you know meeting people and then john he was like

It wasn't until one day we both were separately at a bar. We like meet eyes across. I'm like, oh, John, hey. And he goes, what?

just waves at me with no expression and turns around and walks away. And I'm like, I am his queen. How dare he ignore me? - You were with two other dudes across the bar. - With my sister! - Of course I'm like, oh yeah. - I was waiting for my sister. - What am I supposed to do? - They were like her work friends. And so I was like, oh my gosh. And so that's when I realized. And I was like, I am not willing to risk losing John in my life. Like I do have to commit to him. - That's not where she realized.

I win in the end. I was hanging out with some other girl. She saw me at the bar with her and was like,

You're gonna move on from me. This is a separate night. No, this was the same thing. I'm just making it confusing. Yeah, that's hilarious. You're not gonna add in the part that like you were in a whole group of people. I didn't know that you were like individually seeing one of them. She knew. Anyway, so yeah, you got jealous. You both got jealous. Yeah, it was like a game of cat and mouse. And sure, John won in the end. It's the most toxic way of, you know, getting together. Oh my gosh, yeah, no, not healthy. Do not recommend this.

the way that we met. It's all a game, you know? Yeah, yeah. And here we are, happily ever after. Six years later. It's a beautiful love story, guys. I know, right? It's very beautiful. And then we got engaged in Hawaii. That's so cool. I knew that. That's so cool. Which island? Kauai. Kauai.

Oh, okay. That's like the one island we have not been to. You haven't? I want to go so bad. Oh my gosh. It's so chill. You guys would love it there. I really want to go backpacking there because I've never been backpacking and I've heard there's a really neat like 20 mile trail. Nepali coach. Yeah, the Nepali coach. 20 miles. It's gorgeous. No, the one that we did that we got engaged on. You want to pay to go to Hawaii to go on a hike for 20 miles? To be out in nature, it's beautiful. Nature is neat. Nature. Nature.

- Nature. We should go on a hiking trip together. - Yeah, see, John would love it. But the one that we did that we got engaged on was like a six mile trail, but it was rough. - I didn't know it was also that long. - So muddy, but we've been back. We love Hawaii a few times. So when I saw that you guys were living there, I was like, we have to meet them there. And then you're back here. - So I got the coordinates on my arm. - Oh no way.

And where you got engaged? Yeah. So John like tattooed the hibiscus and then the coordinates and like the mountain range of like where we got engaged. Wow. Yeah. That's really, really cool. I know. So now like we're really stuck together. Well, I guess he's stuck with the memory of me. I have no tats of John. Look at Alex. I have like a neck tattoo. Me, John. The date of when we got married. Me and John. Did you guys know that we have matching tattoos? You guys do? You guys didn't know that? No. Stop. Whoa. Whoa.

- Oh my God. - Did you say dude? - I forget that I have them, honestly. I haven't looked at that tattoo in a year or two. - You know how we said, "What's up dudes?" to start the episode? That's our brand. And so we got matching tattoos. - This was a while ago. - That is commitment. - To promote our first merch launch ever. - I think it was like three years ago. - This was in 2020. We like made merch that said dude and got matching lip tattoos. It was crazy. - Does that fade? - Yeah. - Over time. - Is it faded now?

A little bit. Yeah, a little bit. I think that's what it looked like initially, though. It's so fun, though. I can still see what it says. People are like, no, you don't. And then we're like, heck yeah, we do. Yeah. We're crazy. We faced some of our family right after. None of them believed it. They all thought we were lying. And it was some prank. It was like, no, we actually got live tattoos. It was honestly kind of hard to get someone to do the tattoo because it was literally 2020. It was like COVID. Oh, yeah. 2020 is hard. Do you ever think of doing the ring tattoo? I've been trying to get him.

I think he doesn't want to commit enough. They also fade. Yeah, they fade and I heard it really freaking hurts to get it. What's with all the rings? I'll be honest with you. You got the Sons of Anarchy thing going on. I got these sent to me. There's a guy that makes rings. His name is Tristan Ikaika.

They're really cool rings. And he makes like really cool rings. My buddies had some and then he sent me some and I was like okay sick. And I didn't really have like a strong like fashion statement I wanted to make or anything. It was just oh these are cool. Maybe I'll look a little bit more stylish. He doesn't have a wedding ring either so. Yeah but you have the rubber. I have the rubber. Yeah. So I can keep my rubber. But he never had like a

real wedding ring oh I spent like four it was four dollars he bought his ring for four oh we didn't either I think we ordered his off of Etsy because our our jeweler messed our rings up initially so like when we got married they were wrong and we were like whatever we'll just like get them later he overnighted it to us the day before our wedding

And then we opened up the boxes and I was like, these are wrong. Like we both ordered yellow gold and they were white. Did you freak out? No, because we were just like, is that, like we're in the, we were in the wedding industry at the time and we knew like, we were like, it's not a big deal. Yes, I want to talk about that. So before,

you're start doing social media full time. Yeah. You guys are videographers for weddings. Yes. You're wedding filmmakers. Cause one of my friends that was like, Matt, I saw that you're like, this is like when we were, when our TikTok was taking off. They were trying to book you. No way. They were like, yeah, they're like, do you know this other couple? They, they're like a,

like wedding videographers. I want them to do my wedding. And I'm like, Oh, I think they're kind of busy. I'm sure they're busy doing TikTok. Well, we didn't realize how, like when we started TikTok, we just thought that we would do it in parallel with being wedding filmmakers and didn't realize that it would turn into a full-time job. And ultimately we couldn't do both. We just retired this past year from weddings. We like to say like retired, but we, we,

were doing both like 2020 we had all of our weddings postponed into 2021 because of the pandemic that's when we jumped onto tiktok and then that's when our social media blew up so then we had double the amount of weddings in 2021 that we were filming yeah it was crazy on top of our all of our social channels blowing up so it was just like it felt like we were working i mean we were working seven days a week but like quadruple the amount of time like we were not in a good headspace i started therapy like

I mean, it ended up being a really good thing for us because it aligned us. Like it made us closer. We, I think we're just pushed to our ultimate limit. Like we know what we can like achieve. The threshold. Exactly. Yeah. So wait, you guys both filmed and both edited, but you got married in 2020. We got married in 2019, like four months before the pandemic started. So did the business start right before you got married? So started, we met in Raleigh, North Carolina and,

And then John, I was working at that time for another wedding film company and John saw my work and he was like, you need to start your own. And I was like, I don't know. I need help. And he was like, train me how to use a camera and then we'll start it together. And so he was an occupational therapist. So we moved to New York. I start the wedding film company and, um,

we were shooting together on the weekends and I was editing during the week and he was an OT. So we were still working seven days a week, but then we got married, then the pandemic happened and that's when we jumped in. So I was always the editor. And then so when we saw that TikTok was like a creative app

you know, video, video focused. I was like, this is the app for us. Like we could totally do it because I was like, you know, I think that we have personalities, you know, that we could be in front of the camera and then we can edit because we were always behind the camera like as filmmakers. Yeah.

How has that been now to start filmmaking on an app where rather than this family at a wedding gets to see your work, now you have millions of people that can see your work? I like it more because we're filming what we want to film. I'm not saying we don't want to film weddings, but it was very time-consuming. We're shooting 14-hour days, and then to edit, if we're only working on one wedding, it'd be at least 50 hours.

Of editing. It's a lot. So it was definitely a lot. In the beginning, though, I think it was a little bit of like an ego thing because we had all the gear. We had the skill of like making these really high-end cinematic wedding films, but...

that's not what was going viral. What was going viral was what we were shooting on our iPhones, you know, something so simple. And then when brands started reaching out and we were like, we're making how much money from a 30 second TikTok versus a wedding film that like we're putting our heart and soul into it. Like it just didn't. So we had to like look at it from a business perspective and be like, where do we need to invest our time at this point? And so we ultimately made the transition out of weddings. Yeah.

But then I think too, the bigger that we were growing, we were getting recognized a lot at weddings. And not that it was taking away from the couple, but it was a distraction. Like for us to even do our jobs, we were like, we can't give 100% of ourselves to our couples anymore. And so we had to make that decision. It was really, it was a bittersweet though.

John was okay. He was like, TikTok is the world for us, like digital content creation. But for me, I was like, I had such- Well, let's be honest. It's tough because when you start seeing the money coming in for social media, it's like, it kind of takes away a little bit. You're like, well, we could be shooting these weddings that are taking all of our time or we shoot just 30 seconds and we're doubling or tripling whatever we're making off of weddings. So kind of like-

takes away the passion a little at least for me that I'm like, let's just be stupid not to go the route of social media. But like weddings are such a personal business that it was really tough for me, I think, to like walk away from creating these heirlooms for couples. But I think ultimately, like you just have to pick and choose where your time is best well spent. And we're having so much fun, obviously doing this and it gives us a lot more freedom. Well, and you went from filming other people to filming yourself. And you guys are just

so hilarious together. I'm like, thank you. I think it's so funny too. Cause you, I love that you guys like in the couple space on social media, a lot of it is like super sweet. It's like copy paste, copy paste. I like how your couple's content is very different than any other couple's content out there. We try. I think that that's one thing when you are starting out is figuring out what you're good at and like what your audience is.

also relates to. And for us, we were like, okay, what kind of like couple content are we? Like, are we even a couple content like creators? And we were like, we can't do pranks. Like it just did not feel right. It was all trial and error. We tried it all. And like, we just like honed into what felt most natural to us. And it's like showing, cause like we're skip based, but like we show the real life things that happen. And so like making it cinematic and like comedy, like we don't say like we're couple creators. We say we're comedy creators. Like we're in the couple,

like comedy space. Exactly. Comedy. I think that's a better way. Yeah. And you guys like talk about like fighting and like things that annoy you about each other. And I think that's hilarious. Like we talk about like

We talk about fights a lot. We just want to be honest with people. I think people get sick of seeing people show all the good. And I think it's great. You want to keep things positive and fun. I think some couples genuinely are a lot sweeter than us. But fighting's not a bad thing either. It's natural and it's healthy in a relationship. People throw up fake shit all the time. I'm like, this isn't a real relationship. And what I like about...

Well, our content's skit-based, though, at the same time. So that's why, like, for our podcast, it's like, we want you to see us, who we actually are. But what I like about yours is you're not trying to pretend that it's a real moment. It's very clear that it's a skit. It's a skit, exactly. And that's, like, one thing that we knew that, like, we couldn't nail down. Like, we've tried to do, like, a curated, natural moment so that it seems like it's, like, and I'm like, we can't do it. So it's easier for us to just script something out and then act. It got to the point where we couldn't

do that anymore either because it's like at some point you're gonna know there's a camera somewhere even if you don't know where the camera is it's gotta be somewhere and so now I'm like recently I wanted to do that to Matt for one video I was like I literally can't I don't even know what to do at this point yeah that

Now I could get you good though because you would not be expecting it now. That's true. Yeah, we don't. Because again, like you acknowledge that the camera is there and that's I think the thing as content creators. It's like we're not going to pretend like we don't know that the camera is right there. Like we're going out of our way to show that we're acknowledging it. But yeah, I think like for us because we came from a filmmaking background, we knew that this is going to be like the most –

And like we wanted to lean into our skills. Like our skills were from the filmmaking side of it. So like if we could marry the two. But again, like everyone has to find their own corner of like what works best for them. And I think your audience is going to see that as well. Well, you guys are hilarious. Your comedy skits always make me laugh when they pop up on my FYP. I think I want to get into some of these juicy questions that we have for Alex and John because – I haven't seen them either. Oh, you haven't even looked at them? No. I mean I like briefly looked but then I had –

someone go in and so I would be surprised too. Yeah, we had you guys submit juicy questions for us to answer together on the Unplanned Podcast Instagram. So thank you to everyone that submitted a question. What do we got, Abby? I don't know how...

- We just said it. - How much are we willing to? - Let's just send it. - Literally we're open books. Yeah, we're open books. - What is it? What is it? - I don't wanna be the one asking. - Okay, I'll ask it. - Okay, so these are the ones that people will send in and then we had another list too. - Okay. - So. - All right, so first one. - Oh my gosh, I'm sweating more. - I thought. - Is Guy's stuff actually attractive to the girl? - Are you talking about my penis?

I think we're talking about penises right now. I think this is a question for the ladies. I'm so confused. What's the question? Do wives think their husband's junk is attractive? Oh, oh, oh.

It depends. It depends. You'll never see me wanting to look up anybody else. You know what it is, though? It really depends because I'm going to get really vulnerable here. And John, feel free to tell me to shut up. Okay, so like... I'm sweating so much. Is John doing the helicopter? No. If John's bending over and I get a back view, because that's a whole different view. No. No.

If it's like a curated shot, like you send a dick pic. On like the pose in which, and it also depends on my mood, right? Like, am I hungry? Like, no. But like,

- I got a surprise for you. - I feel like generally my libido is higher than John's is. - 100%. - So I'm usually, I always think it's attractive, but it really depends on the pose. - I hold the power. - Sometimes John will just be, I don't know why you do this. You always somehow bend over. - That is that too. - When I'm coming into the room and I'm like, this is a view I never ever wanna see. And I immediately dry up and turn around and go up. - When they say junk, they're talking about my penis, not my butthole.

I'm trying to be aware of where you're at in the room and I'm trying to not face dude. When you bend over, I see it all. It's like it's all, you act like. Don't swing the door open so quick. Imagine that I'm perfect. I try to be aware of where I'm standing because I know you don't want to see inside my tarantula hole.

You're whispering. Yeah, you're right. I don't want to see inside there. So it really depends. I'll do that as a joke. Like Abby usually doesn't catch me like bending over on accident. But like sometimes just like if I'm just naked, I get out of the shower. I might just like give Abby a little surprise. And then she's like, whoa. I've seen the movie Waiting. No. You never saw Waiting with Ryan Reynolds? No, I haven't.

where he's like a waiter and it's just like they're like a grungy restaurant or something and they're all doing like different poses with their they're like the bat wing and the goat and they're always trying to get each other I feel like we should move on it's a cult classic we'll watch that on our next date night I definitely need to watch that I never answered the question what is your answer to that question I would

I would never want to see another guy's, but I think... Which is... Okay. It's shocking to me that you say that, though, because, like, not to be weird, but I think... I would rather look at a naked woman than a naked man. Yeah. Same. Same. But, like, I can agree with that. Yeah. Everyone says it. Everyone. It's universal. Yeah. But it's interesting how, like, you as a straight woman saying that is, like, totally... Like, I wouldn't question that. I don't know. Right. Like, if a guy said that to you... But if I get that, you'd be like, oh, are you gay? I think it's because women are...

Like, no one's going to disagree. Women's bodies are beautiful. Yeah. 100%. 100%. But I know what you're saying, where there's like a double standard. Like, if John was like, I would rather look at a naked man, I'd be like... Everyone would be a little bit questioning. Yeah. Okay. Wow. We're really sending it with these juicy questions. I'm not trying to look at fucking anteaters all day. Their trunks just... I think...

- This is so bad, I weave so much when I'm pregnant. Guys, this might be your first explicit episode. - It's all good. Okay, next one we got is, are you down for a threesome? - Listen. - This is a question for everybody. - Who's the third? - For everyone. - No. - Oh, who is the third? - See, like, I think back in my college days, like when I wasn't in a committed, like married relationship, like it's something that I could have explored, but now that I'm married, I just, no, I think it's off the table for me now, yeah.

John's like, oh, college days for sure. Now, no, I'm too tired. Oh my gosh. You guys had a really crazy college days compared to us. We were married in college. Yeah, we were married throughout college. We've only been with each other. But it felt awesome because I was like, we're having sex and none of our friends are. Like it was great. What? No. I don't know.

I almost went to Missouri. I went to Missouri State. Yeah. I almost went to Liberty. We went to Missouri. Like nobody, nobody was married. Like we were like the only people. But you guys knew though. You know what I mean? Like, and it worked for you. Like you are the one, I don't know. Like we, we actually have a few friends who are high school sweethearts. And I think a lot of people are against it because they, they know that it's not going to work, you know, because of like, just like stereotypical rates. But again, like when you can come out of it, like that's even better. Oh, totally. Like, yeah. Teach his own.

I would never have been down for a threesome at any point in my life. Yeah. I'm very monogamous. Yeah. That's what I think too. I literally tell Matt, I'm like, I'm not attracted to other guys. I'm literally not. I feel like people that end up swinging, like it's like, oh, it's like making it fun. I like how Abby just immediately assumed that threesome's with another dude. Hmm.

Like, just so you know, it's going to be a woman. Oh my gosh. I could not even think about it. It was like, no. So you had, Abby, you had to pick one. It's a threesome. It's you, Matt. Is it with another dude or a woman? Another dude. Wait, what? John, don't put Abby on the spot. She said no threesomes regardless. Would yours be with a dude or a woman? I just, I...

A woman, honestly. But do you also know? I'm going to be honest with you. I'm so sheltered. I don't logistically know how this would ever work out. Who's the third party member? I'm so sorry to all your very kind listeners. That's actually funny. I think all of us, that if it were to happen, I think everyone would pick woman. Actually, yeah. Now that I think about it, two guys would be so- You want to compete with someone? Am I doing as good as he's doing it? But all of us-

I don't know. I just feel like that would like, then it would affect our relationship. Like I would then be like self-conscious, self-conscious and like not happy. Like it, it just would, it's not worth, I don't think it's not worth the issues that would follow. I am not yet how it logistically works. No, yeah. Why are we all in the same like chair? This is the most, the dumbest thing.

it's fine. We like to be cozy. Sorry, I'm actually uncomfortable too right now. Are we uncomfortable because of like physically or the conversation about the recess? Yeah. John, like your leg. I, I,

I retract my answer for that because I literally do not know how that would even work. Yeah. I'm going to say no. I think it would cause problems. Yeah. I think there's no way around that. Of course it would cause problems. Would you or have you had adult nap time while your baby slash kid was in the room? That's for you guys. What about your pet? Oh, Kobe.

Do you guys actually nap in general? Maybe that should be the question. Dude, Abby doesn't like to take naps. Because then I stay up at night. It's frustrating. I'm like, Abby, just take a freaking nap. She'll be so exhausted. I'm like, if you just take an hour and a half nap, you'll feel awake. You guys haven't seen the video.

- I've seen the videos. If I wake up from a nap, it's- - Oh, that's true. Last time you took a nap, you woke up crying and then- - Every single time I take a nap, I wake up hungry and emotional. - That was actually our last YouTube video. - And I also don't know what day it is. - You mean Matt didn't have like snacks next to you? - No, he didn't. - I think with adult nap time, we're talking about sex, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not just like adults sleeping. - While your baby clutch kid was in the room or your pet. - Code messages. - I think people are sending code messages. We have to decipher the code.

Okay, well, I'm going to assume, yeah, that it means sexy time. Well, we don't have kids, so we could nap all day long. See, we've definitely done that. And then I think what felt weird, though, is like you feel weird that your kid's in the room, but then you're also like they can't even see anything because they're in, they're like guarded, like they're asleep or they're in their bassinet and their eyes are shaded. That was a long time.

this for a long time. Oh yeah, this has been a while. This has been a while. Yeah, he's been... When did Griffin start sleeping in his bedroom? When he was five months. I think, yeah, there's like an age limit, of course, when you stop doing that. No, no, no. Now, heck no. I think anything really now would be, oh my gosh. Heck no. He's much too old now. Just like,

like i've heard stories though just like when you stop like kissing your kid on the mouth at some point you know yeah but it is weird i do have the thoughts i'm like if we're if we're both like naked and we're like getting in and out of the shower and stuff and griffin's seeing us i'm like i'm like is it weird that our 11 month old is seeing like this naked woman but at the same time he also still breastfeeds and he's going or actually i guess you just stopped like literally like two days ago i just decided two days ago i was done

yeah have you guys seen those tiktoks where it's like was your was your mom a naked mom or not naked mom it's like did you grow up like seeing your mom like walk around naked like didn't care i didn't i didn't my mom would wear underwear around the house but like i didn't think of anything it didn't right yeah my mom too she like didn't care but like i guess it got to a point where one day she just like stopped yeah i think the day my mom stopped was when like me and my brothers were like mom please put some clothes like when that's hard when you notice it she's probably

they told me to maybe now's the time. I think once he starts talking, there's no way I'd be okay with him seeing me naked or change or anything like that. Yeah, but I never, even, I haven't seen my dad naked that much. Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen my dad naked. No. I did all the time. You did? Oh yeah. There's actually a TikTok. It's like when you're, the guy has like a, like a punching bag coming towards him. He's like dodging. He's like, when you're taking showers from your dad when you were a kid. Oh my God.

You're dodging it. Dude, me and my brother, we used to play shower hockey in the shower. Yeah, with the soap. So we'd shower together and we had these plastic hockey sticks and it was so much fun. We were like five and six, five and seven. Isn't it crazy you remember like that long ago? It was a blast. I was like, let's play shower hockey. I remember taking a bath with my sister once and she pooped in the bath. Oh, God. You don't forget that. That was fun. Yeah, no. But-

Anyways. So the answer to our question is yes, but you guys never answered about the dog. We've segwayed so far. Oh yeah. Well with Kobe, um,

It depends also. We don't really have a choice. Or he'll mess up the flow because if we shut the door, he'll scratch the door. Right. Yeah. I think he just wants to be near us. He's not a dog, though, that jumps on the bed. If he was interfering, then it would be a problem. But he just wants to be close so he'll lay down. I'll be honest. Babies have a sixth sense. They know when something's about to happen and then they wake up and start crying. Oh.

every single time it's so freaking frustrating you guys i swear it's like finally we're about to do it and then i'm like on on the second every time i swear that's every time so now when i put him down for a nap i'm like let's go do it right now right now he's asleep like we can finally go makes it a little less romantic yeah guys you really are selling the kid i'm telling you no it it's it's hard i think this for this year well i mean you were able to have another baby yeah so you

for some time but i would say like kid year has been the hardest year of our marriage for sure it's just it's challenging well it changes everything i hear from you know the sources on tiktok to not even talk about the d word divorce during the years of like the first year of having a kid because like your hormones like everything it's just you hate your spouse it's just like you're going through this whole huge change together that it's like that can't even be an option on the table like you just have to work through it and know that it's a phase

I mean, did you have like issues with Matt? Like you guys, I don't know. Cause hormone wise, did it affect you with Matt? Yeah. Or no, no, no. Like, did you ever look at him and you're like, I hate you. I'll start generally asking. Cause we're like, cause the conversation of having kids is constant. Well, I think we hate him now. No, no. I think it makes sense.

it really did make me love you more. I think it depends on your partner though. Like if you have a partner who's helping you, like I think when you- Well, I don't know if like chemical imbalance or whatever. Here's where it gets really hard is I feel like I'm doing more work and she feels like she's doing more work. So then you get mad at each other because you're like, I'm doing all this and you're not doing- I feel you. And then we both feel that way. That's where couples really butt heads. And it's funny how everyone, like I've looked at like research and done some research of my own.

Most people go through the same crap. Yeah. Because we had this phase right after Griffin was born. We were so crazy. Cloud nine. It was like, we just made our family. We have this little human and he's so freaking cute and he's ours. And it just was like heaven. It was so great. It was like infatuation when you guys first started dating. And then like a week later, boom, like dropped. And a lot of people go through that. I didn't realize that, but a lot of people have this like heaven phase right after the baby. You find your footing again.

And then I feel like also the thing that I did not expect is it literally changed my brain becoming a mom. Like I cannot physically not think about Griffin or like –

And so it like takes attention away from him. Yeah. Cause it's, he's your everything. Yeah. It's funny you bring up that fighting though. Cause we had a therapist on our podcast and she goes, the number one thing is like, don't have a, don't keep score. And that's, I think a lot of what people do is they're like, well, I do this and I do that. And it's like, well, I do this and I do that. And it's like, you have to work as a team. Like you're both doing a lot. Cause then you really do start like going on. Like you can, well last month, like you could just start,

bringing stuff in the past. And then keeping it tally. Yeah. That's what we talked about. Like, sometimes, like, what do they say? Like, you can't always each give 50%. Like, sometimes someone's giving 70 and someone's giving 30. Yeah. So then, like, you ask, like, what's your percentage right now? And I'm like, if I'm pregnant, it's never going above 40. Yeah. Like, that's just how it is. I love how we're segueing into all these questions, like, way longer. Okay, so now we have...

Have you ever felt not in the mood but did it anyways? Of course. Of course. You're like me all the time. Yeah. Never. That's always Matt. I don't know. Like, definitely. I would, yeah, definitely. I feel like it's natural. Someone's always going to be...

You know, each one's different. But also it's one of those things kind of like going to the gym. Like, do you ever really feel like going? But then like when you do it, you're like, you're so glad you did. That's Abby. That's Abby. Like a lot of times she'll be like, I don't really feel like it, but let's do it. And then, and then afterwards you're like, man, I'm so glad we did it. It's also, it's a maintenance thing too. Cause it is. It's one of those things. Like when we're getting testy with each other, I'm like, we got to do it.

I'm like, it's been too long. No, seriously. Yeah. If we're having a bad fight, it's like, wow, we feel way better. Yeah, exactly. What were we fighting about? Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Yeah. Yeah. It's so important, honestly. And I think a ton of people say that, but even when you don't feel like doing it, you should do it. Intimacy is huge in a relationship. Yeah. I don't know why this is even a question, but it says, do you or have you ever done the dirty with just socks on? Yes. Yes.

I've had socks. Actually, the other day I had socks on while we were doing this. Just socks? Just socks. Like nothing else? Nothing else. I think we read somewhere that it...

Really? There's no way. It makes you sleep better. I know that. I've heard that. But I don't believe that, though. I like to have socks off. I want. And then I like to have my foot outside of the cover so I can, like, equalize my temperature. You get, yeah, a little bit of the coolness. Yeah. I don't know that I've ever done it with Jess. Also, I want the, like, grip and support of the ground or wherever I am located. Whoa. John's giving away a lot. Well, I'm just saying because you could slip and kill yourself with socks on. Yeah.

John, he's talking about the dangerous therapist. Because John was an occupational therapist and he worked with geriatrics, he would look at everything and be like, fall risk, fall risk, fall risk. You better have grip socks on. The hospital socks. You worked with geriatrics? Wow. That takes a special person. Yeah. That's got to be hard. Skilled nursing facility. I did it for like six years. Lots of patients. It's definitely draining for sure. Yeah. Wow. Sad. I can't ask these questions. My voice sounds like a kindergarten teacher. Abby, ask this question. Ask this one. You can do it. Is this going to make me?

make me sad you can do it would you remarry if something happened to me we talk about this all the time go ahead you first though um i i think like not you you just i want to hear how do you know you're looking the other way okay you guys go first yeah

- How would you know I was even talking to you? You were looking at me. - You pointed this way and you go, "You first." So I'm like, "Okay, I'll go." - I'm so like, like I said, I'm so loyal. I feel like I cannot even go there. Like I can't even think of that. - That would make me sad though if Ab, if I were to die in a car accident, that would make me sad if she didn't remarry.

I know it's weird, but it's like, I would be dead. And, and like for her to just like losing her best friend. And it's like, that's like saying, Oh, if you lost your best friend, would you never have another best friend? Right. It's like, why would you not have another best friend? I can't picture. I know. Lock it up. Lock it up, girl.

Like with our kids You don't have to The kids make another Like element to it Like I would hate To sit with another That would make me so sad If you're all alone Raising kids on your own That would make me Digging into her Scratching at the She's scratching at the door It's snowing out Matt would remarry I know he would You could not be alone I would hope that you would remarry I don't know

I don't know if I could. I'll be honest. I don't think I would live the rest of my 60 years. Well, I think it also depends on like when. Like if it's tomorrow. No, no, no, no, no. You know what I mean? But like if you're in like, I don't know. That would be devastating. That would be unbelievably devastating.

I mean, I know that I would not. I think like because I look at Betty White and I'm like, queen, her husband had passed away. Not because like, I don't like that. Yeah, not because I love John. No, because I truly feel like John's my soulmate that like we, I can't, I would never have the same banter. Just how like you feel about like moving on. But like, I just, and John, John, when he says that he would never remarry him,

he says it because he's like, oh, I would never want to be annoyed with another female again. Well, marriage is hard. It's a lot of work. It's exhausting. But like, I love Alex, but I just, I'm also somebody like, I like being alone too. Oh yeah. So I'd be fine. I hate being alone. Mm.

But if you want it done for me, I'm good. Like I didn't want. Really? Well, I think that like, I don't, I don't believe in soulmates. I think that you have to just work for marriage. It's like a muscle. If you're not working out, you're, it's so true. Like, I do think that like, you can have like several, like if you like meet someone else, but I think for me, I just, my expectations would be so high and a partner that like maybe, but I don't know. It's like one of those things that I would, I hate to think about. Literally only dated and

been with and kiss each other. So it's like I literally cannot even imagine. Right. Like I'm like that's just no one else could fill that spot. I don't know. I know. I get that. Yeah. Matt would remarry undoubtedly. Like there's just no way. You're making me look like a complete a-hole right now. You are. Honestly. I'm like frowning thinking about losing you. You're just like. Oh.

Okay, I don't know why, but my brain doesn't go to that place of like, I'm not going to really think through how I would feel if you died right now. I can literally put my brain in that position. Immediately your brain goes there and you're like in tears. Or like if someone is going through something that I'm with, I feel like I'm going through the same thing. You're very empathetic. You do have very good empathy. No, it's bad because then if someone's like struggling with something, I can't like...

remove myself and help them because I'm literally just like well you've been you've been to funeral funerals where you cry more than the person more than the people that lost than the family who lost someone because Abby's so it's very bad it's actually not good but I mean like that also could be a superpower like you use that like you feel the way like you can you can have these deep conversations with people because you feel their pain you know like you can connect with people in that way so like it's not a bad thing I wear all my emotions yeah 100% externally you also are very pregnant so

I'd like to say that this is new with pregnancy, but it's really kind of not. How many times a week? Oh, it depends on the week, honestly, because with traveling, but yeah, usually at least two. I think average couples are like two to three a week or something. I don't know, but some people, I mean, everyone's normal is different. I would be great with two to three. I would be so happy with that.

that's what's kind of a bummer is like in the early days of marriage i swear you guys like it was literally every day there was not a day so much so much fun and now which is totally like yeah obviously like a lot's going on abby's pregnant we have a baby like there's a lot going on so yeah it's probably the same probably two times a week i would say i like how you guys are like two times that's it and we're like killing it i'm telling you i'm like that's a great show exactly

I guess I just have a high libido. I don't know. You do it. You're freaking crazy. You want what you can't have, you know? What's the closest you've come to breaking up or divorcing? Wow. Oh, gosh. Probably just like in our peak year. Like we just had so much going on. It was like so stressful. Yeah. We had like 38 weddings. We had...

i was working was i i was working together working together oh my gosh can you talk about that yeah beast because i mean like we're together 24 7. and it's like you have to have your marriage relationship hat and you have to have your business hat but they don't they they blend together you're always talking about business exactly so it's really hard you have to create intentional time but during the year 2021 when we had all

all the weddings and we're like, and again, when your relationship is front and center for people to rip it apart, like it was a lot of stress on us, but I started therapy and it has, I think just like helped me have an outlet to like talk about my problems. But it also like gave me the tools to help communicate with John better because John, he's a great communicator, like never really needed. I know you can't tell. Wow.

And like I've been in relationships in the past where... Yeah, like he's a really... And I was the one who like would...

you know, brush my feelings aside and put it under the rug and just like work. And I would work to mask like what I was feeling and like to mask my stress. So I would just like work all the time. And like instead of addressing the issues that we were having. And so we got to like a breaking point and we were like, something's got to change. So we took like a week and a half off socials. We took a break from the pod, which a week and a half sounds like nothing. But like to us who post like

every day it is yeah and so it was kind of like a reset for us it was kind of scary I mean like especially since we're so used to posting every day it feels like if you take a week and a half off yeah you're gonna everything dies why do you feel guilty like everyone deserves like a rest day exactly but we didn't make an announcement or anything like we're taking a break but we just it was like what we needed and like now instead of feeling the pressure of like this

hamster wheel if we do need to like focus on our relationship we do like we'll step back from socials for a few days and just like you know not worry about work and just focus on each other but and like prior you have to prioritize your relationship hey sorry to interrupt but if you could really quickly give us a five star rating that would be very much appreciated if you're driving don't do it while you're driving just pull over or when you get to your destination safely

Give us five stars. And if you're cooking pasta, make sure that the pot does not boil over. That would not be a good situation to be in. Also, while we're at it, can you share a podcast? You can share with your mom, your coworker, your friend. You should share with your grandma, your ex-husband, whoever, you know, that would be really much appreciated. Don't reach out to any exes.

Maybe not an ex. That might be too far. But leave us a review. We'd appreciate it. And hey, smash that like button and subscribe while you're at it too. We love you guys. Thanks. Back to the episode. Back to the episode. Okay, we've got what's the craziest or most random place? You've done too many sex questions. One to shag. That's what it says. I've never heard of that. Shag? I've never heard that. What's shag? Like, you know, shag. I don't know.

I've never heard of shag. I've heard it, but it's like... Who says shag? Boomers. The Beatles? We should have done trivia for millennials versus... Oh my gosh. We'll do that on our podcast when you guys are guests. I'm learning some new terms, by the way, like giggy. No, that's a made up word. Wait, Riz. Have you guys heard of Riz? Riz, yeah. Riz is the new term that people are using. The Gen Zers. Even though we're Gen Z, I feel like we're more... We don't really...

fit Gen Z that well. Yeah, I guess you guys are like in between. What are these cryptic words? Because you're very mature for Gen Z. Well, we're also like the oldest Gen Z. Oh, okay. So we are on the cusp anyway. And we're friends with only millennials. Oh, right. Yeah. Where's the craziest place that we have shagged, John? In the car. We've never even done it in the car. Dude, we've never done it in the car. We need to up our game, Abby.

It's a crime. How sad that I like can't think of. I think is the question, where would you want to? I guess the question is where? Oh, John, the balcony on a trip. They're not asking us where we. No, I know. But we did do it on a balcony. And we were way too many drinks. We were like mortified the next day. Oh my God. The next day I was like, did anyone see us?

It's not like we were on a high rise. It was like eye level with other people's homes. Oh, yeah. No. Oh, my gosh. No. Horrible. I'm impressed you guys have taken two weeks of drinking off, by the way. That's very impressive. Three weeks. Wait, three weeks of drinking? Catalina Wine Mixer, we went way too hard. We said, we need to reset our livers. Are you guys doing that just as long as you can go? Yeah.

I mean, I am. I do like how I feel like not drinking. And so I think just like being older, the older that you get, I'm like, we don't, we haven't really been drinking much like these years, except for like on the weekends or like out at dinner or whatever. But I just don't think it like really serves me anymore. So. I mean, I like doing it. I just want to see how long I can go. Alex is more of a lifestyle change. Mine's more of like, I want to know what it's like. Cause I've,

I've been drinking since 1920, like consistently. Yeah, college going in. Don is that old. I'm that old. I'm that old. But like going on three weeks, I'm like, wow. And I don't really know it's a huge difference, to be honest. Yeah, but I think it's a matter of like not feeling like shit.

You know what I mean? Like not having brain fog like but not drinking. I'm now just slamming sweets No way eating cookies. I never eat dessert or anything. That's why I do that cuz I don't drink very much But I dude if I love dessert cookies, you better believe I'm eating all 24 cook. Yeah in 24 hours Oh happens every time and I'm like, I'm going to develop type 2 diabetes It's going to happen if I can't control my sweet addiction, right? Do you like to bake?

She does. I do. It's dangerous. And she won't eat it. She'll just bake and leave all the cookies out and they smell so good. That's a lot of self-control. That's torture. I'll have like one. How? Like as a dessert. How do you have one? I don't.

I always I love balance in every area of my life like I love balance with my eating with my sleeping with my activity what's cooking like in your house are you the are you the chef he's the chef Matt doesn't know how to cook anything you don't know how to cook I grill come on I grill all the time I like prepare the meat he will grill the meat a common meal that we've been having this is fire okay our friends down in Bella got us onto this we have I grill salmon

And then Abby makes the sides and it is so good. But actually you just, I prepare the salmon. Okay. I guess you see, I buy it marinated, but then, which is like, makes it so easy. But then I also put a little extra fresh lemon and salt and then it's so good. So fresh. Like our staple meal. Yeah. Mm.

We both cook, but when we first started dating or just when we were first married, I was the main chef of the house, but then I was like, I can't always do it. Basically, I had no skills before Alex besides being a therapist, and then she...

taught me how to cook, how to edit, how to shoot with a camera. John's very trainable. But no, you... So no, I cook a lot now too, but it's all stuff she showed me how to cook. Yeah, Matt doesn't cook or grocery shop. I guess we probably do breakfast evenly. Wouldn't you say? I don't really make your breakfast, Em.

- Have you guys done like the TikTok of like what you do in the relationship? - Oh, that guy got us canceled. - See that guy got us canceled. - Did he? - Yeah. - Why? - Because I do a lot of the house stuff because he does a lot of the business stuff. - Well, that's how we are. Like I do a lot of like the business editing behind the scenes, which takes a lot of time and John does a lot of the house stuff. But at the same time, you're both contributing to the house. - But see it works. You guys don't get canceled because it's the woman working and

and the husband doing the house stuff. And because you do it the traditional way. It's seen as like me being like. Everyone can go F off. Whatever works for you is what, like, are you bothering someone else by living your life and what works in your family? It didn't change how

we do things in our house and people said anything. - I would actually also say that our roles are more equally spread out before you just do business. Alex does nothing with the finances. Let's just go into it. Alex can do the creative edit for our videos, but I do everything with the podcast. - Because I made you.

or we would have done the podcast but it's like our roles are pretty equally i don't touch the finances i don't want to do that i just got done doing bookkeeping for like three days because i had put it off for so long and i want to throw up dude well we do but then like i have to tell them which expenses match which like it still takes time i have to train them up on like what is what in our yeah you just give them like your like if you're an american express don't you just give them like you have a business yeah do you guys have a bookkeeper for your business he does both he's our accountant and he's

Okay, we have that too, but yeah, I was doing it. I mean it still takes time though. Like again, you two are very similar where I think you guys are just too too hands-on where it's like, that's true. Let it go a little bit. That's true. Have a little trust with your accountant or whoever. Yeah, we do. Yeah. Well, we're doing our best, you know? Yeah. Don't touch her. Oh, sorry. We just fist bumped. Jealous John. John, you guys fist bumped earlier. We can belly bump. Dude.

Do you notice imperfections, stretch marks, cellulite, hair? You mean the other person? Yeah, and your other person. Do you notice the imperfections? I mean, no. Like, I just think I'm so distracted by, like, being literally in love with John and obsessed with him all the time that when he bends over and shows me his booty hole, I'm like, wow, I love it all. Abby makes fun of me because, like, I let water run through my...

To clean it. To clean it. Bro, when I'm trying to take a shower, I'm like, yeah, that's where I wipe my butt. I gotta clean that out. Don't make eye contact with me as you're doing it, though. You gotta get in there and clean it. John's aggressive. John is aggressive. You gotta clean it. I walked into the bathroom to make sure...

Matt, are you one of those people that just lets the shower just run over you and that's how you bathe? Abby doesn't bend over and let the water go through. I'm like, that's not cleaning your butt. That's gross. You gotta get in there. You gotta clean that booty hole. Matt, what are you implying? I am very in hygienic. I'm implying that you're spreading. You gotta do what you gotta do. Here's the thing. It's the eye contact.

I don't need that. I do that just to F with you. You're staring into my soul. That is crazy behavior. I wish we had one of those little guans things. The remover. I'd be like, shh.

Done right but like because we don't have the one I'm like okay. I got a freaking like bend over I don't know what the anatomy difference is, but I don't need to do that I think it's really short and I think there's some like difference with you being sure You know I'm confusing you over to get your arm around

No, but like... Why are you bending over? Exactly, that's what I want to know. You know how when you wash your hands, you wash your hands and then you rinse off your hands with water? That's why. To rinse off.

Oh, like once you get in there, like to get it out. The suns. Oh, I see what you're saying. Yeah. I just like splash it up in there. Yeah, that does enough for me. I feel like that's not, I feel like you're missing. No, no, I soak it up. Do you guys have a bidet? Maybe we could all get a bidet sponsor. I told our builders no because they asked. I said absolutely not. I don't trust them. I tried my friends. I don't want that sensation.

Well, they didn't have a heat control on it. So John got cold water. I don't care about the heat control. But that does make a difference when it's like cold water up your butt. Once again, I was telling a story that she wasn't part of. I was in the bathroom. I didn't know you were in the bathroom. It was zero to 12. I turned it to five. Nothing came out. I'm like, this is the first time I ever used it. I'm like, oh, I guess I had to charge. So I put it up to 12. I shot myself right in the asshole with it. I was so appalled. I was like, never again.

I'm never using this thing again. I'll tell you what. At first, it's super uncomfortable. I've only used a bidet, by the way, like three times. It's in other countries. The first two times were like really, I was like, this is weird. Does it go around or is it supposed to go in? I think it just is. It's just like it rinsed. It's like a little rinse. A rinse? It wasn't like a jet? Like a zip? No. See, I think you were on the wrong setting. Yeah. He was on 100%. Because we just were in Mexico and we're at this fancy hotel. I was on the clean the toilet setting. Exactly.

Oh, so they had one in Mexico? Yeah, and I was like, I've never felt cleaner. I feel so clean. Really? Yeah. They say in other countries they use a lot less toilet paper because... I mean, it makes sense. Like, you should... Like, you would never just, like, if you're washing your hands, you would never just, like, use a towel. Wipe it off. Right. Like, you would... Exactly. ...use water. So it makes sense that a bidet exists. Exactly.

What is an argument we have gotten into that you thought I made a big deal out of? I can think of two times. You know why we don't do pranks to each other? Yeah. Because they go horribly, horribly wrong. And not even like a setup prank, like for a video. It was like I actually did a prank. Oh, you did. And it backfired on me twice. What was it? What was the prank? First time was in Mexico where I, Alex was drunk and I took the key to the,

hotel door because john likes to say that i lose my stuff all the time but i never lose it it's just lost in my purse somewhere and i'm like i'm gonna find it so he's like alex you lose everything so we get to like our hotel door wait you're recording this yes on my cell phone but it wasn't for it wasn't for social media i think i just thought it was funny and i wanted to get a reaction so i took the hotel key i'm like where's the key alex and she's looking around she can't find it from me so i'm like i don't know where

Like I literally had in my purse and he goes, here it is and whips it out. And I'm like, why would you take it? Like, why are you gaslighting me? - Kicks it out of my hand. - So he thinks that he's so funny filming it. And I go, I was a dancer growing up. So I went, hi-yah! And I kicked it out of his, I kicked the phone out of his hand. - And she was crying and the whole night she was like so mad at me. - I was like, why are you gaslighting me?

I lost the key. He's like, I was trying to teach you a lesson. And I'm like, exactly. That's cruel. You stole the key from me and then tried to blame it on me and make me feel bad as a lesson for losing something that I didn't lose. You're wrong. Also, real quick, another time was... How do you remember that?

- I remember these, I can't think of anything. - Four weekends ago. - Four weekends ago. - Four weekends ago, I remember this. I say I can't remember yesterday, but I remember my pranks. We were at a bar and I was drunk and I was talking to this guy all day, he was a really cool guy. - I think we were taking a break from drinking. - Exactly. - And I told this guy, you know what would be funny? If you went up to my wife and told her I was being a huge asshole to you.

So that prank happens Alex gets I remember the rest of the thing but so this guy comes up to me when we're out This is not for video. This is just a funny by the way Abby does this to me, too? I pray all the time not Why do I always relate more to the wife and every time he's out here pranking me just to screw with me Doesn't even care to record. She's like this be funny. Yeah, no no John John was not thinking of this as like a

prank to make content. So I- I thought it was a joke. This guy comes up to me, he goes, hey, your husband, he's like, love your content. He was just a huge to me. And I was like,

John is out here ruining our relationships with our audience. Are you kidding me? We need to be nice to people. And he's out here just being rude. I'm like, he's just probably in a bad mood. I need to find him. We need to lock this up. So I find John and I'm like, some guy just came up to me and told me that you were being mean to him, John. And John's like, I don't.

- I know what you're talking about. Just like losing his mind on me. - I forgot. I completely forgot. - He forgot that you said it. - He forgot that he told this guy to say it. And he goes, "You're just blaming me. You just believe this guy. You just like are taking it. You just believe this guy." - I was like, "You're not even gonna take my side. You're just automatically gonna believe someone else."

Just come up to me and tell me that, John. And then I go, and then it wasn't until the next day when we're talking about it, I said, John, we need to talk. Like, you can't be rude to other people out in public. And then you just remembered? No, I didn't that day. No, it wasn't until I go, and then John's like, well, what did he even look like? I go, he was in a cowboy hat. And John goes, oh. And then that's when you remembered. And you were like,

Oh, I was actually friends with that guy. But I was hungover the next day. I was like, oh my God, I'm a terrible person. I don't know what I said to this person. And then he was like, oh yeah, wait, that guy in a cowboy hat, we were talking for a while and I told him to tell you that. Okay. That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. So yeah. I literally cannot even imagine that scenario. I was like, what?

If someone were to come up, just because the way you are. That's too nice. You'd be like, I don't believe it. No, but like if someone came up and was like, your wife was a huge B to me. What would you think? I would know that it's not true. Yeah. I just have not. I wouldn't believe it. No,

Not me. What a team you two are. What a team. Well, also, we never really drink. So I feel like that adds an element where it's like, it's not really yourself. So it's like, we don't really have that. Right. Because I'm like, oh, John acting like a d*** sounds like him. Oh my God. That's why we're not drinking right now. What's an argument?

Well, everyone place their guesses for how long they think Alex and John can make it without drinking. I know. They're going on three weeks right now. Very proud of you guys. Thank you. Thank you so much. Yes. Oh, my goodness. It's been so fun to have you guys on the podcast. We'll have to do another episode. I haven't laughed this hard on a podcast episode in how long. I don't know. I've been laughing so hard. That's why we're all sweating now.

Yeah. But again, you guys can check out Alex and John's podcast. Give it to me straight. It's on all podcast platforms. Check it out. Leave them a review. And while you're at it, leave us a review. We really appreciate your reviews. And we're going to actually read one of your reviews right now because that's what we do at the end of our episodes. That's what we do. Amazing. I love watching your YouTube channel. And when I found out you were starting a podcast, I was aesthetic.

ecstatic ecstatic I think they spelled it wrong love the podcast thank you so much we really appreciate you guys I wish there was an Instagram handle to shout that person out but we love you guys if you haven't already left a review we'd really appreciate it and we'll see you on the next episode thank you again to Alex and John thank you for having us thank you guys and as always this is where we say peace out dudes 3 2 1 peace out dudes