cover of episode War in Gaza, Ukraine & Space, plus Biden vs. Trump with David Ignatius

War in Gaza, Ukraine & Space, plus Biden vs. Trump with David Ignatius

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On with Kara Swisher

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David Ignatius
Kara Swisher
David Ignatius: 本书探讨了对GPS卫星的威胁,以及一个俄罗斯科学家向CIA泄露中俄联合研发的GPS“关闭开关”技术的故事。他还谈到了中国在卫星技术领域的崛起,以及其潜在的威胁。在国内政治方面,他认为拜登总统不应该寻求连任,但他不会收回自己的观点。他还讨论了特朗普总统的弱点以及美国面临的挑战。在加沙战争问题上,他认为内塔尼亚胡在加沙战争中的最大错误是缺乏对战争结束后的规划。他还谈到了解决加沙冲突的方案,包括以色列更换领导层、建立新的安全部队以及为巴勒斯坦建国铺平道路。在乌克兰战争问题上,他认为乌克兰应该在今年巩固防线,为明年的反攻做准备。他还谈到了他下一部小说的主题是中美情报战。 Kara Swisher: 她与David Ignatius讨论了他的新书《幽灵轨道》,以及对加沙战争、乌克兰战争和太空竞赛的看法,以及对拜登和特朗普总统选举的分析。她还谈到了美国对中国和俄罗斯的依赖以及由此带来的风险。 Jen Psaki: 她提出了关于内塔尼亚胡和以色列军方下一步行动的影响的问题,以及他们能否根除哈马斯的问题。

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David Ignatius, Kara Swisher's former boss, played a pivotal role in her early career by assigning her to cover the internet, which was a nascent but rapidly growing industry at the time.

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David Ignatius, a foreign affairs columnist for The Washington Post and the author of twelve novels, is also a noted expert on Middle East politics, one of the preeminent national security writers in the country, and perhaps, most importantly — the person who first assigned Kara Swisher to cover tech news. 

Kara talks to her old boss about his new spy thriller, The Phantom Orbit, the upcoming presidential election, the war in Gaza, and the war in Ukraine. 

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