cover of episode Tracy Chapman's Timeless Earworms

Tracy Chapman's Timeless Earworms

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On with Kara Swisher

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Estelle Caswell
Kara Swisher
Lydia Polgreen
Maura Johnston
Kara Swisher:崔西·查普曼的首张专辑在发行35年后重回排行榜榜首,这很大程度上归功于她在格莱美颁奖典礼上与卢克·康姆斯合作演唱的《Fast Car》。专辑充满了关于向上流动性、社会不公和种族紧张关系的歌曲,创作于里根时代末期,这使其在当下具有特别的意义。 Lydia Polgreen:崔西·查普曼的专辑让她想起了20世纪80年代,当时她正值20多岁,并面临着里根政府时期同性恋者所面临的困境。专辑反映了80年代末期人们普遍感受到的经济困境、机会减少以及被困住的感觉,这与专辑中表达的社会、种族和个人困境相呼应。 Maura Johnston:崔西·查普曼专辑的简洁风格与80年代后期流行的华丽音乐形成对比,突出了歌词的深刻含义。专辑中关于奋斗、对美好世界的渴望以及对革命的讨论等永恒主题,在多年后依然引起共鸣。 Estelle Caswell:即使在孩童时期,崔西·查普曼独特的嗓音和歌曲的温暖感就已深深吸引了她,即使她当时并不理解歌词的含义。长期以来,黑人艺术家对乡村音乐有着巨大的影响,但却常常被忽视,崔西·查普曼获奖是这一现象的体现。美国音乐史上有长期以来存在着对黑人艺术家艺术成就的忽视和挪用现象,崔西·查普曼的成功具有重要的意义。专辑中“战斗或逃跑”的主题在当代社会仍然引起共鸣,因为许多人感到对自身生活缺乏控制感。TikTok等平台为独立音乐人提供了直接与观众沟通的机会,这与崔西·查普曼早期在咖啡馆表演的经历类似。

Deep Dive

The panel discusses their personal connections to Tracy Chapman's debut album and why it resonates with them and a new generation.

Shownotes Transcript

More than 35 years after its release, Tracy Chapman’s eponymous debut album – and the single Fast Car – hit #1 on the charts last week, fueled by her performance with country star Luke Combs at the Grammy Awards). Kara speaks with Lydia Polgreen of the New York Times’ Matter of Opinion) podcast, music reporter Maura Johnston), and Estelle Caswell, formerly of Vox Pop Earworm), about why an album written at the end of the Reagan era, full of songs about social injustice, racial tensions and striving for upward mobility, has struck a chord with Gen Z audiences. Plus: they talk about the changing music industry and another surprise Grammy comeback: the legendary Joni Mitchell). 

You can watch the original performances on the Grammy Awards) website. Other questions? Comments? Email us at [email protected] or find us on social media. We’re on Instagram/Threads as @karaswisher and @nayeemaraza

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