cover of episode Gorgeous Devours Cute with Trixie and Katya

Gorgeous Devours Cute with Trixie and Katya

logo of podcast The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya

The Bald and the Beautiful with Trixie and Katya

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Trixie: 随着年龄增长,Trixie 经历了身体上的变化,包括髋关节疼痛和高血压。她在新加坡演出时由于没有热身而导致髋关节受伤,这让她不得不考虑进行髋关节置换手术。她还谈到了 40 岁带来的持续疼痛和不便,以及她对变老的感受。她对美国高昂的医疗保健成本表示不满,但对 One Medical 的体验感到满意。她还表达了她对安乐死和辅助自杀的积极看法,并讨论了瑞士的 Sarco 死亡舱。她分享了她观看有关安乐死的 YouTube 视频的经历,并认为在特定情况下,安乐死应该是一种选择,让人们能够体面地离开。她还谈到了她最近很容易疲劳,以及她繁忙的日程安排。她描述了她日常生活中服用药物和护发的例行程序,以及她经常流口水和眼睑抽搐的问题。 Katya: Katya 分享了她对 Trixie 身体状况的担忧,并指出 Trixie 的父亲在 45 岁时进行了髋关节置换手术。她解释了劈叉时髋关节受伤的风险,并质疑使用 Hypervolt 按摩枪治疗 Trixie 的髋关节疼痛是否有效。她对 Trixie 可能需要进行髋关节置换手术感到震惊。她还对美国医疗保健系统的高昂成本表示不满,并对 Trixie 的高血压表示担忧。她分享了她对一些名人互相批评的八卦,并对名人们创造性的批评方式表示赞赏。她还讨论了眼睑抽搐的原因,包括压力、睡眠不足和咖啡因。她对 Trixie 容易疲劳感到惊讶,并询问她是否服用药物。她对 Trixie 昨天完成的工作量表示赞赏。她还分享了她观看有关安乐死的 YouTube 视频的经历,并认为在特定情况下,安乐死应该是一种选择,让人们能够体面地离开。她还讨论了 Sarco 死亡舱的工作原理。她还分享了她对《克里斯汀》这部小说的看法,并认为汽车可能是有感知能力的。她还讨论了脱咖啡因咖啡的问题,并暗示脱咖啡因咖啡实际上含有咖啡因。她还谈到了她对鬼魂的看法,以及她对鬼魂狩猎节目的想法。

Deep Dive

Trixie discusses a nagging injury sustained in Singapore during a performance, highlighting the importance of warming up before physical activities.

Shownotes Transcript

The low hum of The Macarena wafts into your one-bedroom apartment, the source of the 90s earworm a vague mystery. Dusk is slowly dawning on the other side of the thin, sun-rotted curtains. Murder She Wrote is just concluding on The Hallmark Channel as you turn off a dusty lamp and grab a chilled Ensure from your mostly-empty refrigerator. After your wig is safely ensconced on a styrofoam bust on the vanity, you struggle to open your blood-pressure pills with arthritic fingers made all the more slippery with freshly-applied Bengay. As you down the pills with the vanilla-infused protein shake, your tight hip-flexor muscles cause you to groan as you turn off the bedside lamp and pull up the tattered electric blanket you inherited from your Great Aunt Bertha. You stare at the crack on the ceiling above your bed, tracing its growing path towards the yellowed chandelier. You begin to slowly drift off into a fitful slumber. The last thought within your grey matter is a quiet rumination that has become your new mantra: "So this is a drag queen at 40"...

Follow Trixie: @TrixieMattel

Follow Katya: @Katya_Zamo

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