cover of episode Mitrice Richardson Part 2

Mitrice Richardson Part 2

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Voices for Justice

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Dr. Ronda Hampton
Sarah Turney
Sarah Turney: 本集回顾了Mitrice Richardson失踪案的调查过程,包括警方搜寻、家属质疑以及后续调查结果。警方最初的调查存在诸多疏漏,例如没有及时进行心理评估,导致Mitrice在深夜被释放后失踪。此后,警方展开搜寻,但地面搜查无果,也没有进行第二天的搜查。Mitrice的案子被重新分配到洛杉矶警察局的抢劫凶杀部门,但并非因为被认为是凶杀案。Mitrice的家人对调查和Lost Hills部门整体工作表示担忧,质疑Mitrice为何在深夜被释放,以及为何没有进行心理评估。警方在Mitrice的汽车中发现了警方的报告中没有记录的物品,例如ATM卡、支票簿和手机。Mitrice的日记显示她睡眠不足长达五天,并且可能在被捕当晚经历了躁郁症发作。Mitrice的家人在新闻发布会上呼吁公众帮助寻找Mitrice,并批评警方的处理方式。Mitrice的母亲试图查看逮捕报告,但被拒绝。Mitrice的父母获得了逮捕报告,但他们认为报告被篡改,并且存在不一致之处,例如报告中说Mitrice没有纹身,但实际上她有两个纹身。Lost Hills部门坚持他们没有做错任何事,Mitrice在监狱里没有表现出任何精神障碍的迹象。警长Baca的报告认为Lost Hills部门遵守了现行政策和程序,Mitrice没有犯罪记录或逮捕令,在凌晨12点30分没有法律依据继续拘留她。Baca解释说,Mitrice被提供机会在私人牢房里睡觉直到早上,但她自己离开了。Baca解释说,患有精神疾病的人的处理方式因人而异,Mitrice在登记时填写了表格,否认有任何医疗或心理问题,因此监狱看守不知道她有任何精神健康问题。Mitrice的父亲认为Malibu Lost Hills警局的某人与他女儿的失踪有关。最终,Mitrice的遗骸在偏远地区被发现,警方在未经验尸官许可的情况下移动了遗骸,引发了诸多争议。验尸结果无法确定死因,警方提出的几种理论也无法解释所有细节。法医人类学家Clea Koff检查了Mitrice的遗骸,发现她的左臂呈紧握状,这可能是人为造成的。Clea认为Mitrice的左臂是被固定住的,这表明她可能在另一个环境中进行了木乃伊化。Clea发现Mitrice的衣服上没有人体组织,这表明她的衣服是在木乃伊化或腐烂开始之前脱掉的。Clea指出,许多证据没有经过检测,例如Mitrice头发、金属碎片、耳环、阴毛和衣物。Clea发现Mitrice的衣物被塞在她的尸袋里,并且一些关键证据没有经过检测,例如昆虫壳和土壤。Clea指出,Mitrice的头骨没有进行颅骨切开术以寻找外伤的证据,并且她的舌骨也没有被发现。Clea注意到Mitrice的牙齿略带粉红色,这可能是勒死的迹象。Mitrice的母亲认为Mitrice可能遭到性侵犯,并且对调查缺乏刑事分析感到担忧。警长Baca表示对验尸官缺乏敏感性感到失望,并表示Mitrice的死应该从一开始就被视为可能的凶杀案。Mitrice的家人仍在争取正义,他们希望对Mitrice被捕和释放的处理方式进行调查,并希望警方能够认真调查Mitrice的案件。 Dr. Ronda Hampton: 从专业角度分析了Mitrice案中警方处理方式的错误,强调警方没有资格进行5150评估,他们的职责只是推荐。她指出,医院有时不得不释放由执法人员送来的病人,即使他们不希望这样做,因为他们必须遵守法律。医院会尽力在病人被释放前联系家人,进行药物治疗或安排交通工具。她认为,如果Mitrice被送往医院,她可能会接受评估和治疗,并由家人带回家,而不是被释放到街上。她对警方隐瞒案件细节表示担忧,并强调Mitrice的舌骨没有被发现。她认为有人杀害了Mitrice,无论凶手是谁,都应该被绳之以法,并呼吁继续传播Mitrice的故事,以帮助解决此案。

Deep Dive

Mitrice Richardson was arrested and released without her belongings after exhibiting strange behavior at a restaurant, leading to concerns about the handling of her mental health crisis.

Shownotes Transcript

In the summer of 2009, 24-year-old Mitrice Richardson was living in Los Angeles, California. She had recently graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a degree in psychology and was searching for the perfect doctorate program to continue her studies and pursue her dream of becoming a psychologist.

On the night of September 16, she went to a restaurant in Malibu, where she began exhibiting some strange behavior. While some people thought maybe Mitrice was drunk or on some type of drug it became apparent that she was actually struggling with her mental health.


Mitrice didn’t pay her bill, but the workers weren’t really concerned about that. They even discussed pulling their money together to help her. They were more concerned that she was obviously going through some type of crisis. So, they called the police, who then made the call that she did not need to be evaluated by a mental health professional. She was instead arrested and taken to jail. Her car was impounded, along with her cell phone and wallet.


A few hours later, at 12:38 a.m., Mitrice was released without any of her belongings, no money, no phone, and no car.


Almost a year later, in August 2010, Mitrice’s remains were located. Since then, the cause of her death has become a major topic of debate for her loved ones, the city, and across true crime. Almost immediately, investigators said no foul play was involved in Mitrice’s death. 


But her loved ones and even certain members of law enforcement have voiced their concerns that the evidence suggests otherwise.


Mitrice’s mentor, Dr. Ronda Hampton, joins us this week to discuss the case in a very candid interview.


Anyone with information is asked to call the Los Angeles Police Department at (213) 486-6900.

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The introduction music used in Voices for Justice is Thread of Clouds by Blue Dot Sessions. Outro music is Melancholic Ending by Soft and Furious. The track used for ad transitions is Pinky by Blue Dot Sessions.

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