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@播音员 :本期节目讲述了1975年发生在加拿大蒙特利尔的莎伦·普莱尔谋杀案。16岁的莎伦在前往比萨店途中失踪,三天后被发现死于附近田野。案件中,莎伦遭受了性侵犯、殴打和窒息。由于当时DNA技术的限制,案件一度陷入僵局。然而,随着科技的进步,警方在2022年利用先进的DNA技术对旧证据进行重新检测,最终锁定了凶手弗兰克林·梅伍德·罗明。罗明在案发时身处加拿大,并有性侵犯前科。尽管罗明已于1982年去世,但此案的告破为莎伦的家人带来了迟来的正义,也为其他悬而未决的案件提供了借鉴。案件中,警方在案发现场发现了莎伦的衣物、血迹、轮胎痕迹、鞋印、一件男士衬衫和部分咀嚼过的胶带。验尸结果显示莎伦遭受了性侵犯、殴打和窒息,并且在被抛尸时仍然活着。警方推测凶手熟悉案发现场,因为该田野偏僻且在冬季很少有人使用。由于当时的科技限制,警方收集到的DNA证据不足以进行分析,其他线索也未能帮助破案。案件一度陷入僵局,警方提出了几种可能的犯罪动机和作案手法,但缺乏确凿证据。2004年,警方收到线报,并在案发地附近的一处车库里发现了可能与案件相关的DNA证据,但最初的比对没有结果。2022年,警方利用先进的DNA技术对旧证据进行了重新检测,并找到了与凶手相关的DNA。通过DNA比对,警方锁定了嫌疑人弗兰克林·梅伍德·罗明,并调查了他的犯罪历史和相关信息。罗明在案发时身处加拿大,并有性侵犯前科。警方对罗明的遗体进行了DNA检测,最终确认他就是莎伦的凶手。案件告破,莎伦的家人得到了迟来的正义,但凶手已死,案件也留下了一些未解之谜。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What were the key details about Sharron Prior's life before her murder?

Sharron Prior was a 16-year-old girl living in Montreal, Canada, born on February 9, 1959. She was kind, warm-hearted, and responsible, with a passion for animals and dreams of becoming a veterinarian. She was involved in the local Boys and Girls Club, where she played hockey and other sports. Sharron was described as sweet and trustworthy, with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

What happened on the day Sharron Prior disappeared?

On March 29, 1975, Sharron spent the morning with her family preparing for Easter. She painted eggs with her mother and later went to the Boys and Girls Club to pick up a jacket she had earned by selling raffle tickets. After returning home, she left around 7:15 PM to meet her boyfriend and friends at Marina's Pizzeria, five blocks away. She was last seen crossing the street alone and never returned home.

How was Sharron Prior's body discovered, and what evidence was found at the scene?

Sharron's body was found three days later in a nearby beekeeper's field. She was lying in the snow wearing the same clothes she had on the night she disappeared, but her jeans and underwear were found six feet away, with the underwear hanging from a tree. Evidence included tire tracks, a size 8.5 boot print, a men's shirt likely used to bind her, and a partially chewed tape found in her hair. The scene suggested she had been sexually assaulted and carried to the field.

What were the autopsy findings in Sharron Prior's case?

The autopsy revealed Sharron had been sexually assaulted, beaten, and suffocated. She had bruises all over her body, two jaw fractures, a broken nose, a hole in her cheek, and blood in her lungs. She was still alive when dumped in the field, clutching tree branches. The killer likely used the men's shirt found at the scene to suffocate her.

How was DNA technology used to solve Sharron Prior's murder decades later?

In 2022, advancements in DNA testing allowed investigators to generate a profile from evidence collected in 1975. They identified a partial match to the Romine family and traced it to Franklin Maywood Romine, who had died in 1982. After exhuming his body, DNA from his bones was a perfect match to the crime scene evidence, confirming him as Sharron's killer.

Who was Franklin Maywood Romine, and what was his criminal history?

Franklin Maywood Romine was a serial sexual predator with a history of assaulting young women. Born in West Virginia, he spent time in Canada and the U.S., escaping prison multiple times. He was convicted of raping a waitress in 1976 but had his sentence overturned. He died in 1982 under mysterious circumstances. DNA evidence later linked him to Sharron Prior's murder.

What was the significance of the tire tracks found at the crime scene?

The tire tracks found in the snow matched at least 37 different car models, including a Jeep Wrangler. While they provided insight into how Sharron's body was transported, they were not immediately useful in identifying the killer. Later, it was discovered that Franklin Romine owned a Jeep Wrangler, aligning with the tire evidence.

How did Sharron Prior's family react to the identification of her killer?

Sharron's family, particularly her 85-year-old mother, felt a mix of closure and frustration. While they were relieved to finally know who killed Sharron, they were disappointed that Franklin Romine had already died and could not face justice. The case had haunted the family for over four decades.

16-year-old Sharon Pryor's life took a tragic turn on Easter weekend 1975. She left home to meet friends, but never returned. This chapter details her last day, from morning chores to her final moments before her disappearance.
  • Sharon left home to meet her boyfriend and friends at a pizzeria.
  • She was wearing a brown suede jacket, sweater, shoes, and socks.
  • She was last seen crossing the street around 7:15 pm.
  • Her belongings were left at home, indicating no intention of running away.

Shownotes Transcript

#262 - In the spring of 1975, 16-year-old Sharron Prior left her mom’s house to meet up with her boyfriend and friends at a nearby pizzeria but never returned home. She was missing for three days until her body was found in a nearby field. Over the next four decades, the police did everything they could to track down her killer. But it wasn’t until new advances in DNA came around that they finally identified a suspect.


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Written and produced by Courtney Fretwell

Rockefeller Audio production

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