cover of episode Too Old or Still Relevant? NATO at 75 with Ambassador Julianne Smith

Too Old or Still Relevant? NATO at 75 with Ambassador Julianne Smith

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On with Kara Swisher

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Julianne Smith
Julianne Smith: 本次访谈主要围绕北约面临的挑战、乌克兰问题、对华关系、以及应对潜在的特朗普政府等议题展开。她强调了俄罗斯对乌克兰的侵略是北约面临的首要威胁,并指出中国与俄罗斯之间日益加深的合作关系也构成重大挑战。她还谈到了北约盟国增加国防开支的努力,以及北约为加强自身防御能力所做的努力。此外,她还回应了有关乌克兰加入北约、以及美国对乌克兰援助等问题。最后,她还谈到了北约在网络安全、气候安全和人工智能等新兴领域所做的努力,以及北约与其他国家(如日本和韩国)建立伙伴关系的重要性。 Alex Vindman: Vindman 提出了一个关键问题:鉴于当前地缘政治环境的严峻性,北约能否有效阻止欧洲爆发大规模战争?他强调了加强北约自身防御能力、以及吸纳受威胁国家加入联盟的重要性。 Donald Trump: 特朗普曾多次威胁要让美国退出北约,并批评北约盟国没有为自身国防做出足够的贡献。他的言论在北约盟国中引发了担忧,并被认为是对北约团结和安全构成的威胁。

Deep Dive

NATO is heavily focused on Russia and the war in Ukraine, but also recognizes China as a significant threat due to its activities in the Euro-Atlantic area and its relationship with Moscow.

Shownotes Transcript

The Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization was formed 75 years ago to protect Europe and North America against Russian aggression – a mission that is once again top priority, as NATO supports Ukraine’s battle against President Vladimir Putin. Ahead of the NATO summit and anniversary celebration in D.C. this week, Kara sits down with US Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith to talk about the war and Ukraine’s prospective membership in NATO, why the alliance is increasingly looking for partners in Asia and Africa, what members are saying about former president Donald Trump’s threats to quit the team, and how cybersecurity, climate security and AI will play a greater role in the years ahead.

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