For some of us, personal finances aren't just personal. They include a lot more people than ourselves. Loved ones, neighbours, the communities we call home and the causes we hold in our hearts.
At Thrivent, we help plan your financial picture with the bigger picture in mind. Because even though our business is helping guide your finances, our ambition is to make it mean so much more. Thrivent, where money means more. Connect with us at At Amica Insurance.
We know it's more than a life policy. It's about the promise and the responsibility that comes with being a new parent. Being there day and night and building a plan for tomorrow, today. For the ones you'll always look out for, trust Amica Life Insurance. Amica. Empathy is our best policy.
Do you remember what you said the first night I came over here? Ow goes lower? From Blumhouse TV, iHeart Podcasts, and Ember 20 comes an all-new fictional comedy podcast series. Join the flighty Damien Hirst as he unravels the mystery of his vanished boyfriend. I've been spending all my time looking for answers about what happened to Santi. And what's the way to find a missing person? Sleep with everyone he knew, obviously. Listen to The Hookup on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.
Welcome to Pod of Rebellion, our new Star Wars Rebels rewatch podcast. I'm Vanessa Marshall, voice of Harrison Dooless, Spectre 2. I'm Tia Zirkar, Sabine Wren, Spectre 5. I'm Taylor Gray, Ezra Bridger, Spectre 6. And I'm John Librodi, the Ghost Crew Stowaway moderator. Each week, we're going to rewatch and discuss an episode from the series and share some fun behind-the-scenes stories. Sometimes we'll be visited by special guests like Steve Bloom, voice of Zabarelio, Spectre 4, or Dante Bosco, voice of Jykel, and more.
Welcome to This is Important, a production of iHeartRadio, the show where we talk about what's obviously most critically, crucially important. Today on This is Important...
I have been clocking Morning Wood now, and it is happening to me. Son, you're two parts Jaeger. You don't want to look like a human cock. Let's go! Yeah! Yeah!
I love you guys. Oh, daddy. Oh. Perfect. Perfect. What up? Oh. This has stopped, right? What's up? This has stopped. People are no longer going, oh. Remember how that was kind of...
taking over for a minute. Can I tell you something? Yeah. Did we cover this? No, did we? No, it was you talking to me off pod, believe it or not. Oh, it's off pod? Oh, and then I bring it up? Believe it or not. Yeah. This works good. It's all my seven-year-old does. Oh! Yeah! He walks around the house. He walks around the house going, Oh!
Give me a hell yeah! My wife doesn't know. They just look at each other like, what is going on? He doesn't... No, there's no way he knows at that age. I mean, I don't know. Yeah, his hands aren't in his pockets. He might have heard something. Uh-oh. He has no idea, but he does it constantly. And Blake, you were saying it made its way through your household? Yes, it travels. It is a thing amongst the youngsters. The, oh...
Wait, so your 11-year-old daughter is doing it? Oh, you might have to have a sit down. No, it's not as graphic as you think, but it is disturbing to hear it come from a child's mouth. When my mom came to visit and he ripped a couple in front of her, she looked at me like... It's like that.
What? And I was like, uh. It's more like that. It's like, oh, yeah. Yes. Like, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Which is even worse. It's not like, uh. But it's not like a long. Dude, that's way worse. That's way worse. For my kid, it's all the above. It's, it's, oh, yeah. And then he goes, uh.
And it's like full body. It's not just a noise as he walks past. It's a full body situation. So what's so funny about this is, I mean, Blake, your daughter is at the age where in two years she will for sure know what that means. Very shagadelic. They're in sex ed right now. She's in sex ed. So she does know and she does it in front of you. That's lunatic behavior.
That's why I'm saying it's not her going, it's like, oh yeah, it's just, it's what the fucking kids do. They all do it, bro. Yeah. Okay. And here I thought it was dead. Kids are so universally programmed now. It's crazy. Like everything's got, everything is Ohio. No, it's just like, we weren't all on the same brain wavelength as kids. Yeah, but we kind of were for whatever reason, dude. Well,
You regional little boy in outside of Chicago, little boy in Omaha, little boy, not even anywhere near Oakland, even though he claims it. No. My little boys all heard the same story about a Marilyn Manson removing a rib and sucking his own dick. We're all in the same wavelength. That is. Yeah.
Yeah, that's a good point. That's a good point. But as far as like... I told you, dude! ...slang and things that are people throwing around, like, you guys weren't saying cats. That's something that I grew up saying cats constantly. Oh, definitely never said cats. Yeah, I'd say Jack. And then California fucking beat it out of me. Yeah, you're damn right. Now I say dude's...
way too much. Yeah, I'm always saying dudes. I'm always dropping dudes. A casual dude. I'm a dude. But like, never said hella. I know that's a bae thing. Well, yeah, now it's everywhere. And what was the Omaha thing you brought to the table? Runs us. Runs us.
We have no slang. We have no slang. There's got to be something. I'm still going to send it. We say pop. You know, that's just a Midwestern thing. Oh, like when you're talking about when you shoot somebody, right? Yeah. Pop that pheasant. Yeah. That's cool. On my block, we said wedded. But, you know, like we're saying, two each is the wrong. But now it's all the same. It's a bourbon block that I've seen. Very wedded.
I wedded that pheasant. I wedded it. Do you see me wet that pheasant? I'm wedded. Friendship. Yeah, it feels good, doesn't it? That's insane. But skibbity toilet is real. Skibbity toilet. I kind of thought that that had died. No, it's happening in resurgence. Wow. It's happening in children. Is it the thing that it...
Like once the adults are sort of, you know, because the internet,
Things will come and go so quickly, but then they'll just get stuck in kiddom. And then they'll keep it up for five to ten years. You are so dumb. I mean, dude, it's disturbing. Yeah, I know. That's the other thing is like now coming from the point of view of like a parent is like seeing how long some of this shit has shelf life for. It's like I could have swore Ohio was done. It's still thriving. What is Ohio? And we've covered this a lot.
a little bit about like words lasting longer than you thought they would. Like, I can't believe dope is still around. What is Ohio? Go ahead, Blake. I don't even know how to explain Ohio. I even like wormed the internet to try to find out, but like kids think it's like some... Wormed the internet. Too old. I know, this dude's dropping words we don't know about words we don't know. Yeah, wormed the internet, dude. They think it's like some kind of like mystical place or something, or it's like haunted. There's just a whole...
I remember there being a little B song about Ohio. So in context, how do you use it? It just can go in front of anything. I put it too. They just say it. It's just a thing you just say. They just say it, bro. Ohio skippity toilet. So they just say like, oh, dude, my dad's house is so Ohio. Ohio skippity toilet.
Okay. Hey, when you string it all together, I kind of like the brain rot. He's not even lying. It could be like, yo, let's go run to Starbucks and get some coffee. And someone will be like, oh, hi, let's go to the toilet. And you're like, shut the fuck up.
Sigma. Confirmation? Cool. Sigma. Yeah, it's just words that... I think it's like their language and they know that old fuckers like us don't understand it, so it's fun to throw around. And that's why they like it so much. Yeah. It's just because it fucking pisses us off. It's like, stop saying all my... The other one we've talked about before is giving. Dude, I was around my niece and her friends and they were throwing giving around...
so casually and so just like without missing a step. I'm pissed now. I'm so excited to tell my fully grown 32 year old wife that so she can stop doing it. Yeah, they're 14. So come on. Yeah. Yeah. Come on. Just embrace it. You don't want to be like the 14 year old. Come on. Give me an old geezer, bro. Chill. I don't want to say anything more. Okay. Before we get into Jeopardy. Oh,
Okay, okay. Because we just fucking skated right past it last week. Yeah, and I'm sorry about that, Blake. And I'm sorry I slipped on it. You know, I have my excuses, as one does when not supporting a friend the way they should. They have their excuses, and sure, you know, yada yada, family, little baby birthdays, yada yada. Ohio skibbity toilet. Skibbity toilet. It's all, ah, to me. It's, ah.
You were so good on the episode. Whoa! You were better than I thought and also worse than I thought at the same time. Whoa! Here and the pendulum swings. Here it comes. Okay. You were so confident. Thank you. And I'm like, look at him go. He's not wilting under the bright lights. Thank you. While doing Jeopardy. Thank you. He's dropping the who is, the what is.
You don't think he can handle being under lights? No. Wow, dude. No, I did seven seasons. I know. Adam, real quick. His first, the first question or first answer that he questioned or whatever, the first one. I should have taken better notes. He blew, it was the one about like the, uh,
anagrams or whatever where it's like yeah oh by the way you're good at those i couldn't get one i couldn't get any of them i was like how are they getting these wow thank you i was so bad at the anagram i was it was incredible how anyone could get any of them but i know why he's good because it's internet shit no it's not ttyl oh yeah i guess it is a little bit fuck yeah don't tell me what is and isn't my bad ohio skippity skippity skippity skippity
Put like LMAOFO or whatever. All that kind of stuff. Great band. You know those. Great band. Great band. Even worse neighbors. Yeah, okay. Sure. I know...
abbreviations, I guess, or shorthand, internet shorthand. Alliteration, or not alliteration, but yeah. You crushed, and I was like, how are they getting these? Yes, I got the very first answer, and I think everybody's fucking heart just dropped. They're like, oh, shit. You have people shook. By the way, Robin Thede, is that her name? Yes. Okay, way smarter than you guys. Dude!
Dude, that's the thing. A truly very smart person. Yeah, like I think they were rolling out her credentials. Didn't she like write speeches with Michelle Obama? And then all of a sudden I'm just from like Orange Coast. I think she wrote for the White House. I think she wrote jokes at the White House. Well, I went to OCC. Which is just a comedian's gig. They ain't inviting me, bro. I feel if you applied yourself, you could go farther. I don't even...
I don't think I could. Okay, this is the low-T talk. I think if you started by writing a joke down, that's the start. You have to have written a thing down. Yeah, if you write things, then the things become more things, and then people find out you wrote the things. Okay. But I do like the idea of Blake rolling up to the writers room like this. So I kind of just like...
kind of say stuff, but like... Yeah, I'm sort of a vibe guy. If someone else wants... If you feel like you could write my vibe down, vibe me out. So Robin Thede, a fucking crusher. A killer. In total, I think they say at the end she didn't miss one. She didn't miss one. Right. Like she batted 1,000. Yeah.
Losing confidence. Yeah. But you were way funnier. You were the most charismatic. I liked watching you the best. Thank you. I'll say that. You weren't the best at the game. No. As far as the gameplay goes, you were maybe the worst. Yes. No, no, no, no, no. No, strategy-wise. Strategy-wise. Because those first two, you got three daily doubles. I did. Which, by the way, that's a ticket to...
Winning. To winning. Yes. And then you would have went to the quarterfinals and Blake, nothing would have made me happier for you to advance in celebrity jeopardy. And then I have to put you on a pedestal as one of my smartest friends. Yeah. Right. And now I don't have to do that. And that feels better for me. But I wish I kind of wish I could and I would.
Yeah, I know. It would have changed the complete narrative of our friendship, of my trajectory. Yeah, of your life. Yeah, it would have changed everything. It would have instilled some confidence in you. But he did some work, though. He did some work. Yeah, I did do some. But the ones you didn't get personal, they were like almost as if I wrote them for you, and it crushed my soul. I almost thought as I was there, I was like, maybe they thought Ders was going to do it. Yeah.
And then you didn't. And then I took your spot because they were almost geared towards you. Even the final Jeopardy. Dude, did you see the workout one? The fact that you didn't get all of those. What was the workout ones? What's one question from that? It was called like working it out. And it was like an elliptical. And it was a high intensity workout.
high intensity interval training. Yes, sir. Adam, I knew these things. Do you guys, the buzzer is half the battle. Bro, he's saying your name before the sentence so you know that it's real. But the newsflash people in Jeopardy, the buzzer, the buzzer is half the battle. Oh,
It really is. Tell me about that. Because you just got to get it like you're doing. No, you think because, hey, man, I grew up playing Tekken. I got fast joystick fingers like I'm good there. Cheat ahead, dude. I am definitely king. That is our guy. But the thing is, is when they're asking the question after Ken has completed the question, the frame around the board lights up.
That is your signal to go. If you hit your button before that shit lights up, you actually get locked out for like three seconds. Oh. So then you're fucked. Then you're fucked. So. You're totally fucked. Fuck it. So you were bad at that. So you're saying Robin was just better at following basic directions or what? No, no, no, no. Sometimes she was just faster. We have to give her that. She has a lightning thumb. She has a quick wit. She's smart.
She's a total package, guys. Okay. I'm saying she was great on the show, yeah. You were funnier. You were funnier. And it is a celebrity, you know. Yeah, we're there to entertain. That's what it's about. Yeah. I think I won the heart of the audience, you know. You won my heart, man. You're a stud up there, dude. Thank you, man. I really appreciate that.
But with that said, I don't know because the winner goes on to the next round. I'm not sure who takes it all home. I would say Robin's going to do it. Also, I mean, Blake, you can always be like, I'm real busy anyway. I don't have time to be like going back. Oh, wow. That's life. Yeah, actually. Is that a good look? You should have dropped that at the end. If I won, if I was just like, yeah.
Yeah, actually, I can't go to the next round. I got to go. It only works if you lose. I like how much you were talking in between. Like, they're asking questions. And before someone can answer, you're spouting off about something. Because in actual Jeopardy, they would have said, like, you cannot. Sir? Because it would be hard to concentrate. Because Blake's just saying shit. Which is very funny, dude. I was liking it.
I was like, this guy's on a roll. He's feeling comfortable. I was intoxicated. Because you talked more during that episode of television, the game show, where...
There's questions, there's answers, and you're talking more in between than you have on some live podcast that we've done. I just want to party. I think he needs the spotlight. Hey, I feel at home on the Jeopardy stage. I kind of felt like sort of an alpha dog there. You did. Where did they film? Where did they film at? On the Fox lot. No shit. Forgotten. Already forgotten. Very cool. Yeah, what's all the blur? Good lot.
Good. Great. That's a great lot to just walk around and dream about. It was great. Wasn't the I don't think it was the Fox lot. Dude, I remember the first time I was invited on the Fox lot. I met some Sony. It was after the Montreal Comedy Festival. And they just sort of invite all the new faces to the different studios just to meet them. And I was invited to Fox to meet some executives.
And I was just trying to make conversation, but I came off sounding like such an asshole. I was like, dude, I was like, yeah, walked around a little bit. This is, you know, I've been to most of the lots now and I'd say this is my favorite lot. So I'd love to work on this lot. And they're like, okay. Having been to zero lots. Having been to zero lots. No, I think I've been to like two other lots at this. This was like, yeah. Universal Studios. Not invited back for years.
Hollywood. That's the one that has all the cool... Hedges? Yeah, it has Napoleon Dynamite statue and then the big Simpsons mural. It's pretty cool. We shot some on our family there. Durs worked on Bones there, driving a little cart around. Hollywood. Hollywood.
I like my life now. I've done a lot of things that I've wanted to do, but being 24 and driving a golf cart around a movie studio lot. That's ballin'. I mean, it doesn't get better. That's fuckin' ballin', bro. That's the top. It was the best.
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What do you got there, Adam? Oh, don't feel free to feel free. I don't like it. I mean, blow right past this. Oh, you're a monster. And the addiction sponsor does not start anytime soon. Good for you, brother. Way to get it, man. But you represented Blazer. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. It was very proud of you. It was very fun. Did you know Eric the Red?
I did. Or Leif Erikson. Leif Erikson. But I said it. I was watching with Chloe last night on the couch. And I go, Leif Erikson. And she goes, what? And I'm like, I guess I would have won. And then I didn't know enough to it, dude. I did not know enough to it that you guys told me the answer. Yeah.
Did you know the Ghostbusters? No, I didn't know that one either. No one knew that. You know, the Ghostbusters, I did. But in that moment, I was trying to think of something funny to write down. So I was really, really cranking to. Well, just win the game. I couldn't. I was mathematically eliminated. Yeah. If I could take anything back, I would have done the math.
So where, when I lost, I finished with $420. But math, basic math. I thought of that after and I would have to do math. $469, dude. Yeah, $69 would have been sick. Perfect. So Blake, the fact that your gameplay was so bad and I don't mean to dunk on you because we just got done hyping you up and saying how good. No, it was. He went big. But the fact that on the first daily double, when she was already W,
So it looks like she's running away with it. And she is playing her cards correctly. She knows what she's doing. She's not going to just bet it all on a whim. Why didn't you then try to catch up? Well, he tried after. He tried later. I'm a dumbass. I tried later. He doubled. At the very last one, he got three daily doubles. And on the last one, he finally tries. And that was on the hardest question. That was on like a 1500 point question.
You could have done that. He's playing checkers, not chess. Come on. Look, the second daily double I got was like the category was like two things or whatever. And it was so wide open that I – He's going to throw up. Dude, the first one was such a layup question. I'm like, very easy. It was the Foo Fighters and Nirvana. Yeah, that's the one. Yes.
That was my lane right there. But again, in preparation for the show, I studied, I watched episodes, but I never truly thought about the strategy of the daily doubles. And that was a huge error in my game. So every time it happened, I panicked. Blake, I think that's the only part of the game. That's the only part of the game.
I know. You know what though? I wouldn't strategize either. I would just go big. Just go all in. The 1000 kids and they think I'm crazy. They're like, what are you doing? You're an idiot. And I go, no guts, no glory. I usually lose, but when I do win, they're like, my dad is my hero. I imagine. I did eventually do it at the end and it
It destroyed me. And it made me lose the game. But by the way, second place, you just you also lost. So exactly a thousand. Exactly. I was like, what what kind of I don't know. And then you said you don't have confidence in yourself. And then all I thought was, well, it was count and that.
I know. It was almost like it was scripted. It was a really wonderful episode of Jeopardy. I was just like, this guy's low-T. He can't even bet on a game show. That means nothing. You're not keeping this money at all. No, no. It's going to the turtles. It's going to go to the turtles. Turtle power. I loved your joke about you saying that you owe the turtles money now. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It was a blast. I had a great time. Even though that's the whole concept is that...
You do give money. As opposed to like the turtles are going to have to pay you now. Anyway, I'm not going to get into like the nuance of how the joke should work. Listen, here's one thing, guys. Have you noticed that now there is a trivia jeopardy where there's three players and the host is Colin Jost. Do you guys maybe want to go on that with me? What is this? It's called like, it's not trivia jeopardy. Geo party?
No, it's still Jeopardy, but it's like Trivia Jeopardy. What is Trivia Jeopardy? Not Trivia Jeopardy. Wow, you're nailing this. But no, I don't want to do that. Also, the producers, let's pick my man up, Corey Falls. I don't want to do that.
Blake, pop culture? It's called pop culture. Pop culture, yes. So it's Jeopardy presents pop culture? Yes, yes. It's pop culture, Jeopardy, and you get teams of three. Oh, okay. But it's the same format. Okay, I might be able to do pop culture. That could be cool. Let's do it. Let's do it. Hosted by Colin Jost? Yes. Blake, so you
We've established that you are the lowest T member of TI nation. Mm-hmm. I, I. I, I. No T for me. Do you, when and how are we going to set up you getting testosterone treatment? Yeah. I mean, so that's an option, right? I don't like, I don't really, I don't really want to.
That's my... I'm not sure I want to... I don't really want to change my body chemistry. I'm not like... There's nothing that feels wrong. I don't want to change my body chemistry coming from Mr. 24 Budweiser. Yeah, Blake, you change your body chemistry constantly. You're always changing it. Oh my God! You're killing brain cells on the day... Yeah, that seems a little...
That doesn't happen. Son, you're two parts Jaeger. There's no repercussions to that. It sounds like there might be one.
I don't know. I really don't know that I want to take tea. Okay. I don't know that I want to do that. And do we think that this is the low-tea talking? Maybe. Those that suffer from low-tea don't even realize. It's like when someone's really stupid and they don't know that they're stupid. Right.
I feel we're all the level of stupid that we know we're stupid in some ways. We're aware. In a lot of ways. It's good to know. It's good to know. It's important to know you're stupid. It's good to know. Maybe you're so low T that you don't even realize how much better life is when you have more T. Well, now that you... And we're talking testosterone, obviously. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And now that you guys mentioned it, like...
I have been clocking Morning Wood now. And it is happening to me. I am so sorry this has been a thing for you, a cross for you to bear. No, I mean it is... Because I haven't thought about it at all. Like, I haven't been like... Well, you're not being DM'd constantly. When you watched him on Jeopardy and he did not have the confidence...
during the first daily double when he's down by half to make a larger bet. No, it's inescapable at that point. And then he says, I don't have the confidence. I'm talking about for myself having maybe the most tea. Anders, it's constantly being parroted back to me. It's been the source of conversation for the last three weeks. Of course, it's on my mind. Now, have people taken you aside? Has your mom been like, hey,
honey, you know that you're perfect the way you are? Like, did no. Did your girl did Sam? Was she just like, hey, you don't don't let those guys get you down. Yeah. No.
You lose. You got enough tea for me? Are the DMs getting flooded with insults and adding insult to injury? Again, to me, it's not an insult. I stand by this. I don't let tea define me. I like who I am. But you know my point. My question is, are they sliding the DMs and are they trying to kick you when you're quote-unquote down? Which he is. Because if they are... Hey, you guys are fucking losers. You don't even know your tea. Go take your tea. I bet it's fucking low. I bet you have no fucking tea. Adam, I'm just being nice. No, there are lots of...
I know. Thank you for sticking up for me, giant T-man. But also, like, get a life. Not us. We have lives. We go around the country testing our testosterone. That's our lives. And bringing it up in front of professional athletes. Well, why don't you cry about it? Yeah, no. I mean, there's plenty of people who won't drop it, but I mean, it's the bit that keeps on bitten, and I like it. We are having fun with it. But there's also very nice people who are
you know, justifying that it's not that low. I bet low T nation, all of the low T friends and family of the podcast, they've come out, they support you.
They are crocheting you blankets to keep warm. I love you guys. A lot of crocheted blankets. Because I'm sure you shiver. Would a leaked dick pic help your cosplay? I think, yeah, or just a straight up freaking sex tape, bro. What if I fucking drop it? Cool. Oh, shit. Even better. Save it. Save it. Save it for the pot.
Live on the pod? Save your sex tape for the pod. That's kind of tight. I'll be. So, Blake, you're... Because we have an offer on the table. Ders and I are willing to pay...
I don't know how much it is. I don't know, but whatever it is, we're willing to pay. Okie dokie. And we're hoping a sponsor covers it also. We are also hoping a sponsor reaches out and covers a lot of it. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Would you do Nugenics? Was that what Doug Flutie was pushing? Yep. Doug Flutie pushes, and Frank Thomas, he pushes Nugenics? Mm-hmm. And by the way, he looks great, and also he's a slight man like you. Okay. Well...
I'm not. And I'll tell you what, she'll like it too. Okay. That's what they always say. Alrighty then. That's what they always say. I don't know what it means. I don't know. I really, again, there's nothing, I don't feel low energy. You look great. You're glowing. Thanks. You look high. I'll be honest. You look high T. Thank you. Honestly, if I'm being 100%,
Uh-huh. Keep it 100. We always joke that you are the lowest D, and it's went back. People dug in the crates and found old episodes where we're talking about how you're not horny enough. The one where we're... By the way, people get a fucking life. Yeah.
digging in the grates to kick my man. Yeah, I liked it though. But thank you. I'm glad that's your life. That's mid-T. That's mid-T. That's life. It's funny. It's funny. It's funny. It is funny. So we've had this established. So everyone picked Blake as having the low T, yada, yada. But I was a little worried it was going to be me. I'm on a lot of medicine. I'm like, maybe that affects the T. I don't know. I've been kind of out of it the last couple years.
Health-wise, I'm like, your boy might have lost some teeth. It's possible. But then it was also brought to our attention that you probably have, because of the medications that you're on, that your teeth have probably been boosted. I don't think this is... I mean, I'm on muscle relaxers and painkillers. I don't know. The stem cells. Dude, that was my nickname in high school. Painkiller. Oh, that's fucking cool. And I got arguably the highest T in the crew now. Hey, whoever gave you that... Yes, points! Oh!
That's for whoever gave you that nickname. I mean, dude, being roughly three years older than you guys, give or take 10 years, I was also like, I probably have the lowest T, arguably the highest. We were all doubting our T levels. Yeah, but you guys also did it earlier in the morning, and I did it later in the afternoon. Which they said should have boosted your T levels. No, earliest is when your T is the highest, okay? Okay.
I wouldn't know. Never cared to look it up. Didn't need to defend myself at all. Well, I have my back against the wall and the castle is under attack. Right? It's science. So that sucks. So you're not willing to entertain. I am willing to entertain it. I will have to look into it a little more. I don't want to turn into like some kind of like raged out.
fucking red veiny. I like me. You don't want to look like a human cock. Yeah, you don't want to look like a human cock. I don't. I like who I am. Could be worse. It could be. Could be worse. But no, I understand what you're saying. Like those old guys who take it.
roughly Anders's age and they take it and then they suddenly they look red to the touch. You know what I mean? You don't want that. You don't want that. And I don't want that for you. Red to the touch. Yeah. And I mean, like, what is red to the touch mean? It's a phrase and I think I'm using it correctly. It's like when you touch your skin and it's
Red and then you touch it. It's already red or it's red. It's already red. And then you touch it and you see like the whiteness under the skin. You know what I mean? Yeah. Right. Like a sunburn. The blood is closer to the surface. It's right there. It's ready to escape. I don't know if I like that. Yeah, it should be white to the touch. Why don't you turn blue? Right. Because from the touch. Yeah. I'm glad we got in there. Me too. It should be white to the touch.
But it seems racist, so it's red to the touch. Arguably more racist. Go ahead. Could be racist. Maybe. Possibly. All right. Now that we dug deep. Well, hey, okay. Can I pivot a little bit since we were talking? Have you guys ever watched- Look at this guy taking charge. All right. Guys, I went down- Hit him with the applause button, Blake. Hit us with the applause button. I don't have an applause button. Fucking thing sucks.
I don't have that. Go ahead. I stayed up till 1 o'clock last night watching episode... Nobody tells you to go to sleep. Episode after episode after episode of
My men, have you guys ever tuned in to Beast Games? The Mr. Beast show? No. And I hate that... I'm not proud to be promoting this because I don't know much about Mr. Beast. I think he's fine. I think he's a good guy. He cures people's blindness and stuff. You gotta watch the show, dude. It's fucking really good. And even when it's not good, it's bad good. So it's just...
It's just a double whammy. I watched, I think I watched like a episode and they're kind of just trying to do squid games, but real. Yes. It starts with like a thousand people. But wasn't Beast Games, wasn't there a Beast Games that The Rock hosted? That was. That was Titan, Titan Games. Yes. Well, wait, with Swartzen, not Swartzen, Sliced Alone. Am I crazy? Okay, whatever. Beast, Mr. Beast Games, Mr. Beast Games. Yes. Yes.
I'm saying like jump in, watch episode one and see if you're hooked on Netflix or what?
I think it's on Amazon. The user interface I don't really love. I think it is on Netflix. Maybe I'm wrong. Prime. It's on Prime. No, they're saying Prime. They're saying Prime. Prime, Prime, Prime, Prime, Prime, Prime, Prime. All right. Yeah, worth checking out. Dude, check it out. It's crazy. I couldn't get enough. I'm listening to this audio book because I'm ancient. Oh, hell yeah. Okie dokie. But it's all about these...
Naked grandma! I'm so bad with pills. I was never a pill head or anything. So what are the pills? Vicodin. They come in bars. Xanax.
Adam feels so bad for not being a pill head. I know. I'm so sorry. I wish I was a pill head. Allegedly. He really wanted a pill face. You talking Xanny's, bro? Yeah, Xanny. That's why we need Kyle here. That's why we need Kyle. He's the popper. Yeah, Xanny, bro. I don't know if he was. No, not really. Go ahead, Xanny. I think he did Percocet. So Xanax. Yeah, Xanny Bar.
These annex dealers in Charleston and they were, it's called among the bros. It's sick. Dude, these kids were like 18, 19, 20, and they built like an empire. They were all millionaires.
frat bros out of the College of Charleston in like 2014, 15, 16, and 17, I think. And one of the guys, one of the, I think essentially kind of a snitch, went by the nickname Durs. I'm a dude. Oh, for sure, dude. For sure that kid was just the main of the show or his friends was. He did it. Hey, release the Durs. Awesome.
Yeah, free him from prison. Gotta love that. And I just I thought that was so funny. I'm like, oh, yeah, for sure. These kids were building their drug empire while watching our dumbass show. Workaholics in the background. Can producers pull that up at all? I mean, I imagine his last name was Anderson or Dirkowitz.
I don't know. Yeah. Or Dirkowitz. I'm assuming he was probably just a straight edge guy. By the way, the Charleston look is very much an Anders Holm look. You know what I mean? Yeah. Or an Anders Holmvik look more so. Holmvik look. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. The like khakis and the boat shoes and like the tucked in pastels. Absolutely. What was it? Brooks Brothers? It's intense. Yes. Brooks Brothers. Rest in peace. What? It's dead? It's gone. Oh.
Oh, wow. That was the end of an era for you. That's crazy. Everyone there, and I love Charleston. It's awesome. And I'm saying everyone, but that obviously isn't the case. But because there's a very cool part of Charleston with very cool people. But the normal aesthetic is either you look like you're about to go golfing. You're about to go on a yacht.
or you just got done fishing. That's it. Very shaggity. I think that would cover 80% of people that are in Charleston. Those are the style. It's a look. Yeah, the short, khaki shorts and tucked in pastel polo look for fraternity dudes when there's a pack of them all together is intense. Yeah, what is it? Oh, yeah, we saw a lot of that in...
In New Orleans, I felt. We saw a lot of that. Just this week? Uh-huh. Oh, yeah. Yeah. You see those frat bros up there on the balcony? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that like you're ready for anything? Like golfing or like a casual event? I think it just is like an identity of like I come from money or at least I want to look like it.
Do not have. And I remember when I was in college wanting to look older. Right. It's because you're like trying to look 21. So you're trying to look a little bit older. So you're wearing like, I mean, we thought they were like dad shoes to like boat shoes. That's like a dad move in my mind back in the day. Like a split.
Like Sperry? Are they called Sperrys? Yeah. Or like Bass. My dad rocked Bass's. His feet were all fucked up. What's a Bass? Bass is a company. I gotta check out Bass. Yeah, so, but I feel like high school kids and college kids, they just dress how their friends dress. And weirdly in the South, the South? You said South. Like...
gotcha bitch you said souse though they dress like how their dads dress right you know what i mean their dads dress this way and so they're like i'm gonna dress that way too yeah with the with the shades on like the croquis and stuff i love that shit we we would dress similar but if you if you had a thing that someone else had in your friend group like you if they had it first you just you couldn't wear it when you were all out together that was just kind of a code
Right. I remember a homie of mine had a pair of 1300 new balances and I was like, where'd you get those? And he's like, well, are you going to get them? And I go, I'm going to get them and I'm not going to wear them until I go back to college. Common courtesy. Hello!
But I need to know where you got them. That's cool. So you just kept them in the box? Kept them in the box. And then when I got to school, I broke them out. I didn't realize. I thought you only became a shoe dork when you... That's what you call them, right? Yeah, a shoe dork. When you started to make money. But you've always...
I've always been a shoe dork. I just didn't have money. But I think the real floodgates opened when Workaholics happened and Adidas was like, hey, do you want to come to the showroom a couple times a year? They don't whatever. They don't do that for me anymore. Damn it. The fact that you had that plug. I didn't. I never got it. It's because you guys, I think you guys could have gone, but also my character. I did. Yeah. My character wore Adidas on the show.
Oh, that's right. That's right. That's right. Like I wore the track tops. So our costume guy, Jerry was like, I'll set you up. And they've been good to me ever since. Lucky. But anyway, yeah, I was always like very specific, you know, but like, yeah, then you get some money and you get a little carried away.
But the matching, the matching was like a deal breaker. I remember a homie of mine in college got the same shoes as me and I was like, what are you doing? Yeah. He was like, what? I go, no, not okay. Yet. I mean, to me, that doesn't, I don't care at all about that. Unless like suddenly. You still will. We would rock like LRG all the same clothes because we were all getting LRG and we would walk out the door in the same exact shirt and you'd be like, cool, dude, we match. Dude.
Dude, I like it. I'm like, oh, sick. Adam wants a team. By the way, having like a team uniform, going out with a bunch of dudes in a specific thing on purpose is always a good time. Oh, yeah. Hey, man. I like an accidental same shirt. No, no, no, no. I don't mind it. I mean, don't get me. Me and my bros. I love when you look across the room. But you just said accidental. You just said accidental. Yeah.
I don't mind being like, whoa. But when it's like, hey, check these out. I got them. We're all wearing our NWO shirts today. Yeah, I understand that. Come
Come on. But even a run-in, even a run-in where you link up with somebody, they got the same thing, you go, well, look at us. But when there's an intentional like, hey, I got the thing that you got. When we're going to the MTV Movie Awards and you switch shirts to match me. Did I? What? No, but that would be cool. But I thought me and Adam had like similar windbreakers somewhere. And that's...
they were like did you guys do that on purpose and we're like we did not hold up and i was fuming no i think that i think that was the uh like guy's choice awards remember that you know that the best guy we've got to bring those back come on trump bring them back i think they go on and they just don't invite us i don't know no no spike doesn't exist spike is gone r.i.p spike the greatest network of our time what have i been watching
I don't know, brother. I guess I've been watching old... I got recordings of Spike I kept. Because I knew it would go away someday. I was like, I've got to record some hours of this. I feel like the best thing about Trump being president again is... Here we go. Here's your second one. Who cares? I bet Spike's going to come back.
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And you know what else? I bet there. You know, like the guy who has the rights to Spike TV is just in the wings being like, all right, fucking Danny Dana. What's up, big dog? What's up? I got a proposition for you. Let's bring it back. Channel for dudes that like movies. Wasn't that their thing? Yeah. That's what I watched in prison. Movies for guys who like movies. That was TNT. Yeah. No. Yeah. Yeah.
Yes, that was TNT. Movies for guys that like movies? Oh, really? What was Spike's thing? Wasn't it just like... Like, whip your cock out. Is that what you heard? Yeah. Interesting. I don't think Spike had a saying. I think it was just like fucking Guy Cons. Of course it had something. Yeah, every channel, every cable channel needed a thing. A little stank. Yeah, we know drama. We know drama.
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Wait, Blake. What? What's this Mr. Beast show? Is this American Gladiators? Is this like, is this like Whiplash? Or not Whiplash. What do they call it? Swipe Out? Is this Wipe Out? What are we talking about here? It's not super physical, actually. It's a lot of like group decision making on who gets voted out. I am so out. No, dude, you have to watch it because everybody on the show is fucking...
crazy and it's a thousand people and no one is seems to be saying I don't enjoy those things no I think you would you gotta give it a shot okay you gotta give it a shot but if I don't like it I'm coming for you okay but you also have to watch it as in like it's just like crazy to watch the human interaction
These people are so... Don't tell me. I'll just watch it. I'll just watch it. Just let me watch it how I'm going to take it in. I bet Ders is not going to like it. I watched two episodes of it, and if I... Because you know how Ders... I know how he is. I know. Yeah, you know how he could be. Goodbye. Goodbye.
I think this doesn't seem like a thing he would like. Here, let me just, I'll take my headphones off. You guys talk about how I am about. Just allow yourself to have some fun. Allow yourself to just kind of, you know, just watch it. Don't analyze it. Don't break it down. Yeah, just watch it. I'll just say this. I'm not a huge fan of like strategy shows. I'm not a strategy person. I'm not strategic. We've covered this about Jeopardy. I would go big for the fuck of it.
So watching, like when I go to those lock-in rooms, what are they called? Where you get locked in rooms? Yeah, escape room. I just sit down and I watch everyone go crazy and I go, you guys figure it out. I don't care. Let's just get out. Let's just get out. You guys sort it out. But then you'll never get out. You gotta help. No, they figure it out. They figure it out. Wow. Well, then in that case, now I'll be very curious if you even fuck with the show a little bit. Because I thought it was
It's just very of the time, very just interesting. And you never, you kind of never know what's going to happen. Okay. But also Mr. Beast is such a interesting dude. Okay. Now I see what's happening here. You like Mr. Beast. All six, five of them. I know so little about him. I know so little about him. I know exactly what you're talking about. Cause weirdly the other day, and I don't know why, cause I watched those two episodes.
like a month ago or whenever the show first came out. It's been a while now. Yeah, it's been a while. It's been a while. And just the other day I was like, I never on YouTube, like ever. I never go to YouTube. I never watch YouTube videos. It's just not a platform that I even look at in my every day. So I went there and I'm like, what is Mr. Beast about? I just learned that he's going to be a billionaire. I think he is. And he's 26 years old. Yeah. And you're like, holy shit. Like, what is this kid doing?
And I go and all of it is like huge production. And I saw this interview where he was saying last year I was on a plane 200 days out of the year and I'm grinding so hard because no one else will. And I'm like, okay, you're like killing yourself to...
for fucking YouTube. All righty. But I mean, he's making a fortune and he's young and good for him and he could quit when he's 30 and be done. I like how you're like, he can quit now. Totally, totally. He can quit five years ago. Yeah, but you know what I mean? I'm like, he's making so much money at such a young age. Like you have, you don't have a family. You can just go. Yeah, but once you hit
$800 million at 24? You can go. Yeah, I don't think he's there yet. I think his... I looked it up. His net worth right now is $500 million, but they're saying... Oh, he's a fucking loser. Yeah, he's a total loser. Yeah, he hasn't made a billion yet. That's life! But...
Low T. So I was like, what did he start out at? So I went to his YouTube. I scrolled all the way down to his first videos. And it was just him playing like Fortnite and shit and just talking and talking over it. He was just like a twitcher. That's a lot of these guys start. It's crazy. Yeah. And then he would post all the time. And then he started. You could tell he's obsessed about the monetization of you could die at a hard time saying that word monetization of Twitter.
Because he was talking about like... What other YouTubers make... Based on what... And what he makes in comparison... Which was like... I made $13 this month... On YouTube... He's just a numbers cruncher... And now that you...
Well, that's exactly, that is actually what the show is about. It's just kind of like, everything is like, we're giving away $5 million. It's the most amount of money that's ever been given away. And you're presented with times when you can betray people for money. So it's all based on just what people will do for money. Yikes. I,
It's weird. I'm still going to watch it. It's weird. It's fucking wild, dude. I like it. It's kind of cringe. It's kind of cool. And it keeps you on the hook.
Oh, skibbity toilet. Ohio. I remember seeing an interview where he was like trying to get his shows translated into as many languages as possible. Because like then his reach is that much further. He's like, you know, I pay this person X amount of dollars per year. But then I'm seeing like 10,000 X of what I pay them as opposed to what I make for getting like.
all these people in the Philippines to watch my shows now. And I was like, yeah, bud, I'm still going to send it for him. I wish, I wish we had one guy in our, our court that could even think that way. It's Kyle. Isaac is who knows where he's at. I'm listening. Did you guys talk about Blake's low T yet? Yeah.
Yeah, we did. We covered that. Covered it. Punk rock, getting radical. Yeah. Yeah, we covered it. No, I mean, it is its own skill set that I applaud, but I'm also like, to what, and I love the work he does outside of it where he's like, hey, I went to so-and-so and like all these blind people showed up and I got them eye surgery and now they can see that shit's unreal. Yeah, it's wild. But also he has, he's like, doesn't really have a personality. He's just like always smiling. It's,
It's like, it's weird, dude. It's like the Joker has a fucking game. It's weird. You know, the Joker's got a personality. Yeah. Yeah, he's not like the most like super...
He's not like a super charismatic guy. It's not like he's like wanted to be a host and then figured out a way to do it online. It just, yeah, it's, it is strange. But have you ever watched his show? I have not watched them. The like reality show stuff where it's like, okay, we're in here and they said the house was haunted. We're going to find out. And it's like super vanilla. Perfect for like an eight year old to watch 20 episodes in a row of, um,
And you're good to go. And that's kind of his whole thing is he's got that kind of like good, clean, whatever that all the kids are watching. But also like the games that they came up with. I don't know who came up with the games, if it was him and his team. Like some of the games, they're like, they're just really good. They're good puzzles. Imagine you had $500 million and you were giving away five. You hire people to come up with these games, Blake. That's television production. Hire the best, the best, uh,
production team. Well, whoever they are, they're good. They are good. I mean, I think that's the whole idea. The game are good. Yeah. You gotta watch it, bro. The weirdest part about watching this show is just thinking of all the seven-year-olds who are watching it going, oh, yeah, Mr. Beast. Beast Burger. Oh, my Feastables show. My Beastable Feastable. Oh.
Dude, I love being the freaking dad. Well, any take backs, any apologies, any epic slams here, boys? It seems like Blake's already done an epic slam saying he has no personality.
Just dunk it on Mr. P. Dude, he's a... I know what you mean. He's an interesting man. I can't figure him out. I want to figure him out, baby. You want to know his takes. What are his takes? Or maybe... Maybe I just want to leave him be. I don't know. Maybe it's better that way. Well, yeah. No, you're right. It's like these internet people that...
That's where they live. That's their lane. And, like, a lot of them, they seem like they're treading. And I don't know Mr. Beast that well, so I don't know if he does this. But they're treading...
other people's material. Like all the internet comedians that do like little sketches, you're like, oh, that's someone's joke that you turn into a sketch and you're just treading over old material. But these little kids that are watching have no idea, so they're just like, yeah. And I don't know if they're doing that on purpose or they just like are one of those people that aren't funny themselves, so they just...
Yeah, it's a lot of that. It's almost like repeating like a movie quote. You know, when someone's too good at repeating movie quotes and you're like, OK, well, you don't have anything original and funny to say yourself. Like, it's OK to know some movie quotes, obviously. This is being on any sports team. Totally. You just hang out a bunch of guys who are quoting movies. It's the best. I'm looking for unsuspecting people to beat up.
Yeah. Well, no, in New Orleans, Blake and I talked to some guy. I'm not going to get specific. But what was interesting was that like he was he was like, I have 90 million followers or something absurd on TikTok. And he's like, well, I can't take a day off, man. I've been doing this for like a decade and I can't take a day off. And I'm like, yes, you can.
You can. You can take a day off. That's the crazy thing about like, let's say old media versus new media. Like we can take a moment off on like projects and like come back and pop up in something. No one cares. People go, whoa. Oh shit. My guy. He's back. No one goes. I haven't seen him in six months. No fucking way. I'm going to watch this dead to me. It's
It's very, yeah, you got to keep feeding the algorithm. So it keeps pushing people to you. Yeah. That's how you get a lot of followers. That's the new game. That's the new game content. It is much grosser, but, uh, and by the way, I've had it. And I wonder if they, they were fans. I think of the podcast, multiple people at
at the Super Bowl said, I love your content. And I don't know because I've said how much I hate that. I said how much I hate that on the podcast. But we've done a lot of these podcasts. Yeah, I think sometimes it's tongue-in-cheek. And I don't know if they... Sometimes it's tongue-in-cheek and other times, like the person that's saying it to me, I'm like, you're being sincere. And I hate that that is what it is. I love your content. I think if they're young enough, dude, that's what they're saying. I'm an artist.
Yeah. I'm an artist. I'm an artist. And it covers the whole gamut. Like across the board, all your shows, your...
your movies, your content. Well, I love all our content we do together, guys. Thank you for... Hot content. You're content with our content? I am. My burglary alarm... Burglary. Keeps going off. I have to go. Well, that's not good. Yeah, I have to go. Okay, well... That was another episode of... This is... It's Part 2. We are... We are...
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I'm Mark Seale. And I'm Nathan King. This is Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli. The five families did not want us to shoot that picture. This podcast is based on my co-host Mark Seale's best-selling book of the same title. Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli features new and archival interviews with Francis Ford Coppola, Robert Evans, James Caan, Talia Shire,
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