cover of episode Jeana Lynn Burrus

Jeana Lynn Burrus

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Voices for Justice

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Claire George Weedmare
Kurt Hoffman
Sarah Turney
Sarah Turney: 本期播客详细讲述了Gina Lynn Burris的失踪案,从2007年发现遗体到2022年身份确认,以及警方对案件的调查和对主要嫌疑人James Burris的调查。案件中存在诸多疑点,例如Gina从未被报失踪,而她的丈夫James Burris也从未报案。警方目前正在寻求公众帮助,希望更多线索能够帮助破案。 Sarah Turney: 案件中,Gina的遗体于2007年2月6日在佛罗里达州萨拉索塔市阿什顿法院的一片树林中被发现,埋在一个浅坑中。法医鉴定显示,Gina死于头部钝器外伤,死亡时间距发现遗体约7-12个月。由于尸体腐烂严重,警方起初未能确认身份,直到2022年11月,通过DNA检测和基因系谱学技术,才确认死者为Gina Lynn Burris。 Sarah Turney: 令人震惊的是,Gina失踪15年,却从未被任何人报失踪。她的家人表示,他们与Gina联系不多,以为她与他们疏远了,并不知道她失踪或死亡。警方将Gina的丈夫James Burris列为主要嫌疑人,因为他从未报案,并且在问话中,他的回答与一个失去爱人的配偶的反应不符。警方已经搜查了Burris夫妇的旧居和James Burris工作过的汽车修理厂,但尚未发现任何证据。 Sarah Turney: 警方目前正在寻求媒体和公众的帮助,希望有人能够提供更多线索,帮助破案。Gina的叔叔也表达了对案件的关注,并希望能够找到真相,为Gina讨回公道。 Claire George Weedmare: Gina的叔叔表示,在2006年他们就联系不上Gina了,之后多次尝试联系Gina的丈夫和家人,但均未成功。 Kurt Hoffman: 萨拉索塔县警长Kurt Hoffman表示,James Burris的回答与一个失去爱人的配偶的反应不符,目前James Burris是案件中唯一的关注对象。

Deep Dive

Gina Lynn Burris was found in a shallow grave in 2007 and remained unidentified until 2022 when DNA testing identified her. Despite being missing for over 15 years, she was never reported missing.

Shownotes Transcript

On February 6, 2007, in a wooded area of Ashton Court in Sarasota, Florida, a 14-year-old found a bone sticking out of the ground. Investigators quickly discovered that a woman had been buried in a shallow grave. Unfortunately, they were not able to identify her. For 15 years, she was known as “The Sarasota County Jane Doe.” That is until November 2022, when investigators partnered with DNA Labs International to identify 39-year-old Jeana Lynn Burrus using DNA testing and Genetic Genealogy.


Pretty soon, they discovered Jeana had never been reported missing.


Now, investigators are asking the media and public to share Jeana’s story in hopes of solving her case.


If you or anyone you know knew Jeana Burrus or James “Jamie” Burrus or lived in or around this area between 2005-2007 and have relevant information, PLEASE reach out to the Sarasota County Sheriff’s Department at 941-861-4900.

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The introduction music used in Voices for Justice is Thread of Clouds by Blue Dot Sessions. Outro music is Melancholic Ending by Soft and Furious. The track used for ad transitions is Pinky by Blue Dot Sessions.

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