萨拉的律师James Owens
@萨拉·布恩 :声称与男友@乔治·托雷斯 玩捉迷藏游戏时,她睡着了,醒来后发现乔治死在行李箱里。她坚称这是一场意外,两人只是在开玩笑。她承认在乔治被困在行李箱时,用手机拍摄了视频,并与乔治发生争吵,但否认故意杀害乔治。在法庭上,她又声称自己长期遭受乔治的家庭暴力,将乔治锁在行李箱中是出于自卫。 乔治·托雷斯:作为本案的受害者,乔治在手机视频中被记录下多次呼救,表示自己无法呼吸。他与萨拉·布恩的三年恋爱关系中存在多次家庭暴力事件,两人都曾因袭击对方而被捕。 @叙述者 :本案的叙述者客观地呈现了案件的经过,包括萨拉·布恩的报警记录、911录音、手机视频内容、验尸报告结果、法庭审判过程以及最终判决结果。叙述者还分析了案件中存在的矛盾之处,例如萨拉·布恩的陈述与手机视频内容的冲突,以及她前后矛盾的自卫和意外的说法。 @验尸官 :验尸报告显示乔治死于体位性窒息和环境性窒息,死因被判定为凶杀。乔治身上有多处钝器外伤,这些伤痕很可能是他死前不久造成的。验尸官的结论支持了检方的说法,即乔治的死并非意外。 @萨拉的律师James Owens :萨拉的律师为她辩护,试图证明萨拉长期遭受家庭暴力,将乔治锁在行李箱中是出于自卫。他强调萨拉和乔治都酗酒,经常发生争吵,而萨拉没有其他支持系统,只能不断原谅乔治。 @检察官 :检察官认为萨拉故意将乔治锁在行李箱中致死,证据包括萨拉手机上的视频,视频中显示乔治多次呼救,而萨拉却嘲笑他;验尸报告显示乔治死于凶杀,身上有多处伤痕;以及萨拉与乔治之间长期存在的家庭暴力。 @陪审团 :陪审团根据提供的证据,最终认定萨拉犯有二级谋杀罪。他们相信验尸报告和手机视频中的证据,认为萨拉的辩护理由不足以证明她的行为是自卫或意外。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What was the cause of Jorge Torres Jr.'s death according to the medical examiner?

The cause of death was positional asphyxia with environmental suffocation, meaning Jorge suffocated due to his body's position inside the suitcase and the lack of oxygen in the enclosed space.

How long was Jorge estimated to have been inside the suitcase before he died?

Jorge was estimated to have been inside the suitcase for about 11 hours, based on the medical examiner's findings of skin slippage and rigor mortis.

What injuries were found on Jorge's body during the autopsy?

The autopsy revealed blunt force trauma injuries on Jorge's head, face, elbow, left shoulder, and left forearm and hand. Some injuries were consistent with being struck by a baseball bat or falling down stairs.

What was Sarah Boone's initial explanation for Jorge's death when she called 911?

Sarah Boone initially claimed that she and Jorge were playing a game of hide-and-seek, and she accidentally fell asleep while he was locked in the suitcase, leading to his death.

What evidence did the police find that contradicted Sarah's story?

The police found two videos on Sarah's cell phone showing her taunting and laughing at Jorge while he was inside the suitcase, pleading for help and saying he couldn't breathe.

What was the relationship history between Sarah Boone and Jorge Torres Jr.?

Sarah and Jorge had a three-year relationship marred by domestic issues, including multiple arrests for battery and strangulation. Sarah often bailed Jorge out of jail and they would reconcile.

What was the defense's strategy during Sarah Boone's trial?

The defense claimed that Sarah was a victim of domestic violence and that her actions were a form of self-defense. They argued that Jorge had a history of abusing Sarah, and she felt threatened and trapped.

What was the jury's verdict in Sarah Boone's trial?

The jury found Sarah Boone guilty of second-degree murder, rejecting her self-defense claims and the battered spouse syndrome argument.

What was the prosecution's argument in the trial?

The prosecution argued that Sarah intentionally let Jorge suffocate to death inside the suitcase, citing the forensic evidence and the cell phone videos as proof of her intent.

Why did Sarah Boone's trial face multiple delays?

The trial faced delays due to her defense attorney contracting COVID-19, her defense team's attempts to use the battered spouse defense, and Sarah's difficulty working with multiple attorneys, leading to the judge allowing her to represent herself.

The episode begins with the shocking discovery of Jorge Torres Jr.'s body inside a suitcase, leading to the arrest of his girlfriend, Sarah Boone. Initial reports suggest a game of hide-and-seek gone wrong, but this narrative is challenged by the discovery of disturbing videos.
  • Jorge Torres Jr. found dead inside a suitcase
  • Sarah Boone's initial 911 call and inconsistent statements
  • Discovery of videos showing Jorge pleading for help while trapped

Shownotes Transcript

#256 - A Florida woman was accused of murdering her boyfriend by zipping him inside a suitcase in an alleged game of hide-and-seek. Was this just a tragic accident? Or did Sarah Boone intentionally murder Jorge Torres Jr?


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Written and produced by Courtney Fretwell

Rockefeller Audio production

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