cover of episode Susan Schwarz

Susan Schwarz

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Forensic Tales

AI Deep Dive Transcript
我讲述了Susan Schwarz谋杀案的始末。四十多年前,Susan被发现死在家中,双手被绑,头部中弹。警方最初怀疑是入室抢劫,但由于现场证据不足,这一说法逐渐被否定。调查过程中,警方将目光转向了与受害者关系密切的人,包括她的男友和好友的前夫Greg Johnson。案件一度陷入僵局,直到六年后另一桩类似的谋杀案发生,警方将目光转向了Greg Johnson的同父异母兄弟Sherwood Knight。Sherwood Knight最终因另一桩谋杀案被判终身监禁。在随后的调查中,警方利用冷案扑克牌在监狱中获得线索,Greg Johnson的前女友出面作证,指证Greg Johnson是凶手。最终,Greg Johnson认罪,被判处25年监禁。此案的侦破历时三十余年,展现了警方锲而不舍的精神,也反映了科技进步对案件侦破的重要作用。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript

#269 - Over 40 years ago, Susan Schwarz was found bound and shot to death inside her own Washington home. At first, the police suspected this was somehow a robbery gone wrong. But over the years, that theory fizzled out, and they began looking at someone very close to the victim.

However, without any forensic evidence linking him to the crime, would there be enough evidence to send an accused killer to prison?


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Written and produced by Courtney Fretwell

Rockefeller Audio production

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