cover of episode Keddie Cabin Murders Part 1

Keddie Cabin Murders Part 1

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Forensic Tales

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Courtney Fretwell
1981年4月,加利福尼亚州北部小镇凯迪发生一起四重谋杀案,受害者为夏普一家和一名少年。案件至今未破,但存在法医证据和多个嫌疑人。 案发当晚,夏普一家和朋友在小屋内,部分家庭成员外出后返回。凌晨,邻居听到尖叫声。第二天早上,夏普家的女儿希拉发现母亲、哥哥约翰和朋友达娜遇害,12岁的妹妹蒂娜失踪。 现场发现弯曲的刀具和锤子,但缺少其他凶器。受害者身上有刀伤和钝器伤,达娜死于窒息。苏的下半身赤裸,衣物塞入口中,只有她的尸体被毯子盖住。现场没有发现DNA证据,但血迹表明尸体可能被移动过。 贾斯汀·斯马特,与夏普家两个小儿子同住一屋的邻居,提供了相互矛盾的证词,在催眠状态下,他描述了两个嫌疑人并协助警方制作了画像,但画像的绘制者并非专业人士。 警方在调查中存在失误,例如直到数小时后才发现蒂娜失踪。三年后,蒂娜的遗骸被发现。 邻居马蒂·斯马特声称案发后他的车库里少了一把锤子。 案件的未破原因有很多推测,包括警方调查不力、缺乏DNA证据以及复杂的案情等。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Keddie Cabin Murders remain unsolved for 40 years?

Despite forensic evidence and viable suspects, the case remained unsolved due to a combination of factors, including a lack of DNA evidence, poor handling of the investigation by the Plumas County Sheriff's Office, and the disappearance of a key witness, Tina Sharp. The investigation was also criticized for not following up on leads and ignoring critical forensic evidence.

Why did the Sharp family move to Keddie, California?

The Sharp family moved to Keddie, California, in July 1979 after Sue Sharp divorced her abusive husband, James Sharp. She wanted to start a new life away from him and closer to her brother, Don Davis, who lived in California.

Why did the police initially fail to realize that Tina Sharp was missing?

The police failed to realize that Tina Sharp was missing for several hours into the investigation, which was later criticized as a significant mistake. This delay gave potential abductors a head start, complicating efforts to find her.

What were the key pieces of forensic evidence found at the Keddie Cabin Murders scene?

Key forensic evidence included a bent steak knife, a butcher knife, a claw hammer, and blood spatter patterns. The walls had bloody stab marks, and an unknown fingerprint was found in the blood. The phone cord was cut, and the lights and drapes were turned off, suggesting the killers tried to cover their tracks.

Why did Justin Smart give conflicting stories about the night of the murders?

Justin Smart gave conflicting stories about the night of the murders, initially claiming he was asleep and heard nothing, then saying he dreamed about the murders, and later stating he witnessed them. Under hypnosis, he described two men who entered the cabin, leading to a fight and Tina being taken away.

Why did the police suspect that multiple people were involved in the Keddie Cabin Murders?

The police suspected multiple people were involved due to the brutal nature of the attacks and the strength of the victims, particularly the two teenage boys, John and Dana. It was considered unlikely that a single person could overpower and kill all three victims without a struggle.

Why did the neighbors hear muffled screams but the boys in the cabin did not?

Neighbors reported hearing muffled screams from the cabin at around 1:30 AM, but the boys inside the cabin claimed they slept through the entire night and heard nothing. This discrepancy raised questions about the boys' accounts and the timeline of the murders.

Why did the Plumas County Sheriff's Office face criticism for their handling of the Keddie Cabin Murders?

The Plumas County Sheriff's Office faced criticism for several reasons, including failing to realize Tina Sharp was missing, not following up on leads, ignoring critical forensic evidence, and not enlisting the help of qualified forensic experts. The investigation was described as poorly managed and lacking in thoroughness.

Why did the discovery of Tina Sharp's remains three years later raise suspicions?

The discovery of Tina Sharp's remains exactly three years after the murders raised suspicions about whether someone knew more about the case. The timing was seen as potentially significant, leading to questions about the motives and actions of those involved.

Why did Sue Sharp cover herself with a blanket while the boys were left uncovered?

Sue Sharp was the only victim partially covered with a blanket, possibly because she was visible through the bedroom door and the killer wanted to hide her from the other children. Another theory suggests this was done out of respect or to avoid looking at her during the murder.

The episode introduces the Keddie Cabin Murders, a quadruple homicide that remains unsolved after four decades. The case involves the Sharp family and their tragic fate in the isolated town of Keddie, California. The episode promises to explore forensic evidence and potential suspects.
  • Unsolved quadruple murder in Keddie, California
  • Case remains unsolved after 40 years
  • Involves the Sharp family and a friend

Shownotes Transcript

#257 - Part 1: One night in April 1981, a grisly quadruple murder took place in the small northern California town of Keddie. To this very day, the case remains unsolved. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t any forensic evidence or suspects.


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Written and produced by Courtney Fretwell

Rockefeller Audio production

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