cover of episode Ep 187: Is Ten Inches Kenough?

Ep 187: Is Ten Inches Kenough?

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Adam Devine
Adam Devine: 讨论了席琳·迪翁的音乐风格,并对Drake的性爱视频进行了分析,认为这可能是其专辑宣传策略的一部分。他还谈论了自己被误诊为僵人综合征的经历,以及对该疾病的看法。此外,他还表达了对颜值特权和Nepo baby现象的看法,并分享了自己对电影《芭比》的解读。最后,他还谈到了对托妮·布莱克顿和玛丽亚·凯莉等歌手的看法,以及对《莱姆皮尔茨金》故事的解读。 Blake: 参与了对Drake性爱视频的讨论,并对视频内容进行了详细描述。他还表达了对僵人综合征的关注,并对席琳·迪翁在格莱美颁奖典礼上的表现进行了评价。此外,他还参与了对颜值特权和Nepo baby现象的讨论,以及对90年代R&B歌手的讨论。 Durs: 参与了对Drake性爱视频、僵人综合征、电影《芭比》以及其他话题的讨论,并表达了自己的观点。 Kyle: 虽然在节目中缺席,但其他嘉宾多次提及他正在吃婴儿,这成为了节目中一个反复出现的幽默元素。

Deep Dive

The discussion revolves around the alleged leak of Drake's private content and whether it could be a strategic marketing move.

Shownotes Transcript


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Celine Dion makes the most fucking chug white wine music you've ever heard in your life. Adam Devine doesn't have a dick. Like, that's crazy. I always kind of thought he had a dick, whether small or large. Set my heart in motion. Here we go. Start your engines. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring.

Ow, I clapped so hard it hurt. It's a bagel. Hold up. You hurt yourself? I had a bagel. It's a boy. It's science. What's up, fellas? What's up, boys? Excited to see my fucking best friends on one screen. Yeah. All of my best friends. And to me... All of them. No one's missing. Nobody. No one's missing. If I were to make a list of my best friends...

This would be it. There would be two best friends and then no one else is here. I'll say that. Sorry, buddy. Is missing. Nobody's missing. Not here. Kyle is missing. I'll let the cat out of the bag. Kyle's not here, guys. For the audio listeners, it's like Kyle's going to chime in again and...

He's not here, but we miss him. He's working. And if you're listening at home, on the count of three, you can tell us what he's doing. One, two, three. You said it yourself. He's eating babies. He is eating babies. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Do you think I want my baby back is what people are saying because Kyle is currently eating their babies? Yes, he's eating little baby's back. Yeah. Just just the back. He bites him on the spine and slurps up. Yeah. What's the shit that's in your spine? Like the spinal fluid. Spinal fluid. Yeah. Yeah. That shit is good, dude. That is good. God, that's like bone marrow. Oh, it's better. It's better.

Spinal. I'm always grossed out at a nice restaurant. And we want you to try the bone marrow. And then they put down the bone marrow. And then you take a little spoon and you spread it on your toast. And you're like, I'm eating the inside of a bone? That's wild.

It's science. So good, you just keep ordering it, you know? I don't care. It's not for me. Yeah, I'm going to be real with you. I don't love bone marrow. I also don't love... I've been fortunate enough to try... What is it? Fogwa? I don't like that at all. What is fogwa? It's like when they have a goose in a cage and they feed it so much that its liver just starts to turn into a water balloon and then they...

cut it out of their body and then you scoop a knife into it and you spread it on your toes. I like that, actually. You like that? I mean, I like just regular pate. I don't know if I need foie gras, if there's a difference even, but I do like pate. I've had a

hankering for pate since I was a young boy. What? If you would sneak down to your parents having a party and you'd go to the little layout that they had. Your family was balling. Your parents had pate. My parents had little smoky hot dogs and barbecue sauce. That's little? That's little to you? That's the size of a little smoky. To me, it's pretty large.

That's a pretty good nickname. Lil Smokey. Yeah, that's what I nicknamed my cock is Lil Smokey. The Smoke. Yeah. So you're not packing a Drake? Has anybody? I haven't seen it. I think I know what you're talking about. Oh, is that? Drake has like... Can we lead off? Did he like release a sex tape or like a video or is it a photo or video? Allegedly. Okay.

I don't know what it is. Blake's seen it, apparently. Oh, I've seen it numerous amounts of times. I've got it on repeat. Blake has like 12 tabs up, and it's all Drake's cock. I've got different angles, dude. Is it that we saw the Toronto Space Needle? Is that what's happening? How's the view? Let's just say it isn't the 6. It's 8.5 to 10. The 6th?

He said he was from the six. He is definitely not from the six, brother. He's...

How's the view? Well, so he's got a huge... You say he's got a huge one? You need another four inches. Sorry, what? Is that what we're saying, Blake? He's got a big one? Oh, yeah. You haven't seen it. Okay, okay. That's good. Can you show us? Put it in the chat, homie. Put it in the chat. You know I don't know how to drop links. I'm going to give you a three-page link that if you click, you get a disease on your computer. Well, that is true. No, send us a link. Just send us a link. I'm not going to start...

googling Drake's dick I'm gonna get a bunch of shit you've seen it I have but you did it already you've already done it but it was it was on a whim it was like through Twitter I'm just not I'm not even or sorry X Blake's the guy who's like look I did meth if I don't do it again I never did it yeah you know what X does it's gonna give it to us and it's gonna give us the link so we can see Drake's cock thank you X

You need another four inches. Anna, can you find it? I mean, I know we have producers on the show. Do not ask a producer. I know we do. Can you do this? No. Is it illegal to ask our producers to draw? No, Anna's already on it. She's already on it. Anna says she is looking, and thank you, Anna. I'm looking. So, yeah, basically, okay, it's unconfirmed. This is all allegedly because it's- Allegedly!

Drake himself hasn't said it's him. It does appear to be him. Oh, dude. Why? Does it have like a hairline? No, he's got the braid sort of. Has a chin strap or what? He's really wriggle raggle in that shit. I mean, does he have a new album about to come out? Because this is genius marketing.

He's like, I'm not going to say it's me. I'm not saying it's me or it's not me. And then it's just the biggest cock ever. Yeah. You're a monster. Okay. Our girl Becca, producer Becca. This says the page doesn't exist. Becca was on it. Anna said she was getting it and Becca got it first. What the heck? Everybody's got it. We're getting a lot of links right now. It says the page doesn't exist.

Do you think he took it down? I got one that was like an orange peel. Here's Anna's. Okay. I don't really... Yes, he's got a pretty regular-sized cock. No, no, no, no. You can't be watching what I saw. No, I'm seeing it. No, I'm watching the same... This thing had slack, dude. Oh, is it a video? It's a video. Oh, okay. I just have a pixelated image. Hang on. And it is large. It's a big dick. Yeah, he wriggle-raggles it. Yeah, that's a...

A whim wham. But also, you know where he's holding it. He's doing that classic thing. You know when you want your dick to look bigger, you basically kind of hold the balls? Give it to him. Wow. He's holding so far down. Yes, Adam, it's weird you say that because that's the first thing I thought. I'm like, where is this dude's balls? It's like, I think he has a...

all in his hand. Yeah, he's holding his balls. Really? So you see the entire... Durs, look at the footage. Where are the balls? I just did. Where are the balls? Where are the balls? What do you mean you did? You stay staring at it until we're done. Yeah. There's something in the foreground.

That's covering that area. No, I think he's holding the balls and the base. Makes it look a little larger. By the way, that's a meaty 7.5 to 8-inch cock. You know what I mean? That's a meaty cock. Not saying it isn't. Not saying it isn't. I'm saying he's holding the base. Right, right, right. He's holding the base. You're a monster. Yeah, he's definitely making it... Yeah. You need another four inches. And so that's why I believe...

This is him releasing it. Yeah. Whether that's his dick or not, he could have photoshopped a giant cock in. Prosthetics. And then he's like, you know what? Or prosthetics. And then maybe he's going like, I'm not saying it's me or it's not me. By the way, here is my new album. I've got a jet to pay for. Here is my new single featuring Celine Dion. Celine Dion.

What's cool is like there's somebody getting paid a lot of money in the PR world right now to find a way to spend this in his favor, right? What do you mean? What do you mean? It's already spun? Yeah. It's in his favor. Yeah, it's in his favor, brother. It's in his favor. No, I know. It's already way in his favor. Dude. It's about four inches into his favor. It's sick.

I'm not saying that it's not favorable. I'm just saying it's embarrassing a little bit to have a video of this. There's nothing embarrassing about it. Well, see, the thing is, if he was an actor that...

specifically was on children's television, then it wouldn't be a good look. Then for sure, his career's over. He's salty. He is a rapper. Right. Who loves bad bitches. That's his fucking problem. Exactly. No, I don't think that's him, but I'm sure he does love bad bitches. Isn't that him? I think it's him featuring 2 Chainz. No, I think that's A$AP Rocky. Isn't it? Well, I think it's all of them together. He's on that song. Oh.

They're all together as one. Yeah, well, then he likes bad bitches, and that's his problem. What else? Yeah, I don't think it's bad. Now I've seen the solution. Right.

Right. I don't think it's a bad look even a little bit for him. Yeah, no. That's maybe a bad look if you're a substitute teacher or something, but like a rapper, no. No problems, man. Right. That's just fine. Fair enough. You know what we got to do? Well, we got to take a page because we're always learning, right, in our business. Always. Stay curious out there. You say, you know, you see things that someone else does and you go, okay, yeah, maybe...

When I'm promoting something, I do something similar or I spin it and do it in my way. We have to release a – so we're comedy guys, right? So next time we release a movie or we're on a TV show and we're promoting it, we release a video. No dick. Dickless.

Oh, sure. I thought you were going to say Lil Smokey's. And I'm like, that's funny. Dude, not even Lil Smokey's. Yes, please! Brought to you by Lil Smokey's. And then get the conversation going that he is...

He doesn't even have a dick. This guy's dickless. Totally, yeah. And then it's a whole national conversation, really sparking. And then you release a video of actually you tucked it back into your butthole. And then it comes out and it's massive, dude. And then it's a whole...

Because you got to keep the story going, right? That's a way. Oh, dude, that's Adam Devine. Wait. Oh, this is like a teaser for the trailer for the movie. Like, it's like a lot. There's a lot of steps. Yeah. Yeah. There's no. This is why I just bought a marketing campaign that'll get the national conversation going. No, this is at first. It's not in your favor. And you're like, oh, Adam Devine doesn't have a dick like that's crazy.

He should be shot. I always kind of thought he had a dick, whether small or large. I'm not exactly sure. And then it's revealed...

I have a huge, massive, massive dick. And then people are like, well, I got to see this movie because then what kind of pants is he wearing? This is like Barbie and Ken, no? I don't know. Do we wear the I am a Ken-uff shirt? I am Ken-uff and it's just you. Yeah, that's what I'm wearing. It's just you with your huge dick. Is this Ken-uff for you? Yeah.

Is seven inches enough? Is that enough? Well, seven inches, I would go way bigger than seven inches, Blake. Yeah, fine. Seven inches. Is ten inches enough? Yeah, there you go. All right. Yeah.

Okay, sorry. Okay, but you know, what movie theater is it when you... Movie theater. When you go in and there's that thing that plays beforehand that's like Nicole Kidman and she's like, we go to the movies to sit here alone in the dark

Does it matter for the joke? For us to know the exact chain that does it? I'm saying, what if when you go to a regal cinema, the thing that plays is Adam with his dick tucked between his legs and he's like, the only way you could truly know how big my cock is...

is by being in the theater and then he unlocks his legs and his 10 inch hog just comes fucking raggling out hey all I'm saying and I don't know if people would like that or not like honestly I'm not sure if the national zeitgeist if they would be happy with seeing that all I know is it would be a conversation starter that's all we care about at this point I'm starting to lose the thread of the bit here

You're a monster. I don't know if I know what this is anymore, but I'm listening. I don't think you know the... I'm listening. I want to jump in. I have so much to share. This is why you had to know what theater Nicole Kidman's thing played before. It was AMC. Is it AMC? Yeah, it is. Okay.

So now does it add up or no? You're still a little lost. Yeah, I'm a little lost too. Adam, you're lost too? Well, after he went and did the Regal Cinema thing. I mean, you fearlessly jumped in with something that was, I'm laughing, but I was like, I don't know what we're talking about. That's the thing about me is I rarely know what we're talking about, but I'll fearlessly jump in. I will fearlessly jump in.

Oh, that is why you're my best friend and so is Durzen. That's it. And that's it. And no one else. And nobody else. Do you think there was a draft or even a...

deleted scene where it's just Ken and Barbie doing cartwheels naked and you don't see any of the genitals. Maybe. That's got to be in a draft. You think they had more... Did they really touch upon the genitals other than it's kind of the last line of the movie? Yeah, that was the whole thing. By the way, they brought it up and then the last line of the movie is like, I'm here to see the gynecologist and I'm like...

Did she what I don't understand what I don't understand this movie because I guess she now has a vagina. What did she do? Hey, Anders, no, shut up. It's going to win the Oscar. You piece of shit. Fuck you. Pussy panani vagina. It's the number one movie and it's the best movie, dude. Shut up.

It was just weird for me because she wasn't a guy. Yeah. And that's all I can watch. I understand guys. Yeah. Is this enough for you? Give me a guy and hey, I'm on board. But then this one that wasn't a guy, I don't know what the heck. Yeah, don't worry. I guess I just I was like, so did she because she went through the portal and now she's a human. I think. Yeah. Once she goes through the portal, she's human.

But she already went through the portal before. Yeah, but when she goes back into her world, she loses the bits or the non-bits. I don't know. I don't understand. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know the... I need to read the mythology on Wikipedia or Barbapedia. Barbapedia. Right. Yeah, you've got to go in Barbapedia and really figure out what the ending meant because I think it will tie a bow on it for you. Is this K'neth?

- Is this enough for you? - Great shirt. - Well, you mentioned Celine Dion earlier and I know why that was tied. - I did. - I know why that was tied. - Are you going for it? - You think, but she's actually trending beyond what you think. - Why? - Because she did show up to the Grammys looking fucking beautiful. - Are we going there? - You should say what you're saying.

because I saw Celine come up to the Grammys. I'm like, she looks great. She is looking good. Here we go. Okay, let's go. Let's take them on a ride. And Swifties, hear us out. Okie dokie. Swifties, what do you think I'm going to say? Something about Drake. Stiff person syndrome? No, but you can go ahead and talk about that, and then I guess I'll circle back to the Taylor Swift interaction, and I'll just get canceled and hung out to dry. Oh, that Celine Dion, she handed her the trophy, and she didn't...

pay her any mind, right? To Taylor Swift? Like...

Like zero. Like meme worthy. I'm not looking at you and taking a Grammy and then I don't even look at you before I go to the microphone and speak. Oh my gosh. Wow, dude. Yeah. I mean, I'm not a Swifty by any means, but I'm sure in that moment it's a whirlwind and you're just sort of. Is it a whirlwind for Taylor Swift to get a Grammy again? Just to her credit or to.

Sure. Her defense a little bit. I mean, that's the safe thing to do. You're doing it right now. I'm being doxxed as we speak. Allegedly! For not even defending. It was nice knowing you guys. I just know, I mean, you want to show Selene more respect. One, she's a legend.

Two, she's got this horrific disease called stiff person syndrome. That's the whole thing. I recently found out, I didn't really know about it. I had heard that she had this thing called stiff person syndrome and I've been dealing with all my medical issues and I don't even know if I've told Ders all of this, but

And I've been dealing with my medical issues. So I've been to multiple, multiple specialists. And I finally go to this neuromuscular specialist who is like this genius and super smart Indian woman doctor. And she's just brilliant. And and she was telling me she was like, I think you have this condition.

called stiff person syndrome. You have all of the symptoms or you have a lot of the symptoms and we're going to test you and send off your blood work to the Mayo Clinic to see if you have

stiff person syndrome. And I'm like, yeah, okay. Stiff person syndrome. Sure. I'm a little stiff. Correct. Give me on silly. I'm a person. Give me on the bed. Doesn't sound too bad. It doesn't sound too bad. Rub some, uh, Lazarus naturals, relief and recovery gel on my muscles. Yeah. Drink a ZOA, drink a ZOA. I'm good to go, bitch. You call her a bitch, dude. Don't in my mind. That's what I was saying. Okay. I was like, give me the medicine, bitch. Uh,

And I looked it up. It's horrific. It's like a horrific disease. Yes. And Celine Dion has it. And bless her heart, seems like she's doing okay with it. I know she's no longer singing, which is her whole career. And I'm sure she loves doing it. So that sucks. And it makes you so tight that your heart ends up going out.

So like, and then you will spasm and you'll spasm so hard and you'll fall over and just like crack your skull and you fall down stairs. And like, well, I mean, I went on, made the mistake of looking at all this shit. So it took three weeks for me to get the results back from Mayo Clinic. And you were in a bad place. I was constantly every night at like 4 a.m. I just go sit on the toilet and just watch horrific videos of people being super stiff. Tired.

I just got the call that we got my blood work back on Friday. They're like, okay, so you don't have stiff person syndrome. Okay. Now we're talking. Yes, points! I do not have it, but it was a wild three weeks that I was like, I'm dying. I'm dying. I have this horrific disease. Yes. Thank you, God!

And you can't even sing like Celine Dion. So that's probably also the huge letdown. Yeah, that would have been a great way to actually stop singing. And like they would stop asking me to sing and shit. They're like, we know you can't. We know you can't. And I'd be like, yeah, yeah, for sure. I can't. Please don't make me sing. You're probably wondering the real reason why Bumper in Berlin is not going. Well, I took a test. You heard it here first.


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Like, behind the curtain for the last three weeks or so, we have been really stressing. The curtain behind Adam right now? Yes. Behind there is the doctor. This is where you guys reside. Go ahead. We have really been stressing. We really thought as a friendship group that we might have to be dealing with some really heavy life hammer shit, dude. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I'm still banking on it. Yeah, Durs wasn't thinking about it.

Yeah, I need a second opinion. I don't I'm not convinced. I will say you guys were all pretty great. You all reached out in your own ways, which was which is very nice. Yeah. Yeah. You know, Durs and, you know, random texts that I was like, I'm not I'm not usually getting these random texts of like, hey, check out this. I do wish I just like sent you like I said, I sent the link to Drake's ice trays or something like that.

this is a thing. I bet you could use this around the house. I'll be like, it was very, it was very like, uh, I will say I have, I have some friends that are like in the program, like, uh, the alcohol anonymous program. Uh, and I'm not, I'm not in it. Don't say who it is. I'm not in it. Uh,

But they were so good at it. You guys were great because I know you guys. I got stuff from you, like some texts from Ders. Blake called me. We didn't really talk about it, but we talked about other stuff. Kyle called me. Same thing. We didn't really talk about it, but I felt like I talked about it more with Blake, a little less with Kyle, or none at all, hardly with Kyle. I love it. You good? What are you watching? No, dude, it was that. It was like, just checking in.

What's good with you? I'm just here in Toronto, just chilling. And I'm like, and I could tell. We don't really talk on the phone like that. So I knew that it was just guys being guys and can't talk about the elephant in the room. My friends that were in the program, they, I mean, I was like, maybe we all just go into Alcoholic Anonymous and just to get better with our feelings because they were fantastic.

Oh, okay. These guys are just great at talking about feelings. I'm like, yeah, it makes sense. I guess they have to go to these fucking meetings every week and hammer out their feelings. You get pretty good at it after a while. Adam, I hate to break it to you. I guarantee you they were just stealing lines that they heard earlier that day. It didn't really even come from the heart. They knew it sounded good. They have it in their drafts and they just fire it off. Oh, yeah. I'm drunk now. I mean, honestly, yes, for sure. For sure. They just have like they like heard another line.

drunk say it right yeah i was intoxicated i i believe it's drunkard a drunkard um another drunkard yeah you know mine was from the heart because it was just hanging there dude yeah yeah it was hanging there dude it was uh it was like check out this score of the nebraska versus wisconsin basketball game i

You guys beat us. We went into OT, I think, right? Or no, maybe it was just down to the wire. I think it was down to the wire. What was really crazy is when you were super convinced that you had it,

We were on that call where we were. Well, dude, it wasn't like I diagnosed myself. This very smart doctor was like, this is what I think you have. Two doctors actually thought I had that smart now. Yes. But you started to really walk down the path where you were considering that you had it and you're then your symptoms changed.

got infinitely worse remember when we talked to you you're like i'm not sleeping i'm starting to lose my vision i'm like my eye does keep twitching so that sucks well yeah well that's sleep related yeah sleep and stress that was where i was like oh i i because i didn't want to as soon as you said you might have it it's it's like such a small margin that you may i was like oh man like i i just don't want to believe that he does yeah because that's the other thing it's

It's like a one in a million. Literally, it's a one in a million chance that you're going to get it. And I guess there's only 5,000, which it doesn't really work out with the math, but there's only 5,000 people in the U.S. that are diagnosed with it. So it would be far-fetched. It'd be kind of elite. That's what I was like. If I'm going to get it, if I'm going to get a disease, I want to get like the rarest of the Pokemon. Right. It's kind of a bummer that Selene has it because it's like, yeah.

You want when other people get it to say it's what Adam Devine has. It's called Devine Syndrome. Like Lou Gehrig's. Lou Gehrig's isn't Lou Gehrig's. It has a real name, but he's the most famous guy who got it, so they call it that. Right, right, right, right. Also pretty worried I had that.

It would be a real battle between you and Celine. And I don't know, bro. No. By the way, like Celine syndrome, way better than stiff person syndrome. What fucking dork came up with that? Well, by the way, it's still super new. I mean, hopefully Celine. But she got it. She got it early. She did. She's ahead of everybody. She's one of the pioneers.

And hopefully we find a cure and she doesn't die from it. We don't have to name the disease after her, you know, because it's always you. But I hear what you're saying. And I am a competitive person. So I would be. I just know myself. I would be like, yeah, dang, if I did get stiff person syndrome and I'm going to die from it. It sucks that.

And there's not a world that it wouldn't be like Blake said, I'm going to duke it out with Celine and that'd be a real toss up. It's not a toss up. She's Celine Dion. Right. She's saying my heart will go on. She's international. Yeah, you're right. She won. I just I uphold you very highly. Thank you. And that's why you're one of my you're one of my two best friends who are currently on this. Yes. And nobody else. And I would love a version of the Titanic soundtrack.

only sung by you and I guarantee it would fucking rock, dude. It would be so good. Yeah, send that to Blake. I feel like I have the energy for that. I have the energy for that. It wouldn't sound good.

It wouldn't sound good. Adam, I think if you approached Celine, here's what I think might go down. If you approach and you're like, Celine, huge fan, understand you've been battling this. I too have it. And it would just mean so much to me if you did. It would mean so much to me if I could kind of

get the name and it could be Adam Devine I do feel like she'd be like that is not going to happen no you're fucking you must be smoking crack it's not even in my hands I'm Celine Dion honestly it's not up to me little guy I mean I hope she's like it is up to me and no oh little man

man oh sorry you are oh sad stiff little man saddam cry bye bye bye how do you say nobody to me you are like you are uh how do you say a nothing a crumpled like a crumpled leaf i am the tree i am the earth i am of the wind you are the fart in the wind you are you are the loose butthole and then she starts singing you are you are the

the fart in the wind. You're a loose butthole. I came up with that. Well, you are. Perhaps. But now that I've said it, it is now mine. Quebecois. You're a bitch. Yeah, so to circle back to Taylor Swift. Sure, sure, sure. Tay-Tay, that sucks, man. You should have showed some respect

To the OG superstar, Celine motherfucking Dion. I always like those moments, too, where someone who's presenting the award, right? Usually there's somebody of a stature. And I think this was, like, the fucking award of the year, like, album of the year. Right. And so, like, you...

When you're receiving it from that person, it's usually like, holy fuck. Thank you. And now I got to turn and give this speech. I just met my hero. Like Miley Cyrus did a very good job of roping in Mariah Carey. I think it was like the comparison to that because Miley Cyrus won and she made it more about Mariah Carey than it was about her almost. And then like the Taylor Swift thing in comparison was like, oh, geez, she kind of dissed her. Yeah.

I don't know. It is. That shit happens so quick. How would you know? I don't know. I mean, whatever. I think it's, yeah, I think it's from all accounts. Also, maybe Taylor Swift doesn't fuck with Celine Dion. Maybe she doesn't know the real Celine hits, dude. She does. Yeah, I could see that. She does. She Celine's with it. She's your Cirox with it. Celine with it.

I like that. Hold on. Yes, points! Absolutely. Yeah, but I mean, I feel like it all happened very quickly. She should have given her more props. But the real bummer is, for Selene,

how many more times is she going to be on an award show like out and about like this? Like, I think that's the whole thing she's done. Like she's, she's, she's retired from singing. Like this was a rare outing. And if you watch it, cause I was, I watched it just going like, I wonder if I could tell she has a stiff person or not. And you couldn't really, but the way she held her hands together and

You'd be way better. Go ahead. Yeah, the way she held her hands together, I was like, oh, maybe that's because when you have stiff persons, you'll crumple up on yourself a little bit. And

And so, you know, it kind of bummed me out just knowing what she's going through. Yeah. I mean, I don't actually know what she's going through, but I did enough research that I felt like. You're aware of it. You're aware of it. I'm aware of it. I'm sure after she hears this podcast, she will call you and be like, you were wrong about everything. I was holding my hands together. She's TII Nation. No, I hope she goes, I'm an avid TII Nation listener. I'm a citizen. Oh, dude. Is that what we call our listeners from now on? Me here. Are the citizens? Yeah.

I'm a citizen of the nation. I'm a citizen of TII nation. Citizens. Near, far, I don't know who the fuck you are. I feel like followers of Adam shouldn't be citizens. They should be standisons because you stand to wipe your ass. Okay. All right. I guess we'll give it to him. That's all I got. And that's all I got. Yes! That's all I got. I guess we'll give it to him. All right.

No, but she calls. She's like, I'm a huge, I'm a citizen of TIA Nation. I listen to every episode. I loved this episode. You shine some light on stiff person syndrome. I want you to record my entire catalog to rerecord my entire catalog. And then I go to work as second career as a singer. That seems like a lot of work.

Okay, maybe just the hits. The hits, yeah. Can I play 15 seconds of this song just to see what it is? What's going on with how you're saying words today? What's going on with it? Don't worry about it. You need a ZOA in your life. Let me see what this song is because I'm pretty sure it's really good. I have it. Is this the Nightmare on Elm Street soundtrack? I did not know she did this.

Dang, dude, we're already at eight seconds. Yeah, what the hell? Fuck. Wait, hold on. I have to skip ahead. So what should I do? You could only play 15 seconds? Yeah, otherwise they will take this episode down. I'm going to skip ahead to 57 seconds and play five seconds, and I hope we know what it is. I don't know any other songs besides the... Hold on. Oh, yeah.

Ask me to. Yo, that song is so... I nailed it at 57 seconds. That song is so good, dude. That's where I encourage everyone. All the force A's get together and fucking like the wine is... Oops, I spilled on the couch. Not a big deal, girl. Yeah, that's when the white wine is flowing. I would fuck you right now. Yeah, that's when they get out. They just have like a...

A vase of white Zinfandel that are just fucking pounding. Celine Dion makes the most fucking chug white wine music you've ever heard in your life. Toni Braxton in the mix. Just saying. She's in the mix. But Celine... Does Toni Braxton have... Half stiff person? No, she doesn't. That body moves, dude. No, does Toni Braxton have a sister named Tamara? Yeah.

Tamara Braxton? I think if you meet somebody with the last name Braxton, doesn't she have a reality show that they're all on? They're all on it. Oh, okay. Well, she's at some theater in LA and I was like,

That has to be Tony's sister. Yeah, right. Tony Braxton, her first album was one of the first CDs I ever had. I used to do my homework every day to that album, dude. I fucking loved that album. You would work that pencil down to a bone. It's just another sad love song, rock band.

in my brain. I'd just be doing math. This is the wine. Blake, are you in there drinking wine? This is that white wine talking. No, I'm just doing vocabulary. That's it, dude. I used to jam that shit. She's on the cover just with like the little leather jacket hanging off the shoulder with the short haircut. She was kind of one of, not one of the first, but she like re-

re got that shit going in the 90s where it was like short haircut in the 90s re re got what does that mean re got that shit going in the 90s i didn't follow it either yeah she was a total babe with short hair it was just like yeah i feel like tony braxton put it kind of on the map and also the girl from free willie that's all i'm saying

I feel like you're way wrong. I feel like a lot of people had short hair. Lori Petty. Lori Petty. You look like you've seen a ghost. I'm saying there were a few trailblazers and Tony is one of them. Yeah, Tony and Tank Girl. Who's the hottest? Can you throw a Tony Braxton super hot photo? Yeah. Just put the cover of the first album. And by the way, to our producers, when we're looking at photos like Drake's cock and all these photos...

If we could put them up for the YouTube as well. We want our listeners, sorry, the citizens, when they're watching on YouTube, to see this stuff. Unbreak my heart. Wait, hold on. Here it is. Drop it. Drop it. Dude, this is me doing homework. Fucking vocabulary. Oh, shit. You're making me high.

Yeah, but that's after this. Of course. Oh, that's 15 seconds right there. But you have to look at the... Dude, you don't know enough just to go 30 seconds in. Like, they all have... Just go ahead. Just go 20, 30 seconds in. Whoa.

But I love the way it starts. I love it. All we hear is just like symbols and chimes and fucking like little shaker weight. And the mood is set. Don't get me wrong. The mood is sick, dude. She's such a babe. That's one of my favorite. Of course. What?

What's the one where she's got like, is it not pajamas open, but you can see like the little belly button poking out. Is it silk pajamas? I'm not trying to mix it up with the TLC one. Creep. Yeah, no, the TLC is creep. They wear some silk pajamas. But I feel like she also has a video where she's in

Like pajamas that are kind of open top to bottom. I think that was a 90s thing where you were just in lots of like silk pajamas. In the 90s. As a female artist, you had to have a silk pajama.

pajamas music video. Had to. But did she have the music video where it was just all the male models? Yeah, and she was like, it was like an elevator and then the elevator would open up and she'd be like... That was the one where I was like, at this point, I could go either way. I got a lot of questions going on right now. Ha ha ha.

Are you saying you like the firemen? I mean, I don't remember it like you do. He didn't dislike the firemen. Hold up. I do remember being like, these guys are handsome. They're very good looking men. Good looking. Good looking guys. Yeah, I guess I didn't. Tony Braxton wasn't really on my radar in the way it was for you guys.

To me, I was a TLC boy. They were very, very much on my radar. Breathe Again? Was this before? Tony was before TLC, correct? It's pretty much the exact same time, to be honest. Oh, well, then I was all TLC all the time. As a matter of fact, TLC, I think, had their first album. Everyone at school called Adam Creep.

Because he thinks he was a huge TLC fan. I thought it was because I love TLC. Oh, here comes Creep. That's right. Here's Creep. Yeah. I'm crazy. I was in a wheelchair at that time, so it's me creeping up on him. Yeah. That's what I thought it was about. Uh-oh, I hear the creepy wheels. Oh, shit. Here's Creep. And then when they made him cry, they're like, oh, here comes Waterfall. That's right. Because I love TLC. The nicknames never stop. Yes, points. Oh, yeah.

I feel TLC was the one for me. Also, Janet Jackson. She really got me going.

Are we just naming black singers right now? I'm just asking. No. No, because it's all trickled down from Celine Dion. I was thinking like R&B singers. Of course. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Not a lot of white R&B singers in the 90s. Yeah, who really brought the thunder as like a in the 90s white R&B singer? I don't know that it existed at that point. Well, it depends what your definition of R&B is. I feel like Amy Grant. Yeah.

The walls fall down. I think that's Christian rock, dude. Yeah, I feel like that was Christian rock. Yeah, I think you're right. I think in the 2000s is when the whites took over with Britney and Christina Aguilera. It's science. Yeah, but that to me is a little different than... Yeah, that's pop. That's pop stars pop. Well, it's pop because they're white. It's automatically popular. No, it just don't have the same groove to it. White people go, whoa, it's like rap. It's like Beastie Boys come out. No. It's not. It's not.

Dude, it sounds way different. Like this has way more slow and like has more bass to it. And Christina Aguilera is like, it's not, it's not, no, it's not right. You don't think she had slow songs? She did. You don't think she had R&B songs? Well, maybe. I got to check the cuts. I actually don't know. I'm just saying, I feel like they popped off in the 2000s. But I don't, you're right. I don't think I can think of any whites in the 90s. White.

Amy Grant was a great guest. Amy Grant, baby, baby. Something's in motion. Oh, that's the one. I was like, how do I know Amy Grant? And it's baby, baby. You want me to play the first two seconds of it? Yeah. You set my heart in motion. Maybe we go 30 seconds in. Okay. I don't even know if you need to play it. I might know one more word. Here we go. Wait, hold on. I'll go through it.

Yeah. Okay. All right. No, stop. Stop. Oh, this is R&B. This is R&B right here. Too much runway. Too much runway. Okay, hold on. I'm going to go 112 in and I can play one second because I've already done 14 seconds. So wait. Are we talking about 112? 112.

And then it goes, stop for a minute. Baby, I'm so glad you're mine. Yeah, you're mine or I'm yours? I'm not sure. Yeah, I don't know what it is. But look, I feel like Mariah Carey kind of ambiguously covered a lot of white...

you know, basses in the 90s as far as R&B singers. She really rode that line. What is Mariah Carey? I don't know if that's an appropriate question. A human being. Blake? Yeah, but I'm like, what is she claiming, dude? Mariah Carey. Well, I like that. What is she claiming? What is she claiming? I love Mariah Carey. She's the goat. Whatever she wants. She's the goat. Mariah Carey, dude.

What was that? She had like, what was it? She was wearing like a little halter top with a butterfly album cover. Yeah. Stop. Yes. Adam, stop. Don't. I'm about to Drake all over this place. She was like wearing a rainbow. Yeah.

Yeah. Holter top, right? That like went into the background. Yeah. I swear to God, I jerked off to the hard copy of that CD. Yeah, I guess I remember that. Dude, the music video with Jerry O'Connell. We've already talked about this. This shit just burns into your memory. It was like when we were in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Yeah. And you just see like Shania Twain's display stopped me in my tracks. I knew every outfit.

Like I was transformed back to like a little 13, 14 year old boy just being like,

stopped dead in my tracks seeing her i think i remember seeing that yeah i saw you you like stopped and you collapsed and i i got a little worried but then i'm like we gotta get to columbus bro we gotta load this they're like this stiff this stiff man right here oh dude it's uh is always be my baby her her number one jam

Is that what it is for you guys or just me? I feel like the Christmas one that they play every Christmas is probably your biggest song. No, but I mean for you guys, in your opinion. She has so many freaking amazing We Belong Together. Which one is that? Fantasy is really good. Fantasy is... Hold on, let me skip ahead. I'm so sorry.

That one's a fucking... That one... Which one's that? Flamethrower. Fantasy. Oh, yeah. So good. So good. And then Shake It Off isn't freaking half bad, if you ask me. Shake It Off is great. Is that Jermaine? Yeah. Jeez. Everybody just... Everybody just... Everybody just... Everybody just...


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Did you know that Jermaine Dupri was a nepo baby? What do you mean? Who's his dad? I think his dad was somebody. I think I just read that or heard that today and I was like, cool. Who are the Dupris? Now I know. Give me more. Dude, Jermaine Dupri. I fucking loved him.

Yeah. When I first met you, you claimed Jermaine Dupri harder than anybody I've ever met in my life. You love Jermaine Dupri. Fucking Jermaine Dupri. Well, one, I just thought he's like a funny reference to reference. Anytime I would see a limo, I would loudly be like, I bet Jermaine Dupri's in there.

Because you assume he's always in limos, dude. He's fucking Jermaine Dupri. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I mean, it's Jermaine Dupri. He's in limos at all times. Can we get a little Always Be My Baby? Sure. Yeah, let's see. Jermaine Dupri's artistic career began when he... This is his, I guess, his...

Wikipedia. His father is an Atlanta talent manager, so he's not really a Nepo baby. His dad's a talent manager, so that's not like... He's in the business. He's in the business, but that's not like you're not a famous... He's not George Clooney. Come on. Yeah, it's not like...

George Clooney is Aunt Rosemary Clooney. She was a famous singer. What the fuck are we doing? Well, yeah, that's why I said he wasn't George Clooney, man. That was my example. Right, but that's just his aunt was a singer. Or was his mom or his aunt?

Yeah, I guess. What does it take to be a Nepo baby? Like, how deep does your parent have to be in the industry to be like, if my mom did puppet shows, would you be like, oh, Blake's mom was in the business? If you became a puppeteer. Yeah, I'd be like, well, dude, he grew up around puppets. Yeah. Well, OK. But in the case of like George Clooney, she has to give you a job. See, but the number George Clooney's mom is a or grandma is a singer. Right. But he is in acting.

but you're saying he's a Nepo baby. I think she might have done some acting too. Okay. Let's fucking get him. But the Nepo baby thing is stupid because you wouldn't call someone. Dude, I'm sorry. His dad was the former president of Columbia Records Black Music Division. Okay. And former senior vice president of Columbia Records Group. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. But he's not a singer. But...

So, okay. Well, it's probably a layup. Yeah. That's called a layup. So that's called a layup. If you're a director and your kid's an actor, that's not a Nepo situation. That's, that's called a layup, dude. Don't worry about that. Yeah. I'm just saying Nepo baby. Even the term is fucking stupid. You have to be the exact same. No, here, let me talk. Of course. But we all know what it means. Sure. Sure. I,

I'm just saying it's dumb because if your dad is a plumber and he runs a plumbing business and then you decide to get in the plumbing business because your dad was in the plumbing business, no one is going to call you a nepo, baby. Mm-hmm.

You know what I mean? I'm not defending Nepo, baby. I'm just saying that it is what it is. Sure. I'm just saying I don't understand why we would even say that. It's kind of a dirty word at this point. It's a dirty word. You know who's going to call you... But this is... But Adam...

I would argue that you're wrong because let's say the dad has a plumbing business, right? Sure. And he's interviewing plumbers. And instead of giving the job to somebody who's been working as a plumber for years, that's probably more qualified, the dad goes, I'm going to hire my son on the team. And he has no experience. That's life. But that's every job ever. I know. I know. But dude, I'm not saying I...

an anti-Nepo baby or that it's not a crazy concept. I'm saying that the person who... You're saying who's going to call him a Nepo baby? The person that interviewed for the job that's more qualified that goes, he gave it to his son. He's a fucking Nepo baby. Not to use that term as if it's a real term, but like,

You're going to go, that's fucking bullshit. I'm a better plumber than that person. I should have gotten that job. Sure. It's kind of a delicate balance. I understand what you're saying. I just think the term Nepo Baby is stupid because in any business across any business, that happens. Yeah, it's who you know. I don't disagree with you. I think it's been a fun little thing to say, a nice little hashtag. Yeah.

I don't think you can take people down for it. I agree with you.

But to ignore the fact that it's real is different. Well, for sure. I mean, yeah. Oh, it's definitely real. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's definitely real. It's real, mate. And all I'm saying is Jermaine Dupri. For his dad to be a record executive and for you to be like, well, he's not a rapper. Well, what kind of mean thing can we say about really beautiful people? You know? Because they piss me off more than Nepo babies. Like good genes. Do you mean like genetic lottery babies? Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, so fuck them. Fuck your hot mom and dad. Oh, there is a thing. Pretty privilege. Ooh, pretty privilege. I hate pretty privilege. Where'd you get that from? In the chat. That's what Becca just said. Yeah, Becca just said it's pretty. It's called pretty privilege. You're a pretty boy. I think being ugly is way cooler than being pretty. Being ugly is such a... You would have to. Points!

Burn! Oh, yeah. Epic burn. No way, man. State your case. I'll state the other side. Well, because obviously everybody's heard it. It's a tale as old as time when you're ugly as fuck like me with his snotty nose. No, Blake. You have to develop a sense of humor, man. By the way, a snotty nose isn't why you're ugly. Go ahead.

Fuck off, mate. Don't blow your nose. Blake, by the way, no one thinks you're ugly. Everyone's super, super excited about those tasteful nudes that I put on my Instagram story of you in your Calvin Klein's looking real good. Wasn't my body. That was your exact body. No, but it looked good. I was like, he's got to cut the hair. It looks good. And if you cut your hair, thinking about it, your body doesn't look that similar. Dissimilar. Dissimilar.

Nope. Nope. Don't interrupt him. I'm sorry. Your body doesn't look that dissimilar. Yes. Different.

Different? I know words. Just say the word you know. Different from what that would be. From what a Jeremy Allen White. Your body looks very similar. Your body looks very similar. Dumb boy. I've thought harder more recently than ever about cutting my hair. But it means more than just, I just like having long hair. It speaks to my spirit. I like having it.

If I can keep it, then what do we care? Well, what I'll say, though. Okay, what's cool about being ugly? Can we get back to having fun? Which, you know, whether you consider me an ugly person or not, I've always kind of had a bad self-image. It requires you to develop skills beyond your looks. You develop a personality. It's important. You have interests. We all think we look like mutants.

I'm obsessed with my neck fat. You know, Ders is just an ugly piece of shit. Ders, tell us how ugly you are. I got these tits I can't shake. Yeah, Ders has these big old titties that he can't shake. Oh, you can shake them, baby. Oh, you can definitely shake them. Hello. Give me some freaking...

Yes, Blunt! And dude, you're not ugly. Everyone thought your Calvin Klein commercial that you did on that rooftop that I released the photos of, you looked fantastic. And by the way, your body looks exactly like his. You would look exactly like him if you cut your hair. Okay, fair enough. Which brings me to the reason your personality is not that great. Yeah.

You're not that ugly. Yeah, you're not even that ugly. Which explains why you're not that fun, cool, interesting. Yeah, I just have comic books that I try to show people. I don't have a personality, really. Yeah, that's your personality. Hey, look at these cool things I've gathered over time. Yeah, you're a hermit. My whole personality is just talking about my ailments at this point. Yeah.

It used to be talking about his big ass. You're basically an 80-year-old man. When you sit down with a grandpa and he's like, I don't know, man. My back hurts. My ass hurts. My elbow hurts. I can't smell. I can't see. How do we explain these people, these fabulous-looking people with interesting interests and personalities and curiosity? What the fuck happened there? They were just raised? Did they have an ugly mom and a hot dad or vice versa? Are you saying Drake...

Are you saying like Drake, how he's like good looking, can rap and has a huge wrangler? I don't think Drake is that. I don't think Drake is outstandingly attractive. I think he's gotten hot and over hotter over years. I think it ebbs and flows. But yeah. Well, yeah. Money does that to a person. You're able to afford that. I think he's nice looking, but he's not hot.

Yeah, no, he's not like... I think he's pretty hot. Dude, if he wasn't famous, you wouldn't crash your car staring at this man, you know? Right. Like Brad Pitt, and we're all heterosexual men here, but if we saw Brad Pitt and Brad Pitt wasn't famous...

And he wasn't famous. And we just saw him at a grocery store or something. Yeah. We would all kind of stare at that guy. Kind of. I feel like those people, we should be more upset at them than...

Nepo babies. Is Brad Pitt, he's your hottest guy? He's your showstopper? Brad Pitt? Yeah. That's a good one. Hang your hat on? Sure. But what I'm talking about is, is he also interesting? I know he's into architecture, but I feel like that's just a rich person thing. Where you're like, yeah, I build houses. It's like, well, nice. Because you can afford to. All of a sudden, I care about that. Whereas, I'm trying to think of somebody who's fabulously handsome or beautiful that also...

I don't know, Clooney. He's also like speaking in front of Congress about stuff and like, yeah, you agree or disagree with his, his stances on things, but you think his brain is sexy too. Yeah. That Nepo baby's pretty fucking cool. Yeah. Yeah. He's pretty cool. I'd like to twist his nips. I got to see how ugly his mom is, dude. Cause that might've made him cool. I think she was hot, babe.

She was probably really beautiful. Was it mom or aunt? I don't know. Yeah. They're probably all really beautiful people. The beauty of this podcast is we don't know. But we're, you know, Chloe and I are going to have a baby any second now. And I'm really hoping like. So you say. I feel like it's been two years. I know, dude. I tell you. Oh, you're so close. It's crazy. By the time people listen to this podcast, you're going to be a dad. I'll already have the baby. I say congrats first. You never have.

You want to level up the gene pool a little. I feel like Chloe's really leveling up our gene pool quite a bit. Yeah, she's way hotter than you. I didn't want to say it. Way hotter, way smarter. Oh, my God. We're pretty excited about that. The fact she's with you is fucking bizarre. Dude, I'm telling you. The whole Divine family is very stoked. Very stoked. They're like, oh, alright.

Yeah, they're like, holy shit, bro. Confused is also a descriptor. She likes workaholics or what got her? There's no way to tell, honestly. It's cool. You're going to walk in on her with Rumpelstiltskin. She lost a bet with him.

Yeah. Stupid. Who is that? That's not Rumpelstiltskin. Fuck. Can you remind us? It's been a while since I've read the tale of Rumpelstiltskin. What the fuck did Rumpelstiltskin do? Please tell us. It's a weird thing where this dad of this farmer lied to the prince about how his daughter could spin gold. So he's like, oh yeah, let's bring her to my place.

She's like, I can't spin a goal. What the fuck is my dad doing? This is crazy. And he's like, if you can't spin it, I'm going to murder you in the morning. And your dad or some shit. I've got to spin it. Spin that goal. Oh, Rumpelstiltskin says that. I'm going to kill you and your dad. No, no, no, no, no. The prince. The prince. No, no. Hang on. The prince, Blake. The prince is abusive? Yes. Yes. Oh, I don't like this. Yes. It's like Game of Thrones. Prince is...

Rule willy nilly. Yeah. I don't like this prince. It's like Joffrey. Imagine he's like Joffrey. Yes. OK. And he's like, OK, you're hot, but you can spin gold out of thread like out of hay or something. So then she's crying because she's going to die. And then Rumpelstiltskin shows up and he's like, I can do it for you, but you got to give me some jewelry. So she's like, OK, cool. Then again, the next day he's like, I need more. This is amazing. And then Rumpelstiltskin comes back. He's like, OK, I'll do it for like that necklace you got on.

And she's like, cool. What's a necklace? No, what is the necklace? Just let me get through this. There's no joke opportunities. Let me just get through this and we can move on. Who cares? Yeah, Durz, really just fucking power through this Rumpelstiltskin. Let's not add anything. Just everyone sit around the fire and listen to the tale of Rumpelstiltskin with no one else talking. Yes, please. On the third? No, I'm just trying to get through it. Just trying to get through it. Just trying to get through it. Please, let's hear it.

I know everyone out there knows. I don't have to explain it. And then what happens? On the third night, she's out of jewelry. So he goes, I'll take your firstborn. And she's like, okay. And then the prince marries her. Firstborn comes a year or so later and dude shows up and he's like, I'm here for the baby. And she's like, please don't take it. And he goes, if you can guess my name in three days, you get to keep the baby. So what I'm saying is Chloe...

is this princess and Rumpelstiltskin's coming and being like remember how I made you marry it's not a perfect allegory yeah that was a long road any take backs apologies I'm sorry Blake doesn't know the story of Rumpelstiltskin and

I'm sorry. He doesn't tell children's tales to his children. He doesn't read to his children. And that was another episode of... Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. Hang on. on

Oh, wait, I want to give a shout out because you may have noticed my cool crochet hat. I didn't want to mention it. Nope. Didn't notice. Yeah. Just kind of another day, another dollar. But let's take this long ass moment. It's not longer than what is it? What is that? No one can see this. Crochet with Amy. Shout out to crochet with Amy. You're holding something up for a podcast. People listening to and not saying anything. So that's she made it for you. Crochet with Amy. Is that?

Yeah, she's really sweet of her. Normally, we get a lot of DMs. I'm like, but I'm a sucker for crochet. Crochet with Amy. Shout out for giving me this knitted cap. Yeah, big shout out. Yeah, okay. Thank you. So I just want to give her a shout out. Sick. I would like to shout out stiff person syndrome. Sure. You know, it's...

to get more eyes and ears on it so we can find a cure for this disease because I want to hear my heart will go on one more time from my girl. That shit's important. And to the Swifties...

you know, to defend Taylor, I'm sure it was a real whirlwind being up there. And, you know, she's caught up in the moment. And this is all kind of new and exciting for her. He's shaking his head. Why would I do that? That's crazy. Adam, don't do that. Rumpelstiltskin. Can't wait to hear the album. Was another episode of This is Important! This is Important!

Oh my God. Brought to you by ZOA Energy and Lazarus Naturals. Hear that? Pumpkin. That's fall calling. And the pumpkin spice latte is back at Starbucks. From that first sweater to late autumn weather. It's all a fall in just one sip. Order ahead on the Starbucks app.

That's F.

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