cover of episode John McCain: Prisoner of War | Greater than Himself | 4

John McCain: Prisoner of War | Greater than Himself | 4

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Against The Odds

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John McCain: 在河内希尔顿监狱的五年半里,麦凯恩经历了非人的折磨和残酷的考验,但他始终保持着坚定的信念和不屈不挠的精神。他拒绝了敌人的诱降,并通过各种方式与外界取得联系,传递信息。在狱中,他与战友们建立了深厚的友谊,互相支持,共同度过难关。他从最初的绝望和痛苦中逐渐找到了希望,并最终战胜了精神和肉体的折磨。他坚信自己能够回家,并为之不断努力。在获释后,他深刻理解了为比自身更大的事业而奋斗的意义,这将指引他未来的生活。 Carol McCain: 作为麦凯恩的妻子,卡罗尔在丈夫被俘期间承受着巨大的精神压力和痛苦。她担心丈夫的安全,并尽力通过各种方式与丈夫保持联系。她经历了车祸,但仍然坚强地支撑着家庭,等待丈夫的归来。丈夫获释的消息让她和孩子们无比喜悦。 Jack McCain: 作为麦凯恩的父亲,海军上将杰克·麦凯恩一直关注着儿子的情况,并积极推动美国政府改变在越南战争中的策略。他希望儿子能够尽快回家,但他理解并尊重儿子为国效力的精神。他为儿子的坚韧和勇气感到无比自豪。 Bob Cranor, Bud Day, and other POWs: 麦凯恩的战友们与他共同经历了在战俘营的苦难,他们互相支持,互相鼓励,共同对抗敌人的压迫。他们之间的友谊在狱中得到了升华,成为彼此的精神支柱。他们一起分享故事,一起开玩笑,一起唱歌,一起等待着回家的那一天。他们共同见证了麦凯恩的精神成长和坚韧不拔的意志。 Fernando Barral: 古巴记者费尔南多试图通过采访麦凯恩来获取反战言论,但麦凯恩拒绝了,这体现了麦凯恩坚定的信念和不屈服的精神。

Deep Dive

John McCain receives a small tin from his wife containing vitamins, baby formula, and candy, which becomes a precious possession. The candy includes a hidden message with a secret communication method, boosting his spirits and connecting him to the outside world.

Shownotes Transcript

After five years in captivity, John McCain and his fellow POWs try to keep their spirits up by finding new ways to hold on. When news comes that the war will soon be over, he must figure out what learnings he wants to bring back to his future life. 

For more reading, we recommend Lessons from the Hanoi Hilton: Six Characteristics of High-Performance Teams)* *by Taylor Baldwin Kiland.

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