cover of episode 301: What if you were pulled into the abyss?

301: What if you were pulled into the abyss?

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This Is Actually Happening

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Harvey Miller
Harvey Miller: 我在夏威夷浮潜时遭遇鲨鱼袭击,被鲨鱼咬伤腿部。在被袭击的过程中,我感到极度的恐惧和孤独,仿佛与世界隔绝,甚至对自己的信仰产生了动摇。我努力求生,但体力不支,濒临绝望。幸运的是,一位名叫Ray的男士及时出现并救了我,这让我重燃希望,并最终成功获救。这次经历让我重新审视自己的人生、家庭和信仰,也让我对男子气概有了新的理解。我不再认为男人必须坚强、独立,而是可以表达情感,寻求爱与支持。我学会了珍惜与家人的关系,并更加积极地面对生活。在康复过程中,我参加了马拉松比赛,以此克服身体和心理上的创伤,并最终实现了在鲨鱼袭击十周年之际,与鲨鱼在开放水域进行无笼潜水,这象征着我战胜恐惧,重新拥抱海洋。 旁白: 本期节目讲述了Harvey Miller在夏威夷遭遇鲨鱼袭击的真实经历,以及他在这次生死攸关的经历中所展现出的勇气、韧性和对生命的热爱。Harvey Miller的故事不仅是一次惊险的求生记,更是一次深刻的自我反思和心灵成长之旅。他直面恐惧,战胜自我,最终在亲情、友情和信仰的支持下,重新找回了生活的意义和方向。

Deep Dive

Harvey Miller recounts his terrifying encounter with a shark while snorkeling in Hawaii, the physical and emotional recovery, and how the experience reshaped his perspective on life and relationships.

Shownotes Transcript

Growing up with a solid Midwestern childhood, and man discovers the wonders of the Hawaiian ocean, when one day a terrifying encounter changes everything. 

Today’s episode featured Harvey Miller. You can find out more about Harvey on Instagram @mrsharkb8, on TikTok @harveymiller26, or you can contact him over email at [email protected])

**Producers: **Whit Missildine, Andrew Waits, Jason Blalock

**Content/Trigger Warnings: **death, car accident, near-death, shark attack, explicit language


Social Media: 

Instagram: @actuallyhappening

Twitter: @TIAHPodcast


**Website for Andrew Waits: **

**Website for Jason Blalock: **

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**Wondery Plus: All episodes of the show prior to episode #130 are now part of the Wondery Plus premium service. *To access the full *catalog of episodes, and get all episodes ad free, sign up for Wondery Plus at


Shop at the Store: The This Is Actually Happening online store is now officially open. Follow this link: to access branded t-shirts, posters, stickers and more from the shop. 

**Transcripts: **Full transcripts of each episode are now available on the website,

Intro Music: "Illabye" – Tipper

**Music Bed: **“Re-Entry” – Lee Rosevere



If you or someone you know is struggling with the effects of trauma or mental illness, please refer to the following resources:

**National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: **Text or Call 988 

National Alliance on Mental Illness: 1-800-950-6264

National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN): 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

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