cover of episode Evelyn and Alex Hernandez

Evelyn and Alex Hernandez

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Voices for Justice

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Sarah Turney
Sarah Turney: 本集讲述了24岁的Evelyn Hernandez被谋杀和5岁儿子Alex Hernandez失踪的案件。案发当天,Evelyn送Alex去幼儿园,然后跑了一些腿,晚上和姐姐谈论婴儿送礼会。Evelyn怀孕期间经历了很多困难,包括工作上的问题和发现孩子的父亲Herman Aguilera已婚的事实。尽管如此,她仍然在为婴儿送礼会做准备。然而,在和姐姐通话后,她停止接电话,停止送Alex上学。一周后,Aguilera报案称两人失踪。几周后,Evelyn的部分遗体在旧金山湾被发现,她被谋杀了,但Alex和腹中胎儿至今未找到。警方调查了5月1日的事件时间线,包括Evelyn与姐姐通话,送Alex上学,去银行存钱,买钱包等。警方还调查了Evelyn的过去,发现她14岁时从萨尔瓦多移民到美国,就读于旧金山的McAteer高中。高中毕业后生下了儿子Alex。1998年开始与Aguilera约会,Aguilera比她大12岁。在怀孕四个月时发现Aguilera已婚,并决定结束与他的关系。警方推测Evelyn可能自愿离开以逃避Aguilera并生下孩子,但没有找到相关证据。警方找到了Evelyn的新钱包,钱包里还有钱和残疾人支票,这表明抢劫不太可能是作案动机。Aguilera的证词前后矛盾,他的说法不断变化。警方在Evelyn和Alex失踪一个月后才召开新闻发布会,这一决定受到了批评。直到Evelyn的遗体被发现,此案才受到媒体关注。Lacey Peterson失踪案受到了广泛的媒体关注,而Evelyn和Alex的案件却很少被报道,这可能是因为Evelyn的社会经济地位较低,并且来自萨尔瓦多。警方表示他们曾努力争取媒体报道,但媒体没有给予足够的关注。Lacey Peterson的遗体在旧金山湾被发现,她的丈夫Scott被捕。Scott Peterson的辩护律师要求获得Evelyn和Alex案件的警方档案,声称这可能指向Lacey Peterson谋杀案的真正凶手,但这一要求被驳回。Evelyn和Alex的家人召开新闻发布会,寻求公众帮助解决此案。Evelyn的家人描述了Aguilera的性格和行为,并要求警方继续调查他。警方表示没有嫌疑人和线索,但相信Alex可能和母亲遭遇了同样的命运。警方表示他们正在关注Aguilera,但没有足够的证据对他提起诉讼。Evelyn的谋杀案至今未破,Alex和腹中胎儿仍然失踪。警方希望有人能提供线索帮助破案。 Herman Aguilera: Aguilera报案称Evelyn和Alex失踪,声称最后一次见到他们是在大约一周前。他的证词前后矛盾,说法不断变化,警方怀疑他与案件有关。 Olivia: Evelyn失踪前与姐姐Olivia通话,谈论身体不适和肚子疼痛。 Raina: Evelyn的姐姐Raina描述了Aguilera的性格和行为,并要求警方继续调查他。 Holly Perra: 旧金山警局的Holly Perra表示,Evelyn决定结束与Aguilera的关系,这导致了一些摩擦。她还表示,案件移交后,Aguilera拒绝与侦探交谈。

Deep Dive

Evelyn Hernandez, heavily pregnant and due any day, goes missing along with her 5-year-old son, Alex, after a seemingly normal day. The last known activities include dropping off and picking up Alex from preschool and discussing her upcoming baby shower with her sister.

Shownotes Transcript

On May 1st, 2002, 24-year-old Evelyn Hernandez was pregnant with her second son and only a week from her due date. That morning, Evelyn called one of her sisters, then dropped Alex off at pre-school, ran a few errands, picked Alex back up, and ended the night by talking to her other sister about her upcoming baby shower.

it wasn’t an easy pregnancy for Evelyn. She had worked as a vocational nurse, at Costco, and the Clift Hotel in San Francisco’s Union Square but eventually suffered complications with her pregnancy and was on disability by the end of it. On top of that, when she was about four months pregnant, she discovered that the father of her child, 36-year-old Herman Aguilera, was hiding a huge secret from her… he was married to another woman.  

However, Evelyn was somehow juggling all her responsibilities and holding it all together. She was planning for the baby shower and even had a name picked out for the new baby, Fernando. But after Evelyn hangs up with her sister… as Evelyn’s due date approaches… she stops answering phone calls and stops taking Alex to school.

About a week after that phone call with her sister, on May 7th, Evelyn’s due date, Herman Aguilera reported her and Alex missing to the police. Then, just a few weeks later, in July, Evelyn's remains were discovered in the San Francisco Bay. She had been murdered. Unfortunately, her unborn son and Alex have not been found, and the case remains unsolved.

Evelyn and Alex Hernandez were last heard from around 9 p.m. on May 1, 2002, in San Francisco. Evelyn’s partial remains were found on July 24, 2002, in the San Francisco Bay. She was 24 years old when she was murdered and had brown hair and brown eyes. At the time of his disappearance, five-year-old Alexis, or Alex as he was more commonly known, was four feet tall, weighed 45 pounds, and had brown hair, and brown eyes. He may also go by Alex Hernandez-Repollet.


Anyone with information is urged to contact the San Francisco Police Department Cold Case Unit at (415)553-1450.

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The introduction music used in Voices for Justice is Thread of Clouds by Blue Dot Sessions. Outro music is Melancholic Ending by Soft and Furious. The track used for ad transitions is Pinky by Blue Dot Sessions.

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