cover of episode 🌃 8 Hours of Ultimate Calm (The Podcast Intro Theme) with Nighttime Insect Ambience | Music for Deep Healing REM Sleep 💤

🌃 8 Hours of Ultimate Calm (The Podcast Intro Theme) with Nighttime Insect Ambience | Music for Deep Healing REM Sleep 💤

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8 Hour Sleep Music

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8-Hour Sleep Music播客
8-Hour Sleep Music播客:本期节目介绍了8小时睡眠音乐的会员服务,即8-Hour Sleep Music Premium。该服务提供无广告、无片头曲的完整音频体验,让用户可以享受连续8小时的宁静睡眠音乐,免受广告打扰。此外,Premium会员还可以获得额外的福利,例如每周五的额外奖励节目、时长达12小时的加长版节目,以及Spotify平台上的视频节目。节目鼓励听众点击描述中的链接,免费试用7晚Premium服务,体验无广告、无干扰的优质睡眠音乐。节目旨在帮助那些受失眠和睡眠焦虑等睡眠障碍困扰的人们,通过放松的音乐和自然的声音改善睡眠质量,获得更充足和高质量的休息。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


Welcome to 8-Hour Sleep Music. Peaceful soundscapes to help you fall asleep fast and stay asleep all night. Now before we get started, I wanted to tell you about 8-Hour Sleep Music Premium. With Premium, you can support the show and get completely ad-free and intro-free listening. And get access to the Friday night bonus episode, extended 12-hour episodes, and even video episodes on Spotify.

Click the link in the description to try it out free for seven nights. After the following word from our sponsor, there will be no interruptions for the next eight hours. Thank you for listening and sleep well.

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