Patty Cooper Liverance:人们对不喝酒的人感到不舒服,认为不喝酒的年轻人不正常,除非是康复中的酒瘾患者。这在她的家人和朋友中很常见。
Mike Mahn:他高中时为了融入群体而酗酒,但一次醉酒后昏倒在父亲的车后座的经历让他停止了酗酒。18岁时体检发现肝功能指标异常,医生建议他戒酒,这让他彻底戒掉了酒。他认为现在美国有36%的成年人完全不饮酒,这很常见,但他年轻时曾因不喝酒而被误认为是威胁。
Angela Duckworth:她理解人们在社交场合喝酒的原因,但她自己不喝酒,这并没有影响她的社交生活。她认为许多宗教,如摩门教、基督教科学派、基督复临安息日会和耶和华见证人等,都禁止或限制饮酒。许多宗教都有健康戒律,例如摩门教的健康戒律包括不饮酒、不喝咖啡和茶以及少吃肉。宗教戒律既有个人益处(例如避免肝硬化),也有社会益处(例如避免酒驾)。她认为饮酒是一种社交活动,人们更倾向于与他人一起喝酒,这可能解释了为什么人们对不喝酒的人感到不舒服。人们有强烈的归属感需求,不喝酒可能会让人感觉被边缘化或排斥。酒精可以作为社交润滑剂,帮助人们更容易地进行社交互动。一项研究表明,在社交焦虑的情况下,酒精可以缓解焦虑,使社交互动更容易。人们喝酒的主要原因是应对压力和社会影响,包括社交活动、同伴压力和作为社交润滑剂。她在一次紧张的采访前,第一次理解了人们下班后喝酒放松的原因。喝酒可以缓解焦虑和压力,这与作为社交润滑剂的作用不同。近些年来,18-25岁人群的酗酒率有所下降,这可能是由于人们对酗酒风险的认识提高、健康生活方式的流行以及大麻的普及。饮酒是一种古老的文化习俗,其流行程度会随着文化和社会因素而变化。人们应该互相尊重,无论他们是否饮酒。她通过与Carol Dweck的对话,意识到自己不必为了迎合他人而喝酒。她决定尝试新的体验,即使她不喜欢,就像她尝试跳伞一样。
Mike Mahn: He stopped drinking after a negative experience of passing out drunk in his dad's car. A liver function test at age 18 and doctor's recommendation further solidified his decision to quit. He also notes the high percentage of non-drinkers in the US and reflects on past experiences where he was perceived as threatening for not drinking.
Angela Duckworth: She understands the social aspects of drinking but chooses not to drink herself. She discusses religious traditions that prohibit or restrict alcohol consumption and the health benefits of abstinence. She explains that drinking is a social activity and the pressure to conform can lead to discomfort for non-drinkers. She cites research on social anxiety and alcohol's role as a social lubricant. She shares a personal experience that helped her understand why people drink to unwind after stressful situations. She notes the recent decline in binge drinking among young adults and attributes it to increased awareness of risks, health trends, and the rise of cannabis use. She emphasizes the cultural aspects of drinking and the importance of mutual respect regardless of drinking habits. She shares a conversation with Carol Dweck that helped her accept her choice not to drink. She compares her choice to trying skydiving, emphasizing the importance of personal experience and self-acceptance.
Patty Cooper Liverance questions why people are uncomfortable with non-drinkers, noting that her family has successful lives without alcohol and wonders why non-drinkers are often seen as abnormal.