cover of episode Keddie Cabin Murders Part 2

Keddie Cabin Murders Part 2

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 :1981年4月,加利福尼亚州北部小镇凯迪发生一起令人震惊的四重谋杀案,至今未破。案件涉及苏·夏普、她的儿子约翰、女儿蒂娜和约翰的朋友达娜·温盖特。案发现场混乱,凶器包括刀和锤子,但至少有两件凶器失踪。尽管有大量血迹证据,但警方当时并未发现凶手的DNA。三年后,蒂娜的遗体在距离凯迪数英里外的地方被发现,这引发了人们对案件的更多猜测。 主要嫌疑人包括苏·夏普邻居马蒂·斯马特及其朋友博·鲍巴迪。马蒂在案发后接受警方问话,其说法前后矛盾,并试图将自己与案件联系起来。他的妻子玛丽莲也提供了关键信息,称案发当晚看到马蒂和博焚烧东西。此外,马蒂给玛丽莲的信被认为是自白书,他在VA医院的治疗过程中也向治疗师承认杀害苏和蒂娜。 关于凶案动机,存在多种猜测,包括马蒂对玛丽莲的家庭暴力,以及苏劝说玛丽莲离开他;博或马蒂对苏怀有感情,以及三人之间存在三角恋;约翰和达娜搭便车回家时遇害;以及仪式性谋杀和贩毒等。 案件调查中存在诸多问题,包括警长道格·托马斯与马蒂的关系,以及对证据的处理不当。2016年,一把与马蒂失踪的锤子相似的锤子被发现,2018年,在犯罪现场的胶带上发现了DNA,并与一名已知的在世嫌疑人相符。然而,这名嫌疑人的身份至今未公开。 尽管案件扑朔迷离,但法医证据可能是破案的关键。案件的真相有待揭晓,但希望有一天,真相能够大白于天下,为受害者讨回公道。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

What happened to the three boys who survived the Keddie Cabin murders and why were they spared?

The three boys—Rick and Greg Sharp, and their neighbor Justin Smart—were found unharmed in one of the bedrooms. One theory suggests that Marty Smart, Justin's stepfather, was involved in the murders and spared the boys because one of them was his own son.

What evidence was found at the crime scene of the Keddie Cabin murders?

Three murder weapons—a bent steak knife, a bloody butcher knife, and a claw hammer—were found inside the cabin. Blood evidence suggested the victims were moved or staged before the killers left, but no DNA from the killers was initially identified.

Why did the Plumas County Sheriff's Department not consider Marty Smart a suspect initially?

Despite Marty Smart's suspicious behavior and statements, the Plumas County Sheriff's Department let him go after one interview and did not consider him a suspect. Some speculate this was due to the then-sheriff Doug Thomas's personal friendship with Marty.

What did the anonymous caller say about the remains found near Feather Falls, and why is this significant?

The anonymous caller suggested the remains might belong to Tina Sharp, who had gone missing three years prior. This is significant because the caller knew about the remains before they were publicly identified, raising suspicions about their involvement.

What new forensic evidence was found in 2018, and why is it important?

DNA was found on a strip of white medical tape used to bind the victims. This DNA matches that of a known living suspect, which could be a key to solving the case. However, the identity of the suspect has not been disclosed.

What is the most widely accepted theory about the motive behind the Keddie Cabin murders?

The most widely accepted theory involves a love triangle between Marty Smart, Marilyn Smart, and Sue Sharp. Marty and Sue were allegedly having an affair, and Sue was counseling Marilyn to leave Marty. This led Marty to enlist his friend Bo Bobadie to kill Sue and the others.

Why is the hammer found at the bottom of the pond significant, and what does it suggest?

The hammer found at the bottom of the pond matches the description of the one missing from Marty Smart's garage. Its intentional placement suggests it was hidden there to avoid detection, potentially linking it to the murders.

What are the current rewards and resources for solving the Keddie Cabin murders?

There is a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the killer or killers. Tips can be submitted to the Plumas County Sheriff's Office at 530-283-6360.

What are the challenges in solving the Keddie Cabin murders, and what is the current status of the case?

The case faces challenges due to mishandled forensic evidence, lack of credible leads, and the death of primary suspects. Despite new forensic evidence and ongoing investigations, the case remains unsolved, with the identity of the DNA match on the tape still unknown.

The episode recounts the horrific 1981 Keddie Cabin murders where Sue Sharp, her son John, her daughter Tina, and John's friend Dana were found murdered. The details of the crime scene, including the positioning of the bodies and the weapons used, are described. The survival of three boys sleeping in an adjacent bedroom adds to the mystery.
  • Quadruple murder in Keddie, California
  • Victims: Sue Sharp, John Sharp, Dana Wingate, Tina Sharp
  • Weapons: steak knife, butcher knife, claw hammer
  • Three surviving boys in adjacent bedroom

Shownotes Transcript

#258 - Part 2: One night in April 1981, a grisly quadruple murder took place in the small northern California town of Keddie. To this very day, the case remains unsolved. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t any forensic evidence or suspects.


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Written and produced by Courtney Fretwell

Rockefeller Audio production

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