cover of episode Jeanne Childs

Jeanne Childs

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Forensic Tales

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 :Jeannie Childs 谋杀案是一起困扰执法部门数十年的案件。受害者在明尼阿波利斯市的公寓内被刺了65刀,尽管案发现场有大量的物证和法医证据,但此案最终成为悬案。直到警方从一张热狗餐巾纸上提取到DNA,才取得了突破。 案发现场的血迹斑斑表明这是一起蓄意谋杀,凶手与受害者之间存在个人恩怨。尸检显示,受害者被刺了65刀,其中许多刀伤是在她死后造成的,这表明凶手极度愤怒和残忍。 最初,警方怀疑受害者的男友Arthur Gray(绰号“Nasty”)是凶手,因为他有暴力倾向,且可能从事性交易活动。受害者可能从事性工作,而Gray可能充当皮条客。Gray有作案动机和机会,但拥有不在场证明。 尽管在案发现场发现了Gray的头发和DNA,但由于他拥有不在场证明,警方无法逮捕他。此案最终成为悬案,因为证据不足和线索中断。 2018年,警方与FBI合作,利用法医基因系谱学技术,通过商业基因数据库比对DNA,最终找到了凶手的亲属,并确定了嫌疑人Jerry Westrom。 警方从Westrom丢弃的热狗餐巾纸上提取到DNA,并与案发现场DNA进行比对,最终确认他是凶手。法院驳回了Westrom关于警方从公共垃圾桶中获取DNA违反其隐私权的申诉。 Westrom的辩护律师试图推翻足迹分析证据和DNA证据,但都被法院驳回。法院根据Frye-Mack标准驳回了Westrom关于足迹分析的证据,因为其采用的方法不被该领域专家广泛认可。 陪审团认定Westrom犯有两项谋杀罪,并判处他终身监禁。Westrom上诉,但大部分申诉都被驳回。最终,Westrom被判犯有二级谋杀罪,并被判处终身监禁。 此案的作案动机至今不明。Westrom坚称自己无罪,拒绝透露作案动机。一些理论认为,Westrom可能是受害者的顾客,或者他们之间存在某种纠纷。也有人认为这是一起随机犯罪。

Deep Dive

The episode starts by describing the discovery of Jeannie Childs's body in her Minneapolis apartment. The scene is described as extremely bloody, with the victim stabbed 65 times. Initial evidence pointed towards a personal and violent crime.
  • Jeannie Childs found murdered in her apartment
  • 65 stab wounds, many post-mortem
  • Scene was extremely bloody
  • Victim's identity discovered through her fanny pack
  • Boyfriend Arthur Gray's name was on the lease but he didn't seem to live there
  • Signs of a struggle in the bedroom

Shownotes Transcript

#266 - It’s a case that haunted the authorities for decades. A woman is stabbed to death a total of 65 times inside her Minneapolis apartment. Although the scene overflowed with physical and forensic evidence, the case eventually turned cold. It wasn’t until the police collected DNA from a hot dog napkin that they finally got the break they had hoped for.


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Written and produced by Courtney Fretwell

Rockefeller Audio production

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