cover of episode Darlie Routier

Darlie Routier

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
播音员:本案围绕Darlie Routier是否谋杀其两个儿子展开,涉及大量法医学证据和争议性细节,最终Darlie Routier被判处死刑,但其案件至今仍存在争议,新的DNA检测结果可能推翻原判。案件中存在许多疑点,例如案发现场的一些细节与Darlie Routier的陈述不符,以及在案发现场附近发现的带血袜子等。播音员在节目中详细分析了案件的各种证据,并表达了自己对Darlie Routier可能被错判的观点。 Darlie Routier:坚称自己无罪,是遭遇歹徒袭击,歹徒杀害了她的两个儿子,并试图杀害她自己。她对案发当晚部分细节记不清,这可以理解,因为她当时也受了很严重的伤。 Darren Routier:一直以来都相信Darlie Routier的清白,即使两人已经离婚。 法医专家:对Darlie Routier的颈部伤口是否为自残存在争议。 侦探:对Darlie Routier的陈述表示怀疑,并认为她可能在说谎。 检方:认为Darlie Routier的作案动机是经济上的,并利用她的外表和生活方式来描绘她是一个贪财的女人,认为她杀害了她的两个儿子,并自残以伪造案发现场。 辩方:认为Darlie Routier是一个慈爱的母亲,作案动机不足,并指出如果Darlie Routier是为了钱,她应该杀害的是丈夫而不是儿子。主要依靠在案发现场附近发现的带血袜子作为证据,认为Darlie Routier不可能在短时间内完成自残、伪造现场、放置袜子等一系列行为。

Deep Dive

Darlie Routier, one of 53 women on death row in the U.S., was convicted of murdering her two sons, Devon and Damon, in 1997. She claims innocence and that an intruder was responsible.

Shownotes Transcript

#030 - In 2020 there are only 53 women on Death Row in the United States. Darlie Routier from Rowlett, Texas is one of those women.In 1997, she was convicted of murdering her 2 sons, Devon and Damon and sentenced to death. Devon and Damon were stabbed to death with a kitchen knife while Darlie sustained stab wounds on her arms and across her throat.Darlie said it was an intruder who broke into the house, killed her boys and stabbed her. But, the prosecution said she's a stone-cold killer. Support My WorkIf you love the show, the easiest way to show your support is by leaving us a positive rating with a review. You can also tell your family and friends about Forensic Tales. Patreon - If you would like to get early AD-free access to new episodes, have access to exclusive bonus content, snag exclusive show merch or just want to support what I'm doing, please visit our Patreon page: Merchandise - For t-shirts, stickers, hoodies, coffee mugs & more check out:  Support the show)

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