cover of episode Buckskin Girl

Buckskin Girl

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Forensic Tales

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主持著名true crime播客《Crime Junkie》的播音员和创始人。
@播音员 :本期节目讲述了发生在1981年4月的“鹿皮女孩”案。在俄亥俄州特洛伊市附近发现了一具年轻女性的尸体,死者身份不明,案件悬而未决近40年。通过先进的DNA检测和基因系谱技术,警方最终确认了死者的身份,她名叫玛西亚·金,来自阿肯色州小石城。节目详细回顾了案件的侦破过程,包括警方最初的调查、各种推测、技术手段的应用以及最终通过DNA Doe项目确认死者身份的过程。此外,节目还探讨了案件中可能涉及的连环杀手,以及警方目前正在进行的凶手追捕工作。玛西亚·金的家人在得知女儿身份后,选择继续将她埋葬在俄亥俄州迈阿密县的河滨墓地。尽管案件取得了重大突破,但凶手仍然逍遥法外,警方表示将继续努力,争取早日将凶手绳之以法。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did it take almost four decades to identify Buckskin Girl?

Her identity remained a mystery for nearly 40 years due to the lack of leads and advancements in forensic technology. It wasn't until advanced DNA testing and genetic genealogy were used that her identity was finally revealed.

What were the key physical characteristics of Buckskin Girl?

She was between 5'4" and 5'6", weighed 125 to 130 pounds, had reddish-brown hair in pigtails, light brown eyes, freckles, a pointed nose, and a complexion suggesting time spent outdoors. She was well-groomed and had a porcelain crown on one tooth.

What was the significance of the buckskin poncho she was wearing?

The poncho was distinctive and appeared handmade, making it unique and not something easily purchased. It was the first thing discovered by the three young men who found her body, drawing attention to the case.

What theories did investigators consider about Buckskin Girl's origins?

Investigators theorized she might not be from the area, possibly explaining why no one came forward to identify her. They also considered she could have been murdered elsewhere and her body dumped in Troy, Ohio, near Interstate 75.

How did forensic science finally identify Buckskin Girl?

In 2018, her DNA profile was uploaded to GEDmatch, a free DNA database, where it matched with a first cousin. This led to her identification as 21-year-old Marcia King of Little Rock, Arkansas.

What was the role of the DNA Doe Project in solving the case?

The DNA Doe Project, a nonprofit organization, used forensic genealogy to analyze Buckskin Girl's DNA and identify her relatives through publicly accessible DNA databases like GEDmatch.

What geographical clues helped investigators narrow down Buckskin Girl's origins?

Pollen tests suggested she had spent time in an arid climate, like the southwestern U.S. or northern Mexico. Isotope tests on her hair and nails indicated she was born in the northwestern U.S. and had spent time in northern Texas before her death.

What is the current status of the investigation into Buckskin Girl's murder?

As of November 2024, the investigation is ongoing, but there are no viable suspects or persons of interest. Hair samples collected from the crime scene have been uploaded to CODIS, offering hope for future leads.

In April 1981, the body of a young woman was found in Troy, Ohio. She had been strangled and beaten, and her identity remained a mystery for decades. The only clue was a distinctive buckskin poncho she was wearing.
  • Body found in a ditch on Greenlee Road, Troy, Ohio
  • Victim showed signs of strangulation and blunt force trauma
  • Distinctive buckskin poncho was the only identifying feature initially

Shownotes Transcript

#255 - In April of 1981, the body of a young woman was found alongside a road in Troy, Ohio. She had been strangled and beaten to death. But her identity remained a mystery for almost four decades. It wasn’t until the authorities used advanced DNA testing and genetic genealogy that the girl once known only as “Buckskin Girl” finally got a name.


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Written and produced by Courtney Fretwell

Rockefeller Audio production

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