cover of episode The Revenge of the Whales

The Revenge of the Whales

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Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Franz de Waal
Owen Chase
Owen Chase: 亲历了鲸鱼袭击捕鲸船的事件,他描述了鲸鱼展现出的愤怒和复仇,以及船只沉没后在海上漂流的艰辛,展现了人面对大自然的渺小与残酷。他详细描述了鲸鱼撞击船只的场景,以及他感受到的鲸鱼的愤怒和复仇。在随后的逃生过程中,他经历了饥饿、干渴、风暴以及同伴的死亡,展现了人类在极端环境下的生存能力和韧性。最终,他们被冲到一个荒岛上,短暂的生存后,又继续踏上漫长的归途。这段经历不仅是人与自然对抗的缩影,也展现了人类在面对困境时的坚强与团结。 旁白: 讲述了1819年捕鲸船遇难和2010年SeaWorld虎鲸袭击训练员两起事件,并探讨了人类对动物行为的解读,特别是“复仇”这一概念是否适用于动物。通过这两个案例,旁白试图探讨人类对自然界的理解如何受到自身情感和道德观念的影响,以及我们如何平衡对动物行为的科学解释与情感共鸣。同时,旁白也介绍了科学家们对虎鲸袭击游艇行为的不同解释,以及关于动物人格化的科学争论。 前训练员: 讲述了虎鲸Tilikum在SeaWorld的生活经历,以及它袭击训练员Dawn Brancheau的事件。前训练员的叙述侧重于虎鲸的智力和情感,以及长期被囚禁对它们心理健康的影响。她认为Tilikum的攻击可能源于长期压抑和精神状态不佳。她还描述了另一只虎鲸母亲在幼崽被带走后表现出的悲伤,这为理解动物的情感提供了另一视角。 awesomeocean.com文章: 对纪录片《Blackfish》中关于虎鲸情感的描述提出了质疑,认为影片使用了拟人化手法,并指出虎鲸的生理结构决定了它们无法通过嘴巴发出声音,从而反驳了影片中关于虎鲸悲伤的论述。文章试图从科学角度解释动物行为,避免情感化的解读。 Franz de Waal: 提出了“以动物为中心的人格化”的概念,主张在研究动物行为时,应该从动物的视角出发,避免以人类的标准来衡量动物的情感和行为。他认为,虽然过度的人格化可能导致误解,但完全否认动物与人类之间存在的相似之处也是一种错误。

Deep Dive

The episode begins with two dramatic incidents involving whales attacking ships, raising questions about whether these actions are driven by revenge or other motivations.

Shownotes Transcript

In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, in 1819, Owen Chase is standing on a slowly sinking ship. It's just been headbutted by an 85 foot whale. It's taking in water. And now the creature is coming back for another go. This is a whaling ship, and Chase is convinced that he observes "fury and vengeance" in the animal.

In 2010, an orca is performing for a crowd at SeaWorld - but he misses his mark and so he doesn't get his reward. That's when he grabs hold of his trainer, Dawn Brancheau, and pulls her under water. By the time he's finished, her savaged body has multiple fractures and dislocations. And her scalp has been ripped off.

To some observers, these whales were surely out for revenge. But how much is what we think we understand about the natural world shaped by human guilt?

For a full list of sources, see the show notes at 

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