cover of episode 296: What if you were haunted by the living and the dead?

296: What if you were haunted by the living and the dead?

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This Is Actually Happening

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
讲述者:讲述者从童年时期就遭受欺凌,这导致了她极度缺乏安全感,并最终陷入一段充满控制和暴力的恋爱关系中。在与施暴者Jack分手后,她仍然遭受着Jack的追踪和骚扰,甚至经历了被绑架的危险。之后,她和朋友搬到一栋新房子,却遭遇了更加恐怖的超自然现象,这让她身心俱疲,最终通过心理治疗和家人的帮助才逐渐走出阴影。 Jack:Jack是一个具有暴力倾向的人,他控制欲极强,对讲述者实施了身体和精神上的虐待,并试图绑架她。他利用法律漏洞逃脱了惩罚,给讲述者带来了巨大的心理创伤。 朋友们:讲述者的朋友们在整个过程中给予了她极大的支持和帮助,她们一起面对了Jack的威胁和超自然现象的恐惧,并最终帮助讲述者搬离了那栋房子。 警长:警长在讲述者报警后,调查了Jack的犯罪记录,并警告讲述者Jack的危险性。但由于法律程序和律师的策略,Jack最终没有受到应有的惩罚。 房东:房东隐瞒了房子里的超自然现象,给讲述者和朋友们带来了巨大的困扰。 Adam:Adam是讲述者的男友,也是她重要的精神支柱。在讲述者遭受Jack的威胁和超自然现象的困扰时,他一直陪伴在讲述者身边,给予她安慰和支持。 Rebecca:Rebecca是讲述者的室友,她也经历了房子里的超自然现象,并因此产生了严重的心理问题。 Lane:Lane是讲述者的朋友,搬进新房子后,她的男友变得具有攻击性和控制欲。 Amber:Amber是讲述者的室友,起初她对超自然现象持怀疑态度,但在亲身经历后,她最终相信了房子里存在某种超自然力量。 Ed:Ed是Adam的父亲,他是一位俄罗斯东正教的执事,在了解了讲述者的情况后,他为讲述者和她的朋友们进行了驱魔仪式,并给予了他们精神上的安慰和支持。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Bullied from a young age, a woman’s insecurities lead her to a highly toxic relationship she can’t shake, but when she moves into a new life, an even greater threat lurks.

**Producers: **Whit Missildine, Andrew Waits, Aviva Lipkowitz

Content/Trigger Warnings:  bullying, stalking, domestic violence, graphic bodily injury, PTSD, explicit language


Social Media: 

Instagram: @actuallyhappening

Twitter: @TIAHPodcast


**Website for Andrew Waits: **

Website for Aviva Lipkowitz: 


**Support the Show: **Support The Show on Patreon:

**Wondery Plus: All episodes of the show prior to episode #130 are now part of the Wondery Plus premium service. *To access the full *catalog of episodes, and get all episodes ad free, sign up for Wondery Plus at


Shop at the Store: The This Is Actually Happening online store is now officially open. Follow this link: to access branded t-shirts, posters, stickers and more from the shop. 

**Transcripts: **Full transcripts of each episode are now available on the website,

Intro Music: ""Re-Entry" – Lee Rosevere

**Music Bed: **Ambient Themes by Nigel Coutinho



If you or someone you know is struggling with the effects of trauma or mental illness, please refer to the following resources:

**National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: **Text or Call 988 

National Alliance on Mental Illness: 1-800-950-6264

National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN): 1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

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