cover of episode Holly Bobo

Holly Bobo

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Forensic Tales

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 :本案讲述了20岁的护理专业学生Holly Bobo在田纳西州父母家中被绑架和杀害的经过。尽管有六人被捕,但案件证据不足,真相扑朔迷离。调查中存在诸多失误,包括未及时封锁现场、未及时获取手机记录等,导致重要证据可能丢失。多名嫌疑人供词前后矛盾,且缺乏直接证据支持。最终,@Zach Adams @Dylan Adams 兄弟被判有罪,但案件的真相仍存在争议。 @Clint Bobo :案发当天早上,我看到姐姐Holly与一名穿着迷彩裤和帽子的陌生男子在争吵,之后两人一起走向树林。我无法看清男子的面容,也听不清他们具体说了什么,只隐约听到姐姐说'不,为什么?'。我起初误以为是姐姐的男友,但母亲随后打电话告诉我并非如此。 @Karen Bobo :案发当天早上,邻居打电话告诉我听到我家方向传来尖叫声,我立即打电话给儿子Clint,让他去查看Holly的情况。之后,我得知Clint看到Holly和一个陌生男子,并追了出去,但两人已经消失。 @Drew Scott :案发当天早上,我在祖母的土地上狩猎,期间遇到一个可疑人物,我打电话告诉了Holly。 @Terry Britt :我是一名注册性犯罪者,警方怀疑我与Holly Bobo案有关,但我与妻子有不在场证明,并且家中未发现任何直接证据。 Dylan Adams:我承认在哥哥Zach Adams家看到Holly Bobo,以及@Jason Autry 。我描述了当时的情景,以及Zach Adams的穿着。我承认自己曾告诉警方拍摄了性侵Holly Bobo的视频,但该视频从未被找到。我的供词前后矛盾,我声称自己是被警方逼供的。 Zach Adams:我否认参与Holly Bobo案,并声称没有证据证明我的罪行。 Jason Autry:我承认自己参与了Holly Bobo案,但我声称自己没有直接伤害她。我描述了处理Holly Bobo尸体的过程,以及Zach Adams开枪杀害她的经过。我承认自己是在律师的建议下编造了故事。 @Jeffrey Percy & @Mark Percy :我们被指控为从犯并篡改证据,但指控最终被撤销。 @Shane Austin :我被怀疑协助Adams兄弟处理尸体,但最终自杀身亡。

Deep Dive

Holly Bobo, a nursing student, vanished from her parents' home in Tennessee. Her brother witnessed an argument between Holly and an unknown man in camouflage before she disappeared. The initial police response was criticized for its lack of immediate crime scene security.
  • Holly Bobo's disappearance from her parents' home
  • Witness testimony of her brother, Clint Bobo
  • Initial police response criticized for lack of crime scene security
  • Discovery of blood near Holly's car

Shownotes Transcript

#265 - A beautiful young nursing student is abducted from her parent's house in Tennessee, sparking a nationwide manhunt. But even after six people are arrested, is there enough forensic evidence to explain exactly what happened to Holly Bobo?


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Written and produced by Courtney Fretwell

Rockefeller Audio production

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