cover of episode Useful Idiots? How Right-Wing Influencers Got $ to Spread Russian Propaganda

Useful Idiots? How Right-Wing Influencers Got $ to Spread Russian Propaganda

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On with Kara Swisher

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alex Stamos
Brandy Zadrozny
Julia Davis
Kris Swisher
Kris Swisher: 我是克里斯·斯威舍,本期节目讨论美国司法部公布的起诉书,该起诉书详细说明了俄罗斯针对即将到来的美国大选的非法影响行动,其中包括俄罗斯媒体RT的员工向田纳西州的一家媒体公司Tenet Media输送了近千万美元,用于资助右翼视频创作者制作有利于特朗普并推动克里姆林宫在乌克兰议程的视频,以及俄罗斯同时开展了名为“双胞胎”(Double Ganger)的影响行动,创建虚假新闻网站散布虚假信息。 Brandy Zadrozny: 美国政府指控俄罗斯RT的员工资助了一项计划,向多位美国右翼视频创作者支付了近千万美元,这些视频创作者包括Benny Johnson、Dave Rubin和Tim Pool等知名人士。Tenet Media由Lauren Chen创立,她也是一名右翼YouTube创作者,负责将俄罗斯RT员工的指示传达给这些视频创作者。美国司法部查封了一批网站,这些网站被俄罗斯公司用来发布虚假新闻和宣传。俄罗斯的目标是让特朗普当选,并通过传播特定叙事来实现这一目标,这些叙事包括:犯罪猖獗、移民很糟糕、LGBTQ人群很糟糕、有色人种伤害白人等。 Julia Davis: 俄罗斯的目标是让特朗普当选,因为他们认为这将有利于俄罗斯在乌克兰的利益。俄罗斯的目标是影响美国公众舆论,从而影响政治家的决策。俄罗斯媒体公开吹嘘其在传播虚假信息方面的成功,其目标不仅仅是影响美国对俄罗斯的看法,更是加剧美国国内的分裂,最终目标是引发美国内战,从而削弱美国的影响力,甚至希望美国陷入内乱,使其成为一个地区性大国。 Alex Stamos: 与2016年相比,俄罗斯的宣传活动现在更加集中,直接由克里姆林宫控制。俄罗斯正在尝试各种方法将信息传播到美国媒体,并且愿意为此投入数千万美元。俄罗斯愿意为此次宣传活动投入大量资金,因为这被视为一项战略目标。俄罗斯对乌克兰的宣传活动与2016年的活动不同,它是一个长期战略计划,目标是影响美国对乌克兰战争的立场。俄罗斯的目标是通过影响美国公众舆论,阻止美国对乌克兰的支持,并促使特朗普当选。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

Last week, the Department of Justice announced major indictments alleging that, among other things, the Kremlin was paying right-wing influencers, like Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, and Benny Johnson, to spread Russian propaganda. The payments were funneled through a Tennessee-based company called Tenet Media, and while Rubin, Pool, and Johnson deny knowledge of the plot ... they don’t seem to have asked too many questions about the mysterious benefactor who was supposedly funding Tenet and paying them unseemly large amounts of money.

Unfortunately, this is only the latest in a string of foreign influence campaigns coming from Russia, China and Iran that target American elections. To break down all the news, Kara is joined by Julia Davis, Alex Stamos, and Brandy Zadrozny. Julia is a columnist for the Daily Beast, an investigative reporter, and the creator of the Russian Media Monitor; Alex is the chief information security officer at SentinelOne, the founder of the Stanford Internet Observatory, and a former chief security officer at Facebook; and Brandy is senior reporter at NBC News who covers the Internet, especially politics, tech, and extremism. 

Questions? Comments? Email us at [email protected] or find Kara on Instagram/Threads as @karaswisher

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