Duck Team meets an unlikely ally and embarks on a strange mission! Callie gets swole, Sol gets sneaky, and Calder becomes a tiny king. Support us at to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Get tickets to our upcoming live shows at
Music / Sound Effects Include:
“A Wizard’s Tournament” by Emily Axford.
"Corrupted" by Emily Axford.
"A Humble Shopkeeper" by Emily Axford.
"The Smithy's Hut" by Emily Axford.
"Bear King's Court" by Emily Axford.
"The Mindflayer's Lair" by Emily Axford.
"Sea Beast" by Emily Axford.
"Two for Tea" by Emily Axford.
"Spooky Shafts" by Emily Axford.
"Unknown Tome" by Emily Axford.
"The Inkling Syndicate" by Emily Axford.
"The Gambling District" by Emily Axford.
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