@旁白 :1971年夏天,24岁的女教师丽塔·库兰在佛蒙特州伯灵顿的公寓中被残忍杀害。尽管进行了深入调查,但凶手却逍遥法外50多年。直到调查人员获得关键的取证证据,才最终确定了凶手的身份。本案的调查过程曲折复杂,充满了各种线索和误判。最初的调查集中在丽塔的熟人以及案发当晚在现场的人身上,但由于证据不足,始终未能取得突破。此后,案件一度与连环杀手泰德·邦迪联系起来,但最终被排除。随着科技的进步,警方于2014年将案发现场收集的证据送往纽约进行DNA检测,成功提取到男性DNA样本,但并未在CODIS数据库中找到匹配结果。此后数年,警方不断努力,将DNA样本与各种潜在嫌疑人进行比对,均未果。直到2022年,警方将DNA样本送往佛罗里达州的实验室进行更先进的DNA提取技术检测,并结合基因系谱学技术,最终锁定了凶手威廉·德鲁斯。威廉是丽塔楼上的邻居,案发前两周才搬入该公寓。通过其同父异母兄弟提供的DNA样本比对,警方确认了威廉的DNA与案发现场留下的DNA相符。尽管威廉已于1986年去世,但此案的告破为丽塔的家人带来了迟来的慰藉,也展现了现代科技在侦破冷案中的巨大作用。 旁白:本案中,凶手威廉·德鲁斯与受害者丽塔·库兰并无直接的关联,作案动机尚不明确。案发当晚,威廉与妻子米歇尔发生争吵后外出,之后返回家中,并伪造不在场证明。米歇尔在事后也对警方作了虚假陈述。直到多年后,米歇尔才向警方承认了当年的谎言。尽管警方在案发初期就将威廉列为嫌疑人,但由于缺乏确凿证据,始终未能将其绳之以法。本案的侦破过程也反映出,在缺乏关键证据的情况下,即使是再缜密的调查也可能难以取得突破。而随着DNA检测技术和基因系谱学技术的进步,许多过去难以侦破的冷案也迎来了新的希望。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the murder of Rita Curran remain unsolved for over 50 years?

The murder of Rita Curran remained unsolved for over 50 years due to a lack of concrete evidence and leads. Despite an intense investigation, no matches were found in the national DNA database (CODIS) until 2022, when genetic genealogy techniques were used to identify the suspect.

Why did Rita Curran want to move out of her apartment just a few weeks before her murder?

Rita Curran wanted to move out of her apartment because she didn't feel comfortable with her roommates. She told her sister that she didn't know them well and didn't feel like she was getting along with them.

Why did the police initially suspect Paul, the boyfriend of one of Rita's roommates?

The police initially suspected Paul because he gave a vague answer about why he propped open the storm door with a trash can the night before the murder. However, they had no concrete evidence to link him to the crime, and he was out with the roommates at the time of the murder.

Why did the police consider Ted Bundy as a potential suspect in Rita Curran's murder?

The police considered Ted Bundy as a potential suspect because the motel where Rita worked was close to where Bundy was born, and Rita resembled many of his victims. Additionally, Bundy had allegedly confessed to a detective that he murdered a woman in Burlington in 1971, the same year Rita was killed.

Why did the police use genetic genealogy to identify the suspect in Rita Curran's murder?

The police used genetic genealogy to identify the suspect because they had a DNA profile from a cigarette butt found at the crime scene but no matches in the national DNA database. Genetic genealogy allowed them to find relatives of the suspect and eventually identify William DeRuse.

Why did William DeRuse's wife, Michelle, lie to the police about his whereabouts on the night of the murder?

Michelle lied to the police because William convinced her that he was innocent and that the police would try to pin the murder on him due to his criminal record. She believed him and agreed to lie, saying he was at home all night when he had actually left to commit the murder.

In the summer of 1971, Rita Curran, a young schoolteacher, was found murdered in her Vermont apartment. Despite an extensive initial investigation, the case went cold for over 50 years, leaving her family and the community in search of answers. This chapter details Rita's life, the discovery of her body, and the initial investigation's challenges.
  • Rita Curran's murder in 1971
  • Initial investigation yielded few leads
  • Case went cold for over 50 years
  • Rita's life and background

Shownotes Transcript

#260 - In the summer of 1971, 24-year-old schoolteacher Rita Curran was found brutally murdered inside her Burlington, Vermont, apartment. But despite an intense investigation, her killer remained at large for over 50 years. It wasn’t until investigators got the critical piece of forensic evidence they needed that her killer was finally identified.


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Written and produced by Courtney Fretwell

Rockefeller Audio production

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